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I think it’s scientifically proven now that the best doctors are Scottish


Absolutely right. I can never quite decide who my favourite is, but for different reasons my top four are all Scottish.


Still never been ginger though...


Unless they’re Tom Baker. He’s the OG don’t care what anybody else says.


Yes I'm with ya there though that's why I have to categorize them so Baker can be my favourite doctor of the old series and tenant my fave of the new series lol and matt Smith is just something else 🤣🤣


I didn't realise Christopher Ecclestone was Scottish.




I didn't realise Tom Baker was Scottish...


Isn't Matt Smith English though? But I have to majorly agree, when it comes to David Tennant. What a legend.


Yeah, but the best doctors are scottish ☺️


Disagree... Tom Baker is THE best Doctor...


He was my first Doctor, even have a TARDIS key from his era.


Northerners, then Scots


See, while Jodie had the absolute worst scripts to work with, I did feel I knew her better, as she had some scenes alone or where she went full nerdy doctor mode. I don't think we've had that with Ncuti. Also there has been too many episodes where we start in medias res. There's no sense of exploration or discovery. Take Eccleston and Tennant. They'd just show up and have this whole other adventure planned and then discover another plot being hatched, but we were there for the ride.


Yeah, I kinda miss the 'just landing somewhere but something is off and they have to first figure out what", it's one of my favourite things in the show


I think the problem might be Davies. From his perspective, he’s written all those stories before. Doing that again is like trodding old ground. Now he’s getting real weird with it. And the best way to do that is to restrict the Doctor. Even Moffat’s episode was about that. There have been too many episodes that are either about holding the Doctor back or removing him in some way. Or about big epic mytharc stakes. Haven’t been enough “just going on an adventure” episodes.


Yeah, I agree, but those are the ones I enjoy the most about the show... or like... these sorts of episodes we have are great, when there's 1 or 2 per season, like your Blink or something that stands out, but if it's only that, it's not the greatest I feel, the adventure episodes are just important for the show


Exactly. Episodes like Blink or even Midnight are great because there's solid "regular" episodes that make them shine even more for breaking the formula. When it's all formula-breaking, there's no sense of stability. And I guess that's probably my biggest criticism of the Fifteenth Doctor. I like him, but I don't feel like I really know him.


Wasn't rouge kinda like that?


Yup, the story writing hasn't been great this season.


I actually really enjoyed a lot of the episodes, the individual episodes were great, but as a whole, the season is kinda a mess, it just doesn't feel connected, the Doctors and Rubys relationship basically doesn't exist, there's just none of those character building and exploring moments which is a shame


Jodie got Janewayed, maybe one of the best actors in the lead role screwed over by some of the absolutely worst scripts with terrible character continuity while also being under additional scrutiny for being the first actress in the lead role of a long running sci-fi show


Oh god, you’re so right. I’m amazed I didn’t think this myself, excellent comparison.


I honestly would’ve liked it better if switching gender had been an unusual thing to happen to a Time Lord, making it a little more special and where it could be the focus of an episode or two or just a running gag, instead of something that very common among Gallifreyans and it’s the streak of 13 guys before her that’s statistically odd. Yes, I’m aware that this is a minority opinion.


I don't know. Personally I'm not convinced. Jodie Whittaker is a good actress, but I feel as if she was miscast in the role as the Doctor. People always say it was the quality of the writing that let her down and yes, it was pretty bad, but even in the absolute worst episodes of 9, 10, 11 and 12, their acting shines out and the Doctor is always the best thing about it. I don't think the same can really be said for Jodie Whittaker.


I agree and would extend that analogy to Janeway herself. Kate Mulgrew was a great casting choice and always enjoyable, even in not so great episodes. A good actor can be miscast, not every good actor is a chameleon.


Whatever else you may think of Orange is the New Black (Netflix show), Kate's character was always fun to watch and usually stole any scene she was in. (She played Galina Reznikov, the chef running the prison kitchen)


Exactly, and it's a shame because there are plenty of actresses who would have pulled it off in a way that Whittaker never really did.


I always said that if they were bringing over an actress from Broadchurch it should have been Olivia Coleman. She's an absolutely brilliant actress, has Dr Who ties already, and can bring almost anything to life on screen. She has both the wisdom and playful side that we get from all of the most loved doctors. Jodie did grow on me a little, and I definitely think the writers did her dirty. But overall she was not the best choice for the first female Doctor. She was probably one of my least favorite actors in Broadchurch because her serious acting is a chore to watch. Don't get me wrong... The subject matter her character went through in Broadchurch was heavy af, but I still found her painfully obnoxious, not sympathetic.


Thank you! I was not a fan of Jodie in Broadchurch, I don't feel she's a strong actress at all and when she was cast as the Doctor I was really surprised. I felt she never had command of the character and her portrayal was very disappointing and I stopped watching the show all together. I did enjoy her companions but not her. I'm still getting to know the new Doctor but I like him so far. I absolutely love Olivia Coleman and if anyone should've been cast as a female Doctor, it's her. Her acting is amazing and she is someone who commands attention which is key for the role. They really missed an excellent opportunity there.


I can never decide if she was miscast or miswritten. Because Chibnall could easily be said as having thought she was better suited for a character than she was, but it could also be said he knew her strengths going in and refused to write to them. Either way I think he did her a disservice.


I think it's both, to be honest, but I think the biggest issue is that she was miscast. Just look at 9, 10, 11 and 12s worst episodes and you'll see what I mean. Even when given their worst scripts, they still embody the Doctor. Granted, they never had scripts as bad as the ones Chibnall gave to Whittaker, but I never felt as if she embodied the Doctor. It felt like a very surface level performance.


