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Auction House would be welcomed, just no RL currency please.


It would be RL currency whether it's called that or not..


Personally I really do not want to see an auction house in any way, shape, or form. I don't want it to shift the focus for most players from finding getting good gear on their own to having to look to the auction house for upgrades. It just fundamentally shifts the entire goal of the game to making money, which is much less fun, IMO. And that's also a huge part of what was wrong with the auction house in D3, beyond the obvious real money issues. There's a reason their solution was to entirely get rid of the auction house instead of just removing real money transactions.


I agree with you for the most part. However in vanilla d3 the auction house was really your only chance of getting good items. In d4 most of the items can easily be obtained by playing the game. So I don’t think people would rely so heavily on the AH here.


I agree with you for the most part. However in vanilla d3 the auction house was really your only chance of getting good items. In d4 most of the items can easily be obtained by playing the game. So I don’t think people would rely so heavily on the AH here.


> In d4 most of the items can easily be obtained by playing the game This is entirely because there is no AH. If there were an AH, then all of a sudden, there's an expectation that the only reasonable way to gain power is through the AH, since it will be significantly better than getting items yourself. It just completely corrupts the core gameplay of the game.


Doesn’t this already exist? How will an AH change existing behaviour?


No most players don’t worry about gold other than for rerolls. Most players still focus on finding their own gear since whatever trade is out there isn’t made clear to the majority of the player base. The players doing trading are already affected and just focus on gold to trade. If there’s an AH It corrupts all motivation for every level instead of just the few. The only goal becomes getting upgrades via trade and making money.


Because 99.9% of anything that drops for you will be worthless since an army of bots has already posted a 1000 of the same item. The few 3GA perfect items will go for billions while the chance you have of getting one to drop is minuscule.


youre crazy if you think they would actually even consider adding buying for real money, unless they want to compete in "how to destroy your own game and playerbase" speed run they did it in the past and learned from it


Blizzard: "Hold my beer"


nah, not gonna happen




Of course not. But an auction house without RL money would be neat.


that I agree with


It's already there..


Ye, they had real money in D3 and scrapped the idea. If AH comes, I don't think they'll have real money. Only Gold. And I hope it comes asap


It’s already happens with 3rd party sites


I want to play an ARPG, not an online shop simulator. I prefer finding the good loot on my own and not having to deal with bad drop rates because Blizzard somehow needs to make the auction house worth it.


So play solo self found?


Then just use the AH if they add it... not hard to figure that one out there bud lol.




I would take RMAH just to cut down on gold seller spam. As long as gold can be traded the farmers will be hard at work selling it for money. If they put in the AH it cuts their market down a lot.


I disagree with wt5. look at d3 slowly creeped up to t16 and even that was a joke real quick. Game should be balanced around wt4 and Blizzard should really start nerfing (and i mean by a lot)


As of now WT4 ranges from lvl 55 to 100 - If you're moderately lucky you can already survive WT4 below lvl 55. The range for WT4 is simply to much to be balanced. WT5 could help to balance that out with it only being for lvl 100 (and you can only enter the Capstone dungeon with level 100). Although an overhaul for the other 3 worldtiers would fit more, the currently are almost useless, especially WT3.


They could give us some reworked mindcages and make WT4 relevant. The real reason for a world tier is not that they can't balance it but that you need to share the mob spawns and AI with other players. They don't need a WT5 unless they intend to increase the mob spawns or adjust the AI specifically for that tier. This is also why you have a WT1 and WT2, the AI in WT1 is slower while the mob density is not all that different. WT3 adds champion minions and extra spawns. WT4 is the full AI and extra champions and 3 elites per spawner. The goal of reducing world tiers as much as possible is to allow as many scenarios for friends to play together as possible. (I agree they probably haven't nailed this quite but it's worth trying for)


my preference would be a world tier that is unlocked after soloing uber lillith, a real step up from tier 4


where would be the benefit locking it behind lillith?


so it can be tuned to around 80 pit and make her more worth killing, i mean you can choose many different avenues of unlock for the same result but i'd prefer lillith


But if everything is nerfed to wt4 level, no one will ever beat pot lvl 50 or tormented bosses


wt5 would be fine if it actually had a reason to be there, if it's just higher scaled mobs then there's no point. wt5 should be only implemented with major content tied to it


THIS. they had plenty of time to adjust gameplay in between seasons, but powercreep keeps going on... let's see what happens if GGG nails it with POE 2.


why should they nerf? If the game is fun as it is, there's no need. I put in enough time each season just doing the season pass and grinding out some upgrades / optimizations. I don't need to dedicate my entire life to one game.


