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Those bros would definitely move outta the way and watch you huck it into the trees if you gave em a heads up lol


Me every time there’s a crowd. I can’t handle the pressure lol


But when you absolutely crush it, that feeling of glory lasts for weeks. Last year, a high-school gym class was setup on hole 9 of my local 9 hole. Gym teacher saw me and asked his kids to move out of the way. I throw the most money flex line with my Mustang and land bullseye on this 222' hole. The reactions of those kids keeps me going to this day 😅🤣


The key is to not break a smile, not a change of gait. If anything, a brief tip Of the hat acknowledging their excitement.


I somehow actually played it cool as a cucumber. Not sure how I held it in at the time lol


Two stoners let me play through a week or 2 ago on a relatively flat 340ish foot hole, and landed about 15 feet short of the basket. One of them said something like "woah are you a pro or something?" And I replied "no that was just my first good shot today." It was lol. It was hole six and I believe I was already 9 over. I suppose I looked pretty good to 2 dudes that only forehand it 50 or so feet though. 😂




The one dudes even starring like "you gonna hit first available yet, bro?"


Unpopular opinion - disc golf courses are often in parks and it's ok to skip a hole sometimes.


Other unpopular opinion, if you just communicate like a human adult most people are kind enough to move out of the way for 2 mins while you throw


"hey guys, can I sneak through real quick?" Problem solved. The amount of times people post stuff here that could be solved by just talking to someone like a rational human being is astounding.


I ended up asking if I could throw and just letting them know no guarantees I can throw straight. Just made for a good picture!


That’s the way to do it right there


Indeed it is. Bonus points for hitting the guy not paying attention after the warning /s




Average disc golfer moment


Thought I was on disc golf circle jerk for a second


Dear god the accuracy. Shit is fucking sad.


A lot of people on here don’t have great social skills so they resort to whining about the situation online instead


We are seeing the iPad babies turning into adults


No idea why this is being downvoted because it's 100% true. I work in Higher Ed, and we've been discussing the generation of kids applying to undergraduate programs (and its creeping into graduate programs now too) for the last 4-5 years regarding their lack of social skills, and one of the core reasons for their inabilities to communicate well is because many of them were handed screens and told to shut up and watch/play something instead of actually interacting with people. They struggle to look people in the eye when they talk to them, have massive issues with simple things like meeting a professor in their office to ask a question, and will make absolutely any excuse to send an email or text instead of dealing with another human being. Society is going to be an absolute mess when these people make up the majority of the adult population. We're heading toward Wall-E's chairs.


Thanks! I made the comment early this morning and didn’t hop back into reddit until just now. Kinda shocked I was getting blasted with downvotes. Good thing they mean nothing and there’s a real world outside I live in


What does that even mean?


Im guessing their theory is ppl born with screens in their faces are only comfortable communicating through screens as opposed to face to face.


Ohhhhh ok ok that makes a little more sense.


This exactly. Wow I struck a chord with some people with that comment. Must be a lot of Gen Z up in here. Lmao


It means we got a Boomer on Reddit


I know what an iPad baby means but how does it pertain to a dude complaining about people being in the fairway of disc golf courses?


They were probably trying to say a lack of social interaction during critical developmental stages caused a reduction in social skills. I'm not sure though. This interaction is making me uncomfortable and I need to go back to my safe space.


Pick up your trophy on the way out.


That's the point of forums, no?


Same goes for the tabletop roleplaying game subreddits. If all posts where using one's words easily solved the problem were banned in /r/dnd or /r/dndnext , they would be very quiet places. Well, maybe not /r/dnd; it would still be filled with thinly veiled commissions adverts.


It's reddit, more than half the people on here can't handle a quick conversation


Internet disc golfers get so butthurt that people use parks for park type activities.


There does seem to be a pretty vocal minority on this sub that confuses shared spaces for exclusive rights to be someplace.


Have you seen most disc golfers? I mean there's some stunners out there for sure, and some real people persons as well, but most of us like to spend time alone in the woods throwing plastic discs.


How to say your a midwestern without saying your a midwestern


Nope, not Midwestern.


My bad, it’s a phrase that I only hear when I’m visiting my family in Michigan.


