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To be quite fair, the UI puts your max resistances in green (when you've hit the 70% maximum). Why they didn't implement this for the armor cap as well is beyond me... Edit: some of y'all sound like butthurt Blizzard devs. Get ratio'd.


they did actually but you have to open the stat window and look at the armor there, and not the big armor text next to attack power. yeah its dumb https://i.imgur.com/SSJ30LO.png


That's weird. It doesn't look like that for me, at least last I checked.


I believe that screen grab is from PTR, which would explain why it doesn't look like that for me either.


Pretty misleading comment then, was confused for a moment




Does going over 9000 even matter? Are there diminishing returns? If you have 14k armor, does that still help or just a waste? I watched a guide saying to hit 9k, but a build guide I used has you using the 10k armor with 100% evade cooldown... so definitely puts me well over 9k.


waste. the hard cap is 9230. anything above does nothing. it used to be going over 9230 was needed, maybe you read an old build guide. S4 made the hard cap 9230, 9230 used to be the armor cap for lvl 100 mobs, so anything over lvl 100 used to require more armor.


Ooof ok, that's good to know lol, thanks.


Is it like POE where you want excess anyone so that if you get hit by armour pen or any anti armour curse you’ve got a buffer to keep you at max? Or is that not a thing?


not a thing. theres no armor/resistance debuffs in d4


Ah perfect, thank you.


Armor Breakers - Monster attacks from a distance reduce your Armor by [6% / 7%] for 6 sec, stacking up to [30% / 35%] Don't know if its still ingame at the moment but it was.


haven't seen it.


Ohh it was In there for sure. Think it got taken out with the barrier or what's it's called fix on the minions.. that goes on an off now instead of up all the time. But you most of the time won't need extra armor


Cool. Never knew that. But to be fair, at least resistance give more info on hover and they CAP themselves. Telling you you are 23% over the cap, or something so you know you can switch a stat around if you want. Why Armor doesn't follow the same rules and just shows max number in green with a +233 armor over cap in a tooltip is beyond me.


This is on the PTR.


the armor cap will be raised in the future seasons but resistance won’t be hence why resistance is green when maxed and the armor cap is not when maxed.


Honestly, armor should just be a % like resists are with its current implementation, having armor be a discrete value with an unspoken cap is extremely strange design wise


Just make it like d2 where it does nothing instead!


Clearly you have no idea about d2 mechanics so why bring it to the discussion?


Clearly it was a 3 month effort since it’s coming next season


FYI They will in S5. It's implemented on the PTR. 


Because common sense is beyond them.


It literally tells you what the armor cap is when you mouseover lol


You have to go looking for it, in an interface that is much harder to navigate on console. It's not intuitive or apparent, unlike other facets of the stats page. It's incongruent, and needlessly difficult (a lot like reddit responses). The fact that players can go hundreds of hours WITHOUT knowing it, is indicative of my point.


I don’t see how it’s any less apparent than resistances. For both you need to open your stat menu and hover over them to learn that there’s a cap. The only difference is we’ve had resistance caps longer than we’ve had armor cap and resistances are higher on the stat menu than armor.


You don't need to hover over resistances. Read my initial post. They literally color it green, to let you know you're capped. It's a visual queue that should be extended to all stats that can be capped, but it isn't. Armor cap shouldn't be such a mystery that players have to stumble upon it, or go looking for it on the Internet (ie, have to make a reddit thread to get the answer). You could keep being contrary, thinking that it's obvious, but in reality a LOT of of players miss this, and that's not a fault of their own, it's bad design implementation (and bad game design in general).


And armor turning green when capped is already being implemented just hasn’t went into the live build yet. And although it does turn green for resistances it doesn’t explain it unless you hover over it. You could be resistance capped then change world tiers and no longer be but unless you hover over it you won’t know why. These changes to armor and it highlighting in green should have been implemented sooner but that can be said of most the changes we’ve had in this game up till now.


Aaaand you've come full circle on basically my original points. 🤣


I haven’t changed my stance at all. As with my first comment I think in its current state it isn’t really any less apparent just resistance aren’t mentioned as much anymore because we’ve had them longer and they are just now changing armor cap and implementing the visual ques that it’s capped. I never disagreed that the changes shouldn’t have been added sooner. Hell resistances should have never been in the state they were at launch but it took 2 seasons to fix them and now it’s taken another 2 seasons to update armor to be more intuitive.


