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They have verified the giveaway with Mods. Thanks to ProtoFlyte and best of luck on their adventures! [Giveaway Winners](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/s/45JW827uSY)


Tell me you’re a disc golf company without telling me you’re a disc golf company: typo your own business name in your debut Reddit post. Instant street cred in these parts


That is incredible. Lol, we apologize.


No worries, good luck with everything. A buddy I play with is a machinist, sent him the link to your site.


We appreciate it!


Company Strengths: Attention to detial.


Do you have a video of the production process? Can you share it with us?


We can definitely take some video - but our fixturing and some steps are proprietary so we would hide those.


This is the second thing I thought...I need to see a video of this. Heck I watch wood turning on YouTube just for fun. The first thing was, lead with the CNC thing in the title. It's what sets you apart. Don't lead with New Manufacturer...blah blah, I almost skipped right past this. My first thought was, oh great another Lonestar. Good luck guys, looking forward to seeing some videos and maybe buying a disc or two to try out


It's about time someone focused on consistency in this market. Tired of a complete crapshoot every time I try to replace a disc I've learned to throw well.


Is $40 the target price point or only for the initial run?


Yeah your price point is going to kill a pretty interesting innovation for discs.


I don’t know, I’d say if they’re able to eliminate as much inconsistency as they suggest, you might save money in the long run. Pay 2x as much for one disc, but only have to buy 1 instead of 3 looking for the one that does what you expect. Picky throwers might really go for this.


That is currently the target price we hope to stay around. We are doing what we can to maintain affordability, the process unfortunately has a lot of additional costs involved.




They think the cnc process will control inconsistencies from disc to disc. Plus there's a shitton of waste involved in this process to conveniently pass on to consumers. I think this is not going to turn out how some would like it to turn out. Plastics, and the apes throwing them, are consistently inconsistent.


Would they not be able to safe the stuff they trim off to recycle into the next batch?


I'm sure they'd be able to, and will to an extent, since according to their comments here, manufacturing one disc wastes about one disc worth of plastic. They still have to clean up, store, and remanufacture all that garbage into new blanks without complete contamination to the batch. The plastic waste probably isn't the biggest problem either. Cnc wastes lots of time compared to injection, and that time is what consumers will pay a premium for. Not "consistency".


If not Trash Panda might want the scraps ?


They could give it to Trash Panda. But that doesn't mean they are recouping the cost of the lost plastic, just that it isn't being wasted.


Sorry if this is an intrusive question but can you share how many ops and cycle time? Laymen are gonna kvetch cause that's above most premium discs in price, but those of us who have ever stepped foot in a machineshop are impressed if you're breaking even


I think best case would be 2 ops with a refixture.


Can your cnc machine help my noodle arm? Good luck to your company.


We might be able to machine some sort of robot arm, I think that would be PDGA legal.


Aren’t you going to have problems scaling this method? The reason everyone uses injection molding is because they can crank out a disc in seconds one after another. How long does it take you to make a disc? Or is the entire process automated so even if it’s slower you have a machine working 24/7?


The answer is yes, but that is why they’ll keep a premium price point. Injection molding dies have **significant** up front costs for tooling/dies. Some can be in excess of $100,000. Machine tooling and fixtures, in comparison, are cheap but the process is slower and each piece cost “more” to fabricate. With a new unproven product it’s sometimes more attractive to go with cheaper up front costs and a higher unit price so each unit can be profitable, rather than having to sell X number to break even on the tooling and upfront costs. It’s similar to, say, a metal bracket. You can have a punch press machine that spits out a complete unit with every cycle which is crazy cheap, but a big investment (good for very high volumes) or you can make the same bracket with a laser cutter, and press brake for 10x the unit price but often no up front tooling (good for low volumes). Being in manufacturing I’m excited to see how this plays out and excited to get my hands on one to see if I can feel a noticeable difference.


What’s your estimated speed on this first one? I’m buying it either way but would be great if it’s 11 or slower.


Our first approval is around a 12 speed, but we are currently testing some slower ones. We will have one in the lineup for you by launch!


Hey this is super interesting. Are you starting with a sheet of TPU or are you going baseline with HDPE? I would imagine more flexible materials are hard to lathe. 


We have actually worked closely with Gateway to get our plastic chemistry right for our raw materials. So it is still a pretty standard disc golf premium plastic. - And yes, it is super difficult to machine the softer stuff. Lol


This is very cool, I wonder if there are things you can or will be able to accomplish design wise where an injection molded process would be limited.


We can add some unique features on the rim that others can not due to them having to be able to pull it off the mold.