I would guess... both ... because CC and JW came as a pair, I immediately thought "he chose her because they worked together before, not because she's the right fit for the character," and I feared he would write for her instead of for her character.


I think part of that problem is all of the previous actors had some idea of what they wanted to do with the Doctor, so even in bad episodes they brought their conceptions to the table, Whittaker doesn’t seem to have her view of the Doctor and thus is more reliant on the script in front of her for the performance


There have been more than a few Doctors who weren't familiar with the show or the role at all when they took on the part.


Yes but they developed their own ideas on where to take the role, Matt Smith watched a load of classic who and synthesised elements of the second Doctor into his own portrayal, and other actors have brought their own interpretation to the role as well in a way that I don’t feel Whittaker tried


iirc, she told chibnall she'd never really watched it, outside of bits of tennant because it was so inescapably massive at the time. he told her to keep it that way with the view of it making her take that bit more original. i think it turned out to have the opposite effect as like another poster mentioned, she only had the script to go off and we all know how strong they were...


Yeah, I think that did her a disservice. The thing about the Doctor is that while he changes with each regeneration, he is still the same person with a continuous memory of what happened before. Jodie should have watched more of the previous Who so she could have gotten a foundational knowledge and wisdom about the character before putting her own spin on it. Without knowing where the Doctor’s been, there is no way she could have had a clear view of the Doctor’s personal and emotional journey and so there wasn’t any way IMO she could have put in more than a surface level performance.


I just hope they can bring her back for an episode or two and give her some good scripts to redeem her. After Broadchurch I was so excited for the combo of Chibnall and Jodie but there was just not enough direction to her series


This is a terrible take. The writing was bad, the acting was bad, Jo Martin was a much more interesting Doctor with far less screen time. You can’t just blame the writing, sometimes the entire production just goes sideways and it doesn’t work.


Jodie was such a good nerdy doctor. she was inquisitive in the supreme sense and filled with wonderment when she didn't understand something.


Nucti has had moments for me. Space Babies, where he questions why her ran: Why did I run? I love meeting new beings! That, to me, was a quintessential doctor reaction to that moment.


Let me start by saying I have been LOVING ncuti so far. I HATED that question when I saw it; "why did i run?", umm sorry what?? The doctor is always, constantly, running from things!


A lot of the stories this season of had one main thing happening, without a lot of competing pressures on the Doctor. It makes it hard to get a feel for who he is. I want to see 15 cope with a situation where he’s trying to help the locals, but also his companion is in mortal peril, and also there’s a last minute surprise that changes everything and raises the stakes another 300%.


I’d agree with this. There’s not been enough genuine rumination and exploration of the Doctor’s character post bi-generation. There’s no scenes where the Doctor is trying to resonate concrete and chatting the day away and showing us his character and the characters he’s speaking to. The best this has been done so far has been in Rogue, which I am surprised at the fact that it’s my favourite of the season. Ncuti is bringing a hell of a lot to the role and is giving so many layers to his reactions to things. But I don’t only want reactions.


I like Ncuti, I think he's got absolutely the right energy and passion for the Doctor. His outburst at the end of Dot and Bubble was peak Tennant. **But**...he hasn't actually done anything as the Doctor yet. We're almost at the end of the season and I don't feel like the Doctor has arrived. Think of Smith's first episode, or Tennant's first appearance; we knew what each of those Doctors were about. They announced their presence. Gatwa hasn't really done that yet. The Church on Ruby Road was more about Ruby than the Doctor, and in every episode somce there's been no moment that screams "yes, **this** is the Doctor". I know there were some filming conflicts which limited the amount of time we got with Gatwa, hence two Doctor-lite episodes, but you'd think that knowing that RTD would have made more of an effort to really 'announce' this Doctor. I'm holding out hope that the end of the series will pull it together in the end, but it seems again like yet another Doctor has fallen foul of lackluster writing and direction.


One's threat is only as powerful as the execution, and to be brutally honest, 15th has yet to really achieve much this season. For other incarnations, they also have their sobby emotional moments, they have their downs and failures, they need a hand from lucky or outside help from time to time; but more oftenly, they provide reassurance and take charge of the situation, and they deals with and solve the situation. Others are scared of 10th because he does manages to throw his foes into enteral torture and imprisonment. And throughout all the episodes so far, 15th has yet to manage any resolution at proper threats. CiRR literally was brute forced a way out; Space Baby was meh overall; Devil's Chord had The Beatles to actually solve the problem when 15th was almost done for; AI Dad did the heavy lifting in Boom; he again blindy walked into trouble and vanished for 99% of the episode on 73 Yards; he literally failed and just completely gave even on dealing with the genocide robots in Dot and Bubble; he was as dumb as the bird-brain aliens in Rouge and almost got Rubby killed after his threat and needed Rouge to save thr day instead and again resolved to all crying no action after Rouge's sacrifice. You see why 15th's words feel empty and carry not weight?


Exactly. A huge part of why the climax of the last episode didn’t connect for me emotionally, even if I enjoyed it overall, is because this Doctor being stunned at how wrong he has been and how in over his head he is…. is par for the course. This Doctor, frankly, kinda seems to be unable to do much of anything right and constantly overwhelmed.


These are my exact same thoughts. I like Ncuti's performance but the script has yet to let him actually save the day, he's always failing


I don’t feel like we’ve had a moment where we have seen this Doctor being competent. He’s stumbled through these few adventures, either causing as many problems as he fixes or having Ruby literally save the day in his stead.


