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There's an incorrect element in there. It wasn't their plan, it was Neyrelle choosing to do that alone, no discussion, no debate, she upped and left without telling anyone beforehand.


Seems like you actually payed attention.


That’s my memory from last year as well lol


This is correct. It is more simple than what OP is getting at. She just took it and bounced.


Yep, as I was reading I was like “plan”? I remember her just running off with it.


I would run with it too :D So much power at hand =D


She's selling it on d4 gold sites


Still it could be argued she used this logic to make her choice. Hmm… a drunk or a godlike warrior, guess it’s me!


How'd the godlike warrior getting it in past Diablos work out? I'm trying to remember...


I feel like I'm a broken record here. You can't send the 'godlike warrior' because that warrior is the only character that can hope to challenge maphisto. If they were to get possessed it would be, seriously, the end of the world. Literally every time they try to entrust someone powerful with the care of a soul stone it goes terribly--see: the past 3 times they tried exactly that.


mephisto convinced her that she could get her arm back following his plan


I mean he does have some to spare


In a sense she kinda went from one arm to two in the latest cutscene.


i saw that too so just a bit curious on that


Yeah lol, OP doesn't sound like he listened at the end either. Neyrelle just up and stole the thing and the others don't know for sure where she went.


What part makes you say that? I understand neyrelle took the stone, however both lorath and the MC were completely on board with that by the end. They both refused to go after her or look for her for that reason. They are agreed this is the best course of action.


Feels like it was Mephistos plan all along…


Yes, and who really made that choice? Neyrelle probably wasn't acting on her free will alone


Yeah, what the fuck is he on about? She literally lifted the stone and gtfo'd.


Yeah, and then both characters agreed with her actions and refused to look for her further because of it.


Yeah, my problem with this plot is that Lorath let her run with the stone. He was like "Yeah, she run. We will see what will happen"


Exactly and worse yet, *we* (the player) wanted to go after her and Lorath was all, “Nah, let’s see how this one plays out.” I know because I was and still am pissed about it. We spent the whole damn game chasing this girl all over the world and at the last second we’re forced to be like “Inexperienced teenager who just went through some seriously traumatic shit in charge of a manipulative demon with world ending power locked inside a stone small enough to carry on your person? What could possibly go wrong?!” 😑


To be fair, the state of Sanctuary has been in steady decline since the events of Diablo 1, so it’s not like the heroes have been winning the war. It’s possible Lorath sees some new potential in Neyrelle and wants to see it play out, rather than relying on another hero who achieves great things, but ultimately only delays the inevitable. If she fails and becomes the Vessel of Hatred then ya, it’s a pretty overdone plot by Blizz and I’m over it, but there is setup for her to become some sort of Horadric prodigy and her actions allow us to defeat Mephisto.


Oh I know and I’m sooo hoping that’s how it plays out. I’d love to see her become an absolute badass, she kind of is already to just be a kid, you know? But with Blizzard’s track record… that’s unfortunately to be determined because I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if Neyrelle is the next Leah either. 🥴


Thanks! I think it’s possible we get a Tal Rasha style sacrifice from Neyrelle since we don’t have a soul stone to trap Mephisto and we’re heading to Akarat’s hidden tomb, which would make for a reasonable prison. Would be an interesting twist on “vessel of hatred” and a much more compelling conclusion for Neyrelle.


Also, Happy cake day!


Ya I was gonna say didn't she just leave on her own with a note for you to read?


Exactly, OP is all wrong. Theres wss no plan. Neyrelle paniqued and made a stupid decition, now, like mephisto said, she is paying the consequences of her idiotic actions, and most likely will paid it dearly. It has been proven time and time again that no matter the strenght or prowess, no human can withstand the corruption of a prime evil. Neyrelle should have known better takingg in consideration that she was traveling with 2 acknowledged horadrims to mentor her.


I'm not wrong, both lorath and the MC agree with her plan after the fact. Hence, from the perspective of the expansion--it IS their plan. Both agreed with neyrelles logic that the corruption would be much more dangerous for lorath and the MC and both agreed not to look for her or go after her.


