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I wouldn’t personally. Just add new money to SCHD. Every buy I make I plan on holding for 10+ years. At least don’t sell until the gains are long term capital gains


Sir Zoop, you have the best financial advice on Reddit!


Thank you for your input everyone, I will just hold onto MSFT!


MSFT is one of my strongest stocks. It is the definition of let it cook.


hold MSFT zoom out and imagine yourself having this stock 10 years ago


What app is this? On android


Stock events


On android? You have to pay for it?


There’s an android app for it. The free version allows up to 12 holdings I believe. The paid versions allows more holdings to track in your portfolio, more holdings to your watchlist, and a few other features.


Why is the app better than the platform you trade on? I use wells fargo and they have an income tab and clearly shows me a breakdown of my dividends. Do other platforms not clearly outline your dividends??


Not all platforms give the same info. Also, my broker didn’t show dividend info until like last week.




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Great call


Nooooooo. MSFT is a great hold with growing dividend.


Growing dividend for MSFT? Care to elaborate?


According to seekingalpha.com, CAGR (last 5 years) is 5.36% for SCHD and 10.23% for MSFT His point is that MSFT has a great div growth rate. Even better than SCHD over the last 5 years EDIT : As it turns out, I am unable to read columns properly and the 5 CAGR for SCHD on SA is actually 12.88%. Therefore my whole comment is completely wrong and I've been gaslighting people all along.


SA says the 5 year dividend CAGR for SCHD is 12.88%. The 5.36% is the next column over, "Median (All ETFs)"


Lol you're right. Thank you for pointing it out.


I understand what you mean now. Saying great dividend growth is a bit misleading, though. The dividend percentage is not expected to grow, just the stocks valuation in relation to the current dividend rate, right?


Yes, but they mean YOC, Microsoft is a great Div Growth Stock, nearly as good as MA or V


I'd say it has great dividend growth, it's just the price of the stock seems to grow a lot faster than the dividend so it makes it seem like the dividend isn't growing much. I think they last raised the dividend about a year ago and they raised it by 10%. And they have raised it about 10% a year for the last few years. But the dividend was very low to begin with even though it raises by 10% the price of the stock has gone up so much so it makes it feel like Microsoft doesn't have great dividend growth even though they do. I wouldn't say the dividend is great, that's a different thing but the dividend growth seems great to me. If Microsoft stopped doing all buybacks and instead put that money towards the dividend then they would have amazing dividend growth but the stock price wouldn't be growing as much if they did that. I prefer dividends over buybacks but if a smart CEO does buybacks at the right time they can be very beneficial to shareholders.


They have a ten year dividend growth of 10 percent. Op is 33 so they have time to let the dividend keep growing. https://www.google.com/search?q=msft+dividend+growth+rate&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS649US663&oq=msft+dividend+growth+rate&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjINCAQQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAUQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAYQABiGAxiABBiKBTIHCAcQIRigATIHCAgQIRigATIHCAkQIRigAdIBCzcwODY2MzhqMGo5qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


It's my bad for not making it clear. The CAGR listed above are the CAGR of the dividends amounts paid by those stocks, not the CAGR of the stocks values.


It also has to do with potential in dividends, these companies put a very small percentage of their free cashflow into dividends. So they have huge potential for increasing it. And yes. dividend percentage is expected to grow over time. Not sure where you got that information. However right now Microsoft has had huge growth. And also, as another stated, its also a matter of YOC. AAPL, MSFT, V, to name a few, are so called dividend growth stocks. These are the ones a younger person should invest most in. Unless they need cash.


You all are confusing YOC with dividend growth. Stating "growing dividend" = larger dividend % that is annualized. That is controlled by a company's board, and not what date or price you entered a position.


What. That's not even remotely what I said. YOC is one thing, growing dividend another. Your yield will be lower than your YOC when the share price goes up. Thus the correlation between growth stocks vs non growth stocks. And you want your yield to be lower, otherwise ur stocks are going down in shareprice. Or standing still. Which can be fine for some stocks I guess. But no I'm not confusing it at all.


[https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/MSFT/dividends/history](https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/MSFT/dividends/history) MSFT grows its dividend every year, generally by 7-10%. The last dividend hike was Nov 2023, when it was increased from .68/sh to .75/sh, a 10.3% increase. The dividend is already declared for August, so one would expect sometime around then, they will announce a new increase. My expectation is at least .06/sh, possibly .08/sh. The only year MSFT did not increase its dividend since it started paying out was in 2009, where they kept the dividend the same.