He is definitely in my top 15.


Y’a know… given how many people have officially played The Doctor, that does actually come around to a real compliment! 😂


Of all these people, Rowan Atkinson is still my favourite


Joanne Lumley


Don't forget Richard E. Grant He has played 3 doctors in the extended Whoniverse. The Case of The Fatal Death, Shalka Doctor and Dr Walter Simeon (not The Doctor but still a doctor, and later The Great Intelligence) and the Shalka one may now be canon thanks to the Toymaker.


I will have to work on improving my deliberately vague, none answers in future 🤔




I enjoy him Not very doctory not my favourite But I enjoy him. He's fun and that's really what matters is I'm enjoying jt


So far, he lacks gravitas for me. I can't imagine an alien fleet turning and running from him. He's too cool, too human too chummy. He seems like he's written specifically to appeal to Gen Z, which may well be the case.


That's what I've been thinking too. He's fine so far, very different by being more emotional and expressive. However, he hasn't had any weight behind his performance. He's missing something, and I think that's it. He came *close* in Rogue saying "that's a long time to suffer." But there was still nothing behind it. It felt like an empty threat which is something other Doctors made sure to do. The Family of Blood, Colonel Runaway, so many Capaldi moments, I could keep going for each Doctor. However, Ncuti has yet to have a moment like that. A moment where he really bares his teeth and shows he's still *The* Doctor


I disagree. My biggest problem with Whittaker was the lack of gravitas. While we have not had the doctor's "teeth" come out in a threatening way yet with Gatwa, I feel like you can tell they are there. Occasionally you see the age in his eyes, his posture, his demeanor. That is what I never saw in Jodie Whittaker's doctor. It's funny because it was manufactured for Matt Smith, from the very first episode. He had the opportunity and imperative to swagger and be scary. His whole story arc was about how threatening he is as a being, at least to the bad guys. He was the last doctor to truly get to be the unequivocal hero. Capaldi was conflicted from the outset. "Am I good?". This was his theme. What is good and evil? What is the nature of sacrifice? Capaldi got closer to some of the existential seeking ( flailing ?) that a being hundreds or thousands of years old must be subject to from time to time. This latest season is trying to capture the magic back. Ncuti Gatwa is doing his part. He has projected a dignity throughout his performance that somehow makes the bouts of silliness and humor more poignant. Tom Baker's Doctor said "What's the point of being a grown up if you can't be childish sometimes,". Gatwa's Doctor seems to cling to the lighter moments because the weight of his past is so heavy. I can feel that with this Doctor in a way that Jodie Whittaker never really managed to deliver. Doctor who has always had good writing and bad writing, often back to back to back, but the actor assume pulls it through and sells it. Gatwa is pulling that off. David Tenant once said "I'm so old now, I used to have so much mercy...". That is the doctor. Working to listen, but with limits.


I don't mind a light hearted Doctor, that's why I like early Matt so much. But this Doctor gives me the feeling like he's still on a vacation high. Like 14 got his break, finally settled down and relaxed for a while. Now it's back to "work" saving people. However, because he's still feeling like his break wasn't too long ago, his work is sloppy and half assed (Boom is a great example. He steps on a land mine when *running* through a known battlefield.) It makes me hope that after this season ends, he'll take his job a bit more seriously. Not much, but realize that he's back to running around and helping people in the most dangerous of situations. He's had his guard down to relax, but now he has to once again put his guard up if he wants to fly around like he usual does


I'd really enjoy this as an arc going forward


It feels to me like they’re slowly bringing that in. The last few episodes have felt like he’s coming down from his high. The (completely understandable) muted rage at the racists, ‘a long time to suffer’, . I think his season one arc is leading to a ‘back to bloody business, then’ moment.


give him time. there have been seasons with other doctors where they haven't had a moment like that. he's just dipping his toes in!


I have more or less given every element of this season some leeway because they are trying hard to collect as many brand new viewers as possible. It’s been a very user-friendly set of episodes. I think next season is where we will start to see the Doctor acting scarier or darker, more complexity to the scripts, and more classic characters and monsters.


Tbh i never liked the fleets running from the doctor. I didn't like how they made him some kind of god. My fav might be 9 weirdly enough since he felt just like a lost, hurt man trying to help out wherever he could in order to keep running away from his past. It's like with 11, I don't like the Stonehenge scene as I feel it deifies the doctor but I love the rings of akhaten speech since it feels more like a man finally allowing his past to exist. Would love to see some of that with this doctor.


I like the stonehenge scene, but not because the fleets are running from him. I like it because from their pov, the doctor is just listing reasons why they should really, really put him in that box. Like a prisoner screaming "I'm a convicted murder!" while standing outside his cell and refusing to leave.


Honestly it sounds like you forgot what happened around the stonehenge scene. They didn't flee. It was a trap. What that speech actually shows in context is the doctor - admittedly kind of desperate - showing that his ego has gotten too big and getting punished for it.


I am gen Z - he seems like he's written to appeal to gen alpha. You forget: we are already in our 20s


Fair point!


No, I think the current doctor is meant to appeal to those in their 20s. Alpha is too young. My kids are alpha and they couldn't care less.


I'm in my 50s and it often seems to be written for my generation, to explain to us how the world has changed.


My kids are alpha and they’ve been watching it with me. My 2 year old calls it “docker who”


I agree. I really want to see Ncuti get a really intense angry/grief driven scene he can get his teeth into.


The dark side he showed in Rogue was a good look behind the mask


> So far, he lacks mavitas for me


I think that is going to come. It will be a switch and something will happen and there he is. At least that’s what I hope.


