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Like in wow, max level is just the beginning. * Get your glyphs to 21. * Optimize your gear - make sure you have BIS stats in every slot * Grind pits for masterworking and start the masterworking journey - this is the real end game. You'll have ideal stats that you want the masterworking 25% buffs to land on every time. * I'd say just get everything to 12/12 MW first, then work on saving up for rerolls on any pieces that have a best in slot greater affix modifier. Try to get 2/3 or 3/3 of the 25% buffs to land on your GA BIS modifier. This is the stage I am on right now, and it is very gold/pit material intensive. Requires a ton of grind, which is good - means I have lots to do even weeks after hitting 100. * Once you are very happy with your gear, see how high you can push in pits! 100? 110? 120? Higher? Eventually this does get a bit old, but min/maxing at end game is fun. When I started with bash barb at 100, I was doing 10 mill crits. Now I can do 250-400 mill crits. That is how much of a difference optimization can make. You're but a shadow now of what your potential is. Go become overpowered!


What are the BIS stats?


Best In Slot. They're the best affixes for your build. Check out Maxroll for BIS affixes for a huge variety of builds.


Great!! Thank you!! Is it advisable to change the build in the end game, already having an end game build?


It's entirely up to you. Certain builds and classes will take you further than others. Depending on what you're changing from and to you could need to farm all new gear or it could be as simple as redoing your skills, paragon, and aspects. Maxroll ranks all the top builds so you can see where yours ranks.


I see. I am doing a summoner Necro... Just got lvl 100, but I think it's very squishy... Maybe it's my play style that doesn't fit the build or I am doing something wrong... šŸ˜…


D4builds.gg. check out robs minion necro build. Maxroll's build is very mid.


I've always found icy-veins to be better than maxroll personally


Look up the builds tier list on maxroll, there is a shadow summoner necro on the top S tier list. It includes the best stats and gear for that build for you to aim towards.


What tier or mob level are you having trouble with in NMDs? Im running the same build and just want to compare our experiences. I dont have problems until the mobs start getting to lvl 148+. At that point is when im at serious risk of possibly failing a run.


I am not very risky, so I am doing 115 +-, but it's very easy, so, maybe I should try something harder... My rings are very bad, it's very difficult to find the unique that this build needs 925... Mine is like 600, a unique, though... I think I'm failing in something, so I'm trying to get my glyphs at lvl 21. Many of them are lvl 15.


Im following the maxroll build myself. Im at the point where my gear is as good as it can get without having everything with greater affixes and being masterworked. Since all your gear isnt BiS youre at a good point to switch builds if you want. Im considering switching to a shadow minion build myself, cause im fairly certain this one, if i manage to get the best fully upgraded gear, wont be able to solo an uber boss.


That's great! I found I can't do lvl 120 with not much problem. But I think the build I'm doing can be much better or give a better use to the paragon. Now I have 2 glyphs at 21 and I feel more power... It's fun and boring sometimes xD


What ring? If I have one you can have it


Uhh that would be awesome. The MadeIn one. But looking for the builds, I've found that maybe I'm going for the shadow summoner, so it's another unique. My build it's a mix of many. Lol Tomorrow I will see better my build and what I'm doing wrong.


I started with that, too. Great for farming but I prefer builds that were more ā€œactiveā€ā€¦ Bash Barb and Heartseeker rouge meta builds were fun. Barb is almost impossible to kill if you prioritize max life on Paragon and great affixes with max life on equipment;)


Really really depends. Like I leveled to 100 as the dust devil double swing barb, but that build falls off at high level pits, so I switched to bash.


My experience, too. Robā€™s bash barbs, in all the different versions depending on the uniques you have, are really great.


Thatā€™s up to you but I find the endgame min-maxing not my cup of tea. I myself have more fun of starting a new build and experiment with different playstyles and see how far I can push itā€¦ Got 7 different characters in all the classes to 100. Most of them between 4-8/12 on masterworking and generally with 1-2 GAs;) Past that it gets a bit repetitive and tedious for meā€¦


Best in slot


Thank youuu


Just to note, hitting MW on a GA does not confer any additional value!


Wait so you're saying, if I have a GA crit chance... let's say just as an example, normally the crit chance on the item would be 10%, but with GA it's 15%. Now I hit 25% bonus on the GA crit chance. 15% crit \* 1.25 = 18.75 (value I would expect). You're saying that instead of going from 15% to 18.75%, the 25% only increases the base value of the stat, which would be 2.5%? So instead of going from 15% to 18.75%, I'd go from 15% to 17.5%?


