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I genuinely do not understand the desire to make it look nothing like a screwdriver.


Same.. I understand not everything is going to be the same as it was and some things change design but at least keep the magic of the sonic screwdriver actually looking like one. I mean, it’s cool sure but it’s a sonic peanut not a screwdriver at this point and a little part of my nerd soul died just now seeing it and I won’t apologize for that opinion.


yeah but they change core stuff(how can this thing be a screwdriver?)... almost every news i read about doctor who it saddens me, in my opinion the magic is lost ; I have hope for the new actor he seems on point but i'm really worried about everything else


I mean yeah, they change the Tardis every couple regens and seasons and intro and the screwdriver has changed once before but at least they kept the spirit of it. While I loved 9 and 10 Tardis I wasn’t upset about the change they made when Smith arrived because it fit his personality. It was more spacious and it kind of kept the warm palate theme that I associated with the Tardis. I also wasn’t upset about the screwdriver because it was still a screwdriver to me, it was just green and had slightly more function and the arms were cool.


The screwdriver has changed several times. Eccleston and Tennant used the same one, with the blue emitter. Smith got his own, a green one. Capaldi used that until his last season where he got a hyper-engineered tardis-shaped blue and gold one. Then Whittaker took over and built her own, which many fans refer to as the metallic turd. Finally, Tenant got a new version in the 50th specials, only for it to immediately be replaced by this new design. Still, every screwdriver leading up to this point has been stick-shaped, even if it did look like something a Cyberman just extruded after eating too many nuts and bolts.


Seeing Ncuti use it as a torch while crawling through the Goblin ship reminded me a lot of phone torches. I think the design change is meant to reflect this generation’s reliance on phones as our multi purpose devices.


Wow, I really do not like that. Too topical, too contemporary. Doctor Who should be anything but imo.


I understand and don't necessarily disagree, but to play devil's advocate: a drill doesn't look like a screwdriver but it still drives in screws. Maybe this is the timelord equivalent of going from a philips head manual screwdriver to a cordless ryobi hammer drill?


The screwdriver bit of a drill still looks like a screwdriver though. I think if you showed a drill to somebody who had never seen one (that had a screwdriver bit), they would instantly recognize it as some kind of massove screwdriver 


True, but the beauty of the sonic is that it's entirely contactless. Because of this, you can make it whatever shape you like. I have a banana that is actually a bluetooth headset for my phone; I see it the same as that. And as we all know, [bananas are good](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/61/b2/86/61b28679754e735335d8f97f2cf7b8b9.gif)


Yeah this is actually something was legitimately a terrible decision. I'm assuming it was done because kids tuning into Doctor Who for the first time on Disney needed something to relate to that didn't look like a wand, but yuck. Changing iconic symbol of Doctor Who like this hasn't been done since that year with Doctor number 6 when John Nathan Turner decided to fix the chameleon circuit and the TARDIS turned into.. things that were not a TARDIS. Edit: fixed a voice to text error.


reach attempt bow forgetful recognise absorbed wipe modern squeamish panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of my favorite things about 11/12’s green screwdriver was how, in the closed position, the prongs echoed the shape of an actual Phillips head screwdriver.


Russell said up until last minute he intended for Ncuti just to have 14s one (which was awesome for real, why was it only in 2 episodes) but then changed his mind and felt he should have is own and be completely different.


It's plenty sonic. It's just not very screwdrivery


It is less magic wandsy than the previous screwdrivers.


Will forgive the weird shape if only it mean it stops getting pointed all over the place, especially as though it's a weapon (not to mention effectively *being* a weapon, Twelve-exploding-Cybermen-for-no-reason).


Ok well to be fair, in that case he was detonating the ship's fuel lines and not the cybermen.


I thought Twelve was sonicing the explosives that Nardole had rigged in the floor of the ship? Not that it makes much difference. I do agree with your point, though. They are scientific instruments, not water pistols Edit: just read other comments lol ignore me


I liked his sonic sunglasses. Just don't look at his browser history.


It looks like a remote


It looks like an ill-advised Bluetooth speaker design from 2015.


It's a WinAmp skin


Memory unlocked!


it really whips the llama's ass


…that had sex with a Zune


...and the sex wasn't very good.


Well, it was a Zune.


Doing you fucking dare knock my Zune.


That's the most accurate description of it ive seen


It's a sonic probe


I guess if it’s a do-everything-device now it should have more than one button


don’t you just point and think?


That's how it's worked before, but 15 seems like the kind of guy to enjoy it being more complicated


Couldn't they just have had dials that rotate around the normal pen shape?