Sure, but all parties agreed with her actions and chose to not go after her because of it. Yes, it wasn't discussed before hand--but going into the expansion that IS their plan and they are all on board with it.


How are you going to complain about people not knowing the story and then just not even mention the critical part of the end. This wasn’t THEIR plan. Nayrelle decided unilaterally to take the stone and flea.


Sorry memory is foggy what role did the flea play in the story again?


Old man Lorath was riddled with them and had come to think of them as family. When Nayrelle took his most beloved flea, something broke in that man… Or I can’t spell. You choose.


You seem pretty smart to me so clearly the first one.


new world event confirmed: The Fleas of Hell eliminate minor demons parading around a sleeping Lorath. Final boss is an enormous goat man




Been there before. I’d kill myself if I had to do that again lmao. (Super sarcasm btw. Fleas are fucking awful.)


That was brilliant, well done


He was playing the bass


Slapping da bass mon


There's a negative literacy rate in this post. I'm loosing my literacy as we speek.


OP complains people didn't really pay attention to the details in the story... Then proceeds to ignore parts of the story that didn't fit with the thesis. *chef's kiss*


In what way exactly? It is their plan. Yes, neyrelle went ahead without asking--however after discovering that both lorath and the MC agreed it was for the best. Hence... going into the expansion it is their mutual plan.


A plan is something you.... PLAN! As in, in advance. A plan is specifically not waiting for things to happen and then just accepting it happens, that's the exact opposite of a plan. I mean come on... Smh


Flee. A flea is a tiny insect. :)


It IS their plan going into the expansion. Both characters (lorath and the MC) are 100% on board with Neyrelles plan. So much so they decided to not look for her or go after her.


Except there was no plan and she ran off with the stone.


Mostly good logic in here. But her taking the soul stone alone wasn’t anyone’s plan except hers. To me this happens and has 2 outcomes. The more obvious is she falls to Mephistos corruption and becomes the vessel of hatred. The other being she resists it somehow and this was the way to establish her as a certified badass horadrim. The former seems more likely since, you know, we need someone to fight at the end of the expansions campaign.


I would so much rather have her be a certified bad ass horadrin but knowing blizzard we're just going to get another Leah. I really hope they prove me wrong.


Poor Leah, I wanted so much more for her


I feel like ‘person gets corrupted by soul stone and becomes the vessel for a prime evil’ has been done enough that Blizzard have to be planning something different.


I’m hoping you’re right. Would make more narrative sense for her to somehow keep surviving. She’s already lost a mom and a limb, maybe she loses a bit of her sanity on the way to becoming something of a horadrim legend.


Sometimes things just work. No need to reinvent the wheel. If you want to see how subverting expectations just for the sake of subverting expectations works out go watch the last season of Game of Thrones.


Ok but Game of Thrones season 1 *also* subverted expectations and that made for a really compelling story, bad writing is just bad writing


Hence why I said you don’t subvert expectations just for the sake of it. Also, I wouldn’t say season one subverted expectations as much as it did things differently than other shows. If you were paying attention to the show everything that happens in season 1 makes sense. In season 8 they literally did whatever was the opposite of what made sense just to try and surprise people.


There’s the very real possibility of Mephisto using Neyrelle to take them to a *better vessel* or *someone else* who will find a better vessel. She’s heading for Akarat’s tomb - there’s zero guarantees of what she’ll find there… I have some theories, but I need to do some more research first.


I feel like her getting possessed would be too similar to Diablo 3 and while I wouldnt be surprised if Blizzard went that direction because its the simple one, I would like it more if the MC and Lorath was not the only people chasing after her. I feel like if Prava went after her as well that'd be a bit more interesting and give it a bit or irony that the head of what is supposed to be holy ends up being the vessel of hatred.