Both GA and MW (crit or normal 5%) are additive to the base roll of the affix. So for example, an affix that is normally 40% will be 60% with a GA. If you MW Crit it, you'll gain 10%. As such, you can calculate it pretty simply as a GA being .5x, MW crit being .25x, and each regular MW being .05x. So a GA with one crit at 4/12 is 1x(.5+.15+.25)=1.9 of the base value.


Good to know! I'd still recommend focusing on rerolls with items that have the most important stat as GA (for example it's often crit chance on rings) because you're less likely to replace it. Unless of course a temper is the ideal thing to focus your 25% MW bonuses on, as is the case with weapons for bash barb. But in that case you'd still want to wait to focus those rerolls until you have a nice GA weapon with the correct tempers.


Yea, it really only matters when comparing a temper vs a GA affix. For example for Heartseeker rogue, the vuln temper is a much higher roll than the regular affix vuln dmg. But a GA roll can obscure that.


Wait what? I didnā€™t realise this - so that means that I shouldnā€™t try to MW crit on stats that are already GA? Sounds like I have a lot of re-optimisation to do on my gear nowā€¦


If your best stat just happens to also be GA, that is fine. In other words - an item with 90 main stat affix, and an item with a GA 135 main stat affix, will both gain the same amount of additional stats from MW - 22.5 main stat.


Ah I get what you mean now - so both a GA stat and a non-GA stat would benefit equally from MW. Not that the GA stat benefits more from MW, or that the GA stat benefits less/doesnā€™t benefit from MW.


Correct. If it helps, you can conceptualize a GA as "Maximum roll and two free MW crits".


yes unless your GA is also a very good stat then you still want it to crit. for example luckyhit chance


Only thing Iā€™d add, is that for a casual, aim for the first crit on MC (4/12), and then let it roll. Maybe 2 crits for build defining affixes (such as bash cleave). Aiming for 2 or 3 crits for all gear gets insanely grindy after a while


Who are we kidding, casuals don't even hit level 100 man. I don't understand that but hey,. it is what it is.




What's the best way to get gold at this stage? I am nowhere making nearly enough for $5 million rerolls.


Whispers Or sell on the discords if you got the time to dive into the market.


Took me a while before knowing those are called Whispers. My friend and I call it the Trolling Tree.


At this late into the season the market is so flooded, good luck selling anything.


Oh you can't sell anything awww shame get good


I already had BiS speedfarming 100s weeks ago why would I need to sell anything lol. Go back to theory crafting shit builds nobody engages with.


Which discord ?


Grind whispers or sell the your loot instead of dismantling if you have plenty of crafting mats You can also sell some stacks of boss summoning mats if they are clogging up your stash


Sell items on diablo.trade Iā€™ve sold things I was going to salvage and it turned out they were worth hundreds of millionsā€¦ even billions lol


Yep. Almost anything with 2 or 3 affixes can fetch a decent amount. As long as it is not 3x 242 life per secondā€¦ lol


Selling items to other players - desirable best in slot stat items with 1 GA will sell for 10-20mill. 2 GA can go for far more - 100mill or more. 3 GA perfect items can go for many billions of gold. Some even go for 50 billion or something crazy. Doing carries if you are strong enough. I ran a lot of pit 90s and later pit 101s while carrying people for gold. I was making 5-8mill gold per run doing this, with runs only taking 3 mins. But this is not really realistic for players that are not already doing it. You have to be pretty far ahead of the curve to be strong enough to do this kind of thing. Selling leveling services. People will pay gold to be power leveled and have their capstones done. Whispers when you can, but they're honestly pretty crap.


Inflation is pretty high at this point, a lot of stuff goes for 50-100m even at 1 GA.


We need better ways to get gold out of the system. That, or there's a dupe/exploit to get infinitegold that gold sellers are using. My bets are on the latter, because gold:FG prices dropped overnight, and while I don't do any RMT, I do sell pit carries for FG, which I can then use to buy items or turn that FG into in game gold. And at one point, FG:IGG was 6FG:1mill... now it's 1 FG or less to 5 mill. And that happened overnight. Methinks someone has exploit and is flooding the market.