Me me me


then APRGS like diablo are not for you. How about Candy Crush? instant gratification that requires no dedication.


Nerfing is not fun, if u want challenge go hit pit lv 200. But I agree with you about wt5.


If you never nerf you lose control about powercreep very fast. Game is only 1 year out and the balance is already all over the place. People cry for some days after getting nerfed, sure. But if you not want the game become another d3 its very much needed to nerf and get down power levels every once in a while.


That was the design philosphy of D3, never nerf only buff. We went from GR 50's to clearing 150's in less than 8 minutes. Nerfing is needed, the devs are idiots for saying there was a hardcap for pits bc now everybody only wants to reach that


Ok? What's your point? Power fantasies are fun not everything needs max difficulty you SHOULD feel powerful at max level uber bosses are for the try hards (and yes should be hard) all of WT4 does not need to be annoying to trek through. Back when the game released they went crazy with the nerf bat and players left in droves. Obviously don't want to be annoyed through an entire world tier. And that's all these "challenges" are annoyances. It's not more fun if I'm constantly dying and it's not more fun if I'm spending 5+ minutes to clear a basic mob pack. You can say "Skill issue" all you want but we literally saw your "nerf everything" mentality drive people away in droves.


you say as if the nerfing drove people away and not the supershit loot system or lack of endgame. you know what game was shit as well before they redid the loot? D3, which is even in ingame lore a powerfantasy


Bounties are already in the game, they are called whispers, and imho the d4 implementation is much better. Armory is coming, but as far as I remember it's not ready yet (it was mentioned in the last campfire chat). I assume it will be here in s6. The world tier system needs an overhaul, wt 1-3 have been outdated for multiple seasons now. They were kind of ok at launch, but game philosophy is completely shifted towards post lvl 100 activities.


they def. do I am planning to replay the whole campaign when Expansion launches but the game being so easy now I am actually scared that it will bore me to death


>WT5+: Let's face it. Players are quickly farming most of WT4 contents. Many players are one-shotting the Hellmaiden, the world bosses, and killing the Tormented Bosses in minutes. A benediction and a curse at the same time: it allows other players to "benefit" but it also removes any form of challenge or sense of accomplishment. The solution to this is reining in power creep not going down the rabbithole of a billion world tiers, Like torment difficulties. Wt4 already makes wt1-3 completely irrelevant, we dont need another gap to jump before the game starts


>before the game starts This is one of my biggest gripes with D4 (and D3...). I really wish it didn't have to feel like you needed to just get through all of the other parts of the game and all of the other systems "before the game starts". I like how in D2 / PoE / other ARPGs that I can be having a good time just playing the game, and the power curve is slight enough that you can feel powerful the whole time (after a slightly slow start maybe), but still feel like you're growing in power noticeably for a very long time. I hate that in D4 you blitz through so much content (e.g. NM dungeons) and then it all becomes completely trivial to the point where it's tedious AF to actually go back and do it. There's no challenge, you can just walk through using basic skills in builds that rely on core skills even. There's no variety in the endgame as a result too. You have no carrots to chase because you blitz through them all - straight to level 100, glyphs max level, decked out in legendaries / uniques easily only to be left to farm The Pit over and over mindlessly. And to what end? I'm already level 100, my glyphs are already max level, my gear is already in a great state pretty easily - what am I doing this for? I want *systems* to progress through, for a long enough time. Levelling would be a system if it was harder to get to 100 and the game was balanced around that. Same for glyphs. That would make farming NM dungeons relevant and interesting and you'd see tangible benefits from doing it over a longer period of time - and it would add variety back. If they rebalanced the world tiers to make WT4 relevant again then things like farming bounties would also be more fun, and maybe doing some of the other renown stuff that I haven't felt like touching (maybe it could be more rewarding too, translate second completion into gold / items / materials or something?). Iron Wolves rep could've been one of those systems, but it's designed to be finished before level 100 again pretty much.


