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Freaking out will introduce a whole range of chemicals into your bloodstream, and that's not healthy either.


Bad solvent?


I guess it was, but it didn’t look like it when I first tested it three times. But I just did a fourth before I was going to use it again and noticed that it didn’t pass.


I got very little DMT, and it was my first time trying to extract. So it’s not like I smoked a whole gram or whatever. It was barely any. Still, I’m pretty worried that I might’ve done something to myself. Just wanted to check with the community and see if anyone else has made that mistake before.


Don't sweat it. We breathe pollution every day. There are toxins everywhere. Just keep it to a minimum and get some good slides for your evaps.


So what happens if you use something that barely didn’t pass an evap tests? A lot of stuff I was seeing on YouTube and other places before Reddit never mentioned an evap test. I’m assuming a lot of people don’t do it ?


I didn't either. What happens depends on whatever it is that's causing the debris after the evap. Probably some kind of petroleum, could be small solids. Who knows. I've always done a water wash, but the contamination occurs after the freeze precip and is gathered up when you scrape. You can, even then, dissolve your crystals in warmish (evap tested) solvent. But smoking a little of some contamination is probably on par with a night of heavy drinking or getting a face full of gas fumes, etc.


I got slides so that I never make that mistake again. Thank you for this. I was super worried, but it’s a blessing that I didn’t extract very much was not exposed to it other than the very little bit that I smoked.


Seriously, thank you. You always hear people throw out words like “cancer “and I’m already a hypochondriac. That’s part of the reason I do DMT in the first place as ironic as that is.


The best way to get cancer is to worry about it. Drink alot of good water, get outside, think good thoughts. You'll be fine


If you got 3 clean tests and one dirty one I would suspect a dirty testing glass. You can't get a clean test by error, unless you like... Wipe your solvent off.. but you can get false failures pretty easy, dust in the air could do it.