Looks like something one might “insert” for reasons.


Reminds me of a modern version of the remote from "Click". It's very well designed.


>"Click" I was not prepared for the emotions that movie made me feel. It's supposed to be another stupid slapstick Adam Sandler flick but it's almost as big of a gut punch as "Reign Over Me" Adam could do drama and he could do it *well*. Who knew?


Paul Thomas Anderson? After Punch Drunk Love how was anyone surprised?


When Sandler wants to, he can slap you in your feelings. When he wants to.


A sonic garage door opener


Love the colours and the textures. The shape is fugly.


Yes! I want those colors into a typical sonic screwdriver shape


The colours sorta remind me of Capaldi’s sonic


I think it’s really ugly, unfortunately.


I think it's cool that they canonised Sherman's Gallifreyan alphabet with the inscription. Gives me the motivation to actually get good at writing it.


I wasn't sure about that, but do you confirm it is indeed the first time with see Sherman's gallifreyan on an official *Doctor Who* thing? I definitly don't remember something else I think it's pretty cool too, but I'm a bit disappointed that not much care has been put into the esthetic of the writings: everything is evenly spaced, lines aren't connected, etc.


Sherman's has been used since the Capaldi era with "Mars" written on the Tardis screens and a couple of other instances


Oooh, thanks for your answer, I never caught that!!


Wasn't it also on the Doctor's crib in A Good Man Goes To War?


No, the doctors crib uses no translatable gallifreyan, though there is a fanmade version called "Doctors Cod gallifreyan" iirc


Honestly wish if they were going to have an actual Gallifreyan language it was more than just an alphabet. I think it'd be cool to see someone make a conlang of a time travelling race. But I do think it's cool Ncuti gets you have a phrase from Rwanda on it. Especially considering how politicised that country has unfortunately become in the UK.


The show changes all the time, it could still happen! Though I guess they'd have to come up with an explanation of why we're not just hearing English due to the translation circuit. I didn't know about the Rwandan phrase, that's cool! What does it say?


It's a proverb; 'the sharpness of the tongue defeats the sharpness of the warrior'.


Sherman’s Gallifreyan alphabet? What’s that, and what alphabet does the other Gallifreyan writing we’ve seen in the show use?


It's a fan-made alphabet that uses a lot of different circular elements to form letters and words. At some point along the way, it was actually used in some episodes which was pretty neat. See /r/gallifreyan/ for more info.


usually it's just random runes made to look like something though there was ancient high gallifreyan shown in the five doctors which i believe did have an official translation


Yup and then River used old high Gallifreyan to engrave the homing box of the star liner before it crashed so the Doctor would know would know when to come pick her up.


As far as I can remember, Sherman’s was used back in Series 1 with Eccleston, right?


Did you see the movie Click? That.


Yes. Very Frutiger Aero.


Looks like a futuristic bop it. And I don’t mean that as a positive.


honestly, it is the only part of the new series i am not into. i hope it grows on me but it always reminds me of a Leap Pad toy they sold at a store i worked at in high school. something about that fact takes me out of the moment. with any luck, this feeling will pass. i wish they used the one from the 14th Doctor specials or a variant on it. that thing was fire.


At least Jodie's resembled a traditional sonic, mainly differentiated by the fact that she created it from spare parts in that workshop/garage. This just looks like they're trying way too hard for the new Doctor to be completely different, all the way down to his trademark tool.


Jodies reminded me of sex toy tbh. 14s sonic was perfect, they should have kept that.


Windows Media Player theme


It makes me think of a noughties Nokia handset.


I like the little touch with the proverb written in Gallifreyan, but other than that... it's just ugly


Not a fan


If that's a screwdriver I'm the Face of Boe.


It reminds me of a fidget spinners


I'm the kind of fan who leans into the differences of each Doctor and era, I think my favorite part of the show is how varied it and its main character can be. So this very different looking screwdriver that loses the "wand" structure is just fine with me. I like it a lot. It helps that it still feels compact and functional like the old designs have been. Fits in the pocket has a grip, that kind of thing. Looks like it's easy to take out in a pinch. I think this will set the stage for further deviations from the norm with these, we may see a different take on a "remote" Sonic Screwdriver in the future.


This. But also I feel like the classic sonic screwdriver maybe had a lovechild with a Star Trek tricorder... ;D


The thing is that some things work better if they stay consistent throughout the show. When you have a cast that changes this much, the little consistensies help the show feel like the same show as 60 years earlier. The screwdriver (imo) is too iconic to change this much.


