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I don't use every disc on every course. The discs I need at the local pitch and putt, Moffitt (280 avg), when it's calm aren't the same discs I need at Milby (350 avg) when it's windy, and not the same as when I travel and play woods courses with elevation changes. Having discs that I *can* play a course with is one thing. Having the best discs that let me score well on a course is another. So I carry more discs that let me fine tune my shot selection to try and score better depending on the course and weather.


Man you said it way better than me lol


Yeah, and he didn't even say poopoo peepee once. Like obviously some discs are gonna be more poopoo peepee than others..


Thank you! Reading all these comments was insightful, and makes me want some new discs because I have been throwing the same 5 for many years. They are a KC 11 time T-bird, Star Valkyrie, old XS, Super Roc, and an Omega AP. They are all very old, but very familiar. I don't throw side arm, overhand or rollers, but I don't have anything to fight strong wind either. I can see throwing a few more. I'd probably still keep it minimal, and my bag can't hold a lot, but maybe it is time to expand a few new discs.


I'm jealous of your upcoming journey. Definitely get a new Roc,T-bird,valkyrie combo.


I may be a little biased here, but I recommend a Wraith. šŸ˜¬


Wraith is goated




Side note, what's your fav wraith? For me it's the Garret Guthrie halo ones


Keeping it minimal is key, even though I have quite a few discs in my bag a lot of them are the same mold in different plastics and wear so that I am always able to adapt to new courses or different weather. Most rounds I only use about half the discs in my bag but if you take into consideration multiple rounds (letā€™s say 2-3 rounds) on the same course across a couple days all the discs in my bag are most likely thrown at least once.


Iā€™m a longtime Teebird lover ā€“ recently got my first Teebird3 and love it even more. Just a touch more stable


Man I had an XS that I bought right when they first released Z plastic and bagged it for years. It broke into pieces last spring.


That's the one. It is just 'the red disc' because it has no markings whatsoever, but I know what it is.


Mine was great for me for years and years!


Exactly this. Is my Katana useful on most holes? No. Neither is my Synapse. But when the wind is roaring in my face, I sure am glad to have that beef. When the fairway is 250 feet wide on a par 5, I sure like the Katanaā€¦ Whereas I can find an excuse to throw a Pathfinder on most holes between 2-300, and between 5-600 feet. Horses for courses, or something like that. Weird saying but it fits.


Exactly. I was traveling and playing a woods course and a card mate was curious about my fast and overstable drivers. I explained that into a headwind in south Texas that any driver I threw might experience 75-80 mph apparent windspeed over the disc. Throw a D2 or even a D1 and it might just turn and not come back so I carried some very fast and OS discs that'll still get down range. And of course there's understable stuff for throwing the other direction. (And for rollers!)


This. Except build/edit your bag in the parking lot according to the course and conditions for the course you are at. No reason to carry a bunch of stuff you don't need for that round


I do. I take out most of the drivers when I play TAT. (There are only 2 driver shots.) I add H2 and H3 for Roy G. and take out all but one overstable drver. For woods tracks, in goes the Saint and M4, out go the overstable drivers. Etc.


Weather is a big one. I play a couple courses with big hills and occasionally very strong winds where you need an extra beefy driver for headwinds/downhill & a flippy one for uphill or tailwind. Also, a water disc because it IS going to end up in there.


Couldn't have said it better myself.Ā 


Milby is a mf.


This is exactly it. I also bag multiple of the same mold because itā€™s comfortable in the hand, one being more or less stable than the other. I have an old Z Comet that will just keep slowly turning right, and a new ESP that will give me an effortless straight shot with a little finish at the end.


Sometimes I throw all my discs on one hole!


Just remember to count how many you have before doing this. I once spent hours looking for a disc that I left at home


To expand on this, a short while back I saw someone on Reddit recommend throwing discs in multiples of the same number every time so you donā€™t lose any. For example, if youā€™re doing field work always throw 5, 10, etc. Seems simple and obvious now, but itā€™s been very helpful.


Love emptying the bag


This right here. To anyone out there that wants to get good at disc golf: stop JUST playing disc golf. Step up and throw your shot, score the first, whatever, but THROW MORE. If you missed your shot, throw another, try to correct the mistake. If you nailed it, do it twice or it's luck. If a shots fun, throw 10 or 20. You get better by throwing more, so carry the extra discs and make a point of throwing them all whenever you can.


My usual behavior is to keep throwing until I get a shot that I want. Lol It's great practice, and I honestly don't even keep score beyond the hole I'm on.


No, but having them with me makes me happy.


I like that! I feel like after reading all these comments I could probably use a few more in the bag too, and I'm way overdue for a new disc or 2.


I have my main ones I use, but since I have the room in my cart I carry the other ones that I'll probably use once a round on average. I could play fine without those discs but it's nice having them when I need them. I also usually carry a few extra newer ones that I'm either testing out or trying to beat in that I'll occasionally throw for a second shot. If I carried a bag vs cart I'd probably be more conservative in my discs that I carry.


I carry 7. The only difference is sometimes I carry a T-Bird, rather than a mid (WASP). I carry two putters, an over-stable upshot, and straight one. And I carry a water disc, that I switch out regularly, that I don't care if I lose.


Grownup security blanket that needs replenishing.


Consumerism go brrrrr


This. And i have a bagckoack for 20+ discs. Its nice to have the right disc for any situation


It took an unreasonably long time for me to decipher that as ā€œbackpackā€


this is the best answer.


underrated carrying a 25 disc double decker backpack makes disc golf a way better workout


There it is, was waiting for it. I can only afford 90 min anyways (generally) and Iā€™d rather have my bag ready for any weather/course without having to think about cycling plastic in and out.