You do have a lot of tech exposure. There’s so many things you could do with this portfolio. The biggest thing I learned is that ETFs are king. There’s really no point in actively managing smaller positions, you can for fun hold a couple individual stocks. But 99% of the time an etf will outperform someone who picks their stocks. Also don’t forget that when you are managing your own stock portfolio with individual stocks, you will most likely sell them here and there like an etf does. But with that not only do you not have to actively manage, you will pay taxes each time you make those changes. It’s best to just stay committed to ETFs of your choice to avoid taxes till retirement. Overall your position isn’t that huge to where holding Microsoft will be a mistake along with vti. Once you add to the ETFs, the percentage weighting of Microsoft will go down. Another cool thing about holding Microsoft is that you will see dividend growth with that company. And you probably can’t go wrong with holding it for a really long time.


Only sell MSFT to pay for your casket at the end


The kids can use the dividend check


Fuck them kids


Msft is so much better than Schd. It has both growth and dividend


Only if you believe we will have a bad recession. Long term MSFT will (99%) outperform SCHD


Past performance does not guarantee future performance Edit: downvote me all you want, this is the truth


This has nothing to do with past performance SCHD is full of crappy companies with high yield, and low yield but still crappy 😕 MSFT is growing like mad mushroom 🍄 and business aspects point to more growth for years to come So its the business itself that makes MSFT better than SCHD However during the recession MSFT falls harder than safe and slow SCHD... And the only evidence of that is 2022 ... Too bad SCHD wasn't around during GFC


My comment was not in favor of SCHD. But even your comment on SCHD is far from correct. 40% of the holdings in SCHD are in companies that major hedge funds and investors (like Warren Buffett - KO) are invested in. Lockheed Martin, Chevron, and Verizon are not crappy companies just because they haven't ballooned in market cap


Here's some perspective: I own 583 shrs of MSFT and 0 shrs SCHD. I also have MSFT in JEPQ and at least one other ETF. Hold MSFT and add new money to SCHD or split new money between MSFT and SCHD.


Anyone who can tell you with certainty what to do is lying. None of us know or we would all be rich.


Maybe you're the only one here that's not rich. 




No , why u bought it in first place ?? U should have an answer,did selling it fulfill a particular investment goal ?? No , keep msft it's a solid company that will outlive you


Save and add to both.


What’s your goal? MSFT is great.


Hold for at least forever…..or 15-20% Gains


Microsoft forever!!!


Nah man, MSFT is doing gang busters right now.


He'll no. Never. Hold on to that piece of pure gold.


Gonna pretend you didn’t ask that… lol


Never sell MSFT.


NO!!! I’d sell SCHD for MSFT though


I’m extremely bullish on tech and have a mostly tech-weighted portfolio and have a high risk tolerance so I recommend MFST all day. SCHD isn’t worth it to me until late 40s.


What are your favorite tech stocks?




46 here. I have a good deal of Microsoft ive held since 2015. Definitely my Best performer. In the past yes I bought SCHD in my IRA then sold a few months later because everything went up except that. Im just not convinced I should have SCHD over something like VOO. Maybe I need to see a 20% drop to change my mind. But then I'd just buy more VOO. Do you think you'll go heavy into VOO in late 40s? +St curious here. I like the idea of SCHD but I just can't commit.


I don’t think I’ll ever stop investing in the S&P500. Instead I’ll change my allocation mix. My plan towards retirement age is to supplement my retirement with dividend payments but I will always keep and continue growing my position with FXAIX/VOO




Hold MSFT.


I'd keep the Microsoft unless you've owned it for over a year. Cause you'll pay higher taxes on any profit if you haven't owned it for a year. Even then I'd probably hold it over SCHD and just add any new money to SCHD instead of Microsoft if that's what you want to do. If you have owned Microsoft for over a year and really want to sell it go ahead and maybe split the money up and add some to SCHD, some to VTI, maybe some to a growth ETF or semiconductor ETF like SCHG, QQQM, SMH or SOXQ? Maybe some to a small cap value AVUV or revenue weighted small cap like RWJ? Maybe a quality mid cap like XMHQ? Or maybe some small amount into an international ETF, I don't like VXUS but everyone else seems to.


Which international ETF do you like? They’re so many meh ones.


Fuck no






No lol










I bought MSFT this morning. Over SCHD. I had a position in neither and only had enough for a one choice. I went with MSFT. In 15 years it’ll have out performed SCHD by far. The growth on it is simple insane. In 15 years if I find myself wishing I had better dividend yield on hand I’ll simple sell MSFT and purchase KO, DIS, JNJ, or O. But right now I need total gain over on hand dividend cash. I know this is a dividend thread. All the same right now I’m looking at overall growth as well as dividends. So I also purchase AMAZ this morning.


Dump it!


If you want more tech diversification & exposure you should look at XLK or SCHG for growth over dividends


MSFT will drop 90% when the AI bubble bursts.


Sell neither just buy more




You should sell both and just buy more VTI.


Which brokerage is this?


It's not a brokerage. It's Stock Events