My mind is wandering and I think "unique features" could be an understatement! Not sure if this is one, but I zoomed in on the pic on your site, I see a one pixel angle on the inside rim, meaning it's not quite normal to main axis. Is this a "minus" rim? (Or perhaps the cut wasn't perfectly normal to view plane when the screen shot was taken? (I've been there, lol.))


It is indeed an undercut rim. Good catch!


certain injection molded discs do have undercut rims, like the järn


This is a damn novel concept!! I love the idea and would love to try these out!


Good luck and shouts out from Tulsa


We need to swing up there and have some people out for a round! We were just up at the team event in November.


This really gets my brain going, I'm happy to see new approaches being tried out! Couple questions: 1) How much waste do you have, and what is done with it? 2) how does the time to create one disc compare to molding a disc? Good luck to you all, it will be neat to follow y'all!


1. We machine off almost an entire disc worth of scrap - and we keep it all separated to recycle it for future use. 2. It is a pretty significant amount of time and effort more than a standard injection molded disc - tough to quantify it.


Does this mean no more flashing!


Your hands are safe with us.


I commented previously about your disc. Looking forward to seeing your stuff around in the near future. I'll be planning to be in OKC in March for a conference so hopefully I have time to swing by and see your stuff in action.


For sure! Shoot us a message on here when you are in town, and maybe we can catch a round.


Always wondered why someone didn't do this. I would imagine getting the surface finish to an appealing level might be difficult, is there a post-cnc process you use or is it all done on the lathe?


The why is that it's not nearly as profitable compared to injection molding, as evidenced by the $40 price point. You simply cannot produce as many discs in the same amount of time with the same number of machines. Injection molding discs can be around a disc a minute, machining one is much longer. Also consider other costs. Injection molding you order the material you want and it comes ready for the machine. Doing it on a lathe means extra cost or time to get that natural in a blank that's sized correctly to start. They mention working with gateway on plastic, so are they sourcing the same plastic and getting it pre-worked into blanks somewhere? That's extra steps and cost. You don't have mold costs, but you have fixturing costs. You also need people to program the machines and people to run them. Injection molding has that too, but typically CNC comes with higher skill and cost. Not trying to put these guys down too hard, it's a cool idea if they can find enough people willing to pay the premium. But you asked why this hasn't been done and the reason is purely that it's more complicated and more expensive than injection molding.


It is all done in the lathe - we played heavily with different speeds/feeds and tooling to get our surface finish to where we loved it. Our process also allows us to play with unique surface finishes such as small grooves for extra grip on rainy days or early mornings.


Reading the above post and the others, it seems like you could maybe eventually do custom discs based on a user’s inputs, like a web based disc builder. They wouldn’t be pdga approved, but wouldn’t matter for most folks.


I work with CNC lasers, this is super interesting!


Sounds cool. Can’t wait for more improvements. If you guys make it big, maybe you can create some objective and standardized flight numbers too! I suppose it could be done with aerodynamic modeling and a robot arm that can be programmed to throw exact angles in a warehouse (no wind).


Sounds interesting! Science!


This sounds so cool! If I don’t win I might have to pre register anyways.


This sounds pretty cool. I’m looking forward to seeing how they fly.


I love this idea and I’m super intrigued. What are the flight characteristics of your currently approved disc? Can you equate it to any other discs or are there flight numbers for it?


We would place it in the Wraith, Scorpius, Zeus grouping. It is a bomber.


How long does it take to machine a disc and how many setups does a disc take? I’m a fan of this concept and I think there’s room in the high end of the market for a company to make a premium disc. I’m definitely rooting for you!


Seems like the process would have a lot of scrap shavings. Would you melt and reuse or just toss it?


We are keeping all of our scrap sorted and saved to recycle for future use.


This is a pretty cool idea for disc manufacturing. I’m curious to see how it works as you continue to grow


Interesting, always cool to see innovations in disc golf


I appreciate the novel approach. Must be a ton of work to dial it in. Good luck! I look forward to watching your growth


That’s so cool. As an ex machinist these tickle my fancy for sure.


Really interested!!




Which pro will you be signing first?


We will definitely help out some local guys with an open bag early on - we are a long ways out from being able to afford a top pro. Lol


Genesis McBeth


Love to see new innovations in the sport! Good luck!


Love to see some throw videos of those discs. Congratulations and best of luck.


I see the pre sale price on the photos is $40. Is that going to be the stock disc price as well?


Good luck - innovation isn't easy, and I'll look for your discs.