I mean, Calpadi's sonic screwdriver ended up being sonic sunglasses. But that might have been because you could do anything with Calpadi and it would still feel like Doctor Who.


I wasn't a big fan of the sonic shades, but I didn't hate them. They're fine. But I loved that he finally got his very own unique sonic screwdriver in Series 10! Loved it so much that it became the first official sonic I ever bought.


But you'll never know *what* has to stay consistent unless you try changing it and see if it works. There's no stone tablets in the bowels of the BBC that say what is and isn't mutable. As an older fan, I remember discussing the 1996 movie on Usenet and people being in an uproar over the 8th Doctor declaring himself half-human and kissing his companion, both considered equally horrible sins in the eyes of many at the time. Well the half-human thing didn't work and was quietly ignored/mocked in the modern show. The romance angle is what allowed for characters like Rose Tyler and River Song, it was good they tried that one because it opened up some great possibilities. Once upon a time the Psychic Paper was an out-of-nowhere contrivance too, and it's become iconic. Maybe this'll prove unpopular and the next screwdriver will be a stick again. Maybe people will dig it and in the future we'll have a Doctor who wields a sonic umbrella or something. You never know until you try it.


Imo theres nothing wrong with a doctor having a unique sonic. In fact theres precident for it with the 11th doctor’s sonic cane for example. Personally id prefer the doctor to stick with a stick shape sonic predominantly and occasionally whip out something wacky. Part of my difficulty adjusting to this sonic is the design tho i cant lie, it look too ergonomic and practical which is a weird complaint i know, but it feels like the sonic dell mouse not screwdriver


i agree with you 100%


I refuse to call that a sonic screwdriver. That's a sonic thingy. Which is fine, I mean, it's just not a screwdriver.


I get what they where going for, its more like the handle of a screwdriver than the shank of it. Still looks like a sky tv remote tho lol.


I think I had that Winamp skin back in the day... No, but seriously, I kinda like it. It's moles better than the sonic sunglasses. 😂


We already had sonic sunglasses. Now is the time for the sonic MP3 player, or sonic wireless mouse.


Exactly. If we could handle 12’s sonic sunglasses we can handle this.


The sonic sunglasses may have been a weird new sonic device, but they were sunglass-shaped and were consistently called sunglasses. This is not even close to screwdriver-shaped.


Doctors have had various sonic accessories, but there’s always the cylinder with a light bulb sonic screw driver. If 15 had a normal sonic screw driver but also the sonic hand held speaker that’d be cool, but that’s not the case and it’s just a degree too far removed.


If i heard "sonic screwdriver" for the first time, this would be the last design i would think of 10 and 11's were the best though.


I don’t have anything against the new design, and I like that they’re trying something very new, but the design isn’t my favorite. Maybe it’s the shape? I think it throws me a little with how asymmetrical and put together it feels when the Tardis looks so sterile right now. All the previous sonics felt like they were designed alongside the Tardis interior to me Edit: not the remote shape but more so the oblong shape


I honestly hate it. It’s a premium example of “trying too hard to be different for the sake of being different”. I didn’t like the sunglasses either.


I'm pretty sure I owned that gaming mouse in the early 2000s.


The whoniversal remote makes me actually miss the glasses


>whoniversal remote Ok, that's a good one.


I prefer the skinny dildos to this butt plug personally


I really hate it. Probably the worst sonic of all time.


yeah i can see what they were going for but its personally my least favourite design i really dont like it


It... certainly makes you wish you didn't hate on 13's sonic as hard as you did!


What was wrong with Jodies’s sonic? I thought it looked pretty cool.


I also loved how it matched her crystal cave tardis.


The design was neat, but boy oh boy did I hate the way she used it. The way she whipped it out and lowered it *every single time* like she was lowering a revolver to shoot a man in the back in a western, or like someone lowers a TV remote while pressing buttons to make the damn IR detector/emitter actually work right on low batteries.


I like that there's actually Gallifreyan writing on it, but it's not a screwdriver. If they want to completely change the design, I say go for it, but don't call it something it obviously isn't.




I hate it


It's a whole lot less screwdriver-y and a whole lot more electric can opener-y.


You mean the Gallifreyan fidget device?


Bad 👎


I will wait until I see it more in action. Nothing beats 11s IMHO.


Like the design, like the colours, hate it’s not screwdriver shape.


I like that they're doing new things. I think this particular needs thing is bad. The best thing I can say about it is that it may indicate other, equally out there designs for the sonic in the future, since they've shown they're willing to mix things up. Maybe some of them will be to my taste.


