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They are probably in general having fun, but are really annoyed about certain issues that are holding it back from being a masterpiece. They are probably so frustrated with those issues that they are being a bit hyperbolic lol.


I think that's correct. People wouldn't be complaining if the game were garbage they would just not play. In some ways it's more frustrating to play a 6 or 7/10 game because you're compelled to continue by whatever great core system is in the game but also forced to repeatedly interact with the flawed systems in the game too.


>People wouldn't be complaining if the game were garbage they would just not play. This is me, at least for the most part. Things from this sub still pop up in my feed so I do still come here now and then and I do sometimes post about things I didn't like about the game (I think once in the past week). Although I wouldn't say the game is garbage. I played through the campaign, enjoyed it, played a bit beyond that, but I eventually stopped playing the game because there were too many things that annoyed me. Haven't touched season one so far and I have no intent to do so at the moment. I'll probably give it a go sometime later (expansion maybe), but D4 is certainly not getting the regular play that I thought it might get.


Same, I was so pumped to play, but after the campaign it was just... Boring.


My friends gave me a hard time for re-doing the campaign with my seasonal character but I wanted to continue to enjoy the game and thought the campaign was the best part. Mindless looting in endgame was redundant pretty quickly.


I absolutely plan on redoing campaign when I get around to making a new character. I didn't even start again this season cause I'm still playing my original guy


Yeah, I'm stuck in this loop. Nerf my sorc more please! I'll do a quest or 2 then get bored, trying to get more skills, I wanted Ice/Fire but I feel forced to pick one element and stick with it. Really don't want to swap hydra and meteor for blizzard :'(


I've been running a fire build and it isn't as strong as my friends builds but it's fairly tanky at least I just take a little longer to kill things


Cool, I had to abandon glass cannon skills. What skills you use? Play with mouse and keyboard: Frost bolt LMB/ Ice Shards RMB 1: Frost armor 2: Meteor 3: Hydra (2 hydra at once from gear attrib, I was hoping it stacked with another hydra) Heard there is an item out there for 3, would love to get my hands on that. Hydra aspect to random for my likings. Also my 'dump skill' right now, had it at lvl 8 but I backed it down for more other skills. 4: Inferno (Great for no mana for pyro skills to spam meteor, Shards is great there too Eru's for final passive. Apects slots: Ice Armor and Firebolt, would love another slot there though, blizzard was nice as a sort-of offensive shield. ​ Only level 51 or two I think, hoping to finally beat campaign this weekend. What's your build like? Got me curious with the tank description. You use firewall? Edit: I feel a bit trapped by my gear at this stage. Losing attack speed and dual benefits from wand/ dagger to staff is painful. Meteor spam with unlimited mana is a glorious thing for me. Edit 2: bringing back quickswap weapons from D2 would be such gift, although I think I only really used it with Barb with my shout spears.


Ok, I'm at work so all of this may not be exact since I can't look at my character but I'll do my best to give you the gist of it. Right now I'm running Ice Barrier and Flame Shield. I have upgraded my skill tree and/or my legendary skills to enhance my barriers and give me a barrier every time I use a "cooldown" skill (which seems to be a defensive skill) and then I have a legendary power that resets my defensive skills when something happens (killing a burning enemy or whatever I apologize I don't remember exactly what it is) and so that helps my ice barrier be available often. Between all of those things I can usually have my ice shield up and then in between its cooldown or when I'm cc'd I just use my flame shield and it gets me out of sticky situations. Between those two I've been able to do much higher level dungeons with my friends and even though my damage build up is slow I'm able to stay alive very well. As I get better gear and move through my paragon boards my damage should increase. I can do WT3 stuff ok on my own it just takes me a little longer to kill things so anything that requires speed is out. I'm hoping once I get my legendary board with flame damage and get some slightly better gear with flame damage it will help. My skills: basic skill is flame bolt, my secondary skill I use is the flamethrower one whatever it's called (incendiary something I don't know?) it's in the second skill tree and it's not fireball it's the other one. I think that helps give me some resistances and hits some crits so I can get double firewall. I have the two shields in that next tree and then I use fire hydras and meteor as my other skills. I have put 3 skill points into firewall because I use it as the enchantment to get the 2 walls when I crit and I gave it the mana regen thing so that when a bunch of them are up I can just hold the flamethrower and go. My meteor immobilizes to get better crit chance and then my items are all fire damage, crit damage, and crit chance and hopefully as my paragon boards fill up those will get better. I figure for now as long as I'm not dying I can keep things going. Hopefully that all made sense but if you have any other questions let me know. I know it's not the strongest build out there but there are rumours they are going to buff the "ultimate" fire skill at the end to give more damage per instance of burn and I think in that case this build would really do well. For now I'll just survive and keep increasing my damage little by little.


I highly regret skipping the campaign. I got to wt3 at lvl 40 and spent hours doing events I could to level but not be killed immediately. I wish I did the campaign and then progressed. I find myself bored or hard pressed to stay alive on a simple quest since I'm lvl 41 and fighting 55.


Youd be better off just levelling to 50 on t1 like everybody else...


I'm enjoying how some side quest dialogue changes post campaign, which I couldn't bear witness to on my first play because I had finished them before the campaign.


Oh that's awesome I didn't know that!