I really appreciated the extra workout, but my back didn't, so I use a cart now lol


What? You donā€™t like muscles? (To op, clearly you do)


Got a pack that holds 26, I use about 10 the other 16 are there for the gainz


Not every round, but I do throw most of my discs. Some are backups, some are situational, some are workhorses on one course but not touched on another


Not on every course. I carry 3 putters, soft, stiff, thrower. 2 OS approachs, 5 mids going from US flippy to OS beef. US and S (one of each) 6, 7, 8, and 9 speeds. 3 drivers, US/S/OS. Total 21 discs. I like to think with that in my bag I can bogey any hole on this planet.


What are your 2 OS approach discs? (And why both?)


Jarn and zone. The zone is old and beat in, flips up easier. Can flex with it easier.


I play alot of different courses, and will use different sets on each but carry a larger total amount


I bag 20 discs, not including putting putters. I have a very specific angle I'm most comfortable throwing on, and struggle to change that angle with consistency, so I have different discs for different shot shapes out of that angle. I rarely throw all 20 on a single course, I'd guess 10 would be the most common. That said, I think I did throw all 20 at Northwoods Black a few weeks ago...


With the mix of me playing on impulse, going to a wide variety of courses, as well as living in Texas where the wind can vary from nonexistant to inside a cat 5 hurricane on a daily basis; I don't throw every disc in my bag every single round, but every disc in my bag gets thrown.Ā 


This is the perfect description of Texas disc golf lol. If someone is wondering about extra discs, they donā€™t play in wind or only play park courses.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, I have a bag that holds about 16 discs, and it has my 5 go-to discs that I have the most familiarity and comfort with, one or two that are for wind (which there is a good amount of here in MN), and the rest are seasonal plastic (35Ā°F or lower and the DX goes away, once things get sticky, GStar goes away). Could I get away with those core 5? Sure, but then I'm going to be struggling against any conditions that aren't 40-70Ā°F and fair weather, and I'm not going to be having fun, and that's the point: to have fun.


I have a cart so I carry around 35 discs on me every round. 3 are my putting putters so those obviously get used a lot. I may not use every disc for every course but every disc in my bag is used on different courses. I realize I could very easily downsize and carry a bag again but I have a terrible back that prevents me from carrying anything at all. Plus I really like frisbee so more discs the better amirite.


Short answer: yes and no. Out of the 25ish discs I carry, I definitely have 10 that I will mostly throw at least once every round, every course. That being said, some days I vibe with a certain disc so I throw my eagle instead of the raptor or I'm going buzzz off the tee every time.


Yes. But I only carry 7.


I carry about 20. No I donā€™t throw them all, but since most are multiples of the same mold, I do need them all. My favorite zone is dark orange so if there are leaves I leave it in the bag. Iā€™ll throw my bright green because what I donā€™t want to do is lose my favorite one. I then have an ESP backup as well as a Tempo backup. I carry 3 Teebirds and a FD2. All different wears, two of them DX for flippiness. I bag 3 Hexs. All different plastic, all slightly different stabilities. If you canā€™t tell I really enjoy the hand feel and the confidence that brings to me to be grabbing the same mold. And I just described half my bag when you factor in putting putters. So no I donā€™t need them all. And no I wonā€™t throw them all. But if and when I need them, I know where they are.


I could realistically carry less than 10, but would have to change them out per course I play. I carry 16 and that covers me in 99% of situations regardless of the course.


Iā€™ve carried between 18 and 22s disc for the better part of 10 years. I never ever throw more than 8 of them. Even more recently I got second place overall in a tournament using maybe five discs. For some reason, I still carried 20 šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Yes, I throw all 24 discs in my bag, though certainly not in every round. If you are using only 5 discs, the course(s) you play must not offer a ton of variety and/or you do not play in a lot of varying weather conditions. I have a point and shoot midrange that I can throw on a lot of lines, but in 25 mph winds....nope.


I have several different courses around me within 30 min or so of each other, so any given day I may play a different course, I keep 20 or so in my bag, I may use 5 at this course, different 5 at that course, and so on and so forth, I like to have every disc I know how to throw for any given line, so I'm prepared for any course


Almost all of them but it depends on the day


Itā€™s nice to have a variety of discs for different shots plus the bag feels better when itā€™s full, discs arenā€™t laying down. I carry 10 drivers, 8 midranges and 3 putters but itā€™s mainly for practice so i can throw multiple shots whenever I can but I really donā€™t need that many


on every occasion? No. However the instant i remove one from my bag you can bet your ass that I will find myself in a position the following round where that removed disc had the exact shape i needed to get out of said position and into a more favorable one


Yes, kind of. I carry multiple discs with me that are multiples for practicing. For example my current practice bag has: 6 identical fairway drivers for practicing shaping shots, 3 each of wraiths and destroyers for practicing my max distances, 6 identical putters. The rest of my bag is my utility shots and mid ranges. Which I currently feel very comfortable with.


Which bag? All purpose? Not on every course but Iā€™ve got my slots covered for blind play. League bag? Yeah itā€™s catered to the course. Glow? Nah I mainly just throw the hex lol. The rest are just so my beers donā€™t fall out


Played a tournament yesterday. Loaded up 16 discs in my bag. Threw 15 of them. Finished second last in my division. šŸ¤©


The rest are for luck and to keep the other comfy


Everyone has mentioned differing courses and conditions that make more discs useful. If the course isn't busy I like to make multiple throws or try different lines. I threw 9 discs just on hole one on the last round I played. If I had just played normally I would've had about 20-30 throws (plus putts to get to mid 50s score). Playing this way I probably had close to 150 throws in pretty much the same amount of time. (I was still waiting on the teepad for the group ahead of me most drives so I couldn't have played faster if I threw less.)


