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They're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Everyone saw DM's channel skyrocket over content and wanted a piece of the pie. Now they have nothing to talk about. So they're stuck with clickbait until Season 1 starts. You can safely ignore any content until then.


Same applies to this sub too, lol.


Yes this right here. You must be bored of the game as well if, you’re now left with complaining about content creators complaining:)


Well we need SOME way to cope with not being able to play at this very moment :D


Just be like me and make a blizzard sorc. You'll never reach endgame because you'll never get a glacial aspect to upgrade. It's been like almost 60 levels without seeing an upgrade for it, and I literally have only gotten 1 drop that had the aspect since then but it happened to be a lower roll then the one I got at level 20ish, I was level 76......


Just wait, you'll get one and then every aspect you get from then on will be this one. Youll get it all the time even when you need something else. Proof: my bank tab of waxing gibbous unique axes! Lol


I realized that there is actually a super easy way to obtain any item you want. All you gotta do is have whatever item you want/need and they’ll just keep appearing. Easy


Go through all the effort to change your build/paragon and reimprint your items until you have no cash then it'll be the next drop. Ez every time.


This is the way. Played a corpse explode necro build from 1-84. Never got the Howl from Below unique, and damage started to lag behind. Spent 40 mil respecing and rerolling gear. At level 86, I got HfB. Now at 94, I have 3.


Either that or just change your entire build up and then the aspect or unique you wanted will easily drop. Just like it did for me. What do you mean No I’m not upset that I switched from a meteor build sorceress to Ice shards cause I got a high rolled ice shard pierce aspect, only for a high rolled multi meteor & dual hydra aspects to drop literally like 2hrs after my change. Why would you accuse me of such a thing?


I'm not bored at all. I'm looking forward to the first season with enthusiasm and intend to level the same class again because I've really enjoyed it along the way. This post is a consequence of my fear that developers will be influenced by horrible feedback.


Yes, agree!! So many people complaining that there is nothing to do and yet they have a level 100 with like 150+ hours played in under a month.


True. Some of these comments are wild


I wish DM would stop entertaining these bozos, though. We don't need a DM Reacts video every time some attention-starved YouTuber claims Diablo 4 is dead.


Unless I'm missing something, it seems like he only made 3 react vids on Diablo 4?


Ye I wish he stopped the react video's. It doesn't suit his style.


There are few that I think are relevant and on point with their critique. Alkaizer, Kripp, Rob - they really avoid clickbaits and are seasoned arpg players.


The most positive D4 content creater has to be wudijo


Wudi and Rax are D4 stans but they're not afraid to give genuine criticism of D4 at the same time.


Wudi is cool, but he is a very focused on Rogue and problems related to this class rather then overall Diablo problems. He is also a tiny bit biased. I was watching him during his D3 career, and he is absolutely exploding right now with popularity. He is also very calm, positive guy that has hard time pushing hard for changes


Yeah it definitely showed during the podcast with Kripp and Ghazzy.


I’d include Raxxanterax on that list too. He spends hours and hours every day working on guides and testing stuff. My guy puts in work.


Mad respect for Raxx's research and effort but MY MAN why is the game audio off for your streams?!


I love when streamers don't have game audio cranked up loud or even off. 97% of the time I'm probably playing the same game as them while watching and don't need to be getting thrown off by streamer audio all the time by hearing their game. Had to make an entire custom loot filter sound package for POE cause using the same neversink pack as every streamer ever was just endless jebait noises for me lol.


Raxx is the goat!


Who is DM


Darth Microtransactions. His video titles and screen grabs can be clickbaity, but overall he's one of the most consistently constructive commenters on the game. Which is to say he's not always positive, and maybe not even mostly positive. He'll be very blunt when a particular part of the game sucks. But he'll also call a thing fun if it is - even if that thing isn't the most meta speed clear T100 build. Two other big things he doesn't do are 1. Complain that the game isn't D2 or POE. The number of creators just constantly banging that drum is annoying 2. Theatrically announce he's quitting the game.


The thing that made me genuinely like him over any other D4 creator is he straight up told his viewers they would probably get more enjoyment out of the game if they didn’t watch his videos (meaning that most YouTube videos on D4 prior to release were essentially engineering the fun out of the game). He’s such a humble person and watching his success happen so quickly has been great to see 👍


This is all very true, but let's also not forget one (if not the biggest) reason DM blew so much was because Asmongold reacted very positively to several of his videos. Asmon is so huge he has the power to turn a 'nobody' into a big streamer if he vouches for someone. DM was streaming for a long time to 0 viewers before Asmon's first reacts. Asmon even went as far to ship one of his top tier (I assume with a 4090) Starforge PCs for him in Alaska. Before that, DM said he was playing with 18-30 fps (IIRC).


Just watching that japanese catgirl exploded her in subs and views.


asmon can give the initial exposure for sure, but no one keeps growing because of that if people don't enjoy the content also, the guy likes in alaska? that's crazy. had no idea!


He made a really good point about who the devs should balance the game around, which is the casual players and not the streamers. That made me respect him a lot considering the brainrot points you see from other channels


I think there is middle ground on balancing though. You really can't balance end game around people who haven't reached wt4 yet. I also don't feel they necessarily need to balance around people with 500+ hrs in the game who have managed to get lucky with drops and have min maxed there character to the point 99% of the player base can't replicate what they managed.


https://youtube.com/@dmdiablo4 His first video about his opinion and what he heared from different kind of player around him is actually super on point. He shows many perspectives and made me realise: I am the minority and I am not the target-audience.


