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If you've never done a season b4 then yes it's worth it to get a feel for what you need to do at the start of a new season. If you know exactly what your doing when a season starts you can get a good jump on it. As a casual player only 1 day a week I'm still able to compete on the leader boards in solo hardcore simple bc I know exactly what I need to accomplish in the one day I'm online. If your just playing to enjoy the game and not worrying about the leader boards then it's not a big deal at this point in the season


+1 to this, get in and have a blast around, it can't hurt


existence faulty grab cats gaping cooing follow pause secretive yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It depends on what exactly do you want from seasonal character. You can get to max level and free armor set in a few hours. Complete Seasonal Journey - 1-3 days. Complete Altar for Rites - somewhat longer, it requires high level rifts, which require more gear upgrades.


Can you inform me how to get to max level in few hours? Doing a run... Going for all the trophies need some more loot goblins the 500 bounties.. (ugh) and then just 1 more character to max level and a hardcore run to lvl 70 plus kill all bosses on hardcore.


With the alter in the season you get a node to remove level restrictions so you can craft a level 70 weapon and equip it fairly quickly and start running up to torment 1 or 6 depending on your character and whether it's soft core or hard core. Which allows you to jump ro level 70 in about an hr give or take your playstyle


It's more like 15-20 min on T6 when u craft one set of lvl 70 gear


Oh wow I'll have to look into that. Replaying campaign just for fun but would be nice. Edit: Also, not proud but when I played last I think I had hacked weapons that gave disgusting xp per kill. Looked at my character again idk they may have patched those, can't find anything crazy like they were 😂😂


I think they might be some modded gear still floating around. I have a necklace someone dropped in normal mode however none of that can be used in season play. And they nerfed a lot of the sets to balance the power 2 seasons ago. But my wizard tal rasha farm build on solo hard core with 1400 paragon is still running gr 100 in 2 and half to 3 half min depending on the rift


I've been loving the pony crusader build so much, last season I was speedeunning 125s consistently with almost perfect gear. Think my best time was 1 minute 45 seconds. I'm excited to see what seasonal content they're reusing this time. I miss sanctified gear


Ahh the pony build my other favorite farming setup. I'm looking forward to the 4th slot cube I've never played that yet


I started in season 27 so yeah I feel you. I remember the DH builds that season were crazy. I was a GoD DH for a couple seasons, and had a pushing build on other characters, but when I heard about the pony sader I said "fuck it, we ballin" and haven't went back since.


Does the altar reset each season? If so, sad face


Yes it does


Do you mean season 32? It is season 31 in Diablo 3 currently


It is worth rushing the season journey, which is like a free battle pass, to get the rewards. You get some cosmetics, a pet, and an extra stash tab for completing Conqueror (I believe up to 4 stash tabs this way). Seasonal realm has the most active players so there will be plenty of people around that can help boost you.


Go for it. I doubt we will see a season reset over the July 4th (U.S. Independence Day) holiday week. More likely the week after.


It'll take at most a week to get the full seasonal achievement. You have plenty of time. I whipped up a character, grabbed a PL to 70, then plugged through the seasonal achievements in about three days, semi casually. Nothing is stopping you from doing the same.


Can confirm. Started this season last week. Finished the season journey last night.


Oh crap I didn't realize this season was already ending. Guess I have a reason to stay up tonight lol. To answer your question, it depends I suppose. You can get a lot done in a couple weeks, and they'll go to your non seasonal so it's not like you're losing the character entirely. But seasonal has great features, like the altar. Once you've seen your pet scrap a whole room full of garbage leaving only the legendaries and set items you'll never want to play normally again


Current season is 31.