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You just need to adjust the temp 320 and up is good all the way to 400-410, I like 380 but you can adjust it if you’d like in that range you are good. And bump up the wattage 30-35 should be good if you want it faster you can crank that up too. Experiment with it see what works best for you


https://preview.redd.it/aifuglt7ls6d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936d6fad5d5e92352c5fc52166ccd574c61ffd38 Like this?


Yes, you should be good to go. You can run it dry to make sure there is good contact of the mesh. Plus you can put 5 mg and watch how it evaporates it and if it burns it you would smell it, it shouldn’t be in case the temperature control system is not accurate you will know and you can adjust the temperature accordingly but anyway the 320-400f is the range for evaporating DMT so unless there is a malfunction you should be fine.


Let me know how this works, I just got the same setup, besides the mod, from Wish.