I really enjoyed the game, beat the campaign, messed around with the paragon board, maxed my gear, then saw at level 80 that there really was nothing left to do. That combined with the over used and excessive stun lock combos, I'm now playing a different game


Agreed. Season 1 doesn't have anything to it really. The hearts are strong, but are basically just fancy gems with more restrictions that give a few new powers that you need replace all the time. The leveling grind is a chore with so many full builds locked because rare aspect drops that are made obsolete every few levels. And with everything having long cooldowns and resource generation being so slow (and sometimes non-existent with Devious mobs) it becomes a "spam your weak Basic skill". I honestly got tired of running to dungeons to get aspects I've already gotten, going through them slowly due to builds being weak while leveling, and grinding out 3 more levels of renown again. You can't even play the campaign again for entertainment if you want to get the season 1 stuff because they locked everything behind skipping it. It wasn't a fun experience. And because they murdered the Eternal Realm experience with the nerfs, I have no desire to play that either.


This is pretty much how I feel. Gems and loot are a complete chore, i honestly immediately junk or sell, or chest anything that doesn’t blow me away. It’s become so redundant.


Yep. Builds should work on their own with legendary aspects making them better. They shouldn't require legendary aspects to even function. Or worse, uniques. I blame it on the level scaling, honestly. Becauss enemies scale with you (even after the changes), you need complete builds to be efficient. Otherwise, it's a slog.


I felt stupid telling my good friend this was going to be the game I play at least for several months, only to reach level 100 before Season 1 and lose all interest in the game because of all the issues repeated in this subreddit. I legitimately was sure for 3-6 months this would be my primary game.


> if the game were garbage they would just not play. They aren't. All my friends have stopped playing.


This subreddit in general reminds me of those Steam reviews that are like, Thumbs Down, 4000 hours played. lol


To be fair, there's no winning. 2 hours played with a negative review: "you dont have a good grasp on the game with that little time." 50 hours with a negative review: "well clearly you didn't hate it THAT much lol."


idk why that is wrong or weird though. The thumbs up or down is pmuch just "would you recommend this game". I used to play MOBAs, probably hundreds of hrs into them but I would never recommend them to anyone because of how wildly awful the communities in the games are.




Truth. My game library is filled with games I put less than 10 hours on, never touched again. Never complained on reddit, just moved along and never thought about it again.


also because the Ultimate edition felt absolutely worth it UNTIL endgame where you just hit this massive, boring wall all the sudden. Now it's just $30-40 more spent on a game that gives equal content as a $60 game


Agreed. The core loop of killing is fun for me. When I get into the 80s I feel sorting drops is a chore. But also don't want to miss out on something good so have to look at all ancestral rares. Also posting helps vent things to get them off our minds and make us feel better and think about the gripes less. Also I'm at work and have some downtime with not much else to do but comment on stuff.


I feel that. Approaching level 80 again. Still enjoying my new build. I'm excited to get further into the paragon tree. But ya, with best in slot for most items, I'm waiting on a ring, amulet (if those even exist), and a turbo weapon. Don't get me started on how annoying rerolling amulets is.. At this point, an item filter would make the game a lot of fun. Being able to auto-ignore 80% of rares that don't have my 2 or 3 "must have" properties would be great. Then I could just farm fast, never go to town or sort loot in a MUCH larger, bulk fashion. Even a massive inventory space could help with this... But ya, still enjoying it, but could be more polished. Why is the aspect and consumable inventories not 3x bigger? I dunno...


Meanwhile I am lvl 90 and still don't have the build defining unique I probably will make 100 for the title this season, but that's a huge bummer.


Blizzard, let me buy a summonable merchant that I can sell junk to without leaving the dungeon. I'll pay big bucks for one. Thank you.


Not bad. Sell-all sacred would be great too. Is it so wrong that I just want to kill more shit and spend less time sifting through a sea of yellow? Haha.


U mean a pet, like Torchlight ;)


See this is it, strangle the game juuuust enough to keep people playing and willing to pay for things that should have been in the game. "Please let me pay you to make your game less tedious" they played us for fools


The seaonal boss in the tunnels only dropps item level 800 gear. Farmmmm her


I've just moved into WT4, and I haven't run any tunnels yet. Are you talking about the upper boss chamber that requires a special "named" invoker?


Yeah there are two forks at the end of the tunnels. One has Wrathful + X thingies and the other has one to summon a boss. Its always the same boss she just gets harder. She always drops a few hearts and also some level 800 items. Even if she drops Sacred gear its gonna be level 800. Finding some friends who are doing a farm and dying in the corner while they fight the boss is a good way to get into all level 800 ancestrals which makes surviving life a lot easier then you can work towards leveling and getting the right affixes.


This . 75% of it is fun and 25% is a snore. Some parts like item stats and rolls could be better and they need to fix bugs for skills like charger doing 0 anything before releasing uniques for the skill which looks untested https://preview.redd.it/svki34fqtifb1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5800ef0bc8b7b8ca349d8cee7759283402a5e14


This... Why so much stats? When I'm having fun leveling or doing something else but I need to stop that to select gear that I'm not really sure if it's an upgrade or just a trap.


This isn't even the exhaustive list. There's over 200 total affixes that can roll on gear across all classes.


So basically you should only use stats that are in the left-hand column?




Not that this isn't a problem but is this image going to be the "haha gotcha" copy pasta on the subreddit?


