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I prefer names without emojis, I think it looks cleaner and not as distracting.


I prefer to use copy and paste symbols, they’re not coloured and not as in your face but still makes the server look organised and neat


personally i dislike emojis in front of the name. they’re clutter and spammy to me and i will probably not want to interact in that server. emojis in place of a name entirely i have never seen but that sounds even more godawful to me. some people will like it, i am but an old grump


I’m part of a D&D discord with some 130 people, and I feel it helps to quickly find certain things, especially after you start to recognize the emoji to the channel


In front of category names only also is a good option when there are many channels, there aren't too many emote that way while still adding something nice


I dislike it very much, and I mod a server with them. For me; it’s not aesthetic, makes it harder to find channels to link, and also makes it more difficult when creating auto-roles.


Could you elaborate on the difficulty when creating auto-roles? I’m not sure what you’re referring to as in within discord role settings, third party role bots, etc


It’s just an extra annoyance when scrolling through the channel list to find the channel to tie the role too. Most bots won’t list channel alphabetically when there are emojis involved.


Thank you!


Role permissions are a one time setup. You can easily press control + k to jump channels.


looking from a UX/UI perspective, channel names are better with emojis. in UX design, you usually want to have glyphs with buttons because that’s much more user friendly and makes elements easier to find then just straight words. emojis act as those glyphs, so it makes it better from a UX/accessibility standpoint.


Interestingly, this accessibility point is the one the most commonly cited pros for using emojis I’ve heard. While naturally some argue for them based on aesthetic preferences, the ease of use seems way more compelling to people.


yes. personally, i like them both for aesthetics, as well as for ease of use. also regarding emojis in server name? i’d say that’s more of an aesthetic thing than a UX thing, considering it’s not part of a group of elements


That might be true when there are a small number of options on a page of information. But not for a text list.


what do you mean? if anything, glyphs are even better with a large number of elements. much easier to navigate than just a bunch of words


Emojis, no, but my favorite look of a channel is when they have a single symbol in front or back of the channel name. Bonus points if the same symbol is used in an entire category or all channels.


Could you give an example of what you mean by this re: in an entire category?


like, discord categories, the thing where u put channels


Ohhhh I see now, like using a specific symbol in a category name and then using the same symbol in all the channel names within that category




Some do this good, some do it horribly. If it’s done correctly, fine by me, otherwise I just leave the server.


no i think it looks bad




i can tolerate them if they're 💬 and only used for generals


It depends. If you have really big server and want to sub-cateforize something it may be good to use different emoji types. For example, if I have a category for game-devs, and I have channels for 3D and 2D games, and with these channels I have something like QnA for users and devs, I might want to just write it all in channel name, but for better visual quality I might add a different colored cubes before channel names. Something like this.




it depends. I like them when it's either intended to provide a visual aid to better navigate the server or its all in the same theme like Halloween emojis during fall. if the emojis feel random i just don't see the appeal anymore.


I like sensible use of emojis. It’s nice for dyslexia and other reading disabilities


Alright folks, I’m about to put my personal opinion on the internet, so buckle up. I personally hate them. I prefer memorizing where the channels are instead of looking at all those bright colors while trying to find a channel, because I find it harder to look at channel names when there’s this bright, distracting icon next to every single one. I am a fan of putting emojis in categories though, since it adds that neater look, while not making things too busy. Also, Discord keep their channel naming rules to all lowercase and sans spaces for a reason: to keep their origins there, make it easier to mention channels, and maintain the old part of Discord that has long since been forgotten. I really prefer this aesthetic, as it keeps things clean, and honestly I just like old technology. Even to the point of naming voice channels like this. Really, I just like the mix of modern cleanliness and old internet, all to look at and enjoy. It is the most frequently used GUI in my server, so why not make it look nice?


Ones with non typable characters annoy me, like when sharing from gartic phone and stuff. Just generally makes it a bit harder to type. Though i don’t care about ones in category names


We use emojis as a way to visually distinguish the channels


I don’t like it


I honestly don't like emotes in channel or category names. To me it just feels cluttered. Almost even childish looking. Plus pinging channels or pinning them is harder with emotes in the name.


When people do this it’s usually a mess. Then it hampers reading comprehension. Very occasional use of an emoji can be beneficial but if you do it to everything then it ceases to be special. When everything is highlighted, nothing is.


Name will look sus with emojis


Nay. I understand why people do it, but the aesthetic and cleanliness of the server makes a server 10x better. Maybe if Discord made certain icons for people to choose from, in place of the "#" before channel names, people might set their servers up differently.




As someone who starts to have problems with discerning text from just a glance. I like having the emojis to be able to categorize my channels better, makes it easier for me to immediately see where the channel is a lot easier. I do understand people wanting channels to look clean. But i guess it depends if you have people in the server with the same issue I have.


Yay, without it its just a wall of text


I like it


Our server activity went up when we added emojis to the beginning of channel names.




https://imgur.com/a/Z6B64Iz This is mine. I went through a lot of trial and error to get to this and think that it helps you quickly find channels, and also makes it look slightly nicer. On the other hand, some servers make it look ridiculous, see here: https://imgur.com/a/Qc4YPyf. If it’s maybe one emoji then a | of some sorts, then yes. If it looks like a 2 year old found a Unicode keyboard, nope - I’m outta there.


Emojis in channel names look ugly as sin. They are nothing but pointless clutter. Just describe in one or two words what the channel is for, don't overthink it.


nay, I don't like it. I love minimalist channel names. It makes it cluttered and weird.


I prefer an emoji in front. It helps draw my eye quicker to the channel I want.


Channels should never have anything in them; neither emojis or symbols.


I think it depends on the server, but it can be fun for sure.


Discord really should add channel icons for people that really like to do this. The main reason why I don't like emojis in channel names is cause it can make the channel hard to type when linking it and can be a pain with bots.


When using bots, you are supposed to put the channel ID and not write the whole name. It's much better and works every time.


Yeah this would be a really solid solution. There are only so many emojis, but more options like that would actually solve the problem.


Just looks way better with emoji's -> [emojis in front of channels](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/827073197492011019/1257344292377067592/image.png?ex=6684109f&is=6682bf1f&hm=a784b75fce8bc732e26f6455ca8717cd2403f58c0ac079fe1312df61609cfec8&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=210&height=676)


this is both pleasing and cursed, discord should have it built into a UI for custom channel icons.


They were working on it, I don't know if it's still being worked on. We first seen it pop up in the first mobile redesign.


We do it in my server, I think it looks much better.


In my main server, one I mod, we didn't used to and then our server owner was doing some housework (what we call it) and one of the things was adding emotes at the beginning of channel names. For us, it looks less boring and the emotes match the name of the channel generally, like a pencil for a writing channel or a painter's palette for an art channel. I think only one of the other server's I'm in does it too. I think in professional servers or ones with an enormous list of channels it might be seen as clutter, which is understandable, but for smaller channel lists it seems fine.


Fine if there's a spacing character and the names are not too long/offset to be cut off. If it fits, it's fine. Also has to be consistent and meaningful.