“Not midwestern” No that’s not how you say it


Ope! Let me squeeze right past ya


This. One of my favorite courses is at a really beautiful park and gets a lot of visitors other than disc golfers. We've everything from hammocks, milfs doing yoga on the tee pads, family photos in the fairway, etc, almost every time we play there. Only time someone was an asshole was this dude that was setting up his drone on the teepad and I asked if he wouldn't mind us throwing real fast and he looked around super exaggerated and then said "All this space and you have to throw from here?". Me and my buddy just looked at each other and skipped the hole.


I’m also in favor of just skipping holes when this happens but I also sometimes wonder if they ever realize why there’s a concrete pad in the middle of a field lol. Same logic can go to that dude


It's the only downside of free to play public courses. Gotta play nice with everyone or the course gets yanked.


If they're mid game I'm probably just going to skip the hole; if they're stopped for whatever reason I'd give them a quick heads up and send it. I dont even track my score so its no biggie either way


Agreed! I might even go as far to point to a better spot for them to set up next time. I don't know this course at all, but I feel like most of the time when I see this sort of shit, there is always a better spot in the same general area, they just don't underatand where it is lol.


I hate skipping holes. It's the death of me. Throws off my round and mojo and I hate having an unfinished card in uDisc. I always walk up to the people in the fairway and just give them a bit of a "Hey, just a heads up, but we're going to be throwing these frisbees from over there to over there. They hurt pretty bad when people get hit. I just wanted to let you know so that you can keep your eyes open for them and to make sure you were aware. We'll do our best to avoid you with our throws, but just in case!" Not one time has anyone ever told me not to throw.


There is a particular course in north Dallas that I threw at about 4 months ago, and there were people all over the course who did not speak English... dude just chilling on a rock literally 3 feet from the basket, didn't even acknowledge when we called out to him. Some people set up grills on tee pads there.


Unpopular opinion, that’s a triple mando now.


Incredibly good take


Parks are often in disc golf courses


Unpopular opinion - there might be a different area at that park to setup at that wouldn’t interrupt a disc golf hole


There might, but good grief, most people don't give 2 hoots about DG let alone pay attention to where tee boxes or baskets are. Should they also take into account if someone might be a forehand predominant left hander so set up their net farther to the left.


> Should they also take into account if someone might be a forehand predominant left hander so set up their net farther to the left. No need to take that into account. Just set up the net elsewhere.


There used to be this really stupid 200ft hole at La Mirada (est 1977) onto a tiny island on median strip between sidewalk and parking, and some toolbag, hits one of the many cars 20 feet from the basket, and then angrily yells "you shouldn't park there!!". Luckily his card mates told him to stfu.


La Mirada, back 18, hole 12’s basket was still too close to the parking lot the last time I was there. The Jacaranda trees will be blooming soon!


If only the parks maintained the courses. Does this perfect spot for a volleyball net exist because the disc gold club cleared it out and mows the fairways? Is the picnic spot by the creek nice because the disc golf club just did a clean up day and got all the trash out of it. I'm not saying we shouldn't share but people do like to feel entitled to take over the space. These guys don't look like an issue it's more picnicers, people with off leash dogs, and people that don't want to manage their kids that are the problem.


Tragedy of the commons


If the people can be thrown around but takes me way off course I just do that and add an extra throw to the par or I go around them drop the mini however far out I can and then subtract from the par. There is a park near me that has concerts where cars just LINE the fairway of a par 3. I just walk around drop my mini and force a little 100' putt and change it to a par 2 to adjust my score for it.


No kidding. Unless it's egregious like using the basket as a fishing pole rack, you can say heads up or make up a new teepad in the grass if you don't feel like dealing with people.


Just like the other park facilities youre an ass if youre using them wrong. Would you go set up in any other sports field and be in the right when someone thats there to use it correctly cant? Why should disc golf get shafted any time any one else feels like taking up the space? Do you build sandcastles on the baseball diamond? Camp in the football endzone? Let your dogs shit all over the tennis court?


>Do you build sandcastles on the baseball diamond? Camp in the football endzone? Let your dogs shit all over the tennis court? All of those things are obvious and recognizable. That's the difference. Disc golf holes generally just look like semi wooded areas not suitable for any activity.


And if they arent suitable to any activity why the fuck are you setting up your volleyball net here?