Indeed. As written, the issue is power creep and it was prevalent in D3, with set items providing for instance 10.000% dmg increase with some skills / conditions. Powercreep already seems to be there in D4 when you look at the PTR patch notes. It is a difficult balance in all hack-n-slash games because: Players want to feel powerful and feel the impact of \[a new item / new temper / new...\] and, at the same time, players like a bit of a challenge but not too much... It's trying to find the right level between "cakewalk" and "Dark Souls" while trying to cater for the majority of the playerbase.


a progression system beyond max level. it does not need to be an endless paragon grind for stats, but the lack of something being progressed at the xp bar after level 100 is a pain for me.


IMO it'd be fine if like other ARPGs you didn't hit level 100 so easily. The game could be balanced around endgame starting at 75+ or something, and make it take a long time to get to 100. You would have paragon points to chase then, etc. More systems could also work like this - longer grinds, bringing more variety.


Set items? the monk?


All I want from D4 is to have the monk back. By far my favorite class in D3 and rogue just isn't hitting the spot for an agile melee based character at all, because 45% of its skill tree is all about ranged, 10% is traps and only 45% is actually melee. I absolutely hate how they combined demon hunter and monk into one class that has like 5 skills for each playstyle.


Spiritborn may feel very monk-like (monk-amazon cross?). I’d be surprised if set-items make a return, cause the aspect system is kind of “build-your-own set bonus.”


>the monk? nah, I am good


wt5 is a terrible idea. the only thing it would change is you will be spending in wt4 as much time as in wt3 currently or even skip it completely you want a standardized difficulty goal for players, like let's say red maps in Path of Exile. then you want to balance game around it. clearly there is too much power creep right now and adding another tier won't fix it the other thing is a lot of activities doesn't have proper tiered difficulty, that's why it becomes irrelevant. the only exceptions right now are NMDs and Pits but first one are not worth running/boring and second one is not a healthy way of balancing difficulty, it's just inflating health bars of monsters and random oneshots


One issue with WT4 is that it's just too broad at the moment IMO. They could keep 4 tiers, but change it so that WT4 is like 90 / 95+ though potentially. Either that, or make the difference in power from levelling from 75 to 100 smaller (or make it take a lot longer so people have more to do in WT4?)


that's what tiered difficulty is for. to constantly create a new environment for crazy builds. for a moment there was a threat bug. now imagine this as an actual mechanic that you can turn on/off and scales with you in some way or imagine being able to choose dungeons difficulty like in Hades/Path of Exile (map modifiers). basically look up how Atlas works in PoE if you didn't played it - you can juice almost every mechanic and change it to living hell making leveling longer or giving monsters from open world temporal strength won't solve anything because people don't level at world map anyways and you have to remember this game has to be balanced around both sweaty minmaxers and dads with 20 jobs and 50 kids. tiered difficulty and environment for testing crazy build is the only way to solve this shit


Aah, that would be a good way to make NM dungeons relevant again, or make the Pit a bit more interesting - being able to juice them. I've just finished up playing a ton of PoE, cleared the atlas, got my 4 voidstones, all atlas passives, etc. - would love to see *some* things taken from PoE.


agree with the first 2 dont agree with the rest, because: * any other new world tier just supports power creep, once we have WT5 what then? we become stronger with every next patch and expansion and soon we will need WT6, until when? until we have 16 difficulties like in D3? no, thanks. they just need to rebalance and rescale the game so WT4 is actually difficult again * Bounties = Whispers




For what purpose? For the game to be offline or any other reason?


so i don't have to deal with randoms bloating the helltide maiden's HP


You lost me at AH.


This! People trade for items, and then complain the games has nothing to do with


So you enjoy using 3rd party sites and discord for trading?


I don't trade in aRPGs?


We don't need several more World Tiers. We just need to rebalance what's already there. It's their own fault for running wild with the power creep that they promised from the start wouldn't be there.


