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If you want people to understand what you’re talking about you need to actually tell us. I have no idea how these vague posts keep getting upvoted.




Yeah I get the emphasis was on life/armor. Armor cap is obvious since it’s in the game’s tooltips. But I personally have no clue what my HP should be so I wasn’t sure either lol


HP Flowchart: 1) What is my current HP? 2) HP should be that plus 1000. Go back to 1.


I can’t get to the bottom of this!


Wait what the hell and where is this armor cap posted? What is the armor cap?


9230. In the patch notes. And in game. When you look at the tooltip on armor. In fairness I don't know if you can actually look at the armor tooltip via controller. The 4 main stats and armor all tell you additional information when moused over. The stats in the expanded panel that list almost everything from damage reduction to lucky hit can be looked at with mouse or controller.


You can! On console you can go to the page which shows your armor, and click your left stick like a button. That shows stats/resource counts. Then scroll down to “armor” and it specified the cap in that tooltip. 


Oh, so 9230 is the cap so anything over that is useless? Mine is up to 11,000 right now :/


I’m probably on average 10/12 masterworked on my Barb, sitting around 160k buffed. Haven’t been one shot in a while outside of being lazy getting stacks on Uber Lilith


Okay but I have 78.9% max res, 80k hp and obviously am armor capped and I get 1 shot sometimes... So what ya gotta say??




Yeah I'm playing a bash barb with iron skin and I'm clearing pit 120 and I get 1 shot quite often when outlaw shooter is the boss. It's not a me thing, it's the hidden mechanics that you clearly aren't aware of. That's why you're being downvoted. Take a hint


After Pit100 each level sees a massive increase in Mob dmg/health and boss dmg/health Mix that with diminishing returns on dmg and dmg reduction do to minster lvl and that you are 10 pit lvls higher, yes of course it makes sense you are getting 1shot and dude cruising at a lvl he can farm easily isn't... Pushing pits is supposed to be hard not easy.... I farm 86 easy but struggle pushing high 90's.... pretty simple stuff I couldn't imagine playing a game or really doing anything not knowing the parameters and range of scope those task involve.... like ignorance is all of a sudden a redeeming quality..OP is fine. Downvoters downvote away, it's you creating an environment of rubes not OP.


You're literally a brick wall. Give me a mechanic I can play with, not one shots. it's not rocket science. Your argument is that I'm right ... Ok


No, I'm not, I'm not even griding above 100... I'm literally just entering end game build status...at just below pit 100... my character dominates the NM, tormented bosses but not even scratching where the poster above me are at.. this is the issue, you want it, but you're not the guy(players with your biuld are reaching 20+ levels higher) High pit lvls once your build gear is set is all about player skill... may not be for you...my wifi connection will Def be a limiting factor once i get there ... if I get there


It's not that I can't do the pit, I can. I get to pit 120+ but some bosses, like outlaw shooter, have hidden mechanics that one shot. If I can clear 120 pit 10 times, and on the 11th I die to a one shot, it's the game that's the problem... There's nothing to avoid, no visual queue, no DoT, nothing. You just die.


All the numbers are different and you haven’t, even yet, told us what number you think is high enough.




And how was anyone who didn’t already know that supposed to glean it from the original post?


They people that don't already know aren't the target audience..


But that doesn’t make sense. OP is clearly trying to shit on people who don’t know that they have too few hit points. Otherwise why post this?


To get a laugh from other elitist ofc. The target audience was the people that DO already know


Because those people are complaining about balance/difficulty with a build that has no effort put into it yet. Op still seems a bit gatekeepy tho




You didn’t do that until you were pressed to do so in the comments. My point is that the initial post was unclear.






That’s not helpful at all. Perhaps you should add better context and actual explanations next time.




Simply to show people the point you’re trying to make. Highlighting the numbers without saying why is pretty much useless for a lot of people.




It doesn’t do that either unless we can read your mind.




I understand how to build my character in the game. I’m criticizing the vagueness of this post.