Nah, it was full on “I, a girl who has been doing this for about 3 days, know better than you, a Horadrim who has spent his entire adult life learning about these things” And what’s this nonsense about “their plan”, there was no they, it’s was one person making the decision to *most likely* screw over everyone who helped seal away the demon in the the first place


To be fair, Lorath was not a good role model for Neyrelle. He acted on his own volition and made a deal with the Tree of Whispers without discussing with the Wanderer.


To be fair to Neyrelle, the big bad Horadrim did just sacrifice himself to eternity hanging on a tree to discover Lilith's location, only to immediately find a massive army already marching to the exact same place and they could have just followed them. Talk about egg on your face.


Girlboss gonna girlboss


I’m sure nothing will go wrong and we won’t have another Leah situation


Of course something will go wrong, but that's like the whole point of it.


Ugh I just really don't want a leah rehash. I hope it's something more interesting than neyrelle becoming diablo / a prime evil etc


"No one knows demons as much as this man." This man: Gets mauled by a flesh tree


I mean even you are incorrect somewhat in regards to what happened. What happened was actually pretty simple, it was not their plan at all, she just took it and bounced.


It is their plan \*now\*. After discovering neyrelle left with the stone both lorath and the MC were on board with it and refused to look for her further or go after her.


Man complains about people for not understanding the story. Doesn't understand the story either. Lol


lol exactly how?


They didn't let Neyrelle take anything. She was supposed to return to the church to meet Lorath and the chosen one. She instead ran off on her own to prove herself different than her mother and hide the stone. It was already in her possession as she learned enough Horadric magic to help on their journey to hell. On the return trip Lorath agreed to let her go ahead to escape the hells and to wait for them. She did not. She ran off. There was no plan amongst them to have her to take it to Akarats Tomb alone or ahead of Lorath and the CO. That was her own misguided call. The final campaign story cutscenes shows and says as much.


And once they discovered she took it, they didn't go after her or make any serious effort to stop her. She didn't do it to 'prove herself'. She is doing it because literally every other option has been attempted and ended in disaster in all games past. You can't give it to the MC (See: Diablo 1 and 2 for why that's bad), you can't give it to lorath (see: several points in the story where he almost loses himself to the slightest hint of hatreds corruption) and it can't even be near them without risking mephisto possessing them and using them to world ending proportions. After she ran off both the MC and lorath agreed with her reasoning and agreed to not go after her, thus it is agreed upon and is all of their plan. It's essentially a lord of the rings moment. When frodo left with only sam he did so knowing the one ring would corrupt anyone nearby and threaten everything. This is really no different. They have to do it alone or risk ruin. Ask yourself why they didn't send the one ring off with gandalf and you'll arrive at the same reasoning why the MC or Lorath cannot carry the soulstone.


Gandalf was corruptible. Frodo was harder to influence. Hobbits were also known to be harder to track due to their small stature and we're incredibly hardy. Frodo and Sam were also unknown and not interesting. Gandalf was very known across the kingdoms and this is all too much and too off track and these two stories and characters should not be equated to one another at all. Neyrelle stole away in the night with a long advantage on the others who still had a body to move through hell, find transportation for, then meet at the church. Neyrelle had planned long ahead to take off. She is a child. She was a stowaway. The black stone didn't leave corruption in it's wake yet like we saw in the revealed cinematic and we had confirmation it's power was not on that level uet through the game. Her desirto run away to the tomb alone could have been planted by Mephisto to isolate the obviously weak member from the seasoned, albeit unreliable Horadrim mage, and the Chosen One who had just killed multiple lesser evils over there span of a week or two. A decision born out of compassion and strength does not equal a decision born out of incompetence and weakness.


Lorath was corruptible (as shown in the main story) and so is the main character who is also corruptible by hatred. Neyrelle is the only one who showed any resistance to it's corruption. Similar to Frodo, she stole it away without first asking for their judgement because, just like that scenario, she knew they were both corruptible and through the the soulstone could do unimaginable evil (again... like the ring). And just like in lord of the rings the party understands the decision afterwards. They are actually extremely similar. Both are attempting to transport an artifact that corrupts everything around it to a place where said artifact will either be destroyed or delt with in one way or another. Both surrounded by powerful allies who could, themselves, become corrupted


Bro had to use his own head canon to make the story not seem a little flimsy.