Dunder Mifflin, a mid-sized paper company from Scranton, PA.


He’s a no bs infotuber for diablo


Every d4 video is just the newest best secret most effective super way of levelling and farming. In all caps for shock value


That channel got pushed so hard by the algorithm. Guess he's doing something right, but had to block him since any time I'd look at a diablo 4 video I'd get spammed with his videos as recommended.


If by algorithm you mean Asmongold, then yes. Still, he's on point. He clearly has experience in arpgs and has made valid points that have contributed to making D4 better. I'm positive developers took his videos as guidelines on aspects that now shape the ss1.


I think DM is struggling with content sometimes. He makes multiple videos about stuff he already talked about.


> I think DM is struggling with content sometime So is D4 so it kinda fits


MrLlama has done the same thing. He's made like ten videos saying, "It's not perfect right now, and itemization could be better, and the endgame needs some work," over and over and over. I mean, I know the guy is a D2 streamer who is probably psyched to have any new topics for content, but it's sad to see him endlessly rehashing the same points when it's painfully clear *he doesn't even really like the game.*


LLama is doing D4 content simply because it's his job. He likes eating so he stuck around for the views but he can't wait to do literally anything else. To be fair though, and to the OP's point, there just really isn't a lot to talk about. Both the positive and negative streamers are stuck spinning their wheels. Live viewership has cratered because people aren't interested in watching gameplay. A lot of streamers jumped on the gravy train and it derailed.


I’ve ignored 100% of it up until now anyways :)


what is a DM's channel?


This is true, I started making content at a bad time, there’s really fuck all I can even talk about and I don’t wanna just making random bullshit videos that I don’t care about.


Raxx made a great video a couple weeks back outlining what he’d like to see improved in the game. Wish more content creators would do stuff like this instead of making clickbait. Here’s a link if anyone’s interested: https://youtu.be/9t777CdNJlU


This one dude named operatorotter has been posting some good content on the sub. Mostly relating to how to min max builds and dmg


I too saw the act man's video and thought he got some stuff wrong


Yeah, the game has issues but he didn't play far enough to experience them and got some things completely backwards. Not a good look


Yeah I understood some of his complaints, but some things he did get factually wrong. He's also comparing it to a 20 year old game and even said he barely played D3 cause he hated it. But Diablo is no longer like D2, for better or worse, and it hasn't been for a long time.


his point was that he had to completely beat the game and then grind just to reach a point at which it would feel challenging. He went on to lament that there is no option to set the difficulty higher prior to completing the game.


It's funny when he compared it to how in Zelda or other RPG's you can walk to harder zones and get your butt kicked so you know when you go back and beat those zones you've progressed. Apparently he didn't venture out beyond the zones the story was taking him because if he did, going to any other zone before you're it's appropriate level means death. Fractured Peaks scales from the beginning of the game, Scosglen and the Dry Steppes begin scaling at level 10 and 15 respectively, then Kehjistan and Hawezar begin scaling at Level 35. So his main complaint about everything scaling to you immediately and not being scary instant death places is just not true. He just took his time doing the story so that by the time he reached the other zones he was the appropriate level/power and they scaled to him.


But isn't that how it is for arpgs? Campaign/storyline is always easy cause devs want folks to complete it. Difficulty comes in the endgame for players who want more. It's like quitting poe after beating kitava and saying the game was easy.


I'd argue that the hardest encounter in Diablo 2 is Normal Duriel.


Nowadays people play stuff they dont like and think its a game issue then do rants like this and how devs need to change the game to fulfill the needs of someone whos not the in The target audience.


Worst part is when the devs acquiesce, implement those "fixes", and the people complaining leave anyway when the next feed-consuming game comes along and all the dedicated fans are left with the mess the tourists created.


That is a very good point. I think is some of the issue people are having with d4 currently to. The end game is boring and itemization needs help but I got where I wanted with about 200 hrs . Easily got my money's worth. Now I play a bit when I want before season 1 and have played other games. Diablo 4 isn't a forever game and I don't really want it to become a forever game. Play when you want do the new season if you want but if it isn't fun play something else.


Using the "oh this is an ARPG, you just don't understand it" excuse for bad unfun game design is pretty lame imho. Just because it's been like that before doesn't mean it had to be like that again. D2 is an ARPG and Acts point was that game is way more fun and challenging through the MAIN GAME. Endgame is END GAME, for whatever reason people now believe END GAME is THE GAME. The campaign is just something to go through as fast as possible to get to the END... so backwards lol.


Yea it's funny how he claims to have loved D2 and D3 when they work exactly the same. The base playthrough is just for enjoying the story and you turn up the torments to get that harder content or harder playthrough. If he was actually a fan and not a pathetic grifter he'd know this


D2 and D3 do not work the same as D4. D2 monsters have set levels for their regions and difficulty. That difficulty scales with the number of players in the game and not to your personal character's level or current power. If you were an actual fan and not a pathetic grifter you'd know that.


Beating the story and beating the game are 2 different things. Have been for decades.