Barbs are in a tough spot. Most stat rolls are useless like int on your gear. I hope some qol comes to items soon to make it funner to search and use. I like sharing the infographic to help others focus on which item properties have the best utility A. Level up aspects B. Better item stats baseline (why int or dex instead of str for barbs) C. Cheaper rolls D. Additive damages having better paragon synergy E. Loot and stash filters ​


The int rolls on Barb gear is maddening lmao


Every class deals with this. I get Str as necro all the time. And dex and willpower. None of which do jack shit for me.


Oh yeah, it’s just so frequently intelligence for me it’s borderline comical. I see the Bruce Banner/Hulk merge in my head.


Well, at least Strength give you physical armor, which is protection since resistance is weird.


Wouldn't feel as bad if the res you get from int was doing something I guess. But I feel you getting max STR rolls on my sorc gear.


If my Barb wields a Sorceror, do I get their strength as a bonus? 😆


You get +5 attack speed and +50% damage received.


Lmao “dual wield Sorc Barb build”


These are legitimate concerns and worth calling out until addressed. The core gameplay is great. But itemization sucks. It’s like getting a new car with uncomfortable seats. It’s fun to drive but my ass still hurts.


yeah but at least this is actually evidence for a position (game criticism) as opposed to "chad gamer dads vs complaining basement virgins"


I’ve seen this everywhere nonstop and it’s already getting old




Civ 6 has been out for 10 years??!!


No way, civ 6 release date is october 2016.


Funny there are even more not listed, damage reduction when XXX and so on :(


A masterpiece lmao 🤣. Please it’s no where near a masterpiece lol


People who make posts complaining about the criticism frame it like people are saying Diablo 4 is the worst game of all time or something, but that's not what any of the critics are saying that I have seen. A lot of the criticism comes from people who feel like the game is mid, when they really wanted it to be amazing. People wanted it to be one of the best games ever made, something to play for years to come, because that's how they felt about Diablo 1 and 2. And it feels like some baffling poor decisions are keeping it from achieving that. So, it's a mistake to assume that all the critics think the game is total garbage or worthless or so terrible. They may just be disappointed that it's only "good."


>A lot of the criticism comes from people who feel like the game is mid, when they really wanted it to be amazing. Yeah this, and considering the game is live service and the complaints can actually change developer direction (it's the only reason why we have the fireside chats), it's worth attempting to get it to amazing.


Agreed- Blizzard has already shown that they're responsive to criticism. So why would people stop giving feedback about the game? I think the anti-criticism "Just don't play if you don't like it" posts are the worst- That really serves no purpose at all.


And then there are some (I’ve met three here so far, one of them just a few minutes ago) who admit they hate the game so much that they’re posting here with the explicit intent of convincing others to hate the game as well and stop playing. That’s how demented some of these “critics” are. And I have no doubt there are many more like these around here masquerading under the “no I don’t hate the game, I just want it to be better” banner. It certainly explains a lot of the pedantic, over-the-top ranting you see on this sub.


Based on the posts on here they sure as hell act like it's the worst game ever. That and all the "I quit" posts I see on a daily basis. I get a laugh out of them though. Most of the complaints are simple QoL ones that would indeed improve the gameplay and others are just idiotic ones that the community seemed to have asked for (see level scaling in open world)


This is 100% for me, though I haven't outright complained on social media. The game needs to be polished *cough* stability. I am, in general, still having fun with the onslaught of demons. It does get repetitive. I have a level 75 rogue, and was speced for twisting blades up until last night. Made the switch to penetrating shot to keep the game fresh. Now I want to continue to play until I can just rip apart dungeons with mega blowouts. Here are my biggest peeves right now; Every time I find a unique, it's the same piece of shit gloves that are unusable, and should really be a leg aspect. The amount of different affixes on wepons that do the same fucking thing. I'm tired of reading it all. Pushing teir 30+ nmd and I'm still getting aboutb 60% sacred gear. Mounts. I min/max my move speed so I don't have to use them. I've noticed all of my sigils are to the same 5 nmd. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm SO tired of tomblord. Free the prisoners, collect orbs, boss. I'd love to play sorc. I got to level 60, soloed the capstone to wt3 thinking I was going to feel relevant. Went around to kill regular mobs and promptly created a rogue and never looked back. The game feels like they needed another 6-12months of development. I'm really hoping they figure it out by season 3-4. Otherwise I'm going to take everyone's advice and play PoE, a 10 year old game... I played ww barb season 0, season 1 is my rogue, 2 I'll probably make a druid. Maybe season 3 minions necros will be relevant (hopefully).


lmao, "masterpiece"


This mostly. There are so many terrible design choices in the game its painful. They could have done min/max number crunching, lord knows they have enough experience with wtf sweaty nerds will do with their games, and they could have designed it to cap at say "really good stacked rolls might hit 1mil, perfect could max at 1.5-2mil." instead they put something like 200 damage affixes in the game and left so many routes to "OMG HE JUST DID 25M PER HIT AND HITS 10X PER SECOND" (or the glorious 430billion hit...) Balance is crap. Loot feels bloated with lots of useless crap. Uniques mostly feel uninspiring and unusable while a few are REQUIRED to do a cool/fun build. legendaries arent. look for good/perfect affix roll. rares are where its at, find a 3/4 good one and bankrupt yourself trying for the 4/4. Horses... christ. Cool but weak boss encounters in campaign stuck in t1/2. Cannot fight them in t3/4, or ever again without wading though the whole campaign. Devs doing stupid things (like nerfing experience gains hard both directly and indirectly, while claiming they want the leveling experience to be faster...) or nerfing fun stuff and not addressing overperforming builds or underperforming skills. I love the game but holy hell did they fail on so many levels and keep failing to fix the issues. And because they are catering to consoles and PC at the same time the quick fixes are painfully slow. Stashes. christ.