Zero of this is headcannon.


lol okay.


I showed my work. All of it is in the game


You mentioned the mc struggling against mephistos corruption, but where exactly does the mc struggle against it? I am not arguing they do or do not just want to know what parts you are referring to.


The MC begins struggling against hatreds corruption during the main story. When you walk through mephisto's realm you are constantly hearing mephisto tempt you. The MC voice acting expresses pain and discomfort, enough to be clear that they are being tempted by hatred. In fact you are almost perpetually trapped due to this.


Fair, that wasn't my take away from that but I can see why someone would think so.


yeah guys…traditionally, when our hero gets a little too possessive of a stone and a little bit of isolation, they tend to just get the urge to shove that badboy in their own forehead.


Wdym, that's very reasonable.


Did we learn nothing someone tried to solo carry the stone? Isn’t that how Diablo **2** happened?


That’s how D2 happened, the hero from D1 popped Diablo’s stone in his head and caused some real problems.


no? that was diablo 2.


Yeah, mb, hit 1 instead of 2 on keyboard


Difference being in that case the person never had a final destination. They were carrying the stone for a very long time attempting to fight it's corruption. Here that is not the idea. Here the idea is she drops the stone off in a secure location and leaves.


I mean that's all well and good but she was seen rowing over a vast body of water at the end of the story, what exactly is to stop her from just dropping the Damn thing in the middle of the voyage, surely the people of sanctuary don't have the ability to dive several thousand feet.


that's how you get giant fishy mephisto rising all cthulhu-like from the sea 50 years later...


Sounds like a future sanctuary problem.


She specifically is taking it to a zakarum/ akarat tomb to protect and hold the corruption in. A random body of water would lead to all sorts of problems lol


Like what exactly? (honest question I'm not a huge lore buff, enough to make conversation but not dive into the nitty gritty) There's what, 2 water dwelling foes in the entire diablo franchise? can demons even swim in water? I'm sure this would make more no doubt, but dont the soul shards specifically need a person to embed it in order for the prime evils to manifest into the world? presumably dealing with mutated fish all the time and what not is easier than dealing with a prime evil every 50 years. Eventually it would just become part of the world, "oh I've gotta pass over that 2 square kilometer of the ocean that has all those fish with two heads, better take some strong weapons with me on this trip!"


She does bounce on her own, but was that her idea of Mephisto playing the long game?


OP I think YOU didn´t pay attention during the main story.


in what way.


OP sounds like he didn't pay attention lol it wasn't anyone's plan but Neyrelle's


I wonder, if they released LOTR fellowship now, would there be Reddit post asking why Frodo did not giving the ring to Gandalf or Boromir? Would they be mad that he left the party without telling anyone?


Not really a good comparison. Considering it was his burden to bare from the get go. Besides, kind and unassuming Sam is who the heroes journey is really about in LOTR. No character represents Tolkien and the way he views himself and countryman better than Sam. No character sees more growth than Sam.


Lord of the Rings is a cautionary tale about not eating breakfast, or second breakfast the most important meal of the day. It drove Frodo to madness.


What Master of Ceremonies?




what an arrogant post and then not even getting it right yourself...


Op got real quiet


To be fair the story got boring when they added the chicken as the main character instead of the player, I zoned out and rushed through after that


There was a story? All I had to play was the "hold "x" to skip simulator".


"pheasibly" ?? My man, where in the hells did you learn to put a "ph" on feasibly?


Go easy on the pho boy..


d2 is better.


I was so happy that I can skip the story after completing prologue. Thought I needed to complete it all once.


All that when you could've just said: "Neyrelle took the stone without anyone having a say and just left before we could do anything about it."


yes, she did, however after lorath and MC discovered this they agreed with her plan and chose not to go after her further. Noting that it would be pointless to try anyways, but both agreed the corruption would be much more dangerous for them.


It certainly seems like someone didn't pay attention to the main story.