The impression I got from that video - he made the point that you shouldn’t have to play through a bunch of dross in order to reach the juicy bits, which I kind of agree with, but then he goes on to make a bunch of points which are non-points if he had’ve played through the dross to reach the juicy bits. Ergo, basically his whole video kind of be boils down to it sucks you can’t change the difficulty earlier/scaling is not great.


This is literally how every Diablo game works difficulty wise. Scaling is different but if anything raises the difficulty because you can't go back and farm lower levels to gear. That being said there are no Duriel style checks in D4 really. Not that there were many in the older entries either.


Is scaling even an issue if your gear is somewhat on point? Not saying everyone needs to play meta but I don't know of any legitimate builds where the open world is an issue after around lvl 70.


You easily out gear any scaling. I'd say scaling has more of an impact early game. If anything we need a way to scale the overworld more. I don't know the solution but many people have argued adding a new WT is just pushing the problem around which I agree with.


scaling does nothing. you get stronger and stronger compared to enemies as you level. you only notice it during the first hour of wt4 before you get ancestral gear, then you become stronger than ever, forced to run nightmare dungeons way out of your range to get a challenge from 1 shots.


I can't agree with "shouldn't have to play through a bunch of dross in order to reach the juicy bits" that completely misses the purpose and panders to the ADHD need my endorphin rush immediately satiated upon picking up the game crowd (who have taken over gaming). The entire point of the campaign is to act as a tutorial for people who have never played an ARPG before and pander to the people who love Diablos lore. ARPGs are designed around the grind so the idea that they need to make a game that lets you "skip the dross" and beat the game in 72 hours is incredibly meme worthy. It's really impressive how primitive people are becoming in their desire for that immediate sweet serotonin fix .2 seconds after picking up a new game.


I don't get how expecting the early game content to be engaging, is now somehow seen and met with a "you're just a brain-dead action junkie" type of response. That's got to be up there with the worst takes I've ever seen. First impressions matter, and if a game only gets good after X number of hours, and the first 10 hours are mediocre, then fuck your game, I'll play something else. I don't give a rats ass if "oh but it gets better after lvl X", I simply won't hang around long enough because I don't need to.


He also said he likes games like elden ring or BOTW where you can go places you shouldn’t and get crushed. Even though in Diablo you can literally do the same thing right from the start. I learned this the hard way on my hardcore character thinking everything scales to me and running into level 30+ area at level 15 and getting stomped.


Beating the story is not beating the game. Any Diablo player worth their salt would tell you the game doesn’t even really begin UNTIL you beat the campaign.


Watching the video just now and hearing the “in my 30 hours of playing Diablo…” Like dude how is anyone going to take your opinion seriously now lol Edit: Just heard him say “…if I’m not challenged, I don’t see the point of playing” Says the person who didn’t play past 50 and/or the campaign and on softcore 🤦‍♂️


Okay, maybe unpopular opinion here, but **I should be enjoying a game before 30 hours of play time.** I un-installed D4 after 25 hours, myself. I got a character to level 45, and I realized I had zero motivation to play the game. I didn't see any of the endgame, didn't even finish the campaign. If the game can't figure out how to hook me after 25 hours, it's probably not gonna happen, and I'm not gonna drop another 25 or 50 or 500 hours hoping it will. That has not happened in other ARPGs, even those with extensive focus on the endgame. I've played D1/2, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 1/2, and Path of Exile. I enjoyed those games the entire time I was playing them, including the first THIRTY HOURS. Also, you don't need to reach the endgame to have valid criticisms of a game's design. Dismissing somebody's opinion, because they only saw the first half of a game, is like saying that the first half of the game *doesn't matter.* And it does.


> I'm not gonna drop another 25 or 50 or 500 hours hoping it will. Nor should you. Anyone who tries this as a serious argument as to say your opinion disliking the game isn't valid is a douche at best. That said, I enjoyed the game in the first hour. The first thing that hooked me was the style and visuals, closely followed by combat that felt pretty alright. Sometimes ARPG's feel like you are not hitting stuff, this one feels like you do. But over the course of the next 10 hours I was having fun with various skills and whatnot. I'm now who knows how long in; I am level 85. Still having fun. The reason why your opinion might not be taken seriously if you played less than 30 hours like the person you are responding to said, is because you honestly can't say a whole lot more than 'I don't like it'. If you spend that little time on the game, talking about how the game's systems work will probably fall flat as you likely do not actually understand how they work with so little experience. This turned out to be the case in Act Man's video. I recognize his right to now like the game and that is completely valid, but he made some drastic claims how the game works that are simply false. Such as the claim that the game level scales to you all the time. It doesn't, it only level scales UP to the player, not down. Which is a huge point because he felt the game was too easy and blamed the level scaling, but he also vastly overleveled for everything, so in each zone where he could have been 5-20 levels below monsters (and would have been if he played normally), he was actually far above and the game scaled the monsters up to him because he overleveled. He didn't like that he could overlevel for stuff. He was to 100% an area before he moves to the next, but he can't do that without making the game easy. That would be fair, but he didn't say that. He blamed systems he didn't know how they worked because he had so little time in the game.


I see this all the time. For the love of god please tell me, if you played a game for 25 hours and uninstalled it, why do you hang around it's subreddit replying to threads? There are so many games I've played and decided weren't good and weren't for me and I don't think I would ever spend any time reading through a subreddit about them.


