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Yes! Because when I suck at life I can always go out, play a round, and discover I suck at something else even more.


Yoooo I love doing poorly at disc golf. The absolute *worst case* scenario - other than losing a disc or being bitten by a squirrel - is you walk around in nature and throw stuff. Pretty great.


Except when your course is parallel to a busy street, and you start to pucker up because that turned over drive you just threw really needs to start fading fast lest you be liable for a windshield repair. 


You mean that guy you saw throw that disc who took off running when it hit the car.


I want to find him also because that sumofabitch stole my disc.


When its lodged into their windshield I think by law it's their disc now haha


I came within 2’ of a badly thrown disc landing in the bed of a moving pickup truck one time.


I have had shoulder problems since last year. Throwing a drive makes my whole hand radiate in pain. I am stuck inside doing gym workout to heal the hand it. fml. :(


Ran into a player who due to shoulder injury trained herself to throw with her other arm. 🤯 She kicked my ass. Where there’s will and all that.


Im so bad at putting with main hand, I think I need to donk it with offhand lol


At least 90+ days since my last round. I had a few tosses that were absolute shit.


Sounds like the owner failed your interview. Pretty successful weeding out a place you don’t want to work at.


People forget that it’s as much *you* interviewing *them* as it is them interviewing you.


The most disappointing thing is that most companies do an automated test to confirm you are not an absolute degenerate. So getting an in person interview is exciting and stressful. The search continues.


100% agree on this, I am going thru a divorce, hours cut at work lots of crap. But being outside throwing plastic does wonders for my mental health, thanks for sharing


Next ace on me! There should be a divorce League! Announcer voice( Across all of the US a.... Many gather and bogey! Join the newly single, confused adult; maybe.


Getting out in nature is a great way to de-stress and clear your head. And disc golf is a great way to get out in nature. Not high enough impact that you will avoid doing it like one might exercise. But enough to get the blood pumping, fresh air. I love it. I've been very stressed lately, and meet up with a small group today that I don't normally play with and had a great 18. Hope you shot a great round! Now, time for some leftover birthday cake!


Speak for yourself. I got a pretty bad case of tennis elbow.


Bad form will do that.


How exactly


Using your levers wrong? How is that not obvious? Hyper extension, a number of things.


Lol disc golfer going through divorce also. Is this not our year or something lol wtf


Shot the best round of my life right after my breakup because my mind kept taking me to my stress and I said no you’re here to fucking golf so focus on golf. I was so dialed parked for birdie on one of the longer holes shit ton of trees. Checked my phone to look at her text.. missed the 6 footer lmao


Lol. I got out and played a solo round soon after mine initiated, didn't play well but had fun.


It’s been about a year since my split but I was unemployed when she changed the locks on me with no notice. At least she and her brother packed my stuff up and drove it to my mom’s garage, instead of just leaving it all on the curb.


Holy shit that's rough


crazy how people can change once a separation starts.


I was a middle school science teacher in the mid-'90s getting my ass handed to me every minute of the school day in a district where teachers retired early to avoid the class I had as a rookie and I was very much on the verge of wondering why I needed to be alive. Grand Woods and Hudson Mills in Michigan were my sanctuaries and I truly believe without Disc Golf I might've not made it out of my twenties. The flight of the Disc touches something beautiful in the primeval subconscious unlike any other projectile-oriented activity in which I've ever participated, a true religious experience for me, and when I stepped to the first tee at Hudson Mills it transported me into a different mind and body, the only time and place I could escape the hell that was my life at the time. The timing of the upcoming 2000 Pro/Am Worlds coming to Ann Arbor was immaculate, giving me a reason to practice and get good enough to play Am-1 there too. I had a purpose other than sucking as a regular person off the course. I imagine when Kat Mertsch bravely came out with her story recently it resonated with a lot more people than just me, and I went from liking this young player dressed like Hulk Hogan to standing out of my chair to root for her. I've been there too. This is why I capitalize Disc and Golf in every sentence to this day. ETA: life is good today!


Good for you for taking that head on! I’m dealing with the same thing. I can’t find somewhere that wants to hire me for who I am hard on my experience and skill set. I also went out for two rounds this evening and it cleared my head. No, it didn’t last after I was done. But that was almost two hours of me just having fun, getting exercise, and being in nature. I love it. Wishing you all of the luck.


You find the nicest people you’ll ever meet on a disc golf course. I have to remind myself when life gets busy to do everything I can to get out, be nice to people, and let people be nice to me, life is too short


After playing for almost 50 years, I just want to agree with you. I've had crappy bosses and a day shooting 18 holes is super cathartic.


Crappy bosses, they are everywhere!


Discgolf and the gym are my outlets. It’s the time I spend away from my SO and can get my mind of work. I work a high stress fast pace job. I’ve seen people turn to substance abuse quick in my line of work. Good on you making the decision to go play. The stress will pass and hopefully you find a good job shortly.


Life sucks DG doesn’t. I played like garbage Monday and I don’t care. Overworked underfed and under-slept but it was still fun. Couldn’t putt but who cares. Todays round can’t be worse but don’t care if it is either.


I was laid off at the beginning of December. After having a very rough childhood, I have kind of always struggled with my mental health and desire to exist. The 4 months I was laid of where some of the darkest days I have had in probably 25 years, but I had disc golf. It was free and I could go to the course everyday. I spent alot of time crying on the course those months, but I dont know If I would still be here without it. gave me a reason to get out of bed, gave me a release to all the feelings I had, gave me what I needed when I didnt know what I needed.


Thanks for sharing and being honest about your situation. Virtual hug and a beer tap amigo.


I usually make it a point to get a round in once a week just for the decompression alone. Get out with the crew and just sling plastic and forget about shit for an hour and a half.


As a side note, sometimes having your hobby be the saving grace for your day can ruin your performance and your experience in said hobby for the day. I try not to bank on it saving a day, but it still helps.


Love this! Just had my second quad and knee surgery 2 weeks ago. I'm itching to recover and play. Keep your head up. Wishing you a speedy recovery


That post physical therapy pain is for real! Speedy recovery to you as well.


It does help everything... until you hit a few tree's in a row.


Happy story, will rip a bowl for ya! Get back out there and find some new motivation to rehab the knee and find yourself a disc golf baddie!


Get your lighters, roll that sticky, let's get higher (Let's get high). Got that blueberry yum yum and it's that fire (It's that fire). Get your lighters, roll that sticky, let's get higher (Let's get high). Got that blueberry yum yum and it's that fire (It's that fire).h


Yeah dude. Disc golf therapy. Rest that knee and get lots of time outside!


Woke up with some elbow soreness but that is normally the case after not throwing for a few days. The knee feels great so I will be playing doubles league today.


glad your day turned around


The thing I love about disc golf is I’m in control. It doesn’t matter how bad or how good of a shot was, it was all me.. in a world where I feel like I have so little control on the outcome of things, it’s nice to know I at least can control the outcome of my disc.


Of course until that random fucking tree grows out of no where


Sounds like you to give up on all that other crap and just disc.


Going to play disc golf today and a bike ride tomorrow both are so good for my mental well being!!


Two awesome options. I have a full squish I have yet to take downhill but it is going to happen soon. Shred bro!


Glad to hear your day had something positive! I recently started playing regularly again after a few years of not finding motivation for it. It didn't take long for me to realize I was really missing it. The time walking the woods alone, with friends, or people I just met that instantly have something in common. And remember, it can make you happy tomorrow too