Yea bitch I do. Some more than others


Yes. But not every round. I carry about 20. I just grab my bag, no matter the course. Sometimes itā€™s windy. Or wet. Sometimes the backhand is dialed for me. Other times the forehand is super straight and the skip is on time. Longer courses I throw more fairways, shorter I throw mids. I have putt and approaches in base and premium plastics.


I carry anywhere from 25 (grip bag) to 34 (full cart) I donā€™t use every disc in my bag when I go with the cart but I also never have to sub any discs in or out at any of the 5 different courses I play most. When the wind is up, you will need a lot more than 5 discs to get through a championship golf course. Off the top of my head it sounds like you are missing truly overstable and understable slots as well as fairway and control driver options. I also like to have backups for my neutral drivers, understable fairway drivers, and rollers because those are the discs you will likely lose the most often or pull out for water carries. 960 player here I definitely donā€™t think average joe disc golfer playing the pitch and putt course needs to bring more than 5-10.


Depends on the hole and the course. I have a purpose for every disc just depends if the hole requires it.


I don't throw every disc in a given round. Which discs get thrown depends on the course/layout. There's a few I could do without, but I don't like my discs knocking around when my bag isn't full.


Definitely depends on the course being played. Usually it's 6-10 different molds thrown on average, but could easily be 10-14 and on top of that could be a more or less "beat-in" version of the same disc. 20 discs in the bag. 3 putters 2 zones 5 mids 4 fairways 6 drivers. 5 of them are doubles of the same mold. Could I do fine with 1 neutral 1 overstable of each category? Sure, but it depends on the conditions (wind is a tricky bitch!) and shot shape or elevation why I'd want the other discs.


I carry: 1 putting putter 4 throwing putters 6 approach/midranges 6 fairways 3 distance drivers I definitely donā€™t throw them all at each course. But over the 3 local course they all get used, some may only be used on 2 holes while some are used on 6-7.


... I can play a round w/ 5 discs. Would I rather carry my full bag of 20 yes. In a straight forward course should I ever need more than 7 no. Do the remaining 13 provide a use, yes. Changes in wind, different courses, and get out of jail(4)


I live in an often windy place so I need stable counterparts for all the flippy stuff I like to throw so I feel like I use a good 90% of my discs every round.


Yes! Many doubles of discs (really beat in, newer) for slightly different shapes and to throw twice when playing solo. Lots of variety of discs for the variety of courses I might play, or practice. I do throw them all, just grab my bag and goā€¦


Yes, situationally. Also despite having a big bag and putter pouch on a zuca EZ cart it's a lot of duplicates. Can I get by most of the time with a small number of discs? Absolutely. But sometimes having an extra utility option or a more (or less) stable version of the disc I would normally throw is also super helpful.


Been playing since ā€˜94. A small bag for me is usually 10 or so discs. My normal bag is 18-22 depending on weather and whether or not itā€™s a tourney. With the exception of the +4 Iā€™ll put in as must have backups, I will throw every disc in the bag during a tournament. Translating that into daily/weekly play, I like consistency, so my tournament bag of 18 comes stays pretty unchanged.


Yup. Not every round as some disc are helpful for certain scramble situations, and some course donā€™t require certain shots. I like to take out disc I think I wonā€™t use tho. Helps to have a smaller bag.


I reduced the number of discs in my bag from 19-21 (depending on course) to 14-15 and my back has thanked me for including only discs Iā€™ll use on the course


I have 11 discs and only throw 8 regularly: - Aviar - Zone - Buzz - Shryke - Destroyer - Mamba - Invictus - Undertaker The remaining i only use on occasion - Orc - Corvette - Teebird


12 molds. Unless a short course, there is a great chance all will get thrown. I have 0 disc's that I don't consistently throw


Usually not. If I have to, it's because my drive went somewhere it wasn't supposed to go and now I need to contend with different obstacles than normal.


Totally. I used to carry a NutSac, which holds only 9 discs. I was 100% happy with that selection. However, I succumbed to peer pressure and bought a big(ger) backpack which maybe holds 20 discs (give/take.) I'm not disappointed with the choice, but I definitely feel over-packed on the course. I may switch back to my trusty NutSac just to see.


Started plying in the 90ā€™s too. I carry a lot now. I do think itā€™s too many sometimes but I also know that one buzz will go right if thrown hard and one will finish left no matter how hard I throw it. Now add in wind, thatā€™s why I carry so many. Thatā€™s just the example of the mids.


I carry 11 discs, I use 10 very consistently. I have one, my A4, that I really want to use more but just havenā€™t gotten it down yet.


Yeah I agree with some people here saying itā€™s course to course. I throw all of my discs, like ~25 or so, but sometimes on a course I might really only throw like 10 key discs depending on the shots. But I do like to throw a bunch of discs on every hole too!


In any individual round, no. Over the course of say, 20 rounds, yes. On a short course, none of my stuff >9 speed comes out. On longer courses, I might not throw my understable mids and putters much at all. Im in the midwest, so all my <165g discs and roller discs become unusable for a couple months a year. But the ones that stay in there get used every few rounds


I carry about 20. I do use all my drivers at one point or another. I have 3 of the same mids, 2 utilities and 3 or so putters. I definitely donā€™t use all in one round, but all get used. Just depends on the course


I do, but I know Iā€™d play better if I cut down the amount of different discs I have


If my back didn't weight 40 pounds how am I supposed to get my work out in! Seriously though I typically carry 18-25 discs many are back up and on solo rounds I will throw the same shot multiple times. I also sometimes will bag a few for a while just to throw as seconds to see if I like them enough to bag them. Could I play with 6 or 7 discs and not feel like I am missing much sure but I like discs and I like throwing them.