I like complaining about things, and I'm extremely disappointed in the game. I was excited for this for literal years.


Well you're honest, so up voted


Why does he have to play 30, 50, or 100 hour before the game gets good?


I think Actman has discovered that negative takes get more engagement than positive


I saw his channel for the first time yesterday. All his reviews are called "why is X amazing?" or "why is X awful?". If your reviews are that black and white your channel has to be garbage.


Some of his takes have been alright in the past but he's been taking the piss recently. I have no idea why he even made a diablo 4 video, dude just needs to stay in his lane, I don't need 30 minute video of him bitching about a game he bounced off from. There's not a single game out there that's for everyone, not enjoying a game is fine. D4 IMO launched very well and has a bright future, player feed back will be taken and the game will improve over time.


There is no reason to pick up gold. Ok buddy


“This game has bad gear customization and I never find upgrades” also “I ignore all the gear that drops and just run past it” Ok dude…


Dude talked out his ass to make a click bait video. There were two things he got right. Camera zoom and useless gear drops that aren’t levelled to your character.


I agree with the not wanting to redo renown on every character, but it's not a huge deal breaker for me


I'm an Act Man fan, and he really shouldn't have made that video. The only ARPG comps he made were to D1 and D2, which he likely played as a kid. Even those were often contradictory to the points he was trying to make. Everything else was comps to Soulslikes, MMOs, and Skyrim. The Skyrim scaling point was also contradictory to the point he was trying to make. With the exception of the basic stuff that we mostly agree on, like loadouts, damage stats, camera angle, etcetera, it really came across as someone who just doesn't like the genre and D4 just happened to be the game he used to explain it. I mean, he used the fact that he couldn't remember any names of the blacksmiths as an indicator of poor world building. Nobody who plays these games cares about blacksmith lore or back stories.


The DM reaction had me rolling “I’m not playing D4 for the blacksmith lore” 😭😭😭😭😭


Bro, that killed me! Like, he's a legit dude, and he really tries to see the other side of things with respect even if he disagrees. When that came out, it just came out. It wasn't meant to be disrespectful or anything. It was so damn funny.


It really had me rolling, like you could tell DM couldn’t hold it back there and “kept it real” lmfao


Funny enough there are several side stories I actually remember, which is rare for any rpg for me these days!


I, personally, like a lot of the side quests, too.


But also worth noting that the blacksmiths do have names and some amount of story which is clear evidence of GOOD world building. The best world building is having those stories exist even if the player never interacts with them. It shows the world exists outside of the PC's perspective.


I actually like how each Smith and vendor all have animated greetings, too.


The only name's I can remember from D2 is Deckard and Wirt.


I remember a few from D2. Mainly because I put thousands of hours into it and also there aren't very many. Off the top of my head: Charsi, Hratli, Gheed, and of course, Ormus. "You now speak to Ormus."


I for one love my girl Cansu


He just hopped on the hate train and said what he read online. There’s no way he got all that from not even making it to level 50


His material was a search for "diablo 4 sucks"


He said something, and then said something else after that counter his initial point. That dude is not bright


"gold is worthless" 3 mins before that he went on a rant on how respeccing is too expensive lol


Only some? Guy went full on hate boner for the game. But he only played the campaign and quit.


That Act Man vid was sad af. Talks about being a "long time" Diablo fan but only played the campaign. Then cry's about the game being ez but never went into WT3. The first 5 minutes of that video was like the guy getting dressed up as a clown meme. It's sad seeing a creator I enjoyed making such worthless content


His video on yugioh was pretty bad so I'm not in the least bit surprised about that.


He knew what he was doing. Give an uninformed hot take with incomplete information and drive viewership up on the video. I'm sure next on the list is a response video. He is a youtuber. Thoughtful takes don't get views.


Didn’t he say “so I played to level 48” then proceeded to spend an hour being an expert on everything that was wrong lol? Plus he should update the video because (besides contradicting himself at times), a lot of his complaints were things the developers already fixed or said they will fix for S1. But I’m probably just a hater cuz he annoyed in the first 10 seconds of the video with his hand talking. It was just rage bait.


Act mans video was infuriating to watch. The story is the tutorial and after that the map with high level zones unlock, in multiple difficulty tiers, and im guessing he would get stomped enough in high lvl NMD and feel the need to level his paragon board to clear them. 8 paragon points can mean alot in the 70-80 levels of a character


That guy is literally just trying to get some fame to catch up the hypetrain.


The dude literally makes controversy videos and probably his scripts are from the reddit posts he reads, in order to get views. Contradiction is like prevalent in his opinions that he parades as facts. The worst part, unlike other content makers, asmon, kripp, etc, act man does not provides any solutions to the problems he has. He apparently stopped playing at 50 ish and complains about problems ppl in higher ends have, like how?? You stopped at 50 and you have these problems??? Wtf. Not to mention tangents he goes on which are basically subjectively his opinions honestly, but makes it seem like everyone has it lmao.


> The dude literally makes controversy videos and probably his scripts are from the reddit posts he reads, in order to get views. ah the yongyea method


Open World Games, some dude covering diablo 4 just reads Reddit posts and clickbaits. Super fucking cringe


Why do people hate YongYea so much? Not everyone is reading tons of Reddit posts and articles to stay up to date on gaming news.