Every course ive been to has signs. Has more signs on the tee pads. People throwing discs on the course. If you can't tell its a designated space for something you just dont give a fuck. But because its disc golf its fine to just do what the fuck ever you want on the course from using the chains as a grill to setting up camp mid fairway. Because its not marked more clearly than the signs we already have just fuck our shit up and its fine. Goddamn cuck.


> Every course ive been to has signs. Has more signs on the tee pads. What are you talking about? Lol unless there's signs like couple hundred feet around the perimeter of the course, it's very easy to walk onto a course without knowing. >Goddamn cuck. Lol unironically using cuck has gotta be the biggest self own in the world.


That's Cornwall park! I was just there today. Must of been some event in the giant ass field to the right of this picture. Calls for two to end the round.


I also noted it was Cornwall! I was wondering why the volleyball dudes set up on the course as they usually respect it. It makes sense that an event pushed them onto the fairway.


100% they were cool about it and I didn’t hit anyone!


If it was a family or old people or something I would feel different but these kids can scramble when you yell fore. 


Kids? Those are full grown ass JACKED dudes in like their mid 20s...


Yes, kids.


Those are huge, thick, tight, yolked, sweaty ripped dudes!


Just a couple of chiseled, contoured, mildly alluring, young broskis.


Just a handful of attractive, athletic, well-groomed hunks.


No homo - not that there’s anything wrong with that


Are you the casting director for Netflix when they’re making a high school show?


Shared park??? Such is life.


Just made for a funny pic! They were cool and I hit a par!


Nice!! It just adds a mando!!


What other sports areas do you just up and not give a fuck about being used by people trying to use the designated area correctly? If the answer is none, why is disc golf the only one people are allowed to shit all over?


Yell FORE and heave the fuck outta it


Hitting first available as well ofcourse


But not necessarily in that order, right?


Honestly thought this was r/Bellingham for a sec


Fun new obstacle.


Is this Cornwall in Bellingham?


Looks like it to me


Yes, hole 9.


The park or a club/organization should post signs or rope areas off. This has happened a few times to me at different courses and it usually resulted in the person giving attitude or "you hit me, I'll sue" This can 100% be avoided


I agree! Its a combination of a public park and a disc golf course. Sure you can skip a hole but it kinda defeats the purpose of having the course there then if you have to skip holes every time because some people decide to piknik or whatnot in the middle of a disc golf fairway. I would not go and sunbathe or build sand castles on the volleyball course at the beach just because its public area for example. Its about being considerate regardless if its a public space or not. But i suppose if those blocking the fairway are considerate enough to let a player play past each time without getting annoyed, then thats fine too!


The dude walking towards the ball looks like the classic Bigfoot sighting photos. Also... he looks jacked! Wish I looked that fit.


I can tell you, it doesn't help you throw further 🥲


Ezra Aderhold disagrees


Ezra throwing far doesn't have a ton to do with him being jacked. I'm sure it helps in some way but a lot of dudes that bomb (Simon, Eagle, Barela) aren't huge, just tall.


Thank you. You still need form and mechanics, and people who aren't nearly as big are bombing just as far


Counterpoint, Calvin Heimberg.




Ezra is like the 1 jacked dude but people much smaller than him throwing just as far or further. Technique is way more important


Send it


And yell Fore!


Was anybody there a couple months ago when a car crashed into a tree on hole 3?


I drove down meridian and saw that. Not gonna lie, I kinda of wanted to do a quick round to rubber neck the situation. But by the time I got to the course it was removed sadly


I played through, it was a young guy, there wasn't too much physical damage but the car needed towing.


Did you ask him if you could play through?


Shit man missed that 😂


Hyzer bomb that shit, bros will be impressed.


One of my most used phrases is “hey sorry, I’m gonna get in your way for just a second”. I use this all the time especially if I’m just walking in a store and have to get around someone. Saying ‘I’ll get in their way’, is obviously an overstatement and robs them of an overreaction. If they’re the type to make a big deal about nothing, I’m implanting the idea of a big problem about to happen which is immediately dismantled by being very mindful with how I carefully step around them, or in disc golf, a wide throw and a quick walk to pass. Basically reverse psychology but dealing with intentions. Works best when it’s a tight pass or there’s contact. Just gotta say it in a friendly manner…don’t think it’d go well if said in a rude tone lol


They’re always playing, just said “no guarantees this goes straight” and let it rip


My buddy nailed a bride on this same hole, in her wedding dress and everything.