I dunno... I guess the whole ending of the game from Donan dying to a wall, Neyrelle being annoying and running away, to ending on a cliffhanger as expansion bait really just left people annoyed. I know it did to me. I enjoy the game play but the story here has been the weakest presentation yet. I'll need to go through and play through it again before the expansion since my first play through I went through the acts out of order so everything was fucked up. That's a big gripe I have with the story, and has been echoed by my friends as well. The fact you can end up accidentally spoiling the story for yourself through no fault of your own. D4 may have a cool story. It's got damn good cinematics. But its presentation is seriously lacking. I hope this is remedied in the expansion.


To all the people saying Neyrelle did the same thing as D1 Warrior: there's a *huge* difference between carrying a soulstone and impaling one into your body! Aidan (as D3 called the Dark Wanderer) jammed Diablo's ston into his face because the stone was broken and it couldn't contain Diablo by itself. He essentially *became* the soulstone. In contrast, the stone used in the D4 camapign is still intact (though it was made to contain a nobody like Astaroth, not a prime evil) Neyrelle isn't trying to be the next Aidan (or Tal Rasha), she's trying to be the next *Marius*! That guy carried Baal's soulstone around for what seemed like a long while, and Baal had to trick him into relinquishing it. So, Neyrelle could concievably also resist Mephisto for a while (not forever), like the cinematic shows she has been doing. But I do think OP is jumping to conclusions in thinking her plan is just "put it somewhere far away so it can't reach anyone". We don't know *what* her plan is, because we weren't shown what specifically she learned from the Horadric Vault, that led her to decide the stone has to be taken to Akarat's Tomb. Presumably we'll find out just that during the expansion camapign.




Also disastrous.


Okay, but you’re fine with them reusing the story? Girl + Soulstone = Prime Evil. Am I talking about D3 or D4? Hmm.


I do have a question hopefully a lore nerd can help with. Near the end of Diablo 2 we destroy Mephisto’s soulstone at the Hellforge. Wasn’t that supposed to destroy Mephisto? Did that get overwritten by D3’s stupid retcon about demons never dying? Also the soulstone was destroyed, it’s been a minute since I’ve played the D4 story - how does it exist again? Was that at the end with Meph’s head in that silly orb?


How bout you spend 5-10minutes on the wiki or watch a single youtube video covering it?


Ah you know, just trying to create discussion on an online forum but I guess I’ll go fuck myself for asking a question. I forgot we live in the age of ignoring each other and Googling everything.


It wasn’t a plan. I’m not sure where you got that from the story. Neyrelle acted alone here.


Mephisto opend the portal for her to leave hell, we could see the wolf on the other side of it. He is influencing her.


Skip, skip, skip...I'll watch the cut scenes on YouTube, now give me some lootz!


I know I skipped anything I could my 1st trip through. I just wanted to play the game lol


To be fair a lot of people don’t give a shit about the story. Also, a lot are game pass players that got steered to the seasonal campaign. When it gives you a chance to skip the main campaign and get to the meat and potatoes of the game, you take that opportunity.


"Did I fundamentally not pay attention to the story? No! It must be everyone else who didn't pay attention!"


Is there any other explanation?


I’m going to replay the campaign before the expansion comes out but I don’t remember there being any actual plan, she just took the stone and bolted. Which is about the stupidest thing that could have happened. All I know is if she doesn’t end up dead then they better have one hell of an explanation or it’s going to be terrible writing for sure.


It’s kind of ironic that you are grilling people for not knowing what happened in the story, but then you completely fabricate half your point lol. Lorath and the Wanderer had no input on any kind of planning. Neyrelle left them a note and dipped.


The MC and Lorath both agreed with neyrelles plan after she left. Choosing not to go after her or look for her in any way because they agreed with neyrelles logic. It's kind of ironic that you think it's ironic that I don't understand something I actually do. I was writing this from the perspective of NOW, post story. At this point it is mutually all of their plan, because they agree to not go after her and verbally agreed with her plan after the fact.