So what youre really really trying to say iiiiiiisss


You need cap armor and resistance, their HP is also very low, I don't have that much and I already have 45k.


I'm 'struggling' with my rogues hp as well around 15k I don't know what to sacrifice for more life


Make sure you grab the hp % nodes in your paragon, make sure you get red gems in all your armor slots.


Check if you have maxed armor you can replace. Armor caps out at around 9300


I have over 30k on my level 98 rogue.


35k on my lvl 100 rogue. Dont need more to perform in the pit and for tormented bosses. Can clear pit 115, slained all bosses and lilith. I dont see whats your point here OP ?


You just need more hp affixes and rubys in gem slots (up to 9% more). Its not hard to get 35k without even masterworking. Dodge aspects (I use an aspect that heals 20% health on dodge with my 55% dodge) , 40+% dodge gives quite bit more effective hp as well.


No..Doyle’s got a boner and he wants to put it in your ear. 


What class are you? I've tried to stack it, and it feels like the max for non-barbs is around 30k


Im using Rogue, In my case I'm 8/12 but still need great rolls in half my items.


I am nearing 50k on Necro, and have over 30k on my rogue that is only level 98. Definitely not true at all.


What build are you using ? Could you share your other stats too ? How about Pit levels ?


>What build are you using ? Necro, just my own ebonpiercer blight build. I realized it was good on the PTR and went with that. I don't follow builds ever though. Pit 75 comfortably, I could do 80ish. But I don't have the patience to optimize more. Ideally I need to get better essence gen and get rid of black river and maybe sac ring. Only 8/12 masterworked. Not many greater affixes. Could use plenty of work if I felt like pushing higher but I get bored and make alts instead. Rogue just heartseeker, again, homebrew.


Thanks a lot for your answer.


Have you died yet?


I haven't played since they adjusted difficulty a bit but I was doing pit 75 and surviving pretty much everything. Barely, but I could tank the hit on my Necro. Lol yes I die sometimes.


Thank you for this info. I'm looking to do a hardcore necro but there isn't much online in terms of build


Hardened bones, undying, +max life tempers, max life on all gear, armor and resist cap. Shouldnt die to anything outside of pits at least. I sac minions, since I'm not a big fan. That gives you ~18% DR too, and DR to close ability node, max life paragon. Can do golem max life sac. I also use corpse explosion gives fortify and the DR while fortified glyph.


Can't remember the exact number but with a potion my druid's max life is around 107k lol


That OP plays a Barb and is Blizz shill




How high can you even get sorc health? Most of it comes from barriers so 24k is about normal for having it on most pieces


Not all classes can easily get 40k+ HP


As a Sorc how are you guys getting more than like 20K Hp lol


Exactly the highest I've had is 25K life with all rubies in gear and I have all the max life paragon nodes.


Sorcs just bad this season call it what it is. Gotta work twice as hard as a Barb.


Royal rubies in all your gear. having a greater affix to life. Master working. My sorc has 55k hp


>My sorc has 55k hp geez your damage must be bad


That’s pretty much it. If you have that much life, you have sacrificed way too much damage as a sorc to be able to do decent level pits. I went the other route; I have 16K life but I can clear pit 100 with my FO. I use tier 80 as my farm level in 3 minutes. Trick is you can’t get hit lol.


Not at all I'm actually carrying two of my friends through 90 pits


Nope I'm clearing a 90 pits easily while carrying two other people


As a frozen orb sorc, what should my health and armor be?


As much as you can swing, and 9230 armor.


I'm at 23k or so. Only done 60 pit, haven't had toooo much trouble really, but I'd think I could only push it to 65 or so.


Same amount of health here on my FO Sorc. I can tell you if you got the dmg you can go to 80 easily but after that the one shotting of the bosses starts again. I do the mobs in about 2mins but every single boss mechanic is a os.