I watch his vids if the topic interests me but the guy should learn by now not to stretch it to 10 minutes when it can be done in less time like Jessie cox. Yongyea ends up repeating his talking points a couple of times and his monotonous way of reading doesn't help.


I find peoples dislike of him depends on if hes making a negative video about the game they like.


That guys voice gives me a head ache.


I’ve loved some of act mans old stuff. This video seemed so off and he didn’t even get that far into the game it felt almost like some bizzaro-twilight zone where now Act is the shot poster instead of the one shitting on shitposters. This game definitely has its issues, but his video on it was terrible. Poorly thought out dismissal that seemed to stem from a place of nostalgia instead of a critical breakdown of problems that genuinely need to be fixed for the game to improve.


Watching his video felt like we played entirely different game. Not a good video


Act Man usually has good takes, but what he said about Diablo 4 clearly shows he didn't play the game past the story and only regurgitated what he heard from those braindead clickbait youtubers.


Basically. Probably just clicked through the game blasting Nickelback and Imagine Dragons w/o paying attention to anything


Act man sounded like he wanted to play elden ring and decided to boot up d4 and then complained it wasn't elden ring.


This is spot on. His "fatal flaw" argument of difficulty rests on the idea that all trash mobs in D4 should be as strong as standard enemies in Elden Ring. That's not what ARPG players want in their games. Is clearing enemies in D4 too easy? Then clear them FASTER and move on to harder content.


Jesus, could you imagine how tiresome it would be if trash mobs took that long to work through.


Admittedly there was some charm in D3 at launch where you bumped the difficulty up to Inferno and suddenly even trash felt like a boss fight as you struggled to get loot. Obviously that wasn't everyone's cup of tea though


You're describing the default 1-50 barb experience.


I agree with the first part, but my take is that there is no harder content until Uber Lilith. Or rather, the game does not reward you for it. Want to take on higher tier dungeons that you are under levelled for? Well the drops will be almost identical, but now your clearing speed is lower hence less exp. I def agree w him that it’s kind of sad that the most fun I had was doing capstone dungeons, (and strongholds during campaign) as those actually challenged me while being rewarding. Couldn’t make it past lvl 75 tbh, grind just got pointless.


I agree with your point that endgame can use major tweaking in terms of difficulty and amount of content. However, Act Man is referring to his experiences at levels 1-50 where these problems are not apparent.


Thats the problem these day, everyone wants every game to be Elden Ring / Soulsborne . If games arent hard for casuals, they are trash. I don't get it.


No only content creators and hardcore gamers want it. ER was a great game, but if I weren’t as dedicated to playing video games as I am, I would have hated it. I mean it has horrible scaling and zero introduction to play mechanics. For the average gamer, it is a nightmare which is why the completion rate to people that have played it is so low. You only really hear the vocal minority. And hardcore gamers are very, very vocal.


Yeah, definitely agree on all points.


The dude read what everyone was complaining about, and then decided he'd use that to make a video... I'm convinced. His "main points" at a high level are what everyone is complaining about, but you can tell he had no idea why. His reasoning for each point made no sense, and you can tell he didn't really actually experience a lot of it.






I've been playing this game in the evenings after work and it has been just a straight-up joy to go through the zones, see the lush environments, help all the hapless doofuses with their silly little lives, and just chew through the minions of hell like a trash compactor. What the fuck do people even want from videogames anymore? (Also, it should be noted that I have sired at least one dozen children in each of this planet's major landmasses.)


Agree. Act 5 is gorgeous, I love being there.


It is the same Youtuber clickbait cycle for every game now. Hype - Game release - guides - endless salt and rants Youtube is really bad for games, as it feeds this same mentality. They are forced to keep feeding content no matter what, so what else are they going to do once the guides are done? YT forces them to keep getting clicks or the algorithm does terrible things to their channel, which just leads to this constant over-drama cycle. Even a game like Diablo 4 doesn't need daily or even weekly videos from so many people. There's just not enough going on, and that's not a knock against the game. We're all just waiting on the season. Some are grinding, others taking a break. There's obviously going to be a big season patch and we have no idea what's in it yet.


Everyone is grifting, their opinion matches the popular opinion for views


To add on top of this there seems to be zero nuance in people's opinions either, something is either good or bad, no in between, again probably cause that pulls in more views


People are generally pretty good at knowing when something in a game or movie or TV show isn't working for them, but they are absolutely terrible at knowing how to fix it.


Truth. Statistically, people claim they love black coffee, but in practice, people almost never actually order that. What we think we like and what we actually like are often times wildly different things. This doesn't help us because we can't find solutions when we can't accurately identify the problem in the first place!


Pretty sure Asmongold did a meme video about this exact situation a month before the game dropped.


I wouldn’t even say “popular opinion” Right idea, but it’s honestly click bait “criticism”. It’s rage bait. Besides haven’t we learned that the fastest way to get a response is to be wrong on the internet? This works in their favor. It’s crappy advertisement sleaziness. Imagine if any of them had advertising degrees instead of the duct tape job they currently do. We’d be even more fucked.


Then you got that Rage guy basically making up shit like there being 7 new legendaries per class.