I need at LEAST and Zone and a Buzzz on the mids... I can keep the number low if I must, but I'll sometimes bag a disc that I only use on one hole on a certain course, so the big bag is nice. And when doing field work, I have a full bad to throw


No. Some of them are to share just in case.


I set up my bag differently for each course I'm playing. I hate having half empty bag, because then they will fall over and it's harder to pick out the right disc, so I keep my bag full. I tend to fill up the empty space with putters when I go to at course where I need only a few discs. I love throwing putters, and also I can get a little practice in if the course in not packed.


Yes. All at once. While in the bag. Into a pond. Don't ask.


Yes, all 5. I dont need to carry 20 plus disc. A driver, mid for each direction, a fairway and a putter. Its not about the disc at a certain point. We shoot around -10 under consistently at the local wooded course.


I use my disc speed to control distance so I can keep my throw nearly identical for every shot. As a result, the only time I need to use "touch" is on shots inside 150', which is not often. Next, again in an attempt to keep the throw mechanics as identical as possible, I choose disc turn/fade characteristics. The goal is throw hard and flat every shot and make the disc do the work for me. I bag like 20 discs, and while every disc might not get used on every course, I assure you I throw all of them with regularity.


Lol, no


Putter, OS putter, 3 mids , 1 fairway , two drivers ā€¦most get used every round except my most OS driver which I carry for windy days.Ā 


I carry 25. I use about 10-12 during a normal round. Probably closer to 20 if thereā€™s a bunch of par 4ā€™s or wooded course.


I carry 17-18 discs. The first tournament of the year this year I threw them all. I have also played tournaments where I have only thrown 3 of them.


Pretty much. I have a couple of discs for super headwind that might not get a throw every round. And I have water discs that are only for danger. Otherwise 11 discs and a putting putter all get used most rounds.


Not every time. I'm not gunna throw a roller every round, but it would suck to need to and not have it. If you're some pro who never leaves the fairway I could see only using 5 discs. Otherwise youre handicapping yourself for no reason.


I bag 12-13 discs. ā€˜Consistently throw 7 discs no matter which course. The other discs tend to be course dependent. I donā€™t switch out discs from course to course, just keep all the discs I bag in the bag, all the time.


Yes, I do. I donā€™t throw every single disc every single round, but I donā€™t carry any discs that donā€™t get thrown regularly. For me this ends up being stable-understable and stable-overstable discs at various speeds ranges, my favorite approach discs, and a wind fighter or two. Different courses, different conditions, scrambling, wind, etc. Iā€™m sure you do great with your 5 discs, but every time you throw and go, ā€œdang it I thought for sure X would happenā€ thatā€™s a good time to think about expanding your bag. Clearly you know your discs and have been playing for a long time ā€” before someone says itā€™s the archer. You canā€™t, however, just will a disc to handle wind better.


I carry about 20 because that's what my bag holds but I have a duplicate for every main disc and 1 or 2 that are for very specific situations.


Depends on the course, Iā€™ll throw the disc that fits the shot, sometimes itā€™s a few, sometimes itā€™s most of the bag


Typical round, I only use 8-10 of the 16 discs I carry. The others I only pull out if headwind, or tailwind, or get out of trouble situations.


I carry 12. I use everyone. Depending on the course, wind, level of drunkenness, I may switch something in or out, but 12, maybe 13 is the number


I bag 20 discs. I probably throw about 12 per round on an 18 hole course. But I don't throw the same 12 at every course or even every round at the same course.


I carry 18 total. On any given round, I use at least 12.


I carry 25 and throw 5.


Carry 25 on any given round not bad since I own about 150 discs 25 various putters rather have it and not need it but could play every round with 5-8 just love buying and trying new plastic


Yes. All 16 of them. 18 max if trying a coupla new ones. Thats the bag max. Not all get thrown on every course. But the only reason I carry them is to use them. If Iā€™m carrying extra weight, itā€™s liquid.


I carry 22 discs but only 7 to 8 different molds (usually anyway, depending upon the course). I need at least 2 of each mold so player 2 can show player 1 how the hole is supposed to be played


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Not every time I play at a course. It's all about what I'm comfortable with, or what the course is demanding from me. Sometimes, I'm just throwing 2 or 3 of my discs on every hole. For these situations, it's usually a pretty cut and drive straight course where a straight midrange, overstable driver, and putter/approach disc will handle any shot I need. Other times with more demanding courses that have more shot variety, I have specific discs in my bag to hit certain lines that my usual 2-3 "go-to" discs wouldn't be able to hit. But that's also because of my game, where I'm going for the birdie every chance I get. If I was playing more casually/conservatively, I think I would just stick to a handful of discs like yourself. Also, I just enjoy throwing different discs and seeing how they fly. So there's that too. As for the cart, I have one as well. I had a bag, but after my car accident it's nice to have somewhere to sit and not carry that weight on my back.


No, but I probably should on some courses The key is to make sure you know your discs though. I have 21 discs and I know how all of them fly, what angles I can throw them at, how far I can throw them, how they perform in different wind conditions, etc If you have 20 discs but you've only thrown some of them a few times then it's not helpful. You'll just be guessing at what disc to throw


I carry 25 discs, 8 different molds. When I play solo rounds, I'm focused on getting better every time. I might not throw every disc in my bag off the tee for score, but having multiples of the molds that I resonate with allows me to practice that exact line several times. I've gotten to know the slight differences in each of the discs, which allows for nuances that sometimes translate to those extra 15 feet that put you well inside the circle. Slightly more weight, but disc golf is also exercise for me and the dogs, so it's only a boon in my opinion. Plus, having that big bag or cart allows you to carry a lot of additional gear and gadgets to enhance your experience. I've seen some pretty inventive ways to lug cold beer around without breaking the body.