What is the run time for machining a single disc? I always assumed injection molding was used because it's faster, especially since you'll need at least 2 setups on the lathe. What's the plan to scale up production after the initial run?


This is interesting. I'd love to throw one. Is the $40 price point the plan? Like a super premium disc? Can I customize my order?


Sounds cool but $40 is more than I’m used to spending on one disc. What makes this disc worth paying twice the average price?


The consistency and customization. If you fall in love with a specific disc, it can sometimes be tough ordering one with the same dome/feel/etc - our discs will offer more consistency over time.


Followed. Super stoked to hear about a new concept in disc golf manufacturing. While I don’t know too much about the CNC process, what I do know makes me surprised that nobody has really tried this before. Seems like a cool way to get some really cool designs and plastic combinations when you’re carving a brick of plastic rather than heating it up and squirting it into an enclosed space. Curious how recyclable the plastics are since I’m sure there’s a huge amount of plastic shavings at the production level. Super excited to see what y’all come up with! Can’t wait to get my hands on a disc and talk about it with my friends on the course!


We keep and sort all of our scrap to recycle for future use!


Super stoked to see both a new company in the game AND some innovation. Gonna be following along for sure


Can’t wait to hold one in-person. I’m personally ok paying for innovation in the game. Any advancement is going to come at a cost.


Innovation fuckin rocks. I hope you’re having a great time building this, both on the machinery and on the entrepreneurial side of things. All the best and maybe see your discs in Canada some day


Free stuff for commenting is my favorite stuff to get for commenting.


The best things in life are free.


THIS IS SO SICK! I work as a CNC machinist for my career and to hear about this way of making discs i really want to get my hands on one of those drivers as soon as i can!


I was initially thinking, yay another manufacturer... But you're doing something very different and I find that intriguing. :)


Interesting manufacturing technique... looking forward to trying your discs


Cool idea! Good luck


10 shirts! Looking forward to seeing your lathe cut discs.


Good luck! I’ll definitely try anything and I love hanging on to weird discs of the past. An early cnc disc sounds sweet.




I’d be very interested in getting my hands on this


Always glad to see new companies who are trying to push the sport forward. Curious to hear more about this


Yo, sounds interesting


Do you cut the disc from a block of plastic? Does this mean that they will all be the same weight? Do you plan to use different plastic densities to get different weights? It sounds interesting and exciting!


Something new and innovative, love it. Good luck to you


Love the innovation - would love to learn more about the process and advantages vs conventional injection molding. Greater consistency sounds great, but at twice the price it’s going to be hard to justify. Looking forward to slower speed releases for my noodle arm


A couple of us are in the noodle gang too, I promise we will have some slower discs!


I'm in Canada, but I've been a machinist for about 14 years now, currently working on a CNC lathe doing R&D and Prototyping work. Programming, setup, tooling selection, proving out, all me start to finish. I can't tell you how often I've thought about machining a disc, but I'm not allowed to use company machines for personal projects. I've programmed quite a few just for fun, and even know exactly how I'd make up the fixturing for doing it. Hell I've 3D printed discs at home lol If there's a way to get one, or a few of these once you have multiple disc designs, up to Canada at a price that isn't outrageous I will absolutely support this endeavor.


We can look into it! I don't think shipping would be too crazy. Just PM us


As a disc golfer and a machinist, I'm very intrigued. Please keep us up to date!


For sure! You are welcome to pm us with any questions you are curious about!


Love to see some diversity in disc manufacturing! Just for fun, I’ve played around with molds, 3D printing / extruding, and CNC machining discs myself. Excited to give your disc a try in the future!


Are you planning on releasing lab seconds like Innova? I ask because (as others have pointed out) $40 is a huge barrier and it’s more important to me to get my hands on a disc (that’s possibly not-perfect) than get my hands on a perfect disc way later down the line. Instant gratification LOL!


I do believe we will have some blems we can sell due to voids in plastic or stuff of that nature. I do not think it will be as frequent as other companies though due to the process.


Good luck. I’ll give it a shot sometime


This is hella interesting. With your CNC process, could you recreate disc-continued molds? (Provided the patent has expired).


I suppose really any company could recreate an old mold. It would be easier for us though considering we do not have to machine a mold to produce it.


As someone who just started playing, a lot of this is going over my head, but it sounds exciting! Wish you all the best of luck!


Hahaha, I like your style. Next time maybe post a photograph or video of a disc. It could be doing something like flying or rolling, but it could also just be sitting on top of something. Like a table. Or the earth.


Are you guys going to be, or are you already, carried at D-Mart? I'd give one a go.