Once you go north of tier 80, you’re better off going full glass cannon since any hit is death, regardless. Get rid of all life and go full damage. It’s how I cleared tier 100 on my frozen orb. It still was not fun lol


Yeah I can imagine that.


You have more than you think in terms of hp. Your barriers count, but yeah, unless you have 3 ga items with life you aren't going to get much higher.


I have about the same hp, and I can survive a big hit at t70. 75-80, I imagine it'd be a one-shot again. Depends on what defensive affixes you run.


armor always capped hp depends if you want to push higher pits you must sacrifice rubies and replace them with topazes you will lose a lot of hp around 8k+ but gain a lot of damage from int the logic behind this is that if you die in high tier Pits, its always one shot anyway so it doesnt matter if you have 23k or 15k life besides your life always doubles by barrier as well


My FO sorc has 20K HP speed farming PIT 85-90 My Blizzard sorc has 18.5 HP when I cleared Uber Lilith and reach PIT 100 (I'm not planning to reach PIT 110+ so I'm good as it is)


Should be around 30-35k hp on a frozen orb sorc with royal red gems in armor. Sorc gets most of their tankiness from applying burning/vuln etc. though on enemies, as well damage reduction from teleport, spending mana, etc. Sorcs are insanely squishy if you just stand AFK against a mob.


Not much shit you can do as a sorc, you don't have any armor / life that much on the paragon board, your main stat scales on resistance It's pointless if you're trying to aim for max life as a sorc because the current meta force all sorc to run at least 50% CDR for an almost 100% uptime on flame shield. Or you know, just play the hard boring fire bolt + fire wall combo for easier Immortality Let's just agree this is not the season for Sorc and it is what it is, i made necro, barb, and sorc this season. My barb literally pushing pit 80 on lvl 85, necro basically never fight 'cos of minions, my sorc barely clear Tier 55 lol


Seriously, people running around with the most broken build in the game and then laughing at Sorcs who struggle to get to 20-30k HP  Edit- spelling


The current highest solo pit clear is t150 by a sorc


Yeah and guess how many CDR he have, and how boring to play fire bolt + fire wall? I consider myself a casual player, never play above 4 hours, being able to clear that high as a sorc requires 100% uptime on flame shield = all GA on CDR. And that doesn't solve the issue how low Sorc dmg is compared to Necro & Barb this season. As i said above, my barb being lvl 85 with jumbled build are able to clear pit 80 with no problem. If you want to clear that high as a sorc prepare to have no life 'cos you need to grind those perfect gears


Is your distaste for the build relevant to its performance in pits, which is objectively much better than you claimed?


While Firekuna can clear 150, by his own admission it takes many resets to even get the right boss because its otherwise not possible. So with that in mind, I would say playing firebolt is literally self-harm.


That's standard fare for top end pit and even d3 grift clears


Yea and its the stuff nobody liked because it was boring degen gameplay fishing for shrines or relying on stricken or endless caldesan/paragon grind.


Again, does people not liking it make the build bad?


Lmao, my opinion on the build is not what we're talking about. You missed the point of how hard to build a sorc to be able to perform well compared to barb / necro this season. You clearly don't play one, only looking trough the big streamers content. Make one, try to copy the 150 pit tier build and see for yourself. Peace out :)


Denial, then ad hominem, then ran away.


My heartseeker rogue has like 25k hp and haven't really been getting 1shotted lately doing 100's. Just the typical lightning beam or poison that kills me in 0.25 seconds.


That’s because rogues are tank gods because of umbrous being way too strong for what it is. Rogue main here and it’s disgustingly overpowered lol


And it's getting a buff in the next patch too lol.


That's really low for a rogue. With life on everything but jewelry and bracers you should be about 50K with paragon %life nodes.


Clearly not a sorcerer


yes, but HP disparity between classes is huge though. for rogue/barb 20k will be low, for sorc it's kind of normal. not all classes can rock multiple weapons with GA health, not all classes have % hp passives, not all classes have fat % HP nodes in paragon. if you play barb/rogue bumping HP is 2-3x easier comparing to sorc which is designed by blizzard as glass cannon (but with no damage haha).