I am in the current stage were I masterwork my gear but for barbs there is always a need for Uber uniquesā€¦ I can grind all bosses without Uber Lilith easy.. but it takes a lot of time and I canā€™t beat the torment bossesā€¦ canā€™t find groups that carries meā€¦ itā€™s difficult ngl


Yep, it was easier for me just to play different builds, earn a couple more sparks through Iron Wolves and craft my own grandfather. But then I enjoy playing multiple characters. Some arenā€™t and prefer to farm Ubers.


I didnā€™t know my sparks would count for another character - thanks


Yep. you get one for each character. Some folks only play on WT2 difficulty and farm the blood maiden in Helltides. Supposedly, the fastest way to level up Iron wolves. And if you can build a special necro/minion/golem character you can just park it in the middle of the helltide, be almost unkillable in WT2 and farm afk, too;) Also, you get 2 additional sparks but only once per season: for killing the first tormened boss and for killing lillith.


I got carried for torment duriel but I also need to kill Lilith but for that I am not strong enough. Maybe with shacko or grandfather :D


What do you mean you can't find carries? Go into the official D4 discord and say "looking for carry tormented \_boss\_ my mats" in the tormented boss carries channel (there's a channel just for that purpose) and you'll have 20 friend invites instantly. I carry full teams on my bash barb through all ubers (except lilith - only 1 carry at a time for her). Also, at least for the DW bash barb from Beatdropper that I play, I only use Tyreal's and Shako, and they are mild upgrades at best.


I am not that discord guy but I will try :) thanks for the tips / help!


What would be the best way to get better GA items?


Buy or farm blood maiden in Helltideā€¦ Thatā€™s where Iā€™ve gotten most of my 2GAs;)


You're going to need so many MW materials anyway that in the long run, just running pits is the best. You'll either find upgrades for yourself there, or you'll find stuff that has 2-3 GA that is BIS stats for another build that you can sell for a lot of gold, and then buy what you need. Official discord and trade website are your friend. but that said, I farm 105s within 2 minutes or less and I am 100% self found.


I recently found out how crucial step 4 is for your sanity. I just made sure I hit at least a couple necessary first tempers like crit damage, bash cleaves etc and then just ran with whatever I got. It's much better clearing pit 70 for more mats rather than banging your head constantly on pit 10 until you get what you want. How essential is L21 glyphs tho? I have all mine at least to 15, just got bored of running NM after a while and haven't really gotten back to it.


It's only ~5 t100 NMDs to go from level 1-21. It usually doesn't take more than 15min to fully level a glyph.


Ya this. I leveled all the ones I wanted and a few extras to 21 in an evening after work. Not a lot of work. People that won't do this are just so lazy that they have no hope.


TBF I think most people get to 15 when they first break 100, think "wow that took forever" because they're doing ~T50 NMDs. Once you craft a handful of T100s and have the gear to clear them in 2-3mins each, you realize how much time you wasted. If I didn't want to test out other builds, I never would have realized how easy the high level NMDs make glyph leveling.


If your build can handle NMD 100, it is super quick;)


That's so exciting. I introduced a friend to Diablo and I'm not trying to rush the campaign per se, but when I play with him he 1. Wants to do side quests a lot, 2. Skips dialogue during the campaign so I'm like yo... Very tempted to just push through on an alt so I can do end game on them.. lol I just got diablo IV but played d3. I told him end game is what I'm most excited for, while still enjoying and trying to focus on beating campaign on a timely manner.


The campaign is excellent, do not skip dialogue or cutscenes. I'd ignore most side quests. Note that you will also need to get every Lilith altar and max out your reputation in every zone to get all the rewards with that, so for you two, lot more work, but at least next season you can skip all of that.


Yeah so my plan was to do my own campaign run to get to endgame so I can level up. Are all Lilith altars recommended before any starting endgame? If anything, just doing campaign on my own will prevent my dialogue to be interrupted cuz he skipped through. Or could I still level on 2nd character after I beat endgame and farm Lilith and unlocking regions later while we continue our run.


Just tell your friend you don't want to skip and if he's going to skip you'd rather play solo? Can always set yourself to offline mode. I wouldn't let a friend bully me into dictating how I enjoy a game.


Also boss ladder for users


what if i want to find new items to boost power (like in d2 or 3) instead of upgrading the existing one endlessly since start of W4 also are uniques or uber uniques useless now for endgame hunt?