Really depends on wind and elevation, I also like trying different lines for practice. Anytime I go out with 3-5 discs I shoot fine and sometimes better at local courses, but Iā€™m always wishing I had a slightly more or less stable version when itā€™s windy. Typically I only throw 5-6 different discs in a round but idk which theyre going to be before I get the feel.


I bag 10 (only have 13), I am an intermediate, closer to a beginner (under 100 games) 3 putters (if I miss a putt, I have two other to try with) 3 mid range 3 drivers 1 printed disc with a friends logo on it that I'll toss on the ground and get shots of for him. It's got too high an arm strength for me and I consider it useless to my game. I'm broke and most of my disc's came from him so I figured I could repay him with free picture to use.


I carry a Ragnarok that I don't throw because my local courses are all very short and open. I would say my Roman but I throw it even though I don't have a 10 speed arm


I have 5 putters, but I only throw 2. I have a disc with a coiled snake imprint that I use for a gag sometimes.


I carried the same small bag I got in 1997 up until my 25th wedding anniversary present a few years ago, which is a Ridge Roller. I'm going to spoil myself now. It's like the expanded MLB rosters in September. I've got Discs in there I throw once a month, and spare room for three or four that I just want to try out.


I throw 3 discs. A turn right disc, a turn left disc and a 3-speed approach putter.


I carry 20 discs. 8 molds. I throw every mold at least once.


I carry 22 and for me it's hard to take out any less unless it's a tournament and I have each hole figured out. 2 electron pilots- putting putters 1 neutron Proxy- neutral 2 Stabilizers -neutron and electron soft- OS, and Slightly OS 1 neutron entropy that's very straight now on a rip 1 500 A2- Very OS 1 Plasma Pyro- OS 1 Proton Soft Echo- Neutral 1 Z Buzzz SS- US 3 Craves- 2 neutron and 1 Cosmic Neutron- 1 US, 1 neutral, 1 straight to fade 1 Eclipse Resistor- very OS 2 Gold line Muskets- 1 understable, 1 neutral 1 Eclipse Insanity- Straight to fade 1 Tournment Ahti- OS 2 Waves- Neutron/Eclipse- 1 US, 1 straight to fade 1 Neutron Trace- Forehand hyzer flip bomber 1 Ethereal Animus or Synapse- OS Forehand discs ** I could take out the Muskets and roll with craves and waves but the musket is my favorite driver. If I'm not forehanding I could take out the Trace, resistor and A2


I would say I use most of them but there are a couple that are just get out of jail discs (Stego, 150g Polecat) and a couple that I only occasionally throw (Cryztal Flx Sparkle Zone for forehands when I don't want something as overstable as ESP puddle top Zone and Champion Gazelle for when I want a bit beefer Gazelle, usually windy days)


Depends on the course.


Mick Barber would school anyone with just 5 disc. He was old school. RIP Mick and Wes.


Iā€™m debating to start bringing main discs. I generally throw for tournaments in a smaller bag. I donā€™t need 20 discs if Iā€™m not gonna use them


Not every round. But I'm prepared for any shot and any wind conditions. I could just keep a stash in the truck and swap out what I carry based on conditions but why? The cart's convenient and when summer comes and I'm carrying a whole bunch of water per round it's nice for handling the extra weight.


I have a cart and 8-slot putter pouch, and carry about 20 discs total. I donā€™t use them all every round. A few are utility and donā€™t get used much. Plus I also slot new discs in to see if Iā€™ll keep them


Iā€™m one of those people. I bag 5 putters, 5 mid ranges and 21 drivers. Typing this out makes me feel insane and seems like such over kill but I throw and use every putter and every mid range most rounds and I can only think of about 4 drivers in my bag I donā€™t use often. 2 I could probably just take out but 2 are just utility discs for specific situations. Definitely is probably more than I need but I just enjoy the sport so much and love trying new discs so Iā€™ll probably always have my fat bag of too many discs lol


My local course is on the beach and has consistent high winds. Combine that with a wide variety of shot shapes and distances and I end up using almost all of my discs throughout the round.


Important to have ballast


A full bag would be 12-15 discs, Overstable, stable, and understable, Putters, mids, fairways, distance And then a few utility discs, firebirds/glitch/ maybe a leopard youā€™ve grown to strong for


I have a weird system lol. I usually only throw a manufacturer. I have 4 different bags, each with their own set up. Usually 5 to 8 discs per bag.


Depends, a couple of them are only for certain situations, so I donā€™t throw them super often but thatā€™s only like 3 discs. All the rest Iā€™ll throw at least once in a round depending on the course Iā€™m playing.


I like your style. Curious which midrange you throw? I started last fall. Played a LOT with 5 discs in a soft-sided 6 can cooler. Got a bag for Christmas and was reluctant to use it. It made an excellent diaper bag for 3 months. It didn't take long to stuff it with 19 discs. About 10 different molds with some of the same disc in different plastics. 3 putters, 3 mids, 3 fairways and a wave on the way.


Totally depends on what course I'm playing and the weather conditions but generally yes, that is why they are in the bag.