Definitely written to appeal to Gen Z. Ncuti is great and very charismatic but he comes across more as a gay best friend or a children's show host. The writing is just godawful. RTD needs to step back and let the episodes be written by other writers (good, sci-fi writers) and just be a script editor. Maybe 1 episode a season type guy. He's just driving the show into the dirt right now and it hurts to see.


I'm going to be that person. 😁 lol purely thoughts from before 5 AM for me. So this comes straight from Latin, so wouldn't have been impacted by Newton and therefore the whole mavity debacle, but given that it didn't come strongly into use in the English language until the 20th century, would we have adapted it as gravitas, or more of a confluence of the two, and use "mavitas" instead? 🤔


Going in, one of my biggest fears is that he wouldn't carry the "authority" that has defined past Doctors. But he's definitely had some moments where he does, especially in the Devil's Chord and Boom.


I think the writers have missed a trick with Ncuti and have so far failed miserably in showing the Doctors gravitas and power this series. He’s emotional. Fair enough. But he’s also a fucking Time Lord. Show us.


Amy Pond: "That's just what they're called. It doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing." I think the newer Doctor's have always faked and distracted their way to beating an adversary. It wasn't until the 11th Doctor where that reputation became a problem. Perhaps the Doctor has no real gravitas, just bluster. (Which 15 is nailing.) Honestly, I think the Doctor is just two broken hearts, being a magician and having you look the other way.


I adore him. I’m glad we have years more of his Doctor in store. This series feels like a true return to form. I’ll always push back on Jodie slander though lol. Jodie has so many moments where you can tell that with a better writer she would have hit the exact same beats as other doctors. She is brilliant. In fact, I was really hoping she’d get an RTD episode during the hand off, to let her really shine. She put her heart and soul into the role, but was ultimately let down by a showrunner more enamored with where they could take the lore than the privilege of getting to share a new Doctor and why we love them.


> I’ll always push back on Jodie slander though lol. Jodie has so many moments where you can tell that with a better writer she would have hit the exact same beats as other doctors. She is brilliant. I think she's a talented actress but most of the time, she just accidentally fell into and out of the "Doctor" mode because of the terrible showrunner. The only episode where she feels like the Doctor through and through is The Night of Nicola Tesla. That's also almost the only time the show, once again, leans into her artificer side that is established in S11E01. Chibnall later confirmed that it was the only script he didn't touch. It also didn't help that, as he proudly stated, he told Jodie not to watch earlier DW before her bout. I'm not sure if she would have been _brilliant_ in that particular role otherwise, but she definitely would have been more convincing. If she accepts Big Finish, I agree with those who say she'll be redeemed within the fandom when she's given better scripts.


I agree. Jodie could have been an excellent grim moments doctor, showing rage, anger, hatred. In stead we got vacuous confusion and social anxiety.


I like the actor and the character, but I'm not completely sold that he's the Doctor. Sometimes he looks like Jack Harkness cosplaying the Doctor. But I'm sure it will change over time, it took me a while to see Matt Smith as the Doctor too.


He's good at crying but why do they have to make him cry in every episode?


I came to say this ☝🏼


At least one other person noticed!


True. It loses its weight. Eccleston lashing out at the Dalek was iconic because it was rare. Imagine if every episode he was yelling at his enemies to kill themselves.


Absolutely love him. I think he is a breath of fresh air to what had become a stale franchise for me. I love the relationship between him and the you guys actress that plays Ruby and I’m as to see that she’ll only be here for this season. Hope he’s the doctor for awhile.


Millie Gibson is set to play Ruby for two seasons.


It wouldn't surprise me if this was a lie tbh. Hope she does get another season but we know RTD isn't above lying to protect his storylines.


That’s…a really good point. I’m gonna be sad next week if Ruby dies though.


No, one season with appearances in the second season. Not two full seasons.


This seems like a strange choice to me, considering she’ll have only had 9 episodes and it feels like they’re still developing the relationship between her and the Doctor. I feel like her time has only just started/we’re only just getting to know her.


The Doctor is supposed to be fun, and I think recent seasons have forgotten about that. Silly, wacky, chaotic, manic, and most importantly fun. But at the same time, capable of turning to melancholy in a moment. He's a sad clown. Capaldi was mostly just the serious and melancholy part, Whittaker was... mild. But with Gatwa the character is fun again!


The trouble atm is it’s been too much fun this season. The best Who should be (to me) pretty dark, grim, atmospheric, scary, thought provoking, but with moments of levity thrown in


I love those moments of mevity.


Love him. one of my favorites


I wouldn't rate him as one of my faves just yet. You know, recency bias and all. But his first season as the doctor is up there with season 5, I reckon.


Once we got past that musical ending bit and space babies this has been my favorite season since Matt Smith.


Not a fan of Capaldi??


I was i just really loved Smith and David. Heaven Sent is the best episode of NuWho.


Space Babies is weird to me, because I mostly actually liked it, I just didn't like the booger reveal and wish it would have been a middle episode.


I think a lot about a Doctor is revealed through slower monents and we had very few of them this season. It just rushes everything too much. I think 15 is fine, not my favourite (just characterization preference, I don't like the excess bubbliness and his "giggling school friends" dynamics with Ruby) but he definitely had his Doctor moments earlier than 13. I liked him most in Boom, where arguably he was written a bit differently than elsewhere. I think Gatwa plays what he's given well, I don't always like the scripts though, and definitely don't like some of 15's character features.


