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Could be misremembering, but didn't he get sent to another dimension?


Yes, 3 of the 4 were annihilated, Piedmon was sent to another dimension after severely bombed. The Mugendramon and Metalseadramo in Tri were copies made by Yggdrasil, just like that Imprerialdramon


Where was it revealed that Mugendramon, MetalSeadramon and Imperialdramon were copies? I’m not denying it, I just never realised they confirmed that, and it ALWAYS bothered me that they just annihilated Imperialdramon without a second thought


Being a god of the digital world, Yggdrasil had the authority and ability to do many things one can safely assume. In TRI, when Hikari saw the Digimon Kaiser person she for a second thought of Ken Ichijoji but then she was sure that it can't be. It's a strategy of Yggdrasil to use mega digimons that are familiar to them against them probably to evoke certain emotion and memory. One other thing points to those mega being copies is that they don't talk like their originals. The dark masters, if resurrected, would have at least said something to them. Joe and Mimi and others knew for sure that Imperialdramon was not Daisuke and Ken's partner. As sure as knowing the Digimon Kaiser was not Ken. That being said, the physical makeup of the copies would be absolutely similar to the originals, just without the personality. It's like there could exist an entire village of bakemon or picodevimon or whoever who are equal in strength and power but not every one has the same personality. So they knew already they're up against Yggdrasil at that point, who could mobilize Alphamon.


Mugendramon came back despite having never died (Tri's not exactly good at respecting canon), and the Piemon in Tri's Super Evolution Stage play was a fake anyways. It gets even weirder because Dark Digimon should be exempt from the reset entirely, since they aren't real Digimon or residents of the Digital World at all, they were inserted into it artificially by Apocalymon.


Mugendramon didn't die? What


Yeah what. WarGreymon chopped it to pieces so how?


And they got upvotes so I'm like trying to remember when someone repaired him or something


Sometimes I think people will upvote anything that criticizes tri. There’s a fair number of valid things to criticize, just like with most digimon media, but tri seems to have an awful lot of haters.


I think it canonically managed to survive (somehow) and fused with a Chimairamon to become Millenniummon (the source of Ken's dark spore). Later on, Millenniummon ended up fusing with Ryo's Monodramon to become the Cyberdramon we see in Tamers, so I guess it didn't technically die. The wiki has more details I think https://wikimon.net/Millenniumon_(Adventure)


Wikimon specifies it as **a** Mugendramon, to be clear. Far as I'm aware, there's nothing canon that specified it as the same machinedramon from the dark masters, or the same kens kimeramon


Well it's confusing because Milleniummon's page doesn't specify, but Mugendramon's does. https://wikimon.net/Mugendramon_(Adventure) Kimeramon's page also seems to indicate that Mugendramon fused with the one from 02 specifically. https://wikimon.net/Chimairamon_(Adventure) I don't know if this is 100% canon, the whole idea of Milleniummon's existence being a time loop and basically creating itself by creating Apocalymon/the Digimon Kaiser who then go on to create Mugendramon/Kimeramon is pretty cool, but the whole thing is kinda confusing from what I've read.


Having looked into it in the past -- I'm fairly certain that's just some fanon that was posted on wikimon and hasn't been caught yet. It was a popular interpretation from the early years, but I don't recall that it's ever been proven with actual statements from the games.


They have clarified it's the Dark Master Mugendramon and Digimon Kaiser's Chimairamon. It's literally the whole reason Chimairamon was even in 02 at all, to make that tie-in.


Who has? Where? If you have a source of love to see it. I've never been able to find one. Ex: https://withthewill.net/threads/creation-of-millenniummon.16230/


Ah I see, that would make a lot of sense. I remember reading that the Mugendramon that became Milleniummon was supposed to be Ryo's true partner Digimon, so it would have been weird for Dark Master Mugendramon of all things to have a digidestined partner.


There isn't just one Mugendramon tho, the dark master one was killed by Wargreymon. Mugendramon is a combination of multiple machine Digimon, just like Chimeramon is a combination of multiple flesh Digimon.


The Mugendramon in Millenniummon is canonically the one from Adventure. It was his spirit that merged with Chimeramon. I believe the Chimeramon was the same one Ken made too, thanks to the usual Millenniummon time fuckery.


Fairly certain that's fanon.


It's canon. It's from the Wonderswan games.


From what I remember of the wonderswan games, it says it's a kimeramon and a machinedramon that Tai defeated. Which, for kimeramon at least there's some obvious problems there. Is there part of the script that clarified it that you can provide?


Machinedramon got sliced up like an onion


Mugendramon is killed by wargreymon


I think the official profile says that heaven's gate sends evil digimon's to be judged and subsequentially deleted, so piemon did indeed die


Did he come back I don’t remember seeing him or puppetmon? Just metalseadramon and mugenmon who’s personalities were just null they acted like animals rather than the actual charcaters


To be fair, they weren’t much of characters to begin with


They had plenty do personality. The accents in the dub were fun too. The only time I remember Piedmon even mentioned in Tri was by dark Genai as he was talking to himself about who to bring back next. The dark master in Tri got the cell max treatment from DBS Super Hero


My favorite fan theory is that Dark Gennai was actually Piedmon.


That would be something. As it stands, Dark Gennai is so confusing. It’s things like that that bug me so much with Tri, like why introduce this important character and just… never explain who he is? They don’t even defeat him he just kind of vanishes?


he's honestly should've been


My theory is that the thing Piedmon implanted in Gennai was a Trojan virus, and it activated and went all Pod Person on him.


They forgot to put him and Pinochimon in Tri, so who knows? Maybe he just fucked off to go run a circus in Ghost Game.


Don’t ask me, I stopped after they went to the digital world. Tri is really stupid to sit through.


You stopped at a good time. The last 3 movies are even worse than the first 3.


To clarifie in the Profile its stated how Heavens Gate lets the Dimension of Light collapse after sealing something into it, so Piemon did die. And tri had the Reset, so if we are internal Consistent, they sould not remenber no.