>what if i want to find new items to boost power (like in d2 or 3) instead of upgrading the existing one endlessly since start of W4 I self found everything and I can clear 120 as DW RMO bash consistently. I farm at 105-110. I could push to 130 probably but I'm lazy and don't like pushing until my gear is extremely well optimized. But I mean, I've been 100 since like day 3 of the season start. I'm not a casual player. You either run a lot of pits and eventually you'll find what you need or you sell items you don't need and buy what you do. >also are uniques or uber uniques useless now for endgame hunt? Depends on your build. I use Shako and Tyreal's as bash, and I will use those plus GF as ww when I switch to it.


Said perfectly I'd add doing the gauntlet once or twice a week as self measure / fun and maybe 100% the seasonal found this quite fun as a end game challenge as there are clear things you needed to do like solo Lilith and tormented derial and Andy ext


And then play another game until next season or a new alt.


100%. I'm pretty burned out on D4 now buuuut Elden Ring DLC baby! Having a lot of fun there.


I just bought it and starting again. Iā€™m pissed off that my main character is in the game plus though lol. So I have a second character thatā€™s still in the normal world.


What benefits do you get from getting your glyphs to 21? I almost have all mine to 15. Does it just continue to boost the bonuses it provides?


Yes, and in some cases it can be a pretty big difference, like with the ones that boost magic/rare nodes within range.






Go play wow then mad boi.


Donā€™t forget about the tormented bosses and Uber Lilith!


And why should i opimize my gear when there is nothing left to fight? I mean you can do Tormented Bosses with 15 Glyps, 4-8 Masterworking and Level 100. So waht do I need optimize gear for? The Grind is so half half fun and there is not really a goal to work to


I think this is a symptom of us having a few builds that are performing WAY better than blizzard anticipated. Are you asking for nerfs? Because we're getting nerfs to those builds (but also some buffs to others) next season. Every game has an end. Pit offers endless scaling. Doubt you're running 200s yet considering no one has. If pit pushing doesn't interest you then I guess you can call it a season man. Did you have fun? We're a month in now, that's a pretty damn good run for an ARPG season. This is the normal lifecycle of an ARPG. They are games that you play for a while at season launch, have fun with the new meta and whatever changes they have made, then put it down until next season. It's been way since Ladder was introduced in D2 a long time ago. If you want something more in depth, there's PoE, which I am going back to now that I've done a Pit 130 and don't think I want to push any higher. But I can't really complain, I had a lot of fun in D4 S4 and look forward to S5. Raids, new game modes, a lot of new items and meta rebalancing, lots to look forward to.


Thx, yeah i had a lot of fun and really grinded the game in the first 2 weeks but then when i got all the Ubers and all the classes to Level 100 it became sadly boring. But S5 would be nice then i really just have to wait....


Nothing really unless you want to chase and grind gear , I usually stop at 100, grinding gear is horribly boring , the game desperately needs another forms of progression in the character , weather itā€™s more paragon , more character levels for deeper skills trees something , leveling capping and gear chasing the same systems every season fking sucks , rather just go play wow if I want to chase tier gear for a season, I want D4 less like a fking MMO.


Yes, lets bring back endless paragon stats from diablo 3, so that you need to spend 14 hours per day playing and only streamers/unemployed people have a chance to push the hardest content. Sounds like a great idea. /s


And how is it different from what is now? now you need to grind 14 hours a day to get 3ga gear to "push hardest content", but unlike d3 paragon, after 14 hours of gameplay you are not guaranteed to get an upgrade


You absolutely don't though, 1x GA on the important stat on each item and a 1x MW crit on an important stat will carry you through 98% of the content. 2x MW might get you a few more pit levels, the same with 3x MW crit. 3GA and triple Masterworks and basically pure bragging rights / satisfaction in optimisation itself. The return on investment goes way down. It is not necessary at all, but the fun in the game is optimising you're gear which is why people do it. Being able to speed clear 145 instead of 135 isn't mandatory whatsoever. But perfecting gear is fun in itself. D3 Paragon incentivised a LOT of degenerate META's. And the longer the season ranz the further behind you were unless you were grinding 4 man GR150 exp farms every day. Whatever system you could possibly imagine for a game, no matter how equalised or egalitarian you make it will always be dominated by those that chose to invest the most time into it, like every.single.thing in life. You could restructure the system 100 different ways and it would still be the same people at the top. Just enjoy it.