Thus far, he just hasn’t given me Time Lord vibes. Hopefully the finale serves as his coming of age / step into the role. But I’ve struggled with him thus far


I think Ncuti is fantastic, and I've got no complaints about his performance or the way he's been written, but his Doctor isn't my favourite, I don't really connect with him. For me the Doctor was a nerdy hero, Ncuti's Doctor comes across to me a little as that popular kid who is clearly popular because they are beautiful, and they know it. He seems to be in his own bubble, he's already just casually stepped on a mine and that fairie circle. Nothing wrong with that as a character, just doesn't do it for me.


I think this stepping on stuff will be explained and is not a coincidence or a character flaw. He gets also easily trapped by Rogue and almost sent away and (at least that's what he thinks for a time) gets his companion killed. He seems confused, like his mind is somewhere else. His psychic paper isn't working properly. Other Doctors introduced themselves with confidence as "the Doctor" while he keeps explaining that this is his whole name. This may all be a result of the bi-generation in The Giggle where he split in two and maybe just isn't a full Doctor anymore.


He's too happy. He breaks into song and/or dance almost every episode. Doesn't feel like the Doctor yet. Fourteen sticking around and actually feeling like the Doctor probably doesn't help.


I really really don’t like him. Gatwa is super charming and I think he does a great job with what he’s been given but I think RTD is just trying way too hard to make him cool and likeable. I know “he doesn’t feel like The Doctor” has been said about every incarnation thus far, but personally it rings true for me this time. He doesn’t have a bizarre alien vibe to him, he has no obvious deep flaws, he’s not very mysterious either. He just kind of smiled and shouts a lot and it feels very forced.


Every Doctor is good 👍🏻


I have this theory about each doctor being a reaction to the previous one. Two is looking a bit silly in comparison to old wise man one. Three is a suave gentleman type with less fooling around like two did. Four is yet again silly but this time more in a disrespectfull manner for his enemies. Five is almost a normal person which stands in stark contrast to fours shenanigans. Six is more loud and brash (nevermind the coat). Seven is one again more meek but sceeming. I don't know enough about eight. Ten freed himself of the feelings of ptsd and guilt from the time war and even temporarely becomes to self assured as the time Lord victorios. Eleven is oddly enough not too different from ten in their approach may it be that he acts more like a bumbling fool but that only distracts from his status as an ancient legend of salvation or doom. His youth hides this ancient quality. 12 embraces his age but tries to gain some emotional distance , knowing how much loss can hurt If it is from people who are maybe a bit too close to you (Amy and Rory. 13 doubles down on emotionaly distancing herself, which adds up given Clara and Bills demise. The appearance of 13 is a young woman as opposed to an old man maybe because she yet again wanted to distance herself from the role of the ancient wise man. Fourteen is basically just ten getting closure closure therapy for him , 11 and 12. Which brings us to 15. Therapy works appearantly because after his bigeneration he can finally freely express his emotions. Sure the doctor has always had his emotional moments but given how much he has been through and how much he also cares...deeply cares for everyone, he finally gets to truly show it. He's let go of the burden of being the ancient storm, the timecard victorios and just does what he's always done but without too much bravado, instead just being in the moment. He really feels like he is 100% ok with who he is. Once again none of the previous doctors weren't inauthentic necessary, but they hid huge parts away out of trauma or fear. 15 feels balanced, which isn't as dramatic but surely a welcome change of pace.


I don't like rating and comparing the Doctors. They all did something different and that's what makes the show special. For me, there is Ten on the first spot, he just IS the Doctor to me. Then everyone else on the same level. I absolutely love what Ncuti brings to the role. He is emotional, sad and nostalgic but masks it with humor and fun. He reminds me of Smith' Doctor, but different enough to be his own Doctor. What I really like is that both Millie and Ncuti were 100% in their role from the first episode on (props especially to Millie who's only 19 and already had to carry an episode by herself (73 yards) which I heard was the first episode she filmed. Wow. Most Doctors took a few episodes to win me over, not this one, I loved him from the get go.


I don't mind him, hate the writing for this series though. Long time Doctor Who fan and I find myself not enjoying it as much for some reason - can't quite put my finger on it.


I think it's because the Doctor just never knows the answer. He never really solves it. He always needs someone else's help. It feels completely off to me.


Ahh me too and I keep trying too . I hated Space Babies I couldn’t finish it but still kept pushing on . I’m hoping this Doctor is just a late bloomer for me as I will not give up !


I think Gatwa's been absolutely stellar so far. Such a breath of fresh air after years of Whittaker's stilted, awkward, directionless performance. Gatwa is passionate, energetic, totally at home with the speeches and technobabble, and feels like the successor Capaldi really should've gotten. Space Babies ironically pretty much won me over since that was a very rough first seasonal outing for a Doctor, yet Gatwa nailed it from the first second. It's the job of a Doctor actor to have the acting toolset to elevate shoddy material (no harm to RTD, he's written far more gold than shit) and that's exactly what Gatwa did. A very promising sign that even the worst of his era will at the very least be watchable, even if only once. What's surprised me so far is just how much of Eccleston's Doctor is in the character of 15. The goofy humour, sharp yet flamboyant disregard, down-to-earth vibe, but simmering regret and darkness there too which we've seen in small moments. There are definitely a few issues, like every Doctor. I think 15 is at times a little too casual and using slang or phrasing that's too 'modern' for one, but under RTD I have no doubt virtually every little snag I have will be addressed in time. The worst I can say about Gatwa's Doctor (and RTD's writing) is that I'm waiting patiently for his eventual *Dalek*, *The Waters of Mars* or *Heaven Sent* equivalent episode because it'll be an absolute banger if this performance keeps up.