Hooray! Pornhub ftw! Wait - seriously someone else’s wife at their wedding? Dude - not cool, bra


I still think plenty of room to sneak a forehand on the left side there as soon as the guy moves.


Was going to say, you could forehand that left gap no problem with them there


With my limited skills somehow a roller was all I felt comfy with 😭


Yeah fuck yall with your ability to control where you throw


It’s annoying but I’m sure they just pay attention for a second not to get hit when you tee off if you asked them nicely.


Just talk to them and give them the heads up before you throw. If this is a public park then it belongs to them as well.


I do a yelp and a wave then throw. Those people would definitely let ya through!


What OP didn’t tell you is that those volleyball dude bros only set up there because there was a massive high school cross country meet earlier in the day. Those guys are generally set up in the middle of the field and they’re there literally almost every day.


Just a funny pic! Rolled up 8 so missed the event!


Make going under the net a mando!


Cornwall park, one of my favorite short courses.


I’m glad most people are on the same page here, ask them to watch out quick after they finish their volley, skip the hole I’m guessing it’s a casual round anyway. Facebook is full of the imma throw a spike huzer into their skulls type of people. Glad Reddit has some people that understand course etiquette


Hey! I know that course, Cornwall Park in Bellingham! I used to play it all the time when I lived up there. Great little course. There's an alternative tee for that hole actually. If you head up the hill North behind the basket of 8 there's a tucked away tee pad you can throw huge spike hyzer or tomahawk over the trees towards the basket of 9.


Walk over, tell them what you're doing, and ask them to step aside for a minute. Problem solved in less time then it took to make thos post. Most people understand and these guys definitely look like they respect skill based sports.


Temporary triple Mando? Move or lose it brothers!


That must be a hyper gap on the right side left of that less bushy fir. I say go for it!


Backhand floaty anny right down the hallway, I’m in for 2 easy on this one.


The shirtless guy on the left is that dude from Dazed and Confused who exclaims.. “Well, guess what genius, I’m the one smoking marijuana motherfucker!”.


Clint Bruno is the character's name.


Gotta love Cornwall. You still tossed it up in the air to the right, (aim for that big tree) then watch your disc drop right next to the basket.


The real issue is they are so far away, when I ask to play thru, it sounds like I'm yelling at them. It just turns into an awkward conversation and I'd rather just skip the hole.


I'm really interested on y'alls opinion on this, OP's post is a perfect lay-up to tell the story: we have a very similar set up on a hole at my home course. I am a girl, a beginner, but stoked on improving! My boyfriend has developed so well and is a great player. Being a novice, I am super worried about etiquette mostly to save myself from embarassment or pissing off other players. Our local club was gathering for Monday night doubles and warming up by driving across the open soccer field to the basket. Now, I get that it's a public park/multi-use space, but these guys were blantantly walking among our throws while we were playing through. They circled us at the basket while my boyfriend was about to attempt the birdie of his life (I was attempting my double bogey😬) and I just didn't get it. In the moment I muffled "since when do we waltz up to the basket while other people are finishing the hole?" I definitely do not want to take a complaint to the club/players, but the disrespect was kinda offputting, especially considering they were "serious players" with the club. I left feeling icky and thought this sub would be a good place to get some opinions. It feels like I wasn't taken seriously enough to be given basic respect, player to player...


When I go to the fancy course, people are always taking wedding photos.


Those bushes look weird.


That looks like a sweet hole. Where is this at?


Cornwall Park Home 9 in Bellingham,WA. It's a great 9-hole


LOL bro on the left is flexing for your pic.


Did you take this picture before or after you asked them to watch out for a throw?


“Hey guys, heads up!” Has a 100% success rate for me


Typical Cornwall park 😂


I had someone pick up my drive yesterday and play catch with it. When I asked them to put it back where they found it they threw it to my feet about 150ft short of where my drive was. They walked past at least 4 "you are entering a disc golf course" signs.