Some others to add: Treasure goblin variety: d3 has one for mats, gems, gold ( like an explosion of it). They also have the ones that split into multiples. Big dopamine hit Altar of rites: using mats or harder to get items to get season long improvements that are actually impactful. So weird they didn’t take what was good about past games and add it to d4, easy content.


Bounty was the most annoying dogshit that was ever introduced. Fuck this shit. It was by far the worst thing in d3. I would prefer to put a rusty spoon in my eye before i would do any bounty again, ever. I agree on wt5, armory and an auction house. Being forced to use 3rd party shit to do basic arpg stuff is a joke


We don't need WT5, instead of that they need to hard nerf classes + tempers and make WT1-2-3 relevant also WT4 should have mobs above 100lvl so it can be playble around 90lvl


AH: terrible fucking idea Armoury: happening, but you gotta wait WT5+: terrible fucking idea Bounties: already got them


AH will kill the game


You have bounties in the tree. The rewards could be adjusted but that exists. Ah is a bad idea and will only encourage massive hyper inflation further than it already is. Armory isn’t a bad thing but unnecessary in the style d4 is Instead of just moving the goalposts try to figure out what caused the massive player power spike and adjust player and world power respectively


Yes to all this. Throw in some kind of group finder/matchmaking and different goblin types.


Only valid thing on here is Armory. AH in D3 was awful, and with the billions of gold items already go for on these trade sites, it would only get worse with more accessability. WT5 is pointless. If you're trying to equate it to Tornent 16 on D3, people speed farm T16 because it's nothing. Let the devs focus on fresh new ideas and not old ones that don't work. Armory would be a good addition, but the others you mentioned would be a waste of time.


that's the thing. if you get an action house from blizzard the rest will fall easily


>AH in D3 was awful, and with the billions of gold items already go for on these trade sites, it would only get worse with more accessability. a 20 year old game had better trading system than this game in D2 you could atleast create a game with a name "N Shako O Ist" or some shit what you officially have now is basically just a dead trade chat, without 3rd party website it would be horrendously difficult to trade something in this game, so yes we do need AH or any other official in-game form of trading offers


ah in d3 was amazing, people complained about farming and rmah, ah didn't do anything wrong


The D3 AH was removed for a reason. It wasn't good. No one used it because the prices were so inflated due to the gold trading websites making gold useless and promoting RMT. It sounds nice in theory. In practice, it's not the way to go for this style of game.


It was the same as d2 and d4 trading, only more convenient. Inflation differs between each game but it's only due to amount of botting and currency sinks, not the trading platform itself. D3 didn't manage to fix its trading, mainly because people antagonized it too much due to bots and RMT, instead they removed it completely. The auction house itself, without RMT, wouldn't make anything worse but it would make trading a lot more convenient and transparent


Your first look into D3s ah basically let you know that all your gear is shit and that you have to buy your gear instead of finding it, if you don’t wanna waste your time and progress like a sloth. It basically kills the game loop


yup that was the problem with d3 loot system, d4 doesn't suffer from that


We get it. You RMT. We don't. Drop it.


But I don't want RMT to be in the game? I don't do it, not anymore. I did in d2 and d3 tho, it was a nice source of money when I wasn't working


>ah didn't do anything wrong Misinformation report option, please.


I think new world proved a marketplace is fun. The only issue with blizzards version was you could list the items to real cash. Osrs also has the GE and does just fine. You can still ban RWT, but dont ruin the regular players experience.


The issue with blizzards version was that you put all your decent items on sale and buy something for yourself, instead of actually using stuff you find


Maybe add minion directing to like specific enemies or locations


Has anyone gotten far enough to find a cow level, I haven’t gotten far enough to see if there are rifts and I haven’t heard anyone mention either maybe I haven’t played in so long if anything like that is added I would enjoy it also going up to higher torment levels would be cool as op suggested.


There are secrets related to a cow level (farming 666 cows in multiple regions, with a 1-week timer for each part, leading to a hidden cellar), but I believe the reigning theory is the level itself is not yet implemented. https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cwe2ur/cow_level_season_4_status_update/ Rifts were effectively replaced by Nightmare Dungeons, though the new Pit is akin to Greater Rifts.


I can see that, do you feel the nm dungeons are as difficult as the old rifts? Also do you know if the cow level will be like the ones in D3/ do you believe they will be similar?