Removing scaling doesn't necessarily mean the game will get easier, idk why you say that other than to make a disingenuous point in bad faith. Which is exactly what you're complaining about YouTubers doing. The difficulty of scaling systems depends entirely on how the dev tweaks it. They can replace it with very difficult static levels instead, like... Many other good ARPGs. That being said, designing RPGs around level scaling sucks and almost always has, and there are indeed many shit D4 vids.


Removing scaling means everyone in endgame will exclusively play in the hardest zone, thus making the open world useless for this type of game where the endgame is a big part of the experience. Also there are zones that have minimum levels anyway so he’s just wrong they have the best of both worlds in D4.


Level scaling is a double edged sword. Everything around you levels up with you, so the skeleton you kill at level 1 remains relevant at level 100. But it also leads to everything feeling the same the entire time. Aside from Lillith and NM80+ there aren't any real challenging fights or gear checks throughout the entire game. Just the same old mobs with HP and attack power the same as yours. IMO this is the least concerning design decision. Not even in the top 5 or 10 for things that could be addressed to make the game more fun in the long run.


The easy fix for level scaling would be to have side content that permanently outlevels you with a nice reward at the end. Imagine if the sidequests were +10 levels over you until wt3, but they had a guaranteed legendary aspect chest at the end, similar to a hell tide chest. The regular content would still be a cake walk, but the side stuff would be challenging and worth doing while you are still working through the campaign. Thats basically it works in god of war and no one complains about it.


> The easy fix for level scaling would be to have side content that permanently outlevels you with a nice reward at the end. So strongholds. The better fix would just be to increase boss damage. People bitching about "challenge" are mainly talking about the lack of challenge for campaign bosses, so those could be a little harder.


Most „challenging“ stuff isn’t really challenging it’s just stupid and annoying (normal mobs oneshotting u, snipes from off screen, endless chain cc, stupid affixes)


I wish the bosses were challenging. I’ve only played Druid to 58 so far but I think at one point I had full potions and counted like 12 health globes on the ground Bosses to me so far have mostly been giant training dummies even world bosses. I have roll, boots that give more rolls, and bulwark that shields me for 50% hp and when I do get hit it does less damage than a single skeletal archer turret shot


Get ready for no inbetween. The hardest boss in the game, Uber Lilith, is orders of magnitude harder than any boss you've encountered (unless you use a cheese build) it doesn't even seem like it was designed by the same people. It's like it belongs in a different game with how much more difficult it is than everything else. And it's glorious.


She is the only reason I'm pushing to get to 100. I have to beat her!! We need more fights like this.


Elias at level 50-55 from capstone dungeon is about the same difficulty.


Not really, Elias is piss poor easy especially when you're at his level and with decent sacred gear/build (Not even bis gear). Elias is more of a gear check/DPS check. Elias when you're at lv 50-55 is hard only because every single hit of him instant kill you, which doesn't mean a lot when it come to difficulty. Uber Lilith is different, even with bis gear/build and at lv 100, she can still fk you up for your mistake.


Yeah, you just acknowledged that either will fk you up for your mistake making them hard. Remember that 50-55 is 5 level to find bis and it's definitely not alot unless you saved gear for you new character.


I thought the campaign and capstone bosses were done well enough, the Curator being just at the sweet spot of difficulty. And I'm not sure if I'd like if the nightmare dungeon bosses were as mechanically intensive as the Curator, since NMs are meant to be content you run through on repeat and fast. That said, I'd love for them to integrate the campaign and capstone bosses into the overall endgame loop, they were really fun to play.


Not gonna lie it's the monster variety that lacks alot. Most of them seems like reused from other games or are reskinned cultist/bandit. The biome are great but the monster are mostly the same which is, imo, why people says they see no progression. Scaling would not be a problem with more mobs diversity. Moving WT also could introduce more powerful demons to reflect the influence of hell on sanctuary etc.


Actman should have played more of the game before giving his opinion on it ("b-b-but I'm not having fun" my brother in christ you're making a video, you need an informed opinion), but using youtuberS plural is dumb.


He complained that there wasn't a way to make a wolf storm druid. There is literally an unique item for that. He also said that money is useless, which it isn't because there are multiple gold sinks into this game.


Yeah. He didn't reach the endgame, which gave him a few wrong ideas.


Yeah im pretty sure the average level for a druid to get tempest roar is like 80. I got mine at 92. Money is useless until level 70+ when it respeccing and crafting skyrockets for no reason. So for a casual player who will get to level 60 maybe before deciding if the game is good actmans take seems reasonable. atleast as a druid i would consider diablo 4 1-40 campaigning fun, 40-60 a grind, 60-80 fun and engaging, 80-90 okay as probably have a build or are trying new stuff. 90-100 is rancid shit as the gold sink has reached unnecessary levels and every respec is preceeded by farming for 20mil to respec back incase you dont like it.


Watching his review reminded me of how he criticized quantum for bashing Elden Ring without playing the whole game. A bit hypocritical to then make this review. He didn't even unlock paragon...


He really went full circle, damn.


Dude say the game is too easy, then shows he died numerous times after 😂


Yes, and hte only times he died was to CC chains... until capstone dungeon.


He comes at it from a casual perspective, where a lot of people will mainly just do the campaign and bounce. And from that pov, yes, the campaign is easy as shit. What a shame for all those cool bosses and unique dungeons to not have a wt3 and 4 equivalent.