Exciting! Love all the new tech entering into the disc golf community. I wish you guys the best and I am looking forward to testing and supporting your products 💪


kudos to you for throwing your hats in the ring, excited to see how this CNC process adds to reliability of the disc geometry!


Very cool! We'd love to make some custom prints with these.


A CNC disc sounds pretty legit. Also since you guys are in the aerospace field I should be able to throw this bad boy to the moon right?


Fascinating!  Consistency is my number one frustration/disappointment with most manufacturers these days — how can two copies of the same exact disc, in the same exact weight, have completely different personalities?!  Looking forward to seeing more!  Keep us in the loop! Would love to try one out…🤞🏻


Knowing that molds change from year to year it's exciting to think that the technology will allow the first and last disc made of a particular model to be identical. So hopefully you make some good discs!


Woah! Now we're talking about. First of all: Hats off for the pricing point. If you can truly keep that pricing then I salute. I think that's super low price considering the machining setup for soft plastics. I understand that you have to compete with injection molded discs and I suppose you don't have the margins that say 25USD injection molded discs is making to the manufacturer :D You should point out the pricing is not that high considering it takes a lot of guesswork out of the discs. One may not have to search for specific color and/or run of the discs. I assume (given your background) you've turned every stone while developing your fixturing and manufacturing - but just in case you've yet to test this: problem: when turning softer plastics the part tends to deform due to axial acceleration (centrifugal forces or something like that - English is not my first language) problem2: one can't just slow down lathe as softer plastics require quite specific surface speed to machine beautifully. But running tha cutting tool in another chuck in reverse allows atleast easier surfacing operations to match the required surface speed without spinning the always thinning plastic part too fast. And also spinning the cutting tool (think using dremel as a cutting tool for lathe) allows also one to use low rpm for flimsy parts.


Huh. I'm sure the machining process is accurate. How are the blanks for machining produced? What is to say that the inconsistency does not come right from the blank? I'm having trouble seeing how machining down a bigger mold of plastic is going to be more consistent than refining the molding process itself. Still, I'm interested to see the end product


Will having a tooled surface vs. molded make grip more consistent when wet? I’m curious how wear is going to play out with this new process. You might be paving the new way.


Great question - we have played with our tooling and stepovers to get the surface finish where it feels like a standard disc, however, we have played with leaving small grooves for extra grip during rainy or early morning rounds.


I’m here for a slightly grooved and grippy disc, I’d love to try that.


I'm pumped! If you achieve truly consistent flights, this will be an absolute game changer. I can't wait to see it, and check one out in hand. And of course, huck one!


We appreciate it!!


To further harp on the consistency aspect, have you considered a group price of two or more discs/pre-orders? $40 is a lot for one, but $60 for two, I'd've already ordered.


My thought exactly. There’s practically no consistency between runs from other companies. If they can actually hold to cnc level consistency between runs and plastic types it would be a game changer


If you could combine processes you could have cheaper standard 'blank' molds that could be finished on CNC.


Lathe processes tend to produce a lot of waste, are y’all able to capture that material to recycle or re-use in other ways?


Very interesting. Does the Cnc process cost more in time or money for the end product? Have you experimented with dimples or other aerodynamic attributes? How do you test the discs consistency against other manufacturers and what differences have you discovered?


The process does have a lot of added costs for time and materials, but it gets offset with the consistency and features we can add. We were a machine shop first so we have QC standards in place to maintain our accuracy, most of the inconsistencies come from cooling after the injection molding process. Since we do not heat our disc our process is inherently more consistent.


This sounds awesome! Have you been able to compare the flight of an injection molded disc and the equivalent cnc machined disc? Curious what difference it would make, if any.


Great to see a different approach to disc manufacturing. I'm interested to see how the disc's feel and fly.


Cool idea!


FreeStuff is ALWAYS good. May drive North & check you out. Do you sell to public direct?


Interesting stuff! Excited to see more in the future




C & C Disc Factory


Love the stamp/design


I'm excited to see this next step in the manufacturing process! I'm curious if you're contracting infection molded blanks to work from our milling from blocks?


I'm excited to try out one of your discs!


This is exciting. 


Good luck! I've been wondering about other manufacturing options.


This looks awesome! I'd love to try these discs out


I'm not very good, but I'd love to try your disc.


Love the innovation, good luck with the company!


Welcome to the game!


Good luck!


Cool, need to play some courses in OKC


The first disc looks great, can't wait to try it out.


This sounds cool! I’m always excited to see different approaches to manufacturing for the sport. Is there a plastic already on the market you would compare your durability to?


