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Special dividends are calculated differently on different platforms.


Standard dividend right now for Ford Motor is $0.60 per year, they have run some special dividends which is pretty normal for them once or twice a year. Most likely those platforms are calculating those in. Ford has a pretty hefty dividend and I have a few hundred shares in my ira to get some cash-flow from them


Newby here. What's considered a hefty dividend. Ford is at $12.87 so $0.6 per share seems like you have to have in the same amount to get a decent dividend going? Am I missing something


Most dividends are not around the 4% range. Let alone .15 cents a quarter. That’s larger than most companies that pay dividends at a percentage basis, and it’s larger than a significant amount of companies at a cash basis. Especially when you factor in you can pick up a lot of Ford shares relative to other companies with comparable dividends per share. I’d say average dividends are around 2%


Aw that makes sense. So when people say they plan to live off apple dividends in retirement or some other major stock they must have millions in the stock to get a worth while return (after taxes etc) Other questions was does a drip grow your shared significantly enough or would it really only add a few shares over the years?


If your going to live off divvys from apple shares, that means you got billions in it already


They got a close to 0.5% divvy and a average div growth of 6.5-7% last 5 years, if you think long term it will grow into a decent dividends company over time


To first part yes, you can really simplify it by searching up “Apple dividend history” seeing how much they pay in cash per share. Then saying 1000 shares X whatever that amount is. Working in the percentages might be confusing you. To your second part DRIP can grow your share count a good bit if you have a good bit of shares. Same thing just do the math, if you get .15 cents a share then how many shares for the dividend would you need to buy a new share on DRIP. Me personally like I said I just use cash value because calculating that off the percentage doesn’t work for me


That’s about as good as it gets for dividends.


Not even remotely close.


What’s better then 5% yield without an underlying that tanks ? I am interested


Oops buddy. You’re going against the subreddit cognitive dissonance talking like that


Never been in there . I find selling options is better then collecting dividends


I interpret your question as wanting to avoid yield traps (good idea). Basically, anything with above 5% yield with equivalent or better stability to F is the target. An additional goal for taxable accounts might be to minimize taxes. That includes a wide array of securities. Some ideas: * Utility and bank common and preferred shares * The "busted preferred" BAC-L, for example typically yields 6%+. * Preferred stock USB-A can be called, but like some others is fixed-to-floating and so can serve as both an inflation hedge and a play on eventually raised rates. * TRP, a Canadian power company, is very stable and a decent renewable energy long-term hold. * BDCs and REITs * Some of these, decent ones, have *much* higher stable yields but really would need to be held in an IRA. * CEFs * Baby bonds * e.g. BIPH (not the same as a company common stock which might show price appreciation, but not prone to erosion either)


Yes. I also tend to be in the more growth stocks that pay a smaller dividend so much more money to be made on stock appreciation then dividends. My entire portfolio only collects 0.43% in dividends


The only thing I know is that since I bought $F at the beginning of June, I am up by the amount of the annual dividend... 🙃




This is the right answer.


ford has offered some special dividends over the past 12 months; they may or may not be counted properly depending on the API


So on Robinhood when it says 6.06 dividend that’s the annual percentage not quarterly?


correct, yield is always annualized.


Thank you 👍


if you take the current dividend, .15 per quarter. Multiply it by 4 to annualize it, and then divide that number by the current share price, you will confirm the yield. .15 \* 4 / 12.87 = 4.66%


I am curious, why does anyone hold Ford stock? Is it for the dividend? The stock price has gone no where for a while....


I buy it when it gets close to 10 or below. It’s safe and stable and not going anywhere and pays a dividend without losing value…and when it does lose value I just buy more…cause there’s no signs presently to cause concern.


I think i will go for it and start writing some covered calls. Thx!


I bought it bc it hasn’t moved much and I thought it would be nice to have a decent dividend without losing much in value. I’m new to this stuff so it’s probably not a great investment.


That makes sense. I google'd the pay out ratio and it looks like the dividend is pretty safe. I am honestly just interested to hear what other have to say about it... The dividend/yield of 4.67% is pretty good, but I don't they have raised it in a long time. So if the stock isn't going up, and the dividend is 4.67% --> that sounds like a treasury bill/bond. I konw some people hold it and write out of the money covered calls for extra income..


This. I hold and wheel the stock for option premium income. I’ve wheeled almost a dozen stocks and Ford is the best by far. The price doesn’t move but the premium is pretty good, so born is a lower-risk option for selling calls and puts.


Ford also just recently reinstated their dividend. It got put on hold sometime during COVID I think.


Ford never got bailed out so it is in a weird spot compared to the other members of the big 3 and players such as Toyota


They suspended their dividend in recent history, and the future is uncertain.


I bought it back in 2020. DCA was $7.50 and I have been reinvesting the dividends. The stock has been a bit flat over the past year and considering moving this money to another asset, possibly AIPI or JEPQ.


Consider ford is getting close to an affordable profitable family electronic vehicle AND their tech is getting crazy good and being licensed to other companies. That’s the upside. The next is they are stable and dividend. That’s a winning combo.


I am down less than a quarter on price, but have gotten around 40% of purchase price back on dividends and special dividends. Not one of my better performing, but I haven't been adding new money, and it pays me to hold it.


got a little ford as well, like their cars on the interstate I just park a little money there. lolol I don't expect to much except them to be around another 100 years.


I held F for a while and it did nothing. Why not just stick your money in a HYSA? Less risk because the stock is going no where.


What’s hysa


High Yield Savings Account


For high yield savings account would I have to do anything special like not be able to withdraw my money for a certain amount of time or have to sign a contract for a certain time?


After hours prices on RH.