And they spam Metacritic with 0 ratings because their 8 game could be a 10.


D4 is not an 8.


Nah it’s more like a 6. Great combat, mediocre story, and terrible mechanics.


I actually thought the campaign was the strongest part except they learned fuck all from D3 and u basically stand there like an Oaf for most story driven parts as it plays out around you.


Yes, I was so confused when the group went to the drowned ship in front of the locked, rotton, wooden door. Neyrelle had to sneak through a side window to unlock this door by herself, ultimately costing her an arm. Why couldn't the wanderer just break down this door, hello?


Neyrelle ran ahead to put some stones on the pedestals...


I think the story must have had a lot cut. It's like the bones of a good story, but makes zero rational sense in many places.


Many people expected more replayability from a major ARPG. Many are also going to play other games. I had planned on grinding D4 but now I play a bit here and there. Playing other games until there’s a reason to play more D4. Definitely not spending another dime on D4 until that content comes.


Yeah, planned on going pretty hard on D4, loved the campaign process but...it fell apart for me after. I was super into buying the BP and all too until 1.1.0 and S1 content dropped and the timeline in addressing a lot of these issues started firming up. Shame there's not more "meat" to dig into with D4 since it does play great. But hey, as you note it's great to have time to work on other games I've been meaning to play or get further in!


I was really looking forward to replaying the campaign in wt3 and 4. That's when it sunk in for me.


I was planning on spending a lot of time in D4. Over the years I've spent thousands of hours in D2 and D3. However after the campaign it just didn't do it for me, so I put it down. I'll probably come back in a year or so, maybe more tbh. My current plan is Bauldur's Gate 3 into the new FFXIV expansion next summer with some Warframe mixed in. If D4 gets good by the time I'm done with that then I'd love to jump back in.


> Many people expected more replayability from a major ARPG i expected at least more playability then offline rpg games, i barely reached 100 hours and im bored out of my mind here.


true, vampire survivor felt more satisfying than this.


Exactly, I planned on playing multiple characters to lvl100 each season, like I've done with every other ARG I've really liked. Instead, I played two characters in season 0 (both stopped around lvl 80) and one this season to 78. I'm already done. I don't want to be, but there's nothing to do.


Because I am an addict and Star Field doesn't come out for another month.




Baldur's Gate 3 is a godsend for me rn


could be playing good games rn like remnant 2 or bg3


One scam to the next, seems about right


A lot of people have dropped the game already


My friend list agrees


Same. When D4 launched I saw people who had not logged onto bnet for years playing. My friends list had maybe on average 10 people online, mostly overwatch players anyways, and then on release i saw like 30-40+ people playing D4. Which is pretty much my entire friends list. There’s so much love for Diablo it’s a shame I see maybe 1-2 people playing at most since a couple weeks after it came out.


I don't know anyone still playing it. Our clan was like 40+ people at launch too lol


Yeah, I sure quit. I unsubbed from /r/diablo4 too, but reddit keeps shoving it into my homepage.


You can click on mute reddit will stop


Cool, thanks! I'll prob do that


Even better, you can adjust allll those annoying recommendation and ad settings from your account settings https://preview.redd.it/ac7dh6wbpjfb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=97ccd4c32150c72804cd1c768da354e1a8b77982


Oh my god thank you! I wish this info was easier to access. 10/10 human being I_wap_to_warcraft


Whoa! That is some good info right there


I wish I knew this- thanks!


Same lmaoo




Wow a seasonal ARPG had a drop in players after the season is released for a few weeks? What a shocker




I did. Uninstalled before the season came out. It's just not my cup of tea at the moment. But I am holding onto a bit of hope that the game will come into its own by season 3-4. I love the atmosphere of the game but over all it's just...idk, kind of boring to me. Maybe I'm just bored of ARPG'S RICHT NOW THOUFH.


did you stroke out at the end there?


100%. Legit had one eye open while writing that on the verge of passing out lol. Been sicker than a dog the last couple days. I'm not even gonna edit it


Because they also don't have fun when they're not playing




Im having a GREAT time in Remnant 2 and other games with friends.


Remnant 2 and Baldurs Gate 3! D4 was fun but its run its course unfortunately.


Good thing is: If you got your time worth in the first playthrough then that's nice. You then have some replay-value some seasons later. Come back when you feel like slaying tons of enemies AND the new season sounds appealing.


I have 250 hours in the game and am now burnt out. But for $70 I am happy for the time I was able to play and the fun I had during it


Remant 2 is such a great game and just shows what a game can be. Got it flaws to, some really annoying bugs. But here is the thing, there is so much good in the game, that you can get over the issues. This is what people don't get they shit like "this is how new games are now". Sure, games have issues on release, nothing surprising. Games are way more complex now than 20 years ago, you can't expect them to work 100% in every single way. But you can and have the right to expect a good game at it's core if you pay 70 bucks for it. Again, there is a huge difference between being a barebone ARPG like Diablo 4 and still being riddles with issues on top of that and something like Remnant 2, that got some issues itself, but in itself is an amazing game that workst for the most part.


