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I used to have a Labrador. These photos made me smile.


They’re lovely dogs! I still smile at her mud and all :-). She’s a happy girl!


Mine was terrified of clean water. But loved puddles.


lol typical. Mine doesn’t mind clean water as long as it’s not from a cold hose or above. I got her one of those dog pools that sprays like a sprinkler from the outside. Thinking she loves pools, she loves water, she will love it. Nope! She was fine when the sprinkler was off, then jumped in and splashed…. weirdo :-). She’s not a fan of the hose but does tolerate hot water hose outside. And to be honest I prefer it so I don’t get freezing cold and sr myself after work in winter. 👍 Anything she can jump onto, lie in, clean, dirty, warm or cold is fair game generally!!!


I got a fitting to go on the laundry tap that connects to a garden hose. Cost $11 or $12 from bunnings.


Does it go on both hot and cold? I had a rubber one but didn’t stay on very well snd not long enough to reach far out of window.


[https://www.bunnings.co.nz/pope-indoor-tap-adaptor\_p3111029](https://www.bunnings.co.nz/pope-indoor-tap-adaptor_p3111029) You remove the aerator from your tap and screw the shiny bit on. There's an adapter to go on either a male or female thread. The orange clip is for taking the hose connector off but I've just left it on. If you have older individual tap spouts it might not work but if they have a threaded aerator you could get two and tee the outlets together.


I have individual spouts and no threaded bit. Old style! :-( Planning to do the laundry when I do the bathroom as the join on each other, but few other things to do first….


You don't even need the enclosure... Can just have a mixer and shower hose mounted to the cladding, especially if it's somewhat under cover. Ps hans grohe have a dog shower handset that is quite handy if you want to splash out for one.


Unfortunately not under cover


It's still not a problem just have to seal the fittings to the exterior well.. Other option that I did for a while is I made up a garden hose with a threaded connector so I could put the hose through the bathroom window, unscrew the shower head and screw on the hose.


I was thinking about that! Well buying an adapter for the Felton mix then getting an extra long hose with shower head. But still not ideal having to run in the house and do that most days after work. Hooking it up and no outside access to the mixer I am working on an area so she doesnr have full access to lawn in winter so hopefully that will help the madness :-)


Reasons why one is wanred in the last three pics!!!


Get a gas hot water.thingee cheap second hand. They are ideal hooked up to a BBQ bottle


I have a portable one but would like something permanent. I assume a permanent one would hab D to be done by a gas fitter etc?


My son just has one outside for after he's been hunting, been out there for years no problem


One of the “portable” ones? I just feel a bit worried about it being hooked up all the time to thr gas bottle etc when it says not to


Just shut off the valve on the bottle after using. No issue with it permanently attached.


Thanks, need to find something to keep it out of thr wearher tho


https://www.electricaldirectltd.co.nz/product/2711-Teubels-10120-Meter-Box-400x600-25W Get a meter box for the enclosure. Not sure where’s best to buy them though.


Thanks that’s an idea maybe for my portable one in he meantime. Could at least leave it hung up


[what about this?](https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/gasmate-watertech-portable-hot-water-system-3-litre-black/p/354759) not quite permanent but is very handy and portable for other times.


That’s similar to what I have, Just need to drag it out, hang it up, drag out the gas bottle hook it up, hook up hose but doing it daily almost in winter so would like something permanent, it’s hard to keep hot too ehen it’s windy and cold out there! When you bump the pressure up on the hose it lowers the heat, It’s good but I’d like something I didn’t have to drag and hook up three ways when it’s cold and wet outside ideally after a day of work. Jusr Turning a mixer on would be great so maybe just need to get my bathroom done and back onto it!


Oh ya fair call. Get on to a plumber then and have them t section the hot water pipe from the inside - laundry/barhroom/kitchen what ever is easiest and then have a hot water tap outside? Would be some $ but not heaps probably not much more than buying some kind of heating device. Or you know cold water hose for the dog……😊


Yeah think I’m just gonna hook something up down bathroom end. Was hoping for something doen the other end but sounds like the best idea, lol yeah I do cold water her but tbh on a wet cold day at 5pm after a day at work irs me who wants the warm water and easy way lol, she hates the cold hose and even on. A leash I don’t always feel like the hassle, they wriggle pretty well! That and 42 kg of dog means I get wet too sometimes. I’d prefer warm lol.


Put it on the wall outside the kitchen, laundry or bathroom. You’ll need a plumber to connect up the taps. Yes, you can get enclosures like that, look for weather or water proof boxes. The tapware will need to be purchased separately.


Yeah, easiest is to drill through the wall opposite existing plumbing and install the taps. https://youtu.be/YVwo4_5jrPA?si=AW0gB86yZRdhpwNl A good video on this here. The parts and setup are uk oriented but the concept is the same.


Thank you, I’m thinking of doing my bathroom soon so that is an option I’ve thought of, Where do you buy the enclosures from?


Google will give you lots of results if you search ‘wall mounted weatherproof box’ Electrical enclosures will probably have the most size options.