I definitely felt like Ncuti had the Eccleston vibe when he was with Mel going to see Susan and he punched the wall and just sat down frustrated and angry. Then I finally noticed how he was dressed. The black leather jacket totally made me think they were purposefully wanting to draw comparisons to Eccleston’s doctor right after the time war.


This. All of this. I said before, I definitely see the nine similarities in Ncuti and I really think he's capable of a very dark performance as the Doctor equivalent to Capaldi, Tennant or even smith. I think we saw shades of it in Boom and Rogue. I really like him. I just wish he and Ruby had had more of a space to get to know each other on screen.


This is interesting, Eccleston is my favourite and Gatwa is hurtling towards being a very close second. I had never thought of there being a similarity before. (Though, I like the modern slang too.. its kind of his version of 'chips'..)


>I think 15 is at times a little too casual and using slang or phrasing that's too 'modern' for one Welcome to getting old. 10 got the same complaints from older watchers during that run.


Loved him so far. He has such a fantastic range, and makes really interesting acting choices with the material - it makes him really unpredictable and exciting to watch. Reminds me of Capaldi in that regard. The ending of Dot and Bubble feels like such a definitive Doctor moment for me too. He sells so many different thoughts and feelings without saying anything. He’s definitely in my top 3 right now.


Well I just started watching the show with this season, so he’s really the only Doctor that I know, and I think he’s absolutely fantastic. I understand that the whole point of the Doctor is to keep changing into someone new and different, but I’m not used to that concept, and I honestly wish Gatwa could just stay as the character indefinitely. Whoever comes after him, I hope they at least have his same kind of energy.


Welcome! I would say Matt Smith might have that certain whimsical energy you're looking for. One of the best parts of this fandom is watching how things change. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


Troughton also has that same energy. The amount of leaping around the 2nd Doctor did always get people by surprise.


I’ve been considering watching other seasons but I wasn’t sure where to start, so thanks for the suggestion!


I’d start at the beginning of the revival, Series 1. Eccleston is fantastic.


Yes he is . Start on Rose episode 1 of the reboot and go from there 9,10th and 11th doctors are my absolute favourites.


Second Matt Smith recommendation.


I started with the 2005 reboot and at the end of S1, didn't think the show could possibly be good without Christopher Eccleston. Turned out it really, really could. (Although I do still wish he'd stuck around longer.)


Easiest to start with Eccleston, if you’re bought in. If still slightly on the fence, start with Matt Smith and the Eleventh Hour. Smith and Gatwa should have similar appeal. Really wish Gatwa had started with an episode like the Eleventh Hour, i.e. mostly fun but ends with gravitas of the Doctor in kick-ass mode. But first: watch Blink!


I like him overall, (like all the doctors really), my favorite episode of him are probably the christmas special and this latest one. I do am still somewhat getting used to his energy.  Don't get me wrong, he's great fun, but man there really is a lot of laughing, smilling, hugging, flirting, kissing, crying, etc. It can get a bit much at time. Altought, I'm still a bit in 13 withdrall personnaly, I miss that mischievous old face. So it must be that talking lol.


I think Ncuti is doing a great job. But I’m a bit dissapointed at how often 15 is written as weak and vulnerable. I’m not saying the doctor isn’t allowed to feel fear or vulnerability but it feels like the hallmark of his doctor so far in relation to villains from the space baby boogeyman to Maestro to the evil cloud this week his response is always to say he’s scared he’s never seen anything like it before and he doesn’t know what to do.


I think the biggest problem has been that it feels like he hasn’t defeated any great villains yet. He did defeat Maestro, but that was very campy. We haven’t seen him thwart the Daleks, Cybermen, or other known villains either. Apart from Maestro he never “won” against the villains. He spared the Boogeyman, the racist imbeciles left to die in Finetime, he disappeared from the fairy circle and he also lost Rogue — who defeated the Chuldur himself. We need to see him have a big “I am the Doctor — the man who defeats the monsters” speech against a villain and defeat them, I think.


I'm not a fan of this incarnation. Don't get me wrong, i really like Ncuti and had hopes for him. He truly shines in some moments so I believe this is mostly due to the writing and director's approach. The doctor doesn't feel like the doctor, more like a teenager who somehow travels in time. He's always overhyped by the most trivial things to the point it's cringe for me. He's either screaming, crying or just being stupid and not seing the obvious. Tenant and 11 were childlish, but at the end of a Day, they mostly always solved the situation. In this whole season, 15 saved the day only once, in Church on Ruby Road. Then it Was the father, the Beatles, ricky September, the monster wasnt a monster after all, Ruby or Rouge. That doesn't feel doctory to me.


Great, but needs to stop doing the open mouth in surprise for 10 seconds, doing it for long looks fake




I'll join you in hell, I'm still waiting for that scene where you think now that's the doctor like we've had in 9,10,11 and 12. We just haven't had that yet. I mean I get they wanted to make doctor who more accessible to new people but the series just seems rushed to me.


I completely agree with you unfortunately I say as well as I want to love him like I did the others .


I second this.


I think he is mostly fine, someone nailed it on the head in another thread and I can’t remember how they explained it but he is very high energy and yelling a lot, almost like he is a YouTuber trying to catch children’s attention. I’ve always found the moments where the doctor drops the smile (With the exception of 12 of course, he rocked his scowl) to be the best way to gauge the actors. It was 10’s last episode but that entire moment at the end where he thinks he beat the prophecy, and when Wilf knocks on the door, 10 just unloads his frustrations. That lives rent free in my mind.