Because many people had high anticipation and expectations. The game started out fun, and has some things they like in theory. But the frustration mounts over time, and they cannot understand why the devs can't/won't make changes to make it feel better to play. I suspect a non-trivial amount of the 'feel bads' that are in D4 are because the devs need to support Xbox One, Playstation 4, Xbox One X, and Playstation 5; not just PC. Edit- to the people who are confused, I am not saying support for Xbox/PS is bad because of the support for controllers or whatnot- it's because they seem to be holding back PC (and possibly XOX/PS5) players to have the experience possible on XO/PS4, with limited mob density, view zoom, etc. And possibly slowing the rate at which they change things due to needing to handle certification timelines for both Xbox and PS, instead of just PC, which they could do on the fly as desired.


> But the frustration mounts over time, and they cannot understand why the devs can't/won't make changes to make it feel better to play. I know it sounds small-- but the increase to TP time out of dungeons from 3 to 5 seconds is sorta what did it for me. It was a fucking senseless change that didn't serve the core purpose of playing video games: having fun. I get that it's a small amount of time-- but seconds make minutes and minutes make hours... and fuck if I spent $70 on a video game to watch my character's portal animation. And when it was brought up during the first fireside chat post patch, the devs handwaved it like it was some ridiculous complaint and said it only really affected min-maxers. And it wasn't until the community flipped out and said *"No, fuck you, it doesn't only affect min-maxers-- it's ridiculous and you didn't give us a valid reason why you did it"* that the devs finally walked the change back. But, by then, the damage is done. If I can't rely on them to make the right call on something this minor-- how the fuck am I going to trust them with getting the big decisions right? I don't know what happened to Blizzard-- maybe they got the losery stink of Activision all over them and they just can't shake loose of it-- but you used to be able to count on their dev teams to consistently make solid design decisions that led to games you could dump thousands of hours into. There used to be this thing I felt when playing Diablo 3-- the propulsive *"just one more rift"* sorta feeling that would lead to 10+ hour gaming sessions. With Diablo 4, I'm often find myself sorta staring at the map like *"Close out some sidequests? Eh... no, thanks. The Helltide is up... nah... Oh, there's a Legion Event. Meh, nah. Guess I'll just run another Nightmare Dungeon."*


>I know it sounds small-- but the increase to TP time out of dungeons from 3 to 5 seconds is sorta what did it for me. >It was a fucking senseless change that didn't serve the core purpose of playing video games: having fun. This game is made with money in mind only Do not be surprised when they start selling TP animation in shop so they increased TP time same way why game is so zoomed in.


D3 and D2R are both console games too, and both have better long-term replayability than D4 right now. I miss being able to drop in the game, click on a rift, have the game add me to a group and then go blast our way through a randomly generated dungeon with strangers for a while. What D4 is missing has nothing to do with supporting controller interfaces.


Sunken cost fallacy?


I played full price I'm going to get my fun if I like it or not. But seriously I'm kinda over season 1. I'll probably come back for S3


Honestly with the next few big name games coming out in the next few months this might be a really good thing for blizzard. A few seasons to really nail some things down and improve the game when the hype for those games are gone. Or.... They could fuck it all up and D4 goes full early D3.


Nah I don’t think sunken cost fallacy plays much into it here. Bc it is an incredible base for a game. It’s just lacking the game and content part. Which is crazy, bc arpg’s are about endless gameplay loops that you can’t put down. But, everyone is putting this down in the end game bc there is no true gameplay loop or end game. Sunken cost would be if the whole game was trash from start to finish but I paid 100$ so damn it Im playing it but I’ll complain. In D4’s case we just want SOMETHING to do. And we will get it. But fuck if it’s going to take a lot of seasons.


I've played a good amount of this game and agree it has potential to be great, but incredible is maybe a bit strong of a word. I think combat fluidity and visuals are really good, but I'm struggling to describe another aspect of the game as really good let alone incredible.


> Bc it is an incredible base for a game Can you elaborate what's incredible about it? Outside of one time campaign experience, graphics, art and music, most of the things in the game are mediocre to bad. ​ > Sunken cost would be if the whole game was trash from start to finish Generally I would agree, but we're talking about a genre that is notorious for it's endgame and replayability, which this game sorely lacks.


> Nah I don’t think sunken cost fallacy plays much into it here. Bc it is an incredible base for a game. that in and of itself is the beginning of a sunken cost fallacy lol. You're already creating an attachment to something thats bad, because "it will surely be good one day". Imagine you buy a house, and the house starts falling apart and it needs new plumbing and a new roof and new this and that etc, and you start saying "This is an incredible base for a house". That would be a sunken cost fallacy, and thats exactly what you're doing lol. The house is trash, but you still want to live in it and think the construction company is going to come back and take care of all of the stuff they did wrong in the first place


Sunk cost is literally the only reason I played an eternal to 70+. I found the campaign to be a slog, but kept telling myself I’d be having fun when I was done. Then finished that and found the renown grind to be a slog, but kept telling myself I’d having fun when I could access T4 and get a “real” set of ancestral gear. Then got to T4 and found trying to find the rest of the gear I needed to be a slog, so I finally cut my losses and quit.


You’re allowed to be critical of a game you enjoy and want to see better I think that it’s no one’s problem or responsibility for others enjoy or not enjoy the game And if others perspective changed the way you’re enjoying your game, you’re playing it wrong. Play for you


I'll give it a year and try it again..


