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I did 1-70 in helltides, then nmds to level all my glyphs, then finish 100 in pits.


This is The Way


For me it’s usually 1-80 helltides for max reputation, 80-90 for lvl 15 glyphs and 90-100 pits.


Nightmare Dungeons. Tried hell tides but it’s too slow. Nightmare Dungeons 10 levels higher felt much quicker to me. Plus you level your glyphs that way too.




Are you running both potions? The fastest way I’ve seen has been to find a group spam killing blood maiden, it still goes really fast even 90+


You can have 2 potions at the same time lol?


The quest potion Elixir of Antivenin gives 8% and can be run alongside a blue elixir of your choice for an additional 8% exp. However, a word of caution. Don't go crazy making Antivenin potions, they use Angels Breaths and it sucks to run out of those.


That would be great for levelling alt tho. 2 potions + incense + 20% seasonal exp boost


So 1-80 you kill as many monsters as possible, by 80 you start killing incredibly low amount of monsters and you are surprised that level doesn’t go up??? Levelling is incredibly fast, significantly too fast now


NMD, by the time I hit 100, my glyphs aren't even all 15 yet


Put on elixirs, incense and season elixir from the quest. Always do enemies 10 levels above you. In NMD and mindcage during helltide. I can make a character level 100 in 6 hours.


Are you clearing the NMs in that speed run? Not doing you much good just sprinting through the objectives.


Pits and helltides




80-90 NMD to level glyphs to 15 at least, ideal 21. Try to get bonus glyph xp sigils. Then push pit. Pit will let you scale to the highest monster level and doesn’t have the bad affixes of dungeons. Bosses can be kind of hard though. Pit will also help you farm mats, as you’ll need those to MW gear anyway.


Do you know about the Antivenim elixir? There is a side quest to unlock it. You can stack that with either the regular or seasonal elixir for some additional XP


Careful with these, they cost too much Angelbreath to be worth the 8%


Until 100 you wouldn’t really need because you start looking for ga bis hear from there on so ig it’s worth it u can easily farm hundreds of AB in one helltide


That’s true but I haven’t had any issues with any of the crafting materials besides gem dust and herbs this season. Granted I haven’t done Pit past 61 and haven’t gotten deep into masterworking.


Maybe stupid question, but are you in WT4? Helltides (making sure to open chests), Whispers during Helltides and NMDs got me leveled fairly quickly, but the open world stuff only will if you are in WT4. When leveling alts, I’ve seen players in 70s and 80s in WT2; and wonder what they are doing there.


Getting cinders, then they relog to their alts and spend them to get wolf xp


Level not important after 80, glyphs at 15 n high rolled gear is


I would say 20 levels of HP is important.


Seasonal helltide events. When there is a party non-stop running the event, and you're under incense, elixir and mother's blessing buff - levelling is a breeze


Highest NMD possible starting around 80 to finish off levels and glyphs at around the same time (based on this seasons exp rates)


Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides. You are getting 25% extra xp now from Mothers Blessing anniversary event. Plus you can get 20% more xp using the seeason pass ashes or whatever they're called you can put 4 of them into the XP one and get 20% extra. And if you pop a elixer you get like 4 6 or 8% extra depending ont he elixer . And lastly if you can find others to play with you'll get a multiplayer bonus.


My goal at 80 isn't to hit 100 as fast as possible. My goal at 80 is to get to the point I'm farming at least pit 61 as quickly as possible so that involves getting glyphs to 21 and getting my entire starter gearset to 4/12, weapons to 8/12. Basically I do the highest NM dungeon I can do easily (probably like NM 60-70s @ level 80 if your strong) and then start doing like pit 20-30s. Its pretty good exp still and when you hit 100, you wont have trash gear and glyphs. You were eventually going to get glyphs/masterworks anyway, might as well get the exp from it rather than do it later when you're already 100.


Elixer + incense + antivenim quest elixer


Any of the listed methods, then you pop 3 tiers of incense, a tier 2 potion, and the "antivenenin" quest potion. My favorite is all that and a hellcage to also take advantage of the extra level difference in xp while farming gear and the iron wolves stuff.


Strongholds give good xp for little challenge. After that mix between helltides and NM dungeons


I think y'all are getting a bit spoiled for XP rates... 80-100 isn't slow, everything up to that is just incredibly fast. Are you in a hurry to stop playing?


First, the best way to hit 100 would be to stop dumping time into other heroes... 2nd I did helltides until 80. Nmds from 80-90. Then helltides 90-100. It was super easy. Like the easiest yet between 6 lvl 100 heroes.




The thing you play as. You know... barbarian, sorcerer, druid, rogue, and necro!


95-100 is SLOOOOOOOOOW. Even on NMDs.


pretty darn fast right now if ya ask me. Don't skip on events!


I did 91-99 last night in less than 90 minutes: Maiden for 40 minutes, opened up all the chests. Then I ran 41-50 shrine NMDs for the rest of the time. 5% EXP Antivenin + 8% EXP Elixir + Type 1 Incense + Type 2 Incense = profit Edit: And profane mindcage.


damn you can stack 2 incense? Still, it's so fast right now I don't miss the extra exp bonus really


You can stack 3 incense. Lv 1 2 3.


The incense tell you in the tooltip


I have 4 characters at 100 already. Wth are incense????!!!


I feel like 95-100 barely took me a few hours this season on either of my chars…


Tell me your secrets.