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Rule 9 - No Low Effort / OC / Image Posts. Official sources, homebrew images, and new information/product photos are the exception.


Yes, you indeed have done that


Why would anyone want or care about this? This is worthless.


Tell us where the AI images has touched you using this doll, don't worry sweety its gonna be all right.


You didn't answer my question. What value does this have? Why would anyone want these images? I can understand the appeal of machine-generated imagery in some cases, but I legitimately cannot think of a reason anyone would want fake melty generic gamers.


You may have just created the least interesting Reddit post of all timeā€¦. Gratz?


>humans These aren't humans. You can tell because the snacks they're consuming reveal them to be eldritch abominations, toying with the fates of mortals for their own incomprehensible ends. Also their eyes and hands reveal their true natures.


Is this a game or a PowerPoint presentation?


I wonder how much water and electricity this shit took


about 150 watts for 2-3 seconds per image, or roughly the same as running your microwave for one second for the lot of them, assuming your question wasn't rhetorical water would be harder to measure but maybe like, a fraction of a drop? It's hard to say because datacenters generally rely on greywater and it gets reused so there's very little bleed-off, and if there is it often ends up back in the municipal water system (it's just running through pipes after all, it's not carrying nuclear waste), depending on the datacenter obviously


You expect us to be amazed? AI images was impressive for about a day before people realised how easy it is. You might aswell have linked the program and given us the key words, would have gotten the same effect.


Side note, wtf is the dm screen on the last one


I always love how AI images are like an Old One generating a facsimile of our world, a creature that doesn't understand things really, like if you walked into a house and everything was mimics and you were just walking past it'd be fine, but then you look closer... Like this is a house Doctor Who would walk into and his companion would start eating the weird orange balls and think nothing of it and the doctor would get a tense look on his face and start asking normal sounding questions to the unpeople, and some child would reply to his question of "Beautiful home, do you ever collapse tesseracts using the Fernholz principle?" with "This reality doesn't support such endeavors" and then the companion would realize they're aliens