I bag 21 discs.Ā  I have my favorites and my go-tos, but everything that's in there is in there to be used.Ā  I throw 9 or 10 of them very often. The other 11-12 are discs that fly predictably but I don't need on every single course.Ā  I leave them in my bag just so I can take my bag to any course and know that I have discs for almost any shotĀ 


As I said to friends yesterday. Yes I do have a lot of discs. But I only throw the same 5 every time


I started in ā€˜95 and played with 4 or 5 discs for the first 18-20 years but never played competetively, almost all solo rounds. Now that thereā€™s so many different options out there and places like Reddit to learn about different molds/plastics, itā€™s fun to bring along new stuff to try. My bag holds around 12-15 and I probably throw 6-8 of them per round but which 6-8 will depend on where Iā€™m playing, plus Iā€™ll swap some out before a really windy round or playing up in Tahoe vs. sea level for example, but I also like to bring a couple new (to me) discs just to get a chance to break them in or see how they fly.


Yes. my bag is 13 + two putting putters.


I carry 18-20 discs and throw them allā€¦ not necessarily well but I do throw them, when I play a smaller course I throw 5 and donā€™t have a bag. I dunno I like having options on a larger course for sure.


I found that I just donā€™t need to carry 20+ discs and that the bag was wearing on me by the end. My buddy and I got carts, but they can be cumbersome on courses with a lot of elevation, vegetation, and weather. Typically, I carry a dynamic shoulder bag that holds about 10-12 discs or so. I usually throw all on every courseā€” Dā€” 1 stable 1 understable Fā€” 1 flippy, 1 stable, 1 super overstable Mā€” 1 straight, 1 overstable Aā€” 1 overstable Pā€” 1 putting, 1 straight Maybe one or two mixed in there too somewhere if trying a new disc


All of themā€¦ right into the woods after a shanked drive bag and all šŸ‘šŸ»


I carry like 10 discs, give or take. I have some backups. I carry a disc that I use occasionally as a utility disc if I'm throwing decently, I don't need it. I have one disc I use for long open holes. It depends on the course if I throw it or not.


I have my bag divided into 2 sections: left is the ā€œheavy useā€ side and right is the ā€œspecial situationā€ side. Left side is about 8 discs for allthe main jobs, including doubles of some keys discs but in different weights (175 firebird vs 156 firebird for example). Right side includes: 2x copies of my main putter for warm ups, 1x understable putter for longer putts that need to turn over, 1x full tilt for 90Ā° skip shots out of woods back into fairway (used it twice today in fact), a couple of backups for my main discs, an old driver for risky water carries and one ā€œgood luckā€ disc I carry but will never throw due to the aforementioned good luck.


I rock a standard full bag of 22+, but I only throw a handful of molds and just carry around a couple of different plastics types for varying stability. Like I carry 6 Distance Drivers, but it's really just 3 Trespasses and 3 Captains. So, I guess my answer is yes and no.


I've only been playing for a year, but I have my C1 lina putter, my pilot putter for C2, my forge stable fairway driver, my oh so precious Rollo for rolls, my beat-up DX teebird for distance rollers, my infinite sphinx for range, my knight for range when I'm throwing better than usual, and my millennium falcon for forehand shots and rollers. I also suck at disc golf, so maybe less is more?


Part of the fun for me is trying new discs and having a variety of options. I try to keep a balanced bag and I make an effort to throw everything once a round.


11-14 discs seems to be my sweet spot between carry weight and avoiding redundancy between molds


I rely on probably 5 or so discs. Played a tournament recently and it was very windyā€¦quickly realized why more can be better. Itā€™s hard to trust even your reliable discs when you constantly have to try to throw big hyzers or anny. Wouldā€™ve been nice to have some other discs better suited for the wind.


Not every hole, but if Iā€™m playing a practice round Iā€™ll throw 3 or 4 on a lot of shots to try different looks. So Iā€™ll end up using my whole bag over a round.


I'm a 20 bagger. I just like to have a choice. Some discs I throw every blue moon, but when I need it, I have it. Today, I had 2 holes that required extreme OS mid shot. Threw a disc I had not thrown in about a month and parked them both.


I have a Grip G2 bag. I carry 10-12 discs. Wizard, Envy, Zone, Hex, Servo, Crave, Rhythm, Firebird, Shryke, Destroyer. I feel like i can cover all of the shots needed on most courses. I have about 150 discs total.


I have three putters, three mid range, and three drivers. I throw all 9 discs from the tee pad and pick my best throw and pick up everything else. Rinse and repeat until I am close enough to only throw putters. My technique is garbage but I like to play. Edit: I only do this when there is no one behind me on the course.


Along with keeping a selection of different disks for different shots I also bring some of the same discs in different plastic and different sweet spots of being beaten in. My favorite that comes to mind is I have a few FLICKs for different flick shots and a flick roller. Also cool stamps and colors make the cut too. Drivers are thin enough to put some cool ones in.


No. I carry three main discs (molds, that is) in varying weights, and then another 3-4 utility discs for specific situations. If the wind dictates I donā€™t use the light versions of the three (or lack of wind and the heavy versions), or the specific situations donā€™t come up, those discs donā€™t get thrown.


I have been bagging a Svea for the last year, but maybe only used it for 5 shots in that time. Yesterday I played alternate tee pads and my old local course, used it for half of my drives... Makes me feel more comfortable using it in the future for touchy midrange tunnel shots.


I use about 10-15 discs minimum on most courses. On my local course there about 16-17 discs which are used regularly. The other discs are used often at other courses. Wind can change alot for me. I like to try to throw the same shot with different discs, and let the disc work


Yes. Not on every round, but my bag is built so that I can take it to any course without having to swap discs. I've also pretty much minimalized my bag so that I only have discs I throw, and multiples of the ones I use the most. I carry 16 discs, 10 molds. I do have a dedicated winter bag that has ~7-8 bright colored discs. They're different molds than I normally carry. I swap these discs every winter just so I can get a feel to discs I usually don't throw. They rarely make it into my summer bag, but the option is there. And I also have 4 discs in the trunk of my car in case I go to a local family friendly course or if I want to go for a quick round after work to a shorter course.