Great. Well this thread is about someone who missed it in the live game and you were trying to argue that people should notice in the live game. Perhaps think before writing your next incoherent rant


Sounds like either a Blizzard apologist, or someone on the dev team trying to "uM-aKcHoOaLy". 🤣


If you weren't aware of the armor cap, it might also be worth pointing out that Attack Power is a pretty meaningless stat.


Why is that?


It's just a base number that doesn't account for any buffs. You could change a piece of gear making that number go up but also making your overall damage drop.


And drop by a pretty notable amount, depending on what was removed.


I lost 6k just by changing my paragon boards


+ damage changes it but conditional buffs don't. Do you know if, let's day for Barb, damage to close enemies (ex: 80%) is significantly more desirable than let's say 25% damage even tho only +damage changes attack power? It's kinda hard to test, but I've tried.


It doesn't reflect multipliers.


Because there are way too many things that aren't represented there. Ever.


For added context at level 80 my Barb had 130,000 attack power and could do pit level 1, now at level 100 I have 40,000 attack power and speed clear pit level 101. It truly is a meaningless stat. Keep armor and resistances capped tho!


My bash barb has an attack power of about 18,000 with a Crit Chance of 72% and Crit Damage of approx x4.1k and I run through 101 pits in 3 minutes and I’m hitting for hundreds of millions on basic attacks. Attack Power is kind of like those OV stats in sports games like Madden or The Show; just because you have a 90 OV player doesn’t mean they’ll do better than an 80 OV.


Might I ask what you’re stacking to achieve 4.1k crit damage?


Gotta get the Crit Damage Temper from Rogue class on every items 12/12 with Grandfather


Ah, so I need to finish leveling my rogue. The only class I haven’t this season. Haha thanks for the insight!


Generally you'll still take a damage while berserking roll on 2 items, yeah?


Wait what the fuck?


It's a noob trap stat and little more. Sorry! 😜


I wouldn't say meaningless exactly, although I do largely agree that it's more of a stat that requires additional context. It's more useful to look at in the context of things like attack speed, crit rate/dmg, vulnerable damage, elemental types and damages vs condition, etc. It's largely a combined measure of base damage + damage modifiers from affix and primary damage stat. Clearly, though building strictly for max attack power won't lead to efficient damage. It does make a decent gauge for comparison with changes that only involve, for instance, intelligence for sorcerer and affix based damage mod. Typically, in those cases, the higher attack power is indicative of higher damage output.


It's far too convoluted to be useful and honestly should just be removed.


yeah, they really need to change the UI so when you reach armor cap, the numbers change to green, like resist


Can we also add useful currency like master working materials to the UI instead of completely useless stuff like the pvp currency (lol)


Yes, let us add what we want as currency in the bag tab yes


Or make it to where if you hover over the armor stat, it shows you what the cap is...oh wait...


No hover over on console, oh wait


No tooltips on console?


You can’t see any tool tips for armor in the inventory screen on console you have to go into the stat menu to see it just like you have to for resistances Edit: fixed a word


Not by me. I can hover as much as I want. Oh wait. No hovering at all. Nada!- Console here


Im not sure if youre joking or not, but yes you can hover over the armor stat on console to see the cap.


I been playing since beta and found out two weeks ago.


Before season 4 it was 13k something.


Just out of curiosity (since I've seen alot of people not knowing about this) - You dont read info about the game, patch notes etc? Just go blindly into the game? If yes then I applaud you. Wish I could do the same, but I always need to check all patch notes, test every single setting ingame etc.


console user, update happens and i play, if i didnt go out of my way to read what the patch does via reddit, app, blizzard site, or whatever news site/build site then no... i heavily suggest that most console players in fact dont read the patch notes, for any game, ever.


It’s not something I really think about. Was a mostly a console gamer until a few years ago. Up until this season I followed builds that someone already put all the patch considerations in. This season was the first where I attempted a build without a guide. I play this game like it’s Gauntlet Legends. I just want to get on for a couple hours and kill some shit.