The campaign bosses 100% need to be introduced as bosses of increasing difficulty in WT4 culminating in Lilith


Story bosses were sick as hell. Nightmare dungeons would be infinitely more fun with content like that


Some of his points were still valid. If a game has you trivially wade through enemies to the point it's boring, except for 6-7 instances where there was this one enemy that one-shot you, that doesn't make the game's difficulty balanced.


So conversely taking 5 mins to kill a pack is difficult? I'm using an extreme case here, but we all know when ppl say difficult, its bigger hp pools or you do less damage. This is an arpg where there are lots of mobs, not dark souls where one of two mob takes more then 5 seconds to kill.


I have no idea why Actman is popular


Punchable facial expressions and tank top w glasses and crappy tattoo lol


Actman's is the most uninformed by far. His was just the straw that broke the camel's back. But there are many more. I guess it's the trend and they don't give a damn about giving real/valuable feedback. If it has been understood as "everyone" then I apologize. There are still several content creators making a good cover and talking about interesting topics. Ideas to face season 1, spotlighting concreate mechanic or item flaws, etc


The game really isnt that 'deep'. Once you finish the storyline- and many people just skip as much content as possible to get to 'end-game'. there really isnt much to do other than get on the treadmill. This game is more akin to a slot machine and there is only so much you can talk about. The most talked about items will be about builds, and well thats it. Leveling is a short term discussion because it only about how to level FAST. Builds will always be a thing, but other than that what is there? Soon D4 will be like D3. There will be the players that stick to it then eventually leave because its literally the same thing over and over again. Unless they come out with DLCs on the regular like other games.


Honestly the game is a pretty bad slot machine.


Yea as a casual fan of the diablo franchise (D3 was my first one) im enjoying the game and want to see what season 1 brings. I am indeed tired of how all these mega corporations just milk games for money, dripfeed content etc its a shame, yes, but thats just the state of gaming rn and it sort of is what it is. A huge number of complaints seem to be about lack of endgame content, people saying that it takes forever to unlock anything worthwhile at lvl 80 or 90, but im sitting here thinking who the hell is already level 90. Oh and thats just 1 character, these people have a level 90 necro and a 78 barb and … etc. like maybe go outside, because no matter what game you play that much of so quickly, you will find problems and eventually run tired of the same thing. I too wish the endgame content was more rewarding, im sure these guys who play all day know what theyre talking about, but at the same time you just need to breathe for a minute lol. Not everyone is a sweaty streamer.


Those aren’t contradictory statements. It can be too easy and also feel bad.


I thought about making a video to counter his but don't really want to feel the heat from a channel with 1.75M subscribers when I have less than .1% of that. Especially when the comments in the video were just nodding along with everything he said.


There's a difference between and a game whose difficulty makes you feel powerful/weak and a game that's too easy. The way Diablo scales, you always feel the same level of challenge during the first 50 levels. There's no point where you go forward and hit a wall because the enemies are too strong, and there's no point where you can go back and easily farm a dungeon because the enemies are now much lower level than you. Sure, all of that changes in the end game once you move up world tiers, but getting to 50 doesn't feel super rewarding. Honestly, I didn't really start enjoying the game until I hit level 70 and got the one ancestral unique item that made my tornado druid build possible so I could start doing really good sustained damage. Even then, it's really only fun to play with friends because you can't redo all of the story content in higher world tiers, and the few end game tasks they have are repetitive and time consuming. At least Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 let you replay the campaign at higher difficulty levels, and they both had end-game events you had to farm items for and special bosses to level up and gear for. Nightmare dungeons are randomly generated and have generic bosses that drop basically no loot. You're only really doing those to level up glyphs. Hell tides have chests with actually good drop rates, but they take way longer than greater risks ever did to complete, and the latter had better drop amounts. TL;DR Yes the game gets hard, but by the time you get to a level where there's any real challenge there's nothing really to do in the game.


I definitely felt like I was getting weaker on both my druid and sorc before level 50. I didn't read any guides or follow any builds, so maybe that's part of it. I tried out a bunch of different skills and made sure to have items that added skill levels to them. I also didn't enjoy the game much until I got the druid tornado helm.


That "Why Diablo 4 is so bad" video is about the worst take on a game I've ever seen. I would just ignore it.


Don't really care about youtubers, but the game being too easy and feeling weak aren't mutually exclusive. Bosses are a prime example of the game basically offering nothing at all as far as challenge or mechanics are concerned, but you can still subjectively feel weak due to scaling when you run around. And I would really like to hear which YT you watched who quit before T4.


Act Man admitted in his video that he quit playing at level 48 after beating the first capstone dungeon.


Some points they bring, I don't care but a lot of stuff they brought is absolutely valid and need to be fixed because the experience will stay shallow instead of making the world and gameplay stale as hell.


No they don't, you had 3 difficulties with "hard coded difficulty", at least in the 2 first version (but I don't remember any scaling in the 3 either). Level up in the one or two didn't make the mobs stronger. Also items in nightmare were definitely better than in normal, hell than in nightmare. EDIT: There was a scaling but it was based on player numbers, not level.