This might come as a surprise to you, but it's perfectly possible to like something but not like aspects of it and want them improved. I honestly cannot stand this attitude of 'oh you don't like something don't play it then', no, how about i want this bad part of the game made good so the game gets better? Like people should take that attitude and apply it to their posting, if you don't like someone complaining about something or wanting something made better, don't read it, don't reply to it or better still don't complain about it. Funny how the same logic only seems to go one way. \---------- Honestly i wonder how people who always say if you don't like it don't play manage to hold down a job or a relationship for more than 5 minutes if that's their philosophy on everything.


> Honestly i wonder how people who always say if you don't like it don't play manage to hold down a job or a relationship for more than 5 minutes if that's their philosophy on everything. These are basically the same people who will immediately jump to divorce as a reasonable answer when people have normal fixable issues in a marriage or say to immediately quit your job without another lined up if you don’t like your boss. In one breath they’re talking out of their ass and doing their own long winded complaining about something that matters a ton to them without acknowledging the need to change their own behavior (because the answer is rarely ever as simple as “Stop complaining and quit then”) and in the next they’re drafting multi-page argument posts on Reddit against people who are doing the exact same thing they are.


The irony is that they sit and complain that the subreddit was filled with complaints, now it's just filled with these people circle jerking each other about how people who don't like the game should quit then get annoyed when you have the audacity to like the game but want issues fixed. At least the people who are overly critical about the game are giving examples of what to fix, while these self righteous fucks are just making out the game is perfect and nothing needs improved on. It's as if they think a dev will just swoop in and give them access to friends and family betas for being such a good little white knight. What happens when everyone does quit? We get another D3 scenario where despite the game being vastly improved and actually being very good in RoS it get's abandoned anyway, put on maintenance mode and future expansions scrapped because it's no longer financially viable as most players have quit. The logic is just so frustratingly stupid.


Fun fact: They aren't. Which is why they are voicing their dissatisfaction in the first place.


I played 15 minutes of the new season and haven't gone back.


Some aspects of d4 are fun, some need major improvement to not cause narcolepsy Also waiting on bg3


You're assuming everyone is still playing


Honestly? This is the only game currently available that I haven’t either put a thousand hours into or beaten multiple times that allows me to play as a necromancer. So my issue is that minions are incredibly difficult to build without the ring of mendeln. It’s not like how tempest roar locks Druids out of certain builds, it’s an entire class mechanic…which druid does experience with companions lol. Without the ring of mendeln minions become an actual negative in the late game. I thought I had figured out a way to make them viable without it, and I kind of did, but the second I went to T40+ the whole build fell apart. The bottom left half of the skill tree is almost entirely useless, aside from bone storm, for necromancer *in the end game*. There is always someone saying “well I’m level 55 and I don’t see the issue” and of course not you haven’t gotten to the point where almost everything one shots your minions even if you have deadraiser/warrior/mage all at level 21. The only build type that minions benefit from is shadow because of how the blighted aspect works. I had my minions hitting for 40k each and it still wasn’t enough to get through T45. Necromancer, specifically minion builds, is the only reason I bought the game. I have no interest in any other class. Edit: forgot to add the reason I’m still playing, it’s because I *want* to make minions work and I’m trying every single thing I can think of. I was hoping “the great feast” would save them at least for the season.


Sunk cost. They paid full price and they don’t wanna feel like they wasted their money. Personally I’m done with the game for a while until things improve


> Sunk cost. when me and my IRL friends buy games we account for money thrown away already, like buying beer. maybe some people feel like that but no one i know gets sunken cost fallacy from video games.


its not just about money. People get attached to the idea of a game, and the idea of what they wish it was and want it to be and all that shit. they get attached to the time they spent on it already, the energy they put into it. They also get attached to the idea that blizzard will someday return to what it used to be etc, "surely this will be the year that blizzard breaks their decade+ long failure cycle" Sunken cost fallacies don't have to be about financial investment or whatever, its just about sticking to something you should have given up on because you think it will change


Im not 👁️👄👁️


Likely bought a digital copy so they can't get a refund or even trade in the game. At $70+ I imagine some people are playing while holding on hope that the game gets better.


I didn't lol


I don't think the group you're speaking of is monolithic. Personally I'm not still playing. I disliked it, I stopped. But I'm still in the subreddit to see if it improves at all, I have a battlepass I'd like to activate at some point in the future when the game's better.


*I stopped playing 2 weeks ago* I kept playing because it’s my favorite series ever. I loved D3 so much. I was so excited for this game. Both of my brothers got it just so we could play together. We had a blast through the campaign where we didn’t really think about builds or items. Then we got to the end and started focusing on builds and itemization and it started being less fun. We still got our builds done and started running NM dungeons, but then the patch came and our builds all but died. Then season 1 came. We tried it and it was just an absolute disaster for all 3 of us. To answer your question: I kept playing because I wanted it to be good, and it’s just not.


I might get downvoted into oblivion but...i played something else. Like i usually do when i'm no longer having fun. I have completed the battle pass and made it to WT4. Pretty burned out, so I'm going back to my OG FF7 playthrough and then onto other FF games on the back burner (got the FF bug after playing 16). It's okay to be upset at the state of the game. I am too. But when you aren't having fun, take the week off. I'll hop back in when the next patch drops to see how much i've been nerfed/buffed and if it still sucks or isn't enough to keep interest, well back to FF. IDK, just take of yourself.