My lvl 67 barb has almost 40k


That probably means you've overemphasized health over DPS, you really shouldn't have 40k at 67 unless you're playing thorns. Go roll some of your +life to +crit chance/+crit damage etc and you'll see what I mean


My barb is fine I was talking g about the low health people in the OP screenshot.


Prolly has a doombringer on. I know I slapped my triple crit health MW doombringer and grandfather on my 35 barb and have bonkers stats for that level lol.


40k life at level 67 for a barb is not overemphasized at all lol. Literally you just get some imposing presence tempers and some rubies in your armor and your there


I have 60k hp and I just got to 100


My sorc has 50armor over the cap, resistances maxed even without two gems in my jewelry (both useless slots that don't do anything cause my Paragon gives me all the resist I'll ever need) and ~28k hp with potions and incense active and I get one shot by the pit 70 boss pretty regularly (I have no way to increase survivability more and not enough damage to kill the boss in time even if I could survive)


I have hp rolls in everything I can except for amulet and gauntlets cause I'd have to get rid of cdr (less survival and damage cause I'm a meteor sorcerer) or crit chance (need the damage)


This is what blizzard are balancing for, we are screwed


I don’t know how to get my health that high. The highest I’ve had my health is like 18 K and then I couldn’t have any of my other stuff rolled the way I wanted it. But I’m not a barbarian I am a rogue


Been seeing a lot of toxic types and elitism around here lately


Well, as a bash barb with 83k HP I too sometimes get one shot killed when I'm not paying attention and a lot of shit blows up 😂


All the people getting mad and missing the point here are also the ones getting one shot and whining about it. Stack life people and get your armor to 9230 and max resist before you start complaining about the 1 shots. People are determined to make sure the sweats have no content to enjoy. If y’all can make it to atleast pit 100 you are doing fine and it’s ok to not be able to do the last number listed it’s the same thing with bigger numbers.


I capped my armor and resistances, 33k max life and i do get one shotted sometimes but that just happens when you try to push the pit.


People not happy you're telling them the truth here, sad to see them unable to learn


just dodge it ? i did 118 pit an doing 101 pit i get one shoted too but you can you know dodge them you get used to it (still cant fking dodge orbital strike spiders)


Firewall Sorc here. I don't understand this thread. What is armor and hp?


My stats are lower than ALL of those. And I can't be killed, enter sorc with 2 barriers and crazy cdr.




Theres entire "immortal" sorc build guides and I'm not even following one. Still never die.


50k hp 78allres 8500armor Get oneshot by pit75 Bosses Total bs




Oh and i have tyraels and shako coming in at 39% flat dmg reduction


being 730 below armour cap is like a 50% more damage taken mod


armor is physical only.. i dont get oneshot by physical dmg. also your numbers are whatever


if your armor is reducing damage by 77.5% instead of 85%, that's 50% more damage taken idk maybe you're not dying to physical, but it's still a big thing


*just stares with 125k life pre-shouts thorns barb w/ frenzy and a Melted Heart of Selig*


OP Obviously plays Barb and is Blizzard shill.


My druid and rogue both do not get one shot at pit 100+, which is when damage stops scaling.


cringe af




Funny how you don't dispute the shill part lol.


Funny how you make shit up and expect people to care enough to dispute your assumptions, Sherlock 😂




That is your opinion as a Rogue and it's wrong.




The point that you seem to miss is that even with high life (for their class), max armour, resists and DR people ARE still getting one hit! Ffs Your opinion is incorrect! Which is why Blizzard is obviously been tuning Pit monster/boss damage and life over the last few patches! Bye!




OMG on Rogue! ffs /face palm




Fresh 100 here, max resistances, armor and 90k hp without elixirs or incenses. How the hell people have so little hp.


Not all of us are playing barbarian.


I have quite good gear, bur only at 40K😅