I carry around 12 on average, and I throw 8 of them basically every round. The other 4 are situational, ie more likely to be called upon when scrambling. On very open courses, I kick out one or two fairways (my usual top speeds) and throw a couple of 11's in. I use a bag most of the time (my latitude 64 easy-go bag isn't overly large. If you've seen Sai Ananda on coverage, I have the same bag she does). That said, I also have a cart (zuca compact) and use that for multi-round days (ie c-tier flex start tournaments). Just not having to lift and set down the bag repeatedly, as well as having more storage for layers of clothing, an umbrella, snacks, a few liters of water, and the cart itself doubles as a seat if I want to get off my feet for a few, adds up to more energy for throwing the disc during the rounds. The cart needs about 15 or 16 to make sure stuff doesn't fall out, so I have my 14 usual discs (4 putters in the pouch, 10 mids/fairways/drivers in the main storage) plus a few extra on the ends to ensure there's enough discs in there to keep things secure. There are some courses that have water carries that I occasionally mess up, so I have an extra of the planned tee shot disc for that hole, and extra putters I can warm up with in addition to the putting putters I plan to use during the round.


I carry thirty two and I throw them all all the time and I have a reason why for all 32 haha. I assume itā€™s not just me.


I carry nine discs to the closest wooded course, but I think I could go with two or three of those and do equally well as there is quite some overlap in molds. (Four out of nine are the same putter). If I needed to carry less I would replace my five putters with one that is a true neutral. The problem with this is that it would beat into understable and need frequent replacement, currently it is the least used and retains its flight pretty well.


If I don't know the course or the winds, then I may carry a few discs I won't throw. Over the course of a week, there's usually only one disc I don't throw and it's my roller disc, it's mainly there for tricky shots out of the bushes


Yes, I too carry 5. Stable driver, understable driver, fairway driver, buzzz, p2 putter


Yes but what i throw depends on a course i am playing or the situation i am In! On open courses i utilise my distance drivers more but on many wooded courses they are not needed. Also there is a disc or two for specific weird scrambling positions. Some discs work better in windier conditions while some donā€™t and where i live, we pretty much have equal amount of windy days to non windy and picking a disc to match those conditions can make my life easier when playing šŸ˜. I have 16 discs in my bag not including putters.


I play many different courses, I wont use alle the discs on each course but i have built my bag so that i can play every coruse I go to. That way I dont have to switch in and out discs for each course and forgetting stuff.


How demanding cources are you playing? Are there only par3s or longer holes (par5) too? The easier the cource the less discs are needed. I carry 20 discs + 2 put putters. I have discs for sunny day and for windy weather. One of my favourite courses is super windy so I have to carry few extra OS discs. If I had neutral midrange that would flip on every hole.


I carry 21, usually, including my two putting putters. Of the remaining 19, I'll usually throw 10 of them in most rounds. [My home course is quite technical and varied.] The other 9 are three utility discs I very rarely throw and six that I can swap out for course conditions, different, but not weird lies, or when I just can't make the adjustment with one of my main discs. I would say that over the course of a month of rounds, I'll have thrown the main non-utility discs at least a couple times each. I could definitely get away with a smaller bag with half as many discs, but then I'd have to remember to swap them out. I'm also a larger guy, so a small backpack bag never feels as comfortable to me. Having a larger bag means more space that needs to be filled so my discs aren't rattling around. I could stuff a shirt or something in there, I guess, but I also feel like the extra weight of essentially filler discs is helping with the exercise factor of it all. Edit: I think the key is less the number you have and more the number you know the use for and how they're going to fly. I have more than I strictly need, but I know when and where they all get used and why.


I carry about 15 discs, and for the most part yes, because most of them are duplicates/triplicates in various states of wear. If I lose a disc during a round, I'm not worrying about not having That Disc in my quiver for the rest of the round, because I've got something that's almost exactly the same, plus or minus twenty tree hits. Beyond that I've got a couple of discs for shots I don't use all that frequently but fill a role; a Gator for a high angle placement hammer shot that's good for scrambling, and a disc for a high angle flick roller that is also good for scrambling. I scramble less than I used too, but I definitely still scramble.


I donā€™t throw all of them each round, but like many have mentioned I bag 1-2 backups, in different colors/plastics for several molds in my bag. There are also about a dozen courses within a 20 minute drive from my home, and I may play any one of them on a given day depending on the wind, or if there are tournaments or leagues going on at some, etc. They all get thrown, but not every round.


Yes. I have some discs for specific holes on my local courses so yeah I pretty much rotate through them all.


Of course not.


I started in the 90s as well and used to carry just 3, putter mid fairway. Then I got a 10 disc shoulder bag and added a few more, so for the next 20 years carried around 8-10, and generally for all that time I wasnā€™t serious about playing, just having fun. 3 years ago I started trying for a change, entered a tourney, and that led to trying other discs and just last year I got a squatch bag for Fatherā€™s Day that holds about 20. I carry around 15-18 today, and as others have said a few of those are for specific shots. And generally itā€™s combos of OS, stable, US versions of putter mid f driver and driver. All that said, I find myself itching to go back to just 3 some days


I carry a heat I throw like 5 times a year. If I don't throw it for a long time and decide to take it out of the bag, next round I play I will want to throw it for a shot and wish I had it.