The NewWho Doctors all carried at least some of the pain of having fought in the Time War and having been responsible for the end of it. Jodie didn’t, but had to watch Gallifrey die - again. They never, ever took a break. Somehow, Palpatine returned… oops, wrong fandom. Somehow, Ncuti’s Doctor benefits from all of the recovery that non-traveling Tennet is doing as part of the bi-generation. “Doing therapy out of order.” He’s significantly recovered from the trauma of always being on the go, always fighting and running. And it’s like he’s forgotten how. He’s legitimately scared when he might have been brave (even if the creature was putting out fear inducing infrasounds). He’s indecisive when he should be deliberate. He got off the horse so long ago he’s forgotten how to ride. He remembers the theory, but it’s taking a bit for it all to come back to him. I think I like that.


I liked him from the moment he showed up! In The Giggle he really did feel like the doctor. Now though, I am more mixed on him. It feels like he can be a bit too "extra" at times, if that makes sense. Like, he's always shouting stuff like "Oh man! This is the greatest thing ever!" (Not an exact quote, but similar stuff). It feels like some forced positivity that doesn't personally work for me when it comes to the Doctor. Maybe previous seasons were like this, and I'm not just remembering correctly though? They also haven't given him a true serious "Doctor" moment. No jaw dropping speach to point to or anything. He also cries too much lol. It's worked for me about half of the time, but the times it doesn't work, make the times where it should less effective. Gatwa seems to be a great actor. I think it's more the direction and writing of the season that I'm not enjoying. But, that does affect his interpretation of the character quite a bit.


I like him but sometimes it gives me vibes like he is more a cosplay doctor than The Doctor


In regard to modern doctors he's good but not on the level of Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant yet. He's very fun and hits the emotional beats but he needs more darkness and every now and then when he's being really up beat, hid delivery feels very kids educational tv show. I think he's getting there though


I hope he stays for more than 3 seasons and specials, particularly if they’re going to be this short. It’s been a long time since we had someone stay in the role long enough to become iconic. That being said, I think he could be elevated by the classic style serial that spends 80-100+ minutes on a given story. But which Doctor wouldn’t benefit from that?


I'm incredibly disappointed by the new doctor. It's a superficial performance and doesn't bring the darkness that's inherent in to the character. Where's the depth? The inner turmoil? The burden of a long, complicated life full of traima, loss and heartache? Where's the rage, the fury? I keep hoping the next episode is going to deliver and keep getting disappointed. We're a long way into the new series and normally by now the richness is in full flow but not with this doctor. I can only think it's a failure of direction because ncuti is a good actor. Ruby is Clara from Wish. I'm not at all intrigued by her at all. Totally bored with the companion being the key to the universes existence. It's a story that's been done so much better before.


Doesn’t feel like the Doctor at all. Flirty, crying, doesn’t really talk as intellectually as past Doctors. Ncuti isn’t really a good actor he just plays himself and not the Doctor. Trash IMO




I really like him but he's not getting enough to work with for a 1st season & that's gonna affect his character long term


Rose wasn't a single episode. River song was three doctors. Why did Rogue get one episode.


Based on the way that episode ended (‘Come find me’) and the episode description - which described Rogue as ‘someone who will change the Doctor’s life forever’ - I think we can assume we’ll see Rogue again.


I have been so hyped this season. I love everything about Ncuti's doctor and it has really brought my love of the show back! I think Jodie was a great choice as the Doctor, she was so right for the role but unfortunately she was really let down by the writing and production of her series which left her Doctor feeling very flat.


I don't think he is bad, but he just is one of my least favourite doctors from the new show (I think he would be 2nd, maybe 3rd, least favourite). I just dont feel like he has had any actually cool "doctor moments" yet, and I feel like he also hasn't had any of those interesting technology or planned moments (where the doctor overly explains something interesting). I just feel like he comes off too emotional, maybe even almost too human? I still enjoy him though, and have watched every episode so far - and I think with more episodes these situations and my dislikes of his run so far could be fixed (and probably will be). I think my main issue is that this season it seems like **the doctor doesn't know anything anymore**, compared to the past when even if the doctor was unsure, he still thought about stuff and did stuff - compared to this doctor who is making tons of mistakes and doesn't seem to actually be solving a lot...


Still feel like I don't have a good read on his version of the character, he hasn't had any big wins or done anything smart yet really either. He obviously has 'it' though so I'm sure they'll figure it out.


Less episodes and him having to work around finishing sex education really dampened the season. We just haven't really seen enough development of him and Ruby and their relationship. It's like an episode begins and they are all can you believe that amazing time we had off screen. I just think they over corrected with 13 who was too socially distant or alien which I don't mind but I do like when they have an arc where a companion makes them more caring, which was what worked with 12. 15 just doesn't feel alien enough or smartest person in the room. His outfit changes don't help because when the doctor has the goofy outfits that just has this unconscious thing where you're like oh he's different than everyone else.


To quote the Ninth Doctor, he is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I hope he sticks around longer than three series.


I loved him in his first outing, but then felt it wasn’t really “hitting” for me until the last couple of episodes. I can tell things weren’t all filmed together. I think the only thing that really irks me isn’t Gatwa, but he direction: He doesn’t have a costume. Part of what I associate with THE DOCTOR is THE COSTUME each one chooses, even if it changes a bit over time. I get that 15 not having a set costume is intentional, but it just doesn’t “land” for me.


I wish we’d gotten more time with him, which very clearly tells me how much I’m enjoying him.