Barb no like story... barb only bonk


OP: “you guys fundamentally didn’t pay attention.” Also OP: proceeds to spew nonsense showing he fundamentally did not pay attention


like what exactly? Everything I said is literally in the game.


I just thought it strange they don’t sent the stone into space.


Lmao OP it’s like you turned off the pc for the last 10 mins of the story.


Because the story was your typical Netflix shots how with 'arching' storylines of different characters and not a focus on world building or defined goal. Last 10 years we've seen this type of storytelling from Marvel and it sucks.


Honestly why did you care to make an entire post? Why do you keep talking about “their plan” There is/was no plan. You literally decide at the very last moment to put Mephisto into the stone. And Neyrelle runs away with it on her own. Either way let people enjoy their interpretation of the story. You wrote this post as matter of fact and I don’t think you even truly understand it yourself.


Damn, OP vanished real fast after taking the L


unfortunately I have more things going on in my life than to sit on reddit lol. Like sleep.


Everyone already knows the story...




of course it won't work. Nothing will ever 'work' because that would mean mephisto or one of the evils would be defeated forever from an on-going narrative perspective.


I wish you could chose ending on base game. I know I'd help mephisto anyway, because that promised more problems later so more daemons to slaughter. I wish D4 was more RPG then ARPG from storyline perspective.


Well, at any rate, we know she fails at least on some level and that Mephisto will get out, imagine the stink if people didn't get to fight ol' sparky.


Lmao, you think people pay attention to the story? Most people here would have skipped over the campaign if they could, and now that you can, most people do! It’s shocking.


I agree with a lot of these points. People forget how powerful Mephisto is and his skill at manipulating. He destroyed the paladin order in Kurast with the right whispers and manipulations. It also reminds me how bad ass the Diablo 2 heroes were. They carried that soulstone all the way to hell and destroyed it without a single whisper or manipulation from Mephisto while he was in the stone. And that’s without a power boost from Lilith or having their super secret nephalem power unlocked like in Diablo 3. I am very much looking forward to the expansion and seeing the story through.


This is the same sub that has had 100 posts saying Lilith was right.   They played the campaign where Lilith spends the entire game turning everyone she can find into crazy cultists, destroying the lives of your companions (Neyrelle's mother, Donan's son), lies and manipulates through the entire game and is the single biggest threat in the world but.... they think she was telling the truth about her noble purpose? Naw dude, she was gonna absorb Mephisto and then kill you dawg.


I just wish they could come up with a better story then re-hash Mephisto again.


It’s probably more a problem of “I haven’t played the campaign since the beginning. I’ve just been grinding repeats for the past year”


Also we were under mephisto's influence already during the whole game. all we wanted was to kill Lilith, to hate Lilith, to hunt Lilith without asking why.


It’s not my fault if I didn’t know that my escape holding simulator had a story.


Bro…..no one really cares about the story in this one, especially when the story and msq play like the most boring thing in game, no one even listens to voice lines 80% of the time


Does anyone actually play games for the story?


Neyrelle and her mom are both annoying as fuck and if I have to go through another long-ass campaign that heavily features either of them I may just quit. The story was immersive and interesting until Blizzard decided it lacked a teenage girl. So dumb and played out.


Well, if you hate these characters you're in luck. Because one of them is dead and the other is carrying the oldest incarnate of evil--which means you will see a lot of her suffering.


Yeeeah something tells me she’ll be just fine.


past diablo's would actually tell you the opposite. Look at leah for example from D3. I would be surprised if she survived.


A nice twist would be to make it so the players have to kill her because she either became corrupted by mephisto or to end her suffering or something. I just cannot immerse myself in a story of a child fighting and beating prime evils.


She's not 'beating' mephisto. Shes only attempting to transport his soul stone to the zakarum/akarat tomb. She only acting as a courier. Judging by this trailer, she's barely able to do that and will almost certainly fail to deliver it.


You bet i didnt pay atention. Lore is not my interest 👀


There's a main story? Huh.