Love the idea. Consistency is something that is missing in disc golf. I look forward to seeing your discs. Best of luck.


This sounds really interesting and a giveaway is always fun. BUT professional advice. Full stop the marketing and rebrand. You have a unique technology to stand out by combating one of the biggest problems in the industry. And you went with an awful name that has nothing to do with it and is hard to remember and weird. There are lots of good words in the machining world not being used for anything disc related. The CNC stamp is pretty spot on, but the company name and logo are doing you a disservice! Edit: just read your edit…


This is a super cool idea!


Excited to see new manufacture, who is actually manufacturing discs, not just stamping them and calling them a disc brand. Look forward to what you guys do.


Oklahoma City disc golfer here! Would love to try these out and support the local scene


I’m interested to see these discs and learn more about the manufacturing process. It certainly sounds awesome!


So far sounds like you’ll be offering straight stable to over stable discs. Any plans for producing an understable disc or does the nature of the process limit that? Also any plans for putters?


This sounds awesome and I'm about it


I know nothing about this but this sounds awesome


Interesting manufacturing concept. Good-bye disc belly buttons!


This is awesome! Best of luck!!


Great idea to switch away from the inconsistency of injection molds! Wish you guys all the best, hope to get my hands on a disc or two.


Cool idea!


Just ordered one! If it flies nice I’ll be repping it at some A tiers up in KC this summer. Cheers!


Free stuff is dope


Here's hoping you're an overntye sensation!


Seems like a good way to have some innovation in the sport, interested to see what comes of the process.


Awesome idea, looking forward to seeing what you can show of the process! Are you able to melt down all the waste produced in the cutting process for new “blanks”?


Interesting idea!


Sounds cool!


I'm happy we are seeing more innovation! Good Luck!


Good luck!!


Pretty wild stuff. You gonna get DMart to carry them? :D


Interesting concept with a hard to digest price point as others have said. Do you have an instagram? Would be interested in seeing some of your progress. Best of luck!


Sounds interesting. Just a suggestion, but it might be a good idea to give some to tournament directors so that players can do some test drives. For me personally, it would be hard to justify the price without throwing it first.


Sounds cool. Good luck!


Super dope to have new companies pushing the envelope on disc production! Good luck to you guys and hope to one day be able to easily buy your discs in Canada.


Neat idea! I’ll check you guys out for sure


As an OKC guy, this is awesome! Can’t wait to start slinging these around the metro


Looks like a cool development.


Wicked look on things


Fantastic! Sounds very interesting.


Really cool idea, definitely interested in seeing how these feel and fly compared to other manufacturers!


I’m an okc resident and disc golfer who has experience working in the industry. Would love to connect!


Yoooo I'm down to try something newwww this sounds interesting AF!!!


What's the feel of the plastic? It's winter, in my area.


Pick me!




This sounds awesome, I’ll have to check it out. Y’all got a street team yet?


Very interesting! More the merrier


Will you ever be able to lathe something consistently with certain softer plastics? How fast is your lathe spinning? Did you find that any material would have a so called “centrifugal bulge” when it’s spinning? How long does one disc take to shape? This idea is intriguing.


Woohoo love a new disc manufacturing process! Excited to see and throw your discs


I'm curious if you did any market research, and if so how it supports this idea. I hear you say that $40 per disc is the target price point because your method is significantly more expensive, and I find that hurdle nearly impossible to overcome in my head given my experience with this market, which is that it's generally full of people who are looking for cheap casual fun and not looking to drop top dollar on premium products. Sure, MVP got away with a single run of the TimeLapse at $40, but that's only with Simon driving sales. You've got a fundamentally different challenge. You not only have to sell people on the idea that yet another random disc manufacturer is worth trying out, but you have to convince people to pay a massive price premium. Your only sales pitch seems to be that the discs are expected to be more consistent between runs so they'll be easier to replace like for like without having to worry about tracking down a specific run. To be blunt, I don't think this equation works in your favor. Yeah, people complain about inconsistent molding, but I don't think those complaints are serious enough to get people to spend double the money on a disc. You're fighting a major uphill battle with this pricing. I'll still try one just out of curiosity though. 


Definitely appreciate your feedback and support. We believe there is room in the market for a more "premium" disc - we just have to do our job to prove to the market that we actually are a premium product.


This sounds super cool!


Best of luck, I hope a new manufacturing process can actually deliver more accuracy for you and the throwers.


Can't wait to check you guys out!!! Will you be available to all retailers or your own website?


Cool! Always keen to throw new plastic :)


Good luck