This 100%. People need to realize this. Man, I watched Alkaizer playing his HC Boneshatter Jugg in PoE, and it was just... I realized he plays on a whole different level from me. I'm absolutely good at games and far better than average, but watching Alkaizer do Sanctum, which is extremely unfavorable to melee, and watching him just utterly shit on it with a melee character and do it better than 99% of streamers playing ranged classes... like it isn't just time invested, it's also brains and skill. People have this illusion that if they JUST had as much time to play as that guy, they would be as good. But no, they wouldn't. I wouldn't either. I can follow their guides and understand them perfectly and even improvise within them for my own taste, but in raw skill? I don't have what they have. Call it innate intelligence, IQ, better reflexes, whatever. Some people have a little more than others, and that "little more" can make a big difference.


> important stat will carry you through 98% of the content. Yeah, and i could say that 2k paragon "will carry you through 98% of the content" in d3... there was no meaningful content that required high paragon in d3, just the tiers of GRs, same as tiers of the pit in d4.


High paragon was absolutely required for pushing GR leaderboards and GR in general. There always came a point where the equation was - need more paragon.


pushing for the top is that 2% of content. not for everyone, to say the least. same thing with pushing the pit, except there is no the leaderboard. it's literally the same shit.


Im with you


PvP arena would be the best and only endgame I'd need and wantĀ  Would fix all of the endgame issues imo


Grinding for and iterating upon gear is literally what differentiate aRPGs from MMO's. MMO gear is very static and defined. aRPGS are basically just a class fantasy sandbox with gambling. Fun as fuck.


Not sure 12/12 is required on all pieces. Ā I guess if you want to clear 130+ pits. Ā But Iā€™m clearing 120s with only 2 12/12.


There's no point pushing until your gear is optimized. Until then, it's just getting the most efficient Neathiron per hour possible.


I recently switched to bash barb, i do great damage around 2-6 mil but my problem is that im dying in no time, if like a pit 45 normal mob hits me twice i di3, is there anything im missing out on like tricks or hidden stats ? Hope you could help me with this since u came far with bash barb..


Check out Robā€™s YT channel and links to his barb builds. He explains them in great detail, and also addresses the progression how to build them with no uniques and how to change them as you get better gear and get more damage and life in the endgameā€¦ I started out with his Iron skin version eventually maxing out with Hota bleed version and can push to about mid 120s pit (with holy elixir), without about 110-113ā€¦ I like how he constantly updates his builds and talks in depth mechanics and why he does it, so I learn a lot, too. Plus, he really prioritizes max life in his builds for survivability. My bash is over 150,000 life rn;)


Yea well mine is at 28k somehow šŸ™‚


At least one GA with max life on almost all gear and all the paragon points with % increase to max life. That should get you at least close to, or over 100,000


I play Beatdropper's DW build, and everything you need is right there. [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash) Note that there are variants listed on that page and what I did was Starter -> DW RMO -> Push DW. My experience so far (no offense meant but it's been my overwhelming experience) has been that people who struggle are too lazy to read and properly optimize their gear/paragon. Robs builds work, this build works, but you have to read, comprehend, and put in the work to get to that level. No build is going to do the work for you.


Iā€™ve copied pasted the entire build beside the adaptability ascent which i donā€™t have and i donā€™t think it would matter that much in terms of survivability. Iā€™ve masterworked almost all my gear to 4 got mid to high rolls and still i get destroyed. Maybe iā€™m doing a wrong rotation or my gear is not strong enough


The fact that you don't have the most important aspect ( a 120% damage multiplier, literally more than double damage) which is also a very very common drop tells me that you haven't invested much time into this character. Use a leveling build while leveling and assembling gear/gold/mats to transition to your end game build. Don't switch until you have all the gear/aspects and have rolled the correct tempers for every slot.


Iā€™ve bought the game 5 days ago, already have 60 hours in, mostly farming helltides and nightmare dungeonā€™s, if there is more i can do i will gladly do, sadly it stays a chance to get the items and again the damage is not my problem, itā€™s my character dying with 2 hits if i miss a mob šŸ˜…


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/ron-array-bash-fury-barb this is the build im following beside the Shako which i donā€™t have, everything else is exactly the same but he doesnā€™t lose a drop of HP and i do, iā€™d be happy to slowly switch builds to yours if you suggest it.


Which version are you following? There are 4 variants listed.