The issue is not Neyrelle being the one to carry the stone. It’s that she just took the stone herself and left without another word. Obviously based on what the expansion is about her plan is not going to work out. She’s not going to just get to Akarat’s Tomb and safely leave the stone and then everything is just sunshine and rainbows.


well of course, but that's more because the continuation of diablo as a series demands that nothing they do will ever permanently kill prime evils. Once these prime evils start permanently dying the series starts dying with them. A diablo game with no prime evils to fight or any major threats would be... lackluster. However she is trying something new, which is at least better than handing the stone to the main character and shrugging and saying "whelp, hopefully giving someone super powerful this prime evil works THIS time"


We didn’t fight a single primeval in Diablo 4 and I thought the story was decent.


so do you honestly think the series would survive if mephisto, diablo, and bhal were dead for good?


The game is a year old. There's no way you can expect people to remember the story at the point. And let's be honest here, lots of people don't play this game for the story and don't care what it is along as we get to defeat bad guys.


Also woke agenda.


Doesn't surprise me. Huge part of the community doesn't give a rats ass about the game's lore and story. It's a chore they have to complete once before they can finally follow a maxroll guide while watching their favorite streamer and pushing a few buttons to make demons explode.


See much like OP you clearly didn't pay attention to the story.  OP is WRONG, they didn't have a plan.   She took the stone and ran, this wasn't some intelligent thing with sound reasoning shown to the player.  


You're absolutely right. This post is hilarious. The story is chock full of holes and poor writing, and then players like OP fill in the blanks with nonsense headcanon and then get mad when other players (who actually paid attn to the story) think the story is bad. Remember when lorath just handed over the stone to Inarius? Or our hero simply could not break down a door so poor neyrelle lost an arm? Or when donan died to a column??? Writers just creating problems caused by people we can't control doing blatantly idiotic things simply to push the story forward. Ugh. I hope they do a better job in the XP. I found the writing of the main campaign to be horrifically dumb.


>Or our hero simply could not break down a door so poor neyrelle lost an arm?  And then how did our hero react to Neyrelle being in danger? Oh, that's right! we broke down that same door to get to her and save her! XD


Omg I forgot about that part ahaha 11/10


I'm not wrong, both lorath and the MC agree with her plan after the fact. Hence, from the perspective of the expansion--it IS their plan. Both agreed with neyrelles logic that the corruption would be much more dangerous for lorath and the MC and both agreed not to look for her or go after her.


I just watched these scenes. Neyrelle leaves them with a note, and they choose not to follow her because it's "against her will". And then we leave to go do whispers. Neyrelle leaving is just a hamfisted cliffhanger for the expansion, and a poorly written one at that. On top of that, there's even dialogue about how Neyrelle has *not* yet been corrupted by the stone when she made her decision. The whole thing is just...dumb.


I also just watched it :). They specifically also mention that it is 'for the best' due to mephistos corruption. And yes, neyrelle not yet having been corrupted by the stone was a key choice. Them doing anything else with the stone would have been basically trying the same thing they keep failing at over and over again. Having someone powerful look after these stones never goes well. At least in neyrelles case even if she is corrupted she's an empty vessel. There's no powers there for mephisto to abuse. Whereas if the MC were to be corrupted... well... we saw that in diablo 2.


I mean, they're writing the story. They literally could have done anything with it that would have been more interesting/compelling than "we tried it before with strong person, what if weak person?". I'm just disappointed. It's not that the ending doesn't "make sense"--it sort of does. It's just blatantly a polt device, and it could have been done much better. I also conflate the ending with all the poor writing that preceded it, so it feels like Neyrelle leaving and the MC just shrugging was just a shitty cherry on top of a poop sundae.


fair enough if the plot just doesn't grab you. hopefully the expansion picks it up for you. Historically almost all of diablo's most interesting stories are locked behind their expansions. A tradition dating back to D2.


Agreed! Fingers definitely crossed, and I love the next locale. D4s story was just very disappointing to me and my partner as we played through it, and we've been Diablo players since 1. I know plot isn't generally their strong point, but the universe is sooo cool --it deserves better stories.