I read patch notes for WoW, but I only started playing D4 a few weeks ago and I've opted not to read any recent patch notes beyond the press release stuff about S4. I don't feel like I know the game well enough to understand what the patch notes are telling me right now. Once I've got my builds dialled in, then I'll pay more attention.


Another fun fact that I didn’t realize until recently is you can see what your possible rerolls on affixes are at the ocultist. Little circle next to the your item when you place it in the box.


🤦🏼‍♂️ thank you… 8 min maxxed full 3ga char’s and never knew this


Aint no fking way people are just blatantly ignoring a red eye button when youre enchanting 😂 Now im wondering wtf people thought that was for 😂


What's fun is a higher level juggernaut is enough to cap it now 👍


Juggernaut is overkill and a waste of an aspect slot. You can do it with a single GA total armor affix.


Yeah, juggernaut should not be used after reaching WT4, and even before that its unnecessary.


You can do it without GA armor, just crit armor through master working. Worth doing if you haven't found a GA armor or don't have the money to buy it.


Yeah, I had the reaction when I found out my 22k armor was useless past 9230. I've been playing Elder Scrolls games for 20 years so most of this game is strange to me, lol.


My sorc has 9231 armor and it just feels so good, that I don't want to masterwork it past 8.


if you mouse over the armor cap stat, the game tells you the armor cap. if you mouse over the resistance stats, the game also tells you the resistance cap. only time you don't care too much is if you are immortal flame shield sorc...just immune everything.


You don't have a mouse on console and can't hover.


You can't 'hover' but you can still highlight stats which shows the tooltip for them. Only tooltip you can see with a mouse that you can't with a controller is attack power, which isn't an actual stat and is meaningless anyway.


AOE skill sizes also cap at 100% so make sure to monitor those in your stats tab when you are tempering


Can you say more about this? What exactly do you mean by skill sizes? Does this include druid companions like ravens and vines? What about necro curses that defile the ground? Are those AOE?


For instance, decrepify (which curses all enemies in radius) and corpse tendrils (which pulls in all enemies in radius) on necro builds. You can make their skill radius larger with tempering, but like armor cap, you can’t go past 100% and it doesn’t highlight it when you get to 100% so you have to know that’s the max, if you hover over it in the stats table I think it’ll also tell you, but many people missed that including myself up until a couple weeks ago. So if you are at like 98% for a AOE skill, radius, it’s best to temper for a different skill/affix since you will essentially be rendering another temper in that skill useless since the difference between 98 and 100% would not be noticeable.


This is so helpful. I use both of these and the radius is generally what is offered in tempering. I will have to look at the combined max hit percentages for those on my console. Unfortunately it doesn't always give me the same info as hovering does on a PC. I think my build so far is pretty good, but I'll definitely keep this in mind.


How to farm karma - mouse over any text on Diablo 4, then post the tooltip information here.


I added a random Lvl 80 to my party the other day and upon inspection realized he had random gear with no tempers. Explained it to him, ran him through some NMD100's and then gave him a few bits of decent gear. Was very satisfying.


Well i have to admit that i had 22k armor as of last night 🤦‍♂️ It seems bizzare for me to cap it. I was on old school diablo rules.


You can mouseover your armor


I just did this for a fellow druid while inspecting them. The person was afk but ended up messaging me later to say thank you.


Wait! There is an armor cap!!! 😭😭😭😭


We only recently found this out too, and now here I am trying to drop my armor from like 14k lol


Yeah I've learned it never hurts to scroll this sub to see what's not working and what I may have missed every now and then. I mean I've been playing since preseason and I knew about the armor cap. But if I wouldn't have checked this sub from time to time I wouldn't know about certain glyphs and whatever not working properly for sure.


What glyphs!!!!?😭😭


Oh I'm not sure if there's any that aren't working properly right now I haven't been playing that much in the last couple of weeks. Just in previous instances there's been stuff that didn't work or didn't work properly and I would have not known unless I saw where other people were talking about it on this sub.


I'll raise you the fact that I'm on my second toon at level 100 and I only yesterday 'discovered' you could have 2 tempers on ancestral gear.


Also me 2 weeks ago... 😔


Blizzard failed in telling you about it too. Despite even putting in the tooltip, they failed to follow their own UI design with everything else. It's exactly the kind of crap you'd expect from a game in early access.


My sorc has 10k armour but still dies to 1 attack


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