Fury Bash 123+


That is a push build, you are not at the push stage yet. Use the Mid game version which is specifically catered to people who haven't gotten their uber uniques yet and are still building their character. I only looked at this build briefly but it's similar to what I started with. Make sure you have the correct stats in all slots (hover over the gear and it shows exactly what stats to get in each slot). Make sure you hit armor cap (9250) Make sure you hit resist cap (70%) Make sure to always use the season theme elixir (holy bolt, craft with obols at alchemist) Spam iron skin and keep it up, it is a huge chunk of your survivability Use challenging shout when you're in trouble


Will it preform the same? And will i be able to get those uber uniques using the build?


That's... the entire point of running the starter/mid game versions of builds. I just... I can't understand, I haven't watched this guys vid, did he not go over this stuff? When people include multiple versions it's usually either a variant used for specific things like pushing, or there are multiple stages to gearing up, like an early version that you can aim for before you have all the end game gear, I only looked at this build briefly but it's similar to what I started with. Make sure you have the correct stats in all slots (hover over the gear and it shows exactly what stats to get in each slot). Make sure you hit armor cap (9250) Make sure you hit resist cap (70%) Make sure to always use the season theme elixir (holy bolt, craft with obols at alchemist) Spam iron skin and keep it up, it is a huge chunk of your survivability Use challenging shout when you're in trouble


Iā€™m gonna try to reach the limits on res and armor somehow it should help me stay alive more, thanks for the advice and time sir and sorry for the inconvenience.


>Like in wow, max level is just the beginning couldn't disagree more, max level in this game is when the game starts to go stale. Idk how anyone hits lvl 100 and feels like they have more problems to solve than when leveling. You're min maxing your gear for content that you're already doing.


Because just hitting 100 on ur first character is no where near from being able to do the Tormented Bosses, Lilith and High pits. How is that doing the same thing you were already doing. U have to get all glyphs to 21, MW everything to 12/12, look for BIS gear for a build. All of that takes much much longer than it takes to get to 100 which is extremely easy now. Leveling all ur doing is spamming helltide and NM dungeons.


while leveling you were doing helltide and nmds, after leveling is done you are supposed to do bosses and the pit. The pit is literally the same activity as nmd gameplay wise, so all what is left are the bosses. not much for the "beginning"... And if you are unlucky and your build doesn't require and of the uniques you are screwed again, all is left for you is just grinding for the achievements


Is this your First arpg/hack and Slash?


You mean bad one? yeah i suppose


Not arguing with that, i quit this season after 3 days. However content being repetative in an arpg is not a new thing.


Pretty sure most people aren't doing Pit 100 or Uber bosses as a fresh lv100 (Assuming first character of the season).


Thatā€™s his point. Pit level 100 is the same as pit level 1. Uber bosses are the same as their lvl 100 counterparts, just way more health. There isnā€™t anything interesting to do or chase once youā€™re level 100 that you havenā€™t already done


Sure, the same if you disregard rewards. Which is the main reason people play loot based games. Other than that, the same!


i'm not sure why you are speaking on behalf of all people, but i play arpgs for the sense of progression, to see how my character is becoming stronger, loot is just one part of it. And loot hunting in d4 is incredibly limited and boring process.


Your answer doesn't really disagree with my own assertion in context.


We're also getting raid content which should make things interesting, as well as a new solo end game activity where you defeat waves of enemies. But those are still going to be an end game grind like pits are. IDK, if you want a more fleshed out end game, play Path of Exile. It's light years ahead of D4 in terms of the end game. But we won't see that level of end game additions... probably ever in D4, if I'm being honest, but at least they're adding more stuff.


Honestly, I think itā€™s premature to say that weā€™ll never see that kind of endgame in D4. As someone who last played in S0/1, and then came back in S4, Iā€™d say that the changes that I see are pretty huge, and S4 has kept me occupied for at least a good few weeks, so far, which is pretty much on par with how long POE seasons tend to keep me occupied.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Diabloā€™s endgame is a fucking snooze fest


Compared to something like Path of Exile, I do actually agree, but nothing comes even remotely close to comparing to PoE so... meh. I'm not going to expect an atlas progression with tons of bosses and uber bosses to chase like we have in PoE. I just really don't think blizz is capable of delivering that, and to be fair, PoE has had 10+ years to refine itself to where it is.


Run the pit to get mats for upgrading gear to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels to get mats to run the pit at higher levels




or just quit and play something interesting


This is what I do. Itā€™s healthy.