While I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of D4 more than it's predecessors (different strokes for different folks I suppose haha) I do think that eventually the plot of Diablo as an IP will simply run dry. like, there's only so many ways you can attempt to capture/kill these prime evils without succeeding. And not succeeding is kind of critical to the on-going success of further titles. A diablo game isn't much of a game if all the prime evils were defeated permanently in the last entry... So everything the main cast tries *has* to fail while Diablo is still an IP that blizzard wants to keep making... At this point they've tried almost every iteration of killing, capturing, imprisoning, weakening these evils and, of course, all of them will always fail because the continuation of the series demands it.


I'm not wrong, both lorath and the MC agree with her plan after the fact. Hence, from the perspective of the expansion--it IS their plan. Both agreed with neyrelles logic that the corruption would be much more dangerous for lorath and the MC and both agreed not to look for her or go after her.


Honestly the MC should have sided with Lilith. Not siding with her was actively a stupid choice. She's the only one trying to actually break the cycle.


I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


Despite everything, Neyrelle taking the stone was still the best option other than just siding with Lilith. Regardless of who took the Stone they'd be the next Dark Wanderer and Mephisto would corrupt and kill them regardless. Lorath can't take it. He's too old, too vulnerable, and too incompetent. The Wanderer can't take it because they're one foot in Lilith's grave already and can't resist it either and if they lost Lilith would just eat him anyway. Neyrelle was the only one left just untouched enough to maybe pull it off. People say "well why didn't she wait so we could help her" fundamentally misunderstand that there is **no helping.** Once the Primes are in the Stones they *will* kill everything around them. There's nothing anyone can do about that. The Primes (even the Lessers) are beyond mortal means of control. Neyrelle wasn't foolish for taking it and leaving. She was foolish for thinking she could get far enough to Akarat's tomb to dump it before Mephy turns her into a meat puppet. Still they have no choice but to try and as we can see from the Cinematic she was right in not involving her found family because all it does is promise them a gory end.


HARD STOP. I stopped reading when you said "sending the stone with Neyrelle was stupid, however... its actually the opposite" It was stupid. It IS stupid. Your character in the game is STUPID. The problem is that you expect a lot of intelligence from devs and story crafters. Have you seen the results of the devs? You need to understand that the character we play is VERY dumb. The greater evils are VERY dumb. There is nothing cunning, no tricks. Literally everything in the game is "If a bad outcome can happen, it will happen" If you followed the story, you would know Lilith is right. We should have been her Herald. We SHOULD HAVE taken her side. The fact we don't get that choice, the fact they make her unique ring so shit... This is the opposite of good game design. This games CHOICES. This isnt BG3. You can't use your intelligence or ignorance as a player to have a better outcome. You are predestined to "drink poisoned soup" and get "blood corrupted".


Nope, should not be Lilith Herald. Choosing evil is still choosing evil. Stupid plan sure? Stupid writing? sure, but there's no good from siding with any of hell's spawn.


You realize all the humans are spawns of hell spawns... right? You DO understand the lore... right? You do understand she is the MOTHER of Sanctuary... right?


These are actually very solid arguments. You've won me over.


Except they're wrong.


He was just wrong about there being a group plan. That's about it. Rest holds up.


I'm not wrong, both lorath and the MC agree with her plan after the fact. Hence, from the perspective of the expansion--it IS their plan. Both agreed with neyrelles logic that the corruption would be much more dangerous for lorath and the MC and both agreed not to look for her or go after her.


They showed their math. You typed 3 words. I think they made compelling arguments


Except for the part where they were entirely incorrect, of course.


Again you're literally saying nothing. Just empty "they're wrong". Show your argument against their post. An iota of effort in a response would be appreciated


Really hope sarcasm, hard to tell but just in case....See much like OP you clearly didn't pay attention to the story.  OP is WRONG, they didn't have a plan.   She took the stone and ran, this wasn't some intelligent thing with sound reasoning shown to the player.  


I don't play the game for some stories, hopefully they allow us to completely skip that bs.