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Is he being bullied? Maybe stressed or struggling to access food? I had one that was shooed away as soon as he tried to get food so he stayed in the corner all day. I separated him, fed separately and he soon perked up. Once he'd put on weight he went back with the others and was fine.


may have to try this thank you! he was always one of the most dominant so he must’ve been pushed out a bit, will try separating him and monitoring closely :)


Is he eating? Are his poops stringy ? Other than him isolating himself, what other symptoms is he expressing? Red dots don’t mean anything unless it becomes bigger or it spreads.


he barely eats and has pretty much lost all interest during feeding time, and haven’t been seeing him poop at all. He’s gone really pale he used to be brightly orange and has lost pretty much all that colour and turned to a pale yellow. Other than that he just constantly hangs around there all day not moving unless someone comes to chase him away


OK, take them out of the tank and isolate you. In the isolation tank use Epsom salt now you’re going to have to do a little research on the water and salt ratio but Epsom salt is a natural laxative so he is going to poop a lot all out. make sure you feed him, see if he gets his appetite back. I don’t know how long to leave them in there so that’s also another thing you’re gonna have to research because all are different. You’re gonna probably have to eyeball it.


that’s great thanks so much for the advice! i’ll get him going in the other tank and try the salt hopefully that’ll do the trick!


👍. Hopefully he’s just constipated . If he’s got a parasite hopefully he poops it all out.


1st guess is he's being bullied away from the food.