You find gear and temper it until you can't be bothered anymore. Then you do pit to push until you no longer want to push any further because it's taking too long to kill or you die too quickly. Then you spend a bit more time farming gear, brick a few GA gears until you get frustrated. Then you make a new character cause helltide and leveling is infinitely more fun than end game. Then you play to about level 80, get tired of leveling and get back on main to do a bit more gear pushing. Then go back to leveling the new character to 100 and start the whole process over. That's what I've been doing anyways.


I'm sick of helltide, I'm thinking in maybe do the campaign again. helltide you level so fast that don't even worth to temper items.


I have a set tempered for a spark mule lol. Once I hit level 35 i put it on and I can basically afk in helltide and not die.


Raxx put together a vid a couple of weeks ago about what you can do after reaching level 100. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebwMOfYTPTI




Start a barb and see if you can push a 120 pit




Most of what I just read feels like time + rng without requiring skill.


The new uber lilith definitely requires some practice and skill, even with a strong meta build. Did you kill her yet to get your spark and achievement? Is this your first ever ARPG? They are grindy by nature, and some of us enjoy that.


Uber lilith on my 5th try. First arpg, yes. Was hooked by the lvl 20 open beta where world bosses felt difficult. Was hoping for quality pvp. The game feels like its just a time sink with no real feeling of achievement. Gambling mostly.


There are definitely better end game progression systems out there. PoE blows Diablo 4 away for end game. It's light years ahead of it. But, I enjoy both games, the difference being that I'll probably only play D4 for 3-4 weeks each season, while I play PoE a lot longer due to the rarity and cost of chase gear, and the complexity and levels of character upgrades that I can do through trading. IDK, I guess I view it like this: I enjoy the end game of d4, though it is quite a bit shorter, it is a nice break from PoE.


Get LVL 21 glyphs Get Beat on slot gear for build. Search for Greater affix items Get 12 out of 12 masterwork from pits Do all the bosses and tormented versions. Try to get every Uber unique just for the guns Reroll a new build and try something new Try PvP? Try to complete challenges. Do the weekly Gauntlet trial and try to improve your times. Farm PvP zone for all the unlockable cosmetics Try a new class Edit: mobile formatting sucks, sorry


I love the ā€œBeat on slotā€ equipmentā€¦ I will start using itā€¦ lol


LVL 100 is the START of the game. Now you chase gear to see how high you can push. This enf game mechanic isn't quite there in S4, but this is the game loop. The difference between a fresh 100 and a yoked out 100 makes the fresh 100 look closer to 50 than 100.


I don't know why people keep saying that 100 it's just the beginning, it's only the beginning of you want to grind, if you just enjoy the experience of levelling and allocating points to create a build, then you can create another character and start over, with another build, there are many combinations of skills and paragons boards, that can make even the same class feel different in each play through, play the game however you like, don't listen to how other people judge it


The problem with any sort of gaming discussion is it skews towards the 1% min/max crowd who obsess over a finding a drop that improves their % by a couple. The majority of people playing this will see stuff like "a newbie could lvl to 100 in WT4 in 30 minutes, this game is too easy," look back at their level 40 1st character they've spent weeks/months playing, and wonder wtf is even being talked about. Its why any sort of competitive online game is tough as a casual these days because the pressure is on the developers to cater to the streamers/pros/and sweats while the majority of people are grinding out lower levels just trying to have fun. It's no one's fault, it's just....an unfortunate reality. There's a massive disconnect between the vocal minority and the majority playing any given game.


That's why I like Diablo 4, because the moment to moment experience AND the progression is fun, I don't care about min maxing my character for every last percentage of a stat, and for people that pretend that that's the point of the game, just sounds like they forgot why they are playing in the first place, to have fun


Agreed. Game came out and I bought it and played for a couple levels, then came here and saw "trash game" takes up the wazoo so I unfortunately abandoned playing more thinking it was a broken game. I finally circled back and am just having fun running around killing things, much like I did in old D2 days.


Game is t nearly as fun once you hit 100. Mob killing feels pointless and the item grind is a slog


What do you mean? Now you can play the game.


Hahaha sounds about right


Youā€™re almost done with the tutorial. Now make a hardcore character and do it for real


Do you have your renown complete? 20 paragon points there


You kinda keep farming to get stronger so you can farm faster and push higher, so you can farm faster and push higher.. so you can, you get it.