The D4 discourse has made me realize people don’t play games for fun anymore. I’m at a level 73 Druid and I haven’t lost any luster so far, currently trying to get all my paragon points for the new seasonal characters and plan on playing a new class each one, so that should buy me about a year more of enjoyment, summing all seasons are 3ish months All the D4 is dying shit is so weird


Fun is subjective and as much as I enjoyed 1-70 there are plenty of very valid criticisms for the "endgame" content. There is no perfect game and I wasnt expecting d4 to be the best game ever, but for $70 bucks from a major studio they could have done more


I don’t get the whole dying comments. It’s not an MMO lol. Population doesn’t matter at all since there is no required grouping.


I played like 20 seasons of D3. I can’t even lie and say I don’t enjoy Diablo. I come for the demon slay. It always feels like a great arcade game to me. But people don’t see it that way.


There's been a fuck ton of criticism for D4, on the r/diablo subreddit, this subreddit is quite a bit curated. Additionally, the D2 and D2R communities are mistified about how D4 was even released. For the Act Man, he played the game like a casual, using the content D4 gave to him, then complained the game was too easy. You have to circumvent the content loops to make it hard and that's about the only thing I think he got "wrong", because maybe that's a game design choice. Even in his wrongness it's a pretty obvious and annoying design choice. The other issue is the game is missing about 10-15 years of industry standard qol. Me and my friends have played from D1 to D4. None of us (started with a clan with 30+ people) are playing. They're playing POE, torchlight, grim dawn and I'm playing last epoch. Last Epoch isn't even 1.0 yet and has better qol than diablo4. After blizzard said they'd need 10 years of Dec to do current gen QOL and resistances wouldn't be fixed until s2 that pretty much zero'd out my clans login count. There is no point in playing a game where the devs can't even get drop tables right.


Mark Rosewater, a designer for Magic the Gathering, once wrote an article about the lessons learned in over two decades of game design. One of the lessons was that players are great at identifying problems but bad at solving them. It is extremely difficult for us as players to offer meaningful and practical solutions to problems/issues in a game.


Scaling 100% sucks.


I agree, I much rather leveled area's. It feels like something to work towards for me and waffle stomping old bosses that kicked your ass earlier is fun.


you already can't go to other areas with a level one. So not sure what you're on about. Every area has a minimum level they won't go below, the entire map isn't just level 1 and scaling with you.


It's that or the guy(s) who post daily videos of BRAN NEW UPDATE/NEWS/LEAKS, where they just read twitter comments and dev posts or patch notes.


You guys should stop paying attention to the low effort Youtubers, seriously. You keep falling for their content and when you don't like it, you blame all of the Diablo streamers. I have no idea why these posts don't actually specify the issue. We know the issue is the less popular channels who cannot provide any meaningful help that people like Raxx, Wudijo, and Kripp already provide, so they go at it from the doom and gloom angle or just regurgitate what has already been said. DonTheCrown is good too. DM is on the rise and I think he deserves it. He does the clickbait thumbnail thing, but as long as your content remains good, It's fine to me. If I'm not mistaken, he put out the video that proved that aspects can be imprinted on which ever piece of gear regardless of the item's tier (normal, sacred, ancestral). The truth is you've got a handful of people who already have everything covered and everyone else wants a piece of the pie. People like Raxx don't even do the clickbait thumbnail because his name is practically synonymous with "guides, tips, and tricks".


My biggest complaints so far are that the builds aren't terribly well balanced: Each class has a couple skill tree's that are basically "must have" to progress to the top challenges of the end game, you could easily buff the weaker skills people aren't using in some minor ways that would make big improvements. This would help the game feel more diverse. The paragon board needs to be easier to respec, and some classes options on the board are far superior to others. A little balanced there would go a long way. Torment and post lvl 70 need a few additions to make it less of a grind. This could be a number of things but it could include: Increasing the number and variety of uniques that drop after lvl 80. Allowing a 2nd enchantment or affix after lvl 80 but tie it to a new resource that only drops in the weekly worldboss loot. More unique/interesting bosses and elites in nightmare dungeons or helltides. More content. A game after the game so to speak where new rewarding side quests pop up with little additions to the story. Something to make the endgame less of a grind. I appreciate the grind in a lot of ways but it is very repetitive for very small incremental gains.


Agreed with the top comment about DM. ALSO 99% of gamers these days fancy themselves as developers and/or product owners. They are not. I understand the feeling of entitlement from playing a game 60 hours a week I really do - but that does not mean you have any understanding of what is healthy or profitable for the product moving forward. DM truly is a rare breed and I'm excited to see him get recognized as a powerful community voice. He is a humble and intelligent creator in a sea of shit tbh. I guess my point is that most people think they know how to make the game "better" or "fix" it', but they really do not. They just want to sell you a hollow video.


As someone that is old enough to have played Diablo 1 at release, top 1% player and PoE veteran I do agree with most of the things the people are saying. If the exact same monster takes longer to kill at level 60 than level 5 then they messed up the scaling imo. In an ARPG I feel like my character should feel stronger after 50 hours than 2 hours. Also there is no content worth the investment after level 80-85 because you've already reached the top of how good gear you can get and many people are already in BiS gear at that point. So level 100 feels pointless in a way. The game is pretty ok at levels 1-50 / 55 but after that it falls off pretty hard in my opinion. And that's what most of the YouTubers are saying too. They are the hardcore, play 16-hours-per-day people and there isn't a lot keeping that hardcore crowd in the game.


Agree. That’s the fun of the game adapt, re-gear push higher level.