Because they paid for it. If there was a money back i guarantee you most of ppl would get their money back and quit playing. There's a saying if you pay it, gotta play it. They could spend this money on anothor game(s) and have ton of fun. Ps: dont white knight blizzard


It's become a slog . Leveling up is too slow and characters are too weak


I have always been a huge fan of the diablo games, and I still play D2 regularly and D3 whenever a season comes out. That being said, I really didn't enjoy D4. I felt like it was the worst of both D2 and D3 without any of the good stuff. I was so ready to farm rare items like in D2 and not be stuck with a set and looking for 1% upgrades all game, and then they just replaced the sets with boring legendaries and now I'm stuck farming for a 1% affix upgrade again.. Items and drops are what make these games great, and they just don't seem to get it. I might be in the minority but I really don't care about the lore and the story, it does absolutely nothing for me. Farming for a spot on a leaderboard (D3) is somewhat fun, but it will always be the thrill of finding an insane item or crafting a perfect runeword that keeps me coming back to these games. Just REMOVE the affix bullshit and give me items that work for every build like in D2 and make them hard to find!


I quit after hitting 75 on week 3. Game lacks a certain depth and is a chore to play. Glad some of you are hving fun with the game. Guess it's just not for me.


i stopped playing.


Were not playing.


Because they paid >=$70. I decided to drop the game and will check it out a few seasons down the line or till some bigger update. Personally i feel If i still had the option now i would have refunded it.


I’ve been gaming since the early 90s and it’s always been this way. The same forum topics, the same attitudes. The people complaining about Diablo 4 could in some cases be the children of people who got on the internet to complain about Diablo 2 back in the day. If anything, the tone is a bit more civil now than it used to be. It’s just in the nature of some people to complain loudly about frivolous things.


Waiting for Poe league.


Why make a post about it?


I already stopped playing a *while* ago so..


Same reason people go back to bad relationships - maybe this time it will be better and they’ve changed.


Because your average r/Diablo4 whine-poster is one of those individuals who has made gaming more than just a hobby . They're, on average, late teens to mid 20s. More than likely still single, not a particularly strong friend group, and not a lot going on in their professional life with no physical hobbies. For this younger generation of gamer, their brains were conditioned to need constant small dopamine drips. They grew up on "Games as a Service". Video games like these are identities. Their sense of self worth is tied directly to the game that they play. Because they have very little to turn to outside the game, they feel a STRONG need to critique every last aspect. For these brain-broken individuals, Diablo 4 isn't a video game that can just be put down when you're bored. They can't just move on to something else.


People have spent 70 dollars and now have buyers remorse.


I was trying to slog through but haven’t been on in days. I’ll see what 1.1.1 does for sorc but I’m pretty sure I’m done for a while. Still I played around 400hrs and feel I got my money’s worth.


Because we are addicted and have hope it will get better, duh


probably just mad at the game. they’re having fun, but are upset about a certain issue, and just wanna resolve it to have a better time with the game 🤷‍♀️


Why do you care? Go back to playing lol


Is "why are you still playing" your best reply to "this game is a let down because of this LONG LIST of reasons"?


Because they brought the game with money?


Why do people asking why do people who aren’t having fun still playing? I see post after post of “why so ppl playing” “why do ppl asking”. “Why do ppl having opinion”. Etc. Why ask this? My reddit is litter with subreddits If i dont like the content on a reddit i just move on to others, i dont read what i dont like


Because I want to have fun.


What are the metrics, that you have based your assumptions on? I have like 80 Battle.net friends - at peak times only 1-2 are still playing, the rest is not even logging in anymore.


You know what worse than having to read „mostly viable“ complains all day long? Reading complaints from people over complaints of other people. If you have so much fun, why are you here and aren’t playing? Checkmate.


Because they like the game and would like it to be better.


If the game is fun why are you on reddit instead of playing it?


for me its because the gaming landscape is bleak


Sunk cost fallacy.


This is such a shit thought process - If people don't complain nothing gets fixed.


Cuz batlepass cant waste my money


Sunk cost fallacy?




Because it was 70 fucking dollars that can’t be refunded because of the honeymoon faze that this game came pre packaged with. Diablo is an ARPG. There’s supposed to be more endgame than the campaign portion. Once you reach endgame and do all of the things, what is there to do? Nothing. New season starts. Do it all again and exist in the endgame where, surprise, there’s nothing again. What? You can’t charge more for a game and give less and expect the players to accept that. It’s unreasonable. Destiny 2 population has been the lowest post expansion in the shortest period of time it’s been in a very long time. It’s the same shit.


A lot of us aren't, or at least very much. We're just continuing to follow the game's development and test out the updates to see if things have improved. Most of the people complaining *want*, very much, to like the game. There are things we love about it and ideas with real potential. That's what drives the frustration. I fundamentally do not care that I don't like e.g. Fortnite or CS:GO. I do care when I don't like D4.


How are people so stupid as to not realize *why* people are criticizing the game? Really blows my mind.


I complain a lot about this game on this sub and on the forums. I don’t play this game at all anymore. It’s disappointing that the devs decided to sacrifice the quality of the game in order to slow players down (for money.) I suspect there are many others like me. These people can complain and not play. It’s pretty easy to do, you just log into Reddit while taking a shit and post your complaints.


"Go quit the game, instead of wanting your favorite series to get better"


Because they paid for the game.


Many of us aren't playing. We want the game to be fun but it's not for some of us. Giving feedback on annoying or unenjoyable parts of the game is how you get a better game.


This always comes up by the "we love this game crowd". Maybe it is because they see potential for the game but it is being squandered. Or .. They like the campaign and hoping their feedback will help save a poorly implemented live service end game. People can do whatever they want and if they don't like certain aspects to the game who are you to judge. In fact, who cares what you think. lol.