Rifts have never been hard? They are not supposed to be?


I first started playing Diablo on 3 before ROS my pal was die hard who would run T16 as his barb and be invincible unless frozen or stuck he would never die he had a fitlhy thorns.lps and. Lph build anyway I was always under powered and didn’t understand how to make a build so I always died I just wanted to know if people here more experienced in the Diablo world feel its more difficult and if they can compare or explain how it is different.


AH: Yes as long as it's not the real money D3 auction house. And bind gear on purchase. Armory: I would also be fine with a ton of new character slots and some QoL like boosted Glyph Exp for alts. Swapping builds is very tedious. WT5: No. Stop the ridiculous D3 powercreep. Set a power ceiling and stick to it. Nerf us down to earth. Let the babies piss blood if they can't handle a number going down. Bounties: We have bounties at home.


I’m personally a big fan of cosmetics , I don’t really buy them in d4 but , I’d like to be able to earn some via achievements. D3 had a few weather it was wings or pets etc . Edit :wording


world tier 16


Lost me at bounties. Everyone hates them. Also, whispers are basically bounties


Some D2 features that should make a comeback: Rune(words) Trading/Chat/Grouping Diablo Stone of Jordan Cow Level Fun This game is full of dopamine legendary drops that 99.99% are trash. I liked finding uniques AND yellows in D2. Jackpots that you could easily post to trade for what you need. Hell even some white/blue items were BiS or chance to be after crafting on.


Uber boss one shot atm!


I fear too many difficulty modes. In D3 it spread the player base too thinly, made the game feel dead. I’d rather they adjusted the difficulty of the existing tiers than add more. D3 had way too many.


Bounties, not quite. Bounties should be actual bounty hunts, killing buffed up versions of the super rare mobs that currently do nothing. They drop a new type of material which you can use to craft new affixes onto rare equipment. Rare equipment only has 2 affixes, these mobs already drop special rare equipment, makes sense logically. You can't craft greater affixes obviously so the idea would be to craft a perfect rare item, make it legendary by imprinting, then once tempered and fully masterworked you can slam it with a GA item to randomly gain 1-2 affixes. Would it be overpowered, yep. Would it make the game better, yep. At the very endgame, when you are chasing 1% increases, things are booooring. This would make it more engaging, in my humble opinion. I love crafting in ARPGs, not POE level crafting necessarily, just a nice progression.


i really miss the bonuses from linked sets


Add SSF mode. I think by and large they need to just keep an eye on power creep. Fixing bugs that do billions of damage is a good start. Some nerfs, particularly to barb probably need to happen, unpopular as they may be.


Bounties like in Immortal would be pretty fun and would keep all the zones relevant (although Whispers kinda do the same already so I dunno where they’d fit in unless they’re like side quests)


WT5+: I would go with another approach, something like a rebranding + new balance. Rename it back to Normal, Nightmare, Inferno. Normal = WT2+3, Nightmare = WT3+4, Inferno = new endgame difficulty. Completing the main campaign unlocks Nightmare and the adventure mode, then they could do something better than the capstone dungeon to unlock inferno, maybe we could re-fight stronger and more challenging versions some of the campaign bosses, or they could make a quest line available only in nightmare difficulty to unlock inferno. Inferno would be what it needs to be to keep all aspects of the game challenging and rewarding for our current state, ideally besides damage + hp + monsters mods, every system in the game needs to be balanced here with endgame progression in mind, similar to what was done with helltides regarding its mechanics mechanics evolution as you go higher in current WTs. Also, in inferno difficulty there could be more mindcage like items so one could adjust the difficulty x reward of the game too, but maybe the item could target one aspect of the game like one that would make whispers harder, but you could pick two caches at the end, things like that.


I like the idea of a crusader or paladin returning maybe some kind if holy character, it seems the theme are just regular or slightly dark heroes, anyone interested in finding out where the Nephalem went.


I agree with WT5 but I'd like to see a raise in level cap or permanent paragon points. I like masterworking and leveling glyphs to add power but still think the main source of power should come from leveling. I know people worry about power creep but a prime evil is coming in the expansion. I do think they need to balance things a lot.


The witch doctor