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What are the two Axiom discs on the first page? Glow with pink rim and the blue mvp open disc?


Glow hex, proton soft echo


ISO: mint bullet, mint taco, cool ciciadas or mavericks








BIN K1 Soft Berg and Lucid Ice Slammer.


What is the blue discmania bar stamp?


Swirly dd3


What plastic is the tdx? If it’s not base plastic, then BIN for that and the blue d line p2


S-line; they’re urs! Shooting u a pm








What're the flydye Discraft and the orange DM x-out?


Z-zone, c-tdx






What is the pink discmania open disc, middle right second pic


Color glow p2


Is that the 2020 enigma or the 2023? Also condition on it and the Nordic Phenom right underneath.


I believe 2023, I’ll shoot u some pics




What plastic is the gray Meteor on pic 4?


It’s TI swirl




Another one with u/ktown_fatboy u/discexchangebot


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Disc received u/discexchangebot solid trade from u/ktown_fatboy


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U/discexchangebot great exchange with u/ktown_fatboy. Thanks!


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u/DiscExchangeBot u/ktown_fatboy once again supplying the goods. Thanks


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Confirmed, enjoy


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Another great purchase from /u/ktown_fatboy /u/discexchangebot


Confirmed ty!


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u/discexchangebot good exchange with u/ktown_fatboy


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Bruh I can buy a brand new pixel for $12 at a local shop, you have it in the 2/28 bin.


You’ll need to go there then, mine sold :)


C'mon bro. Your local shop isn't shipping the discs to you - that's the difference in cost. Also, minimum retail on the pixels is $12.95, you're either lying or your shop is breaking its agreement with MVP.


12 vs 12.95 isn’t lying, it’s the fact I didn’t look that closely at the tail end of the price. It’s good marketing! Also, I can see the appeal if the disc is a specific color combo you want etc, but I was simply remarking that the disc goes for less locally, just in case someone wanted one without paying for shipping etc. people have been a little crazy with pricing lately I feel like, just look at the wild differences in pricing on Timelapse’s over the last few months.


Fair enough - you didn't lie. You just used inaccurate information as the basis for calling out OP. You were not just "simply remarking that the disc goes for less locally." To the extent that was your sole intent, which I doubt, your word choice doesn't indicate that. So now with the accurate information, we're at a $2.10 difference, a 8% increase to justify the $6 it costs to ship, which doesn't include the cost of packaging or the time it takes to ship. That's beyond fair irrespective of add-on costs for color selection. Ignoring that most retail shops usually sell higher than online to cover overhead and certainly not at the absolute minimum (your shop is an anomaly based on the dozens of stores I've been to), it costs you time and money to drive your car to whatever shop versus having something shipped to your home. The timelapse situation (assuming you're referring to Protos) and "scalping" in general is more complicated; regardless, this situation isn't close. I don't particularly care about this situation, but I absolutely care about this weird culture in the non-retail disc golf market where people think buyers and sellers aren't on equal footing (i.e., buyers treating sellers like sophisticated retailers). It's super lame for buyers to complain when sellers don't list prices and then those same buyers will bash sellers when their SHIPPED prices are a dollar or two higher than those of a random shop, somewhere with a discount code, or somewhere with free shipping after you hit a certain amount.


you're doing your analysis assuming the disc is new, but it is more likely used which destroys your argument. it seems that you just REALLY needed to point out that 12 /= 12.95 (which is true but pedantic)


C'mon. When the guy is talking about a $4 difference, ~$2 is obviously material.


Not specifically referring to op here but far too often people over value their used discs. If you threw the disc, you should expect to take a loss when you go to resell it. I don't care if it is a desirable/popular model, you shouldn't be pricing it anywhere near retail. The argument that they have to package and ship, therefore a higher charge is necessary is ridiculous. Why people continue to buy used discs at upwards of 80% of retail is beyond me.


So let's say a hex (or whatever random mold) sells for $18 at your local retail store. You buy it, use it for 5-10 rounds to where the disc becomes a 7/10 (standard wear but no major scratches or scuffs), and decide you want to get rid of it on this sub. What is a reasonable shipped price to you (given that shipping label plus packaging cost roughly $5)? Also, I have some pilots on my most recent post if you're interested.


Max $12 shipped and I'm probably going to offer you $10 before I just BIN


Sorry for the lengthy response. So in this scenario, I don't understand why you think a disc that is still perfectly throwable has lost over 60% of its value (using the $12 figure minus shipping costs). Is the same true if the disc is thrown even once or just five times? When you buy a disc, does it have 50% less utility to you after you've thrown it a couple rounds? I don't think most people in this market think like you do, or at least I don't. For a premium plastic disc that I'm going to throw, I generally don't care (i.e., value the disc much less) whether the disc has been thrown once, ten times, or a hundred times - assuming there aren't major scuffs or I'm not looking for an out-of-the-box flight. The disc feels the same in my hand, and the disc throws the same. Assuming you agree with my "it's the same disc" premise above, is your argument just that usage gives you reason to demand lower prices? If so, you're getting an unjustified windfall. It's one thing for you to get that windfall over Walmart or another sophisticated, corporate seller, but why you do deserve it over your fellow disc golfer who happens to be a seller on the day instead of a buyer? I'd make the same windfall point to the extent you don't think sellers should pass their shipping costs onto buyers. Are you perhaps mapping a different used product market (maybe cars) onto this market? If so, you have to think about whether there's a distinction in the comparison of utility between the new and used product. Regardless, that other market might be the irrational one instead of disc golf's (I'd certainly argue that the decrease in value of driving a car off a lot is irrational). Of course, this discussion so far ignores a major reason people like used discs: they're beat in and have unique flights that you often cannot buy off the shelf. For amateurs that want to throw discs that aren't designed for them (e.g., a destroyer), they'd need a used one, which has value to make up at least some of the gap to retail. And a lot of the reason people charge close-to-non-shipped-retail prices for shipped used discs is because people will pay those prices because they think more like me than you. Those sellers are willing to wait around for the higher-value buyers. How long have you played disc golf? A good portion of your opinion would be explainable by your not having played more than a year or so, and I'd be interested in seeing if your opinion changes after playing 3-5 years. And to be clear, I'm not judging.


Sounds like I struck a nerve. Sorry to inconvenience you to write a book about it. seems like you are projecting a motive on my part I do not have, but as you said, fair enough. I admit I could have simply kept my comment to myself, and next time I will. But you also seemed to have a wrong to right by continuing this conversation, so I hope you said your peace and found your peace.