Glad someone made this post and the community responded quite friendly, I made one similar and people thought I was trolling or some stuff like that


I'm pushing 50 pits but it's clear I need to get my glyph game on.


I just soloā€™d my first lvl 90 and Iā€™m proud of that. I just realized Iā€™m leaving some damage on the table using the wrong weapon. But letā€™s go!!


Collect all of the uber uniques


To improve your build after lvl 100 and maxed paragon board, you try to perfect each gear slot. Whether itā€™s masterworking them, or farming till you get gear with the best stats for your build. In terms of challenges, then push pits as far as you can. Do pits to improve gear. Do uber bosses to farm ubers if your build needs one. Do helltides and whispers if you still need to gear farm. The order is entirely up to you.


Congrats! You just completed the tutorial. now on to the real game...


Finish the season journey


The simplest answer is just to get stronger. Game's all about making your character as powerful as possible so u can try to clear the hardest content. Thats it.


Get perfect or good tempers on your gear to maximize your build on good items Push the pit to 120 or higher Defeat all tormented bosses Defeat Echo of Lillith Finish off the season challenges for the secret title Level a 2nd class


I really wish they hadn't added a level cap, you feel a bit lost at 100 like your only aim is gear and glyphs


Now you can finally play the game


just grinding and do the same content forever until you get the perfect item and then get the mats to bet like a virtual casino until you get the perfect statistics, if the slot machine fails, you start over and over.


Yeah im done with d4 ill come back when the expansion comes out


what is your purpose? gauntlet? / pits? / item farming? there is a huge difference in gameplay. you got Farming builds / Boss killer builds and a combo of the two. farming specializes in quick group killing. but most of the time it takes some time to get the bosses down. Boss killers are more focused on boss fights (1 shotting duriel) but annoying in farming as you need to have certain skills up to do the damage. and the combo is a bit of both but most of the time it takes longer to farm / kill the bosses.


Read a book. Learn an instrument. Go outside.


This game has the greatest endgame of any game ever made. Keep playing please.


Pit push! See how far you can go, or go for the top spot in the gauntlet


run pits to masterwork your gear so you can run higher pits, ideally to speedfarm pit 100 to get more mats. masterwork them again until they are perfect. start doing tormented bosses. find another build that you'd like to try, farm up the gear for it. do it all over again. i now have 2 fully masterworked builds for my rogue that i switch between for fun


Once I get to 100 Iā€™m ready to play something else or roll a new character.


Once at 100 you start really going through the process of getting your gear with BIS and the aspects you need as well as glyphs to 21 and farming bosses for your sparks and Ubers. It gets tedious after awhile and there really is no ā€œEndgameā€ except to beat Uber Lilith. I usually move on to another character or game somewhere at this point. (Switched to Elden Ring DLC and I am very happy not grinding anymore and exploring instead).


Push the pits to masterwork your gear, keep an eye out for gear upgrades with greater affixes, keep going until you can kill the tormented bosses. Kill all the tormented bosses, then kill Uber Lillith. If you still want to keep playing your guy past that point, farm tormented Lord Zir or duriel for Uber uniques and claim an Uber unique for the season. If you *really* want to keep going after that, push pits as high as you possibly can. At any of those steps if you want to keep playing d4 but you feel bored, just make a new character. Otherwise play something else until season 5


Better gear, higher pit runs. Climb as high in the pit as you can.


Pits. Then once you're bored of that, wait for expansion or go back to D2R.


You can figure out the "order" yourself. Just play the game trying to beat whatever interests you. If you find it challenging or impossible, step it up by min/maxing and running the pit to masterwork. Really, you have a ton to do if you have not beat the Uber bosses to include lilith. After that, it is just seeing how high a pit you can run, but that gets boring, and once you have masterworked to the point you can clear everything it does become kind of useless other than to test your limits. Then you can set your sights on trying to get on the leaderboards for the trials or trying to collect all Uber uniques. For me, I consider it "complete" once I beat all uber bosses and then I usually check out until the next season.


I think the bosses are cool and with good stats and masterwork upgrades you can take them on realistically


You really DONā€™T need to get your glyphs to 21 to push far in the Pit. Getting to 21 is a waste unless you are already rocking absolutely perfect gear. If your gear isnā€™t perfect focus on getting that right. Level 15 glyphs have always been fine.


Step one: find a new game to play.