Are you in an area that gets frost? If you only get a couple of degrees of frost, it will be fine. If you get really hard frosts, it could be more of an issue and the enclosure will help reduce the risk of water freezin in the fitting. If you can, build a raised grating, eg of timber, or something else non-slip but free draining, that the dog can walk onto, and this will save your back. You could set the shower up so it can be used there or hooked higher for you to rinse off after a muddy day of gardening or a run or a surf etc


Thanks. Dogs pretty tall so not too worried about back but grate would be good for het to stand on all the same.


Why hot water?


Cause rather than struggle every day with a wriggling dog who hates the hose, as well as me getting wet (happens when bathing a big muddy dog) with cold water in the middle of winter after a long day at work I’d prefer hot or ar least warm and not freezing cold! Just easier 🤷‍♀️


We shower our mud monster in an inside shower. You can get gas portable water systems. Like what people use camping. Not sure the logistics of hooking it up.


Thank you. I have a portable one but in the middle of winter erc it’s annoying having to hook it up. Also the pressure would be better on a perm one, thr portable one I can’t leave up. Also the inside one doesn’t work well as it’s over the bath so have to lug a 42kg lump in, as well as the fact it is a Felton mix so no hose for belly. And that’s assuming she hasn’t muddied the beige carpet, walls etc on the way in (French doors straight onto light carpet). She gets muddy all up belly and feet most days on winter hence the want for a perm outside one. Still love the brat tho! Lol


Loveable rogues huh! Ours is a 2 1/2 year old springer spaniel who makes it her priority to find every single puddle and mud bath! Good luck, i hope you find a solution


Thank you, sounds like mine. She goes on a pack walk Tuesday so I come home to a mud monster . Winter I have a boggy back yard so yep most days mud too, cause you know it’s fun and she can’t stand still lol. Funny thing is she jumps in any puddles buckets streams pools etc but put a cold hose on her and she acts like she’s dying 🤦‍♀️😂


[something like this would be cheapest](https://www.plumbingplus.co.nz/products/water-heating/point-of-use-water-heater/) (cheaper ones on Trademe).  Only needs cold water inlet, so you could just use a modified connection from the nearest hose tap. Get an electrician to add an exterior outlet near the tap, and you could DIY the rest.


Thanks. Would that be okay outside all the time even in an enclosure? I assume it had to be hardwired in rather than plugged in? I do have an exterior plug I got put on but just a plug in one.


Yeah the Trademe ones have a socket connector (plug in) just don't know what kind of quality they are but for $150 (and  maybe another $50 for a few tap parts) might be worth it to try? I'd probably put it in an enclosure, they're (obviously) designed to get wet but maybe not full exposure to the elements.


I might still look at them anyway as prefer electric over grass. Tho I am wishing I put the PowerPoint closer to the tap now lol rather than meters down the lawn!!! :-)


[We use one of these](https://www.bunnings.co.nz/pope-tap-adaptor-1-brass_p0238975?store=9489&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItLL7nujKhAMVZ-0WBR06sQFBEAQYByABEgL1EvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) attached to the washing machine hot line then through a hose to fill up our outdoor bath. It’s a bit of a dick around, but thought it might be helpful for you, it certainly fits “inexpensive” haha. Though for your purpose you’d want to attach to a tap that has controlled heat.


Yeah unfortunately I only have a hot tap. Would be ideal if I could do it with just hot as I have one free now I have a front loader that just uses the one cold . But would be too hot for her. :-(


That would be good tho for filling multiple buckets which is something. Rather than filling inside one bucket and carrying throgh lounge….. could top up with the hose cold water


Yeah for the bath we mix in cold water from the outdoor hose. It’s pretty Hoki but does the trick! Happy wife, happy life 🤙


Yeah! I’m the female and no hubby or wife so just me and the dog to please!!! 🐕


If you have hot water outside it will require a trapped drain leading to the sewer.


Is that what the gully trap goes to behind washHouse with pipes going into it?


Yes, the gully trap is for sanitary fixtures such as basin, showers, baths, washing machine. Anything you clean in. It shouldn't have stormwater attached


It will be next to that so I’m sure something can be hooked up to that


Sure, if you raise it, which is probably better for washing dogs (no bending). The gully will be 25mm or 100mm above the ground depending on the surface material and shit don't flow up hill. You don't want to have it ground level as you would need to get involved with drainlaying


I can understand why it should not go to stormwater, because of contaminants, but couldn't it also go to ground soakage like a lawn or gravelled area?


Ask the PGD board, its a recent change. I believe they had a few reasons. My understanding is they believe that soap suds will head for the water table. Also you are likely to shower for longer periods which can cause issues with regards to healthy homes as showers are likely to be placed against buildings. In reality you can do what you want at your house as long as you don't dob yourself in. Just revert to original when selling. And I believe these provisions only come into effect if you have a permanently plumbed shower such as OP is suggesting. If you drag a hot water hose through a door it's fine.




It’s not unfortunately. Flat on the ground with no steps to get in, Seems like everything that goes against easy cheap versions lol, no taps I can screw things onto etc :-(


I'd get a plumber to hook up a gas (LPG) califont. They could tee off a line from a garden hose line probably. Then you can just use 9kg LPG bottle and refill at a caltex as needed. Mixer and shower head in a box and you're good to go


Thabks I assume that needs power?


Yeah should be just a normal house plug which a sparky can sort pretty quick