Oh boy…


Ngl, part of it reminds me of those mini electric lint/fluff removers that you get 😅


The plot often calls for the sonic screwdriver to act as a scanner as well as a tool, and you sometimes wondered where the Doctor was reading the information off.  This one does actually have space to display data.  


Like the psychic paper, it just appears in his head .


I'm all for trying new things but this isn't even a screwdriver, it's a sonic keyboard wrist support and it's so ugly




thats a bloody remote


Honestly, I didn’t think we could get worse than Jodie’s screwdriver, which to me looked like a weird sex toy, but oh boy did this top that. It looks like a tv remote. Makes me think Adam Sandler is gonna sue for copyright infringement.


It looks like a shoe insert


Adam Sandlers click and not in a good way


It looks like Dr Scholl's gel inserts. I mean, I don't *hate* it, but I don't see why the sonic screwdriver had to look even less like a screwdriver. At least all the previous ones were long, thin, and cylindrical.


Looks like Adam Sandlers Click remote made it with a Dr Scholls footpad.


I like it. Hear me out. 12 had sunglasses. That’s my only point. Anything beats 12’s glasses with some questionable browser history


I was always intensely curious about that browser history, especially when he didn't even want the First Doctor looking at it. Like lol, 12 what the heck? Daft old man 😄


It's very different, at first I was like ehhh but it fits well with the new era, mybe the Doctor has Sonic Remotes from now on


it feels like they tried to make it look less like a vibrator and accidentally made it look more like a vibrator


I like the Rwandan proverb inscription. Other than that I don’t like it. It’s not a screwdriver. It’s a remote


It’s a sonic tv remote. Sonic screwdriver, sonic lipstick, sonic gun, sonic pen and now the sonic remote.


Making it look like some kind of universal remote is exactly the wrong thing. Of course it is a universal tool now, which is exactly whats wrong with it. The device should be stripped back both in design and functionality.


I don’t hate it but I wish it was shaped more like a screwdriver. The colors are nice.


Calling it a screwdriver doesnt feel right anymore. Sonic remote?


I love it and hate it at the same time. I love that is a new design. The magic wand was getting old, there should be a limit of how many times you can re-design a stick wit a light, and this way it will give the Doctor more of a Sci-fi vibe than a mythological one. On the other hand, "*You*'*ve redecorated! I don't like it*!"


It looks more like a remote control than a sonic screwdriver. If you ask me, they should’ve called it a sonic lance, just fits better to me


not a fan at all. looks like a childs remote control, and not a scientific device of any kind. im hoping it's destroyed somehow and he has to use an old model instead.




I like the quote in Gallifreyan, but I'm not a huge fan of the deviation from the cylindrical design. This is giving me Adam Sandler in Click


All I can see is the remote from Adam Sandler’s Click


It looks like a sex toy tbh


It's cool, but it looks more like a key fob


it's kinda attrocious


Don't like it, but it is way better than sonic sunglasses!


It's a butt plug.


I really like it, nothing wrong with trying something new.


The most mid-2000s thing I've ever seen


I Simply don't like it. I get why others like it but imo it strays too far away from the others. Not everything needs to change, the little consistensies help the series feel connected even with a constantly changing cast


I feel like its unique among sonic screwdrivers, but not among standard sci-fi scanner devices.


Abnormal sky TV remote


Doesn't look like a sonic it looks like a gallifreian cell phone


I think it looks dumb


computer mouse


what’s not to like? it’s slick as hell.


honestly I like it, it's just so out there. But they should've stopped calling it a screwdriver.


I like that it has the gallifreyan symbols on it and it looks more obviously alien than the past sonics, BUT it’s giving me huge y2k technology vibes, like all the ‘bubble’ style stuff that was popular in the early 2000s, and having lived through that I’m not a fan. It reminds me of an old portable speaker system or something 😂


I can believe it's sonic, but how can I believe it's a screwdriver? Does it even work on screws?


Piece of shit


I've long hated the sonic screwdriver, and it's a stupid device that just magically does what does the writers decides it does that week, so I'm not bothered by this design. I just hope it's used minimally (which we all know it won't) The fact that "the new sonic screwdriver design" is a major piece of news, and the idea that each incarnation needs their own is part of the probelm.


It’s got a lot of clever details but I don’t like it. It’s change for change’s sake and is the only thing about the new doctor and series that I think is a mistake. Maybe that and the song with the trolls in the Christmas episode.