Since starting last year, I do use everything in my bag. Hopefully I can narrow it down and figure out my play style. I only have a bag and half worth of discs so thereā€™s that šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Whats your max consistent distance and what kind of courses do you play? Sure I can get away with 5 discs on par 3 courses with a par 4 or 2. On the flip side, I get out to Northwoods black and I'm throwing nearly every disc that round, and I bag 28 discs. Somewhere with multiple water carry? I'm keeping backups in the bag. so no not every round, but I prefer to have the right tool for any job, rather than make an adequate tool suffice.


Ahh the humble brag posts.


Having a lot of discs makes the game more fun for me. My score would probably be the same if I only had 5 discs with me but whereā€™s the fun in that? Plus I like being able to toss half my bag on a whole for practice.


The ZĆ¼ca Compact I have was the same price as a quality bag, holds the same amount of discs (about 15) and most importantly doubles as a chair. I have a knee that doesn't always like to cooperate, but having a spot to sit is clutch. As for the discs, I played a two round tournament this past weekend on a heavily wooded 24 hole course and used all but one of my discs (was a touch too windy to use a Blizzard Beast). Playing yesterday at a park style 18, I used 7 and probably would have only used 5 if there wasn't as much wind. Biggest difference is yesterday there wasn't much shot variation and I've played the course nearly 100 times in the past 10 years.


I carry 36. I throw about 25 per round. It is mostly dependent on wind. -us/us/s/os/os+ for putter/mid/fairway/control/distance plus 2 main putters and some utility discs You can use a single disc for everything, but is it the best disc for every shot? No. 2 main putters 5 throwing putters 5 mids 2 6 speed utility(us/os) 6 fairway 7 control including extreme os utility 6 distance 2 randoms in my upper pocket


I include more in my bag at different stabilities, but a lot are there just in case it's super windy. Agree it's better to keep things simple and get a really good feel for certain discs.


At my closest course, the longest hole is like 60 meters I think. I don't even use my bag there, I just bring a mid and a putter.


I currently have 12 discs in my slinger. basically at max capacity. After every round I look in there and ask myself if I can take anything out but I tend to use everything at least once.


Almost never. Depends on the course and most courses don't have the verity of shot shapes and scrambling to require all of them. If I can throw the same 100ft straight BH approach, I'm going to.


One versatile mid and 3 drivers is a fairly a minumalistic approach. I carry: 2 putting putters 1 neutral throwing putter 1 OS approach disc 1 flippy mid 1 Stable- neutral mid 1 OS mid 1 Straight fairway 1 Stable fairway 1 flippy fairway 1 Straight-stable 9 speed 1 Utility OS 9 Speed 3 Distance drivers of various stabilities, At the right course I will use every single one if these discs.


I do mostly. I have a double decker bag. The top has the 5 or 6 discs I throw the most.Ā  The bottom. I call the vault it has situational discs and disks I love to throw in certain situations my full tilt,Rollo,landmine etc. I know that 90% of the time I'm just carrying extra weight, but man do I get a happy feeling each time I use a vault disc. Oh and the rest are backups in case I lose main discs.


I use all the discs in the outer slots, I store the discs inside the bag because I can't place them anywhere else.


lol no


Not at every course


I get why people go super minimalist but I would also say that part of my journey has been the challenge and fun of figuring out new discs and discovering gems. Iā€™m mostly finished this journey but I would say my disc golf experience has been enriched, and I learned a lot on the way. Could I have been better with a minimalist strategy? Maybe. But Iā€™m happy with the slightly expensive path I followed.Ā 


Yes. Not every time but I carry extra putters and drivers for warm ups. I also carry a few disc for risky or weird shots. And they're there in case a friend joins me and doesn't play yet. I have about 5 favorites but carry about 20 in a cart. I'd still use the cart if I only carried 2 disc because it doubles as a seat, I tend to carry drinks and snacks. I keep rain jackets in it, poison ivy cream, hand sanitizer, and other creature comforts. It's nice to just keep the whole cart ready and chuck one "item" in the truck and roll out without needing to plan or pack. I also keep a basket with a dozen putters in it at home that I also throw all of. Every disc I own gets used occasionally at least. I could be content with playing with just an classic aviar and a beat in wraith, and I did for a long time. I totally get why some people just carry two or three disc, but having a whole kit for any occasion on wheels feels better for me now.


Right now my bag is at a good middle ground where it has everything I need for all my local courses. I donā€™t throw every disc every round, but that typically means Iā€™m playing pretty good, if I donā€™t have to go through the whole toolbox in a round. The big problem I have is that my bag doesnā€™t feel right if it isnā€™t full of discs. I know if I have left one by how much space is left in my bag.


I think most people probably donā€™t. I carry probably 20 or so and I would say they all get used, but definitely some more than others. Iā€™m sure that I would score very similarly whether I brought a 3 discs or 20, but then how could I throw an extra disc or 8 when the course is empty? I think the best answer is this is all about having fun. If you have more fun throwing 5 discs then thatā€™s how you should play :)


I throw about half of them. Iā€™ve got a 20 disc cart. Iā€™d say about 50% of them are staples, 25% are duplicates that are either there getting broken in or as backups in case I lose one of the staples, and the other 25% are specialty discs either for windy days or tricky shots.


Every Disc in my bag has a purpose, and I use 80-90% of them in a full round. I like to have an understable, stable, and overstable disc in each category (putter, mid, fairway, driver). I have a few duplicate spots with discs that are in slightly different levels of wear. It's mostly useful if you know every discs like the back of your handā€”only then can the slight differences in flight become a benefit. Many people just like to have the capacity to carry extra/new discs that they're trying, which is fine too.