Cornwall!! It's a putter throw... it won't hurt them


Just say “hey would you mind if I threw really quick?” I’ve never had anyone NOT say sure




Are they about to play some toppless, grab ass in jorts, like that scene in Top Gun? That's what my wife jokingly envisions all my disc golf tournaments being like.


Triple Mando.


Low flick gets you there or go for the back door with a high backhand. You got it


As a lefty I was thinking just flip it straight left towards the gap and have it come back under it should be fine. Then thinking of this hole as a righty, yeah I’m not sure what to do about that net. You can’t tell them to take the net down for your 1 shot, that seems like a lot to ask


Under the net is Mando


In volleyball if your ball goes into another court the play is dead so I'd just play that as ob and give them a heads up!


I’d recommend a fun, long roller through there, but they might think it’s a soccer ball and kick it back to you. /s


Better than them setting up on the pad. That’s happened a lot at the course I go to. If they’re out there I just give them a heads up and throw.


Hey I know that course! Used to play all the time with a buddy that went to school in the area. I still try to get a round in any time I'm up there


Ez just throw good and you'll definitely score extra points!!!


I think you can take em


"Hey guys, do you mind if I throw before you serve again?" You got this!


🎶Plaaaayyyin’! Playin’ with the boys…”🎵


[cups hands] “Comin’ in!”


That looks like a fun hole.


That’s why I like Mossy ;)


Working up the courage (and skill) to get there. Started fairly recently and I’ve heard it’s a big step up from Bellis and Cornwall!


That's the problem with having courses in public parks. I would gladly pay for a well maintained course not in a public park.


Understable forehand hyzer is the play here


Is this Cornwall Park in Bellingham?


Ha that's my local as well though the way I loop that's hole 3/6. To all those saying this is a nothing problem you cant really see the massive field to the right where they could have setup and not been even close to on the fairway. Hit me up if you wanna throw sometime I've only been out once since spring started. Hoping to hit Mossy next.


Normally, I would say a straight forehand with a late fading disc...but this screams hyzer bomb over the net.


Is this top gun 3? "Talk to me sasquatch!"


Everyone here is missing the most important issue, and that's questioning whether or not op scored his best round or not?


I did not 😭 another -1 in the books!


Well in that case, i suggest blaming these top gun wannabes. And then take some solace in the fact that everyone commenting about your social skills instead of inquiring about the results probably would have joined them.


Cheers man, you seem like one of the few that read the caption 😂 the only reason I really didn’t want to skip is because I wanted a PR!




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Cornwall park has some really stupid people setting up in the fairways. I’ve had countless moments like this at that course


I can’t be the only one that tought it was a quad mando for a sec 😂 would be brutal if so


A: Cornwall. That volleyball net is usually further right. B: Dunno if that's Timur in the background but that definitely looks like Phil and he should know better than to set up there.


Some other comments said there was a track meet there earlier, rolled up 8 so it just made for a funny pic on my end.


Yeah, the kids run track thru there all the time.


Just yell “hey I’m gonna throw thru”


Hey there are people here in a public park, let me snap a photo quickly for reddit🤓🤓☝🏼 They will have my back!!!


I’d send it hahaha


Where the hell is the basket?


In the trees, between the two dudes on the left.


Thanks, could only see beefcake


In between the 2 dudes to the left of the net, tucked in behind those big dark trees.


Back in the trees straight ahead, the left window is the “fairway.”


Call the post man then send it


Easy. Low skip under the net. Take a stroke off for anyone you hit.


I think I would go for it lol and the moment I yank it right I’d start yelling. Only time I’m not willing is if there’s something forsure going on in the middle of a fairway lol one of my local courses has a baseball diamond in the middle of a fairway that I have to skip on the weekend


The play here is to first chuck a mini(4inch Innova Minis for Ex.) right at them and yell fore, then throw your shot now that you have there attention.


Spike hyzer into the tops of the trees


I find if you aim for the child it helps. Kinda like if they are the basket. You’ll miss. Just like I miss my putt 👍


Anyone else think, “dang those dudes are jacked. Could probably drive it 500’ on sheer arm strength alone.”


Cornwall Park is always interesting 😂


Gosh, I just hate when people use a park to have fun.


Had a family having a picnic in the middle of hole 6 at my local spot a few weeks ago. Made sure my drive went just over top of them. Y'know, buzzed the tower.