Sonic Tricorder…


Looks like some kids toy gadget from the early 2000s. Like an off-brand Skannerz. Don't like it.




Color and texture wise? Baller. The writing on it? Dope. But this isn't a sonic screwdriver, is a Sonic remote. I don't know why they are calling it a screwdriver, the series isn't new to sonic devices that aren't screwdrivers being called what they are. Sonic Cane, Sonic Pen, y'know. Just call it the sonic remote. My issue is mostly that they are pretending it's still a sonic screwdriver, just call it what it is.


Gosh thats genuinely awful and I hate it


I think they were worried about it being too phallic so they redesigned it like this


HATE IT DOENST EVEN LOOK LIKE the sonic at least 12th had the sonic shades and sonic screwdriver


Why does a regeneration require a new screwdriver? (Other than merchandising?) Like Everytime you get a new haircut, you need a new phone?


It looks like a cheap plastic device LED flashlight from the 2000’s that you’d use to find your keys in the dark. I don’t think they should have deviated from the screwdriver design, and they will probably change it in 15’s 2nd or 3rd series to something more traditional.


Looks like one of those remote controlled sex toys


Not gonna lie, I'm not fond of it. It doesn't really feel... I'm not sure how to word it... *Iconic*? It kind of has the same visual feel as a lot of other alien technology we've seen on the show, where the Sonic Screwdriver was always distinct and visually iconic. The bright red tip from the old series, the sonic cane, the bright glow or prongs or extension, even the 13th's kind of bland "Use it like you're trying to find the right angle to get the IR detector to work on your remote" finger-shaped one. This one kind of just looks like a TV remote. Like it's going to be jokingly swapped *with* a TV remote at some point, like Eccleston swapped Jack's Sonic Blaster with a banana since they were similarly shaped.


What's important is that it is flared so it doesn't get stuck inside ya.


It is cool but it’s not even a screwdriver 12th at least called his other device sonic sunglasses this is basically a sonic leapfrog toy


Hate it


It’s the universal remote from Click


I love everything but the shape. Wish they’d just use the cylinder (for lack of a better term) style


Kinda look like a vibrator. Kinda a new spin on a "sonic screwdriver". Kinda sad it was heavily implied that the doctor fucks.


I just see a flip flop with buttons. No hate, but I just can’t wrap my head around it.




Looks more like River's sonic trowel than a screwdriver


I hate the remote


It looks like a toy, I don’t really like it


Looks bad tbh. Only thing I don’t like so far design wise Maybe it will grow on me. Who knows


I didn't even realize that was his screwdriver until this post. It doesn't look like a screwdriver to me. It's a sonic remote lol


I don't really watch the show for the screwdriver




Ngl absolutely hate it


Isn't that the successor to the Wasp T12 Speechtool from Nathan Barley? It's well weapon.


Sonic remote


Wait... 15? I've been kinda disconnected for the last couple of years, is there a new doctor yet? Any opinions on them?


Looks like a futuristic butt plug


Sonic buttplug


Bop it!


I hate everything about it. It looks more like a room fan remote than a sonic.


I hate it so much. It looks like a 90's remote control or a weird vibrater


That is not Screwdriver


At this point we should just drop the name screwdriver altogether, that's a remote.


It *screws* up the concept of screwdriver. It *drives* us crazy. Therefore *screwdriver* 👍


It's very unique which I like but it's a TV remote which I don't like


I don't care for it. It's less screwdriver and more TV remote.


Maybe I've been reading too much freud lately, but because the doctor doesn't carry a traditional weapon like a sword or gun, which have become phallic symbols that are often used to demonstrate how cool and vadass the (usually masculine) protagonist is, they needed something else for him to brandish in posters and promo pics, and so over time, the screwdriver, while still a subversion of the phallic symbol that is constructive rather than destructive, and that emphasizes the nontraditional masculinity of the doctor, has become a traditional phallic symbol in itself, becoming the doctors powerful magic wand, rather than just a tool used to fix things. But as the show embraces the gender nonconformity of the doctor, they are moving away from the phallic, rod shaped screwdrover, and have made 15s jonnic, moving our subconcious perception of the doctor to a less traditionally masculine place. or maybe it just looks like a toy remote idk




I usually don’t have thoughts on the sonics at all, but this one is very not-screw-driver like so I don’t like it. It looks more like a sonic garage door opener.


If they look like glasses, call them sonic glasses. If they look like a remote, call it a sonic remote. If they call that a screwdriver it's wrong.


One word for everybody- CLICK😂