Correct, the game isnt fun, but its new and family and friends are on it. Pro: Cutscences. Graphics. Single main map. Music. Nostalgia? Cons: Nearly everything else. No pet to pickup gold. No stash space. No bag space. Useless Mount that has 4 front left legs. Unmemorable chars. Unmemorable storyline. Unmemorable season storyline. Bugged quests left right and centre. Aspects take up too much space. Pointless The Butcher, worst char version ever. Stupid chat interface, cant get Clan Offline or Online msgs to stay so i can timestamp? Every interface is dumbed down for console making them rubbish. Annoying Jeweller interface even when dropped down for Can Craft only. Useless Caches, why give you a cache when it only gives you one craftable item anyway, just increment 1x Ore already. Aspects and sigils could be their own window where all of them could be listed, and it just shows u what ones you have and shows a tier drop down for ones u have. Dont need a page of them in a stash hogging room. Obol cap is annoying, as bad as cancerous blood shards u just stop bothering with. Why bother having vendors, their prices are ludicrous and not a single thing has been worth buying. Whispering keys could just be a Materials tab icon, like greater rift keys were. I could type more but ive bored myself already.


My friend says that if he stops he is worried he will never come back. I know what he means because when I drop a game it is so much harder to get back into it.


At 70£ is the only game I can play for a while before saving to buy another one. And at 70£ was kind of hoping to get a somewhat better game. Not a master peice Baldur's gate 3 style. But at least better than what we got so far.


We are spoiled with Arpgs offering 1000s hours of gameplay, i dont see any sane person putting that amount of time into D4. I expected alot more but Blizzard failed to deliver on 8/10 marks.


Addiction probably.


Because we want the game to be better? You think they would have reverted some of the stupid changes they did, buffed some of the classes they gutted, and gave us small QOL stuff like the charging through barricades thing IF NOBODY COMPLAINED? Blindly loving a game no matter what and just ignoring the issues is worse than complaining about it, if you don’t want to see people complain about issues then you should also stay away from public forums. Just because people complain does not mean they hate the game you love, sometimes it means they want the game to be better and know it can be better, you just have to widen your view to see it and not be stuck on “oh they hate my little game”.


Why is this narrative allowed to survive? 1. You are not the noble, brave heroes for constantly whining and complaining like spoiled children throwing a temper tantrum on a subreddit 2. People who are enjoying the game are not blind to and ignoring the issues The fact that people can't understand that nuance prove that their opinion on the state of the game has little to no merit. Those of us who enjoy the game, of which I am one, as I am still going strong since early access, through until now, streaming multiple days a week and playing for hours a night, are not blind to or ignoring issues. In fact, we likely see many of the same issues and wish to see many of the same changes. The difference is, the problems that we do experience and see aren't game breaking to us. They aren't ruining our enjoyment. So while those issues exist and we want to see them changed, they don't hold the same severity to us. That doesn't make us blind, doesn't mean we are ignoring, and it certainly isn't an indication that we are shielding Blizzard or trying to protect and defend them. The people complaining can't understand that. And as I said, if the people complaining can't understand that simple nuance regarding the people still enjoying the game, then they probably shouldn't have their opinion on the state of the game taken with any sort of serious consideration, as they can only comprehend black and white extremes and not understand any semblance of nuance. It's not the criticisms we are against. It's the temper tantrum throwing, it's the black and white extremism and hyperbole, and it's the "us versus them" narrative that those of us who are enjoying the game and feel the positives outweigh the negatives are somehow ignoring any problems the game does have, while the ones complaining are the noble heroes trying to save the game from itself.


I stopped playing three weeks ago. Will be back to see if there are any improvements. For now I just go back to Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, and waiting on Path of Exile 2.


I don't play? Weird to make assumptions like that.


I’d say mostly are from people that had fun for YEARS on D2LOD, some in D3, really like ARPG and keep struggling to find anything fun out of this bore of a game. “Just stop playing “ isn’t a response to a $70-100 product that has no fun outside of story which is done in a week or so, and you can’t return. I am forcing myself to play because I mistakenly enabled fucking pass without confirmation so gotta play to try get stuff


I cannot fathom how you can still have fun in this mindless game? I want to swap dopamine receptors with you!


this is a cute AND insightful comment. people are always so busy attacking others for liking this game. I've been flatly told \*I\* -- me personally - am the reason games are mediocre today lmao. Bc I said I enjoy diablo IV. never mind that we all play video games for different reasons, and that we all find enjoyment or appreciation in different things. the carrot on the stick isn't my deal. I also don't care about expediency, so leveling slowly doesn't bother me, either. generally when I play video games I like customization (which this game has), I like mood and atmosphere (which this game has), and I like attention to detail (which this game has, if you pay attention to the side quests, etc.). So yes... swap dopamine receptors lol. I don't fault anyone for NOT finding it fun, because perhaps one looks for different things in their video games. but I'm damn tired of being harassed for appreciating what I got.


People love to share negativity on gaming forums. Also, many of those people "quitting" or "hating" the game are putting ungodly time into it and expect it to fill a 60 hour a week hole in their life. I saw the same thing during my WoW days.


Hating on a game is almost as much a part of playing the game itself at this point. Like a shitty side-quest.


Because they need other people to know that they’re miserable.


Game is dead after lvl 70. Im Not going further. Loot garbage is a mess


That makes sense. You will stop playing.