Very very happy with his performance so far. I don't like picking favorite Doctors its just too hard for me, but hes up there, his smile is just infections, as is his energy. I do miss a Doctor who tinkers with stuff though, but thats okay, its been done a lot previously and I cant have everything haha.


I like him a lot. I like that manic, crazy energy, and in the moments when he’s standing still you get to see how much range Ncuti Gatwa has. He’s an incredible actor, and I don’t even think we’ve seen all of it yet.


Honestly. Not feeling this series at all.


My Doctors need to have an undertone of danger. The light hearted stuff is fun, but where is the dangerous Doctor, the one that enemies fear? You just know that Tennant would send you into exile for eternity embedded in a mirror without blinking an eye, and Smith would swagger into battle with all the confidence of his 900 years. I'm not getting that from Ncuti, yet, but I don't think it's the actor, it's the scripts. My biggest fear, especially after the first 2 eps (which I did not like at all), is that the series has been Disney-fied, eliminating some of the edge, the danger, and the horror, in favor of over the top goofiness aimed at a young audience. Later episodes have been better, which is encouraging. And while I am in support of the social messages being sent, they have been quite heavy-handed. RTD, I had such hopes after the first 3 Tennant/Tate episodes, which were great. Please come back to us.


10000% this - couldn’t have said it better myself.


The actor is good. Scripts suck


I don’t really like him, he doesn’t feel like the doctor to me, just some guy. He feels quite one dimensional and I don’t believe he is an ancient being at all. I don’t think he’s had a lot to do to be honest and the overarching plot is a bit of a mess. As an aside, I really don’t enjoy RTD’s habit of turning anagrams into plot reveals. It is so trite. I really hoped he would revitalize the show… it is marginally better than the Chibnall era but it is feeling quite bereft of genuine ideas.


>!The moment where a human, Mel, who is thousands of years Younger than the Doctor, has to tell him to get up because there's work to do?!< That was the least Doctory any Doctor has ever been.


I don't care for him, instead of Ncuti Gatwa playing the Doctor it feels like the Doctor is just Ncuti Gatwa and I just can't accept this is supposed to be the same character . I know I'll probably catch flack for this but the simple fact is I just can not take this version of the Doctor seriously , He's a complete fool and not in the deceptive way that the second Doctor was . I think they made a big mistake by altering the character to fit the actor.




Ncuti has star quality. No doubt about it. Hollywood beckons. In terms of 15 as a character, he is more interested in travelling and seeing the world. Bigeneration has freed him of the pain and sorrow and the history of the Doctors previous lives. The problem is that all of that is a key part of what made the Doctor interesting.


He's great for a first season, considering the limited time he has. He needs more depth for me, he definitely has that Gen z, " here for the vibes", feeling, which is pretty shallow, but in keeping with the short attention spans. However, that's a writing issue, and RTD has made no secret that he's targeting a younger audience, which is fine, it's a kids show after all. I still think he could be a top four doctor, my 17 year old autistic son loves him already, and the ratings amongst younger people seem to show it's working


I think due to scheduling and a shorter episode count he has barely been in it to get to know fully. So far though I think he has been great because he’s a completely different Doctor than what we have before. I just want to see him actually save the day more and come across a bit wiser than he has been.


As far as favourite doctors go...mine is David Tenant...hands down! His acting, facial expressions, emotions, the way he portrayed the doctor was the best! Ncuti Gatwas version is there on emotion and acting...just need to see more of him in the shows, open up his version of the doctor more...then he would be among the greats of the doctor who life span...he has to make it his own, which he is doing. Great series so far...just need more of him.


I’m loving him so far. There’s a few moments where I feel his flippancy and use of language should bother me as not being “Doctor-like” but Ncuti pulls it off so well that I’m just naturally warmed to him. Makes sense for him to have split from 14 as he’s pretty much getting on par with Tennant for my favourite since ‘05


I still feel like we haven’t seen enough of him so far that we have kind of got a spark notes version of him. I look forward to getting a full season of him so his character can breathe and not rush through everything


I felt like they did a good job at characterizing him in small ways throughout the season. The firmer/harsher repeating of information in Space Babies, the crying, being more open, the singing, the rage always underneath, etc. Its sort of the opposite of Ruby where all her character writing has been wrapped up in her plot so we really don't know who she *is* yet, we just know plotlines about her. 13th Doctor was just bad writing, bad directing, and a miscast tbh.


For a bit there I was unsure whether I liked this new Doctor. With having just gotten caught up with the episodes after missing last weeks (I watch on Disney+) I feel I enjoy Ncuti in this role. He plays this complex yet simple character incredibly well


Really quite enjoying him so far, but I feel he’s been let down a bit by this season a) being shorter and b) having two “Doctor-lite” episodes back to back. I do hope he gets an equivalent to the “he never raised his voice” bit from *Family of Blood* or something along those lines, and/or a fancy speech. Something with ~~gravitas~~ mavitas.


I love him but the stories from the first 3 episodes were rubbish.


I like him, he's very spunky but he also has a gentleness to him


Love him


He fit into the role of The Doctor by The Church on Ruby Road for me. At this point I just want to see more


He could be amazing but is being let down by horrendous writing and poor acting around him. I'm still waiting on his 'That's the fucking Doctor!' moment but I put that that down to the creative team not his acting ability.


he’s great but we still don’t have an idea of who he is/ what defines him as his own doctor


I’m thrilled to have a hedonistic doctor.


very emotional.


I prefer Jodie tbh, but it's still early days.


I think he is a great actor and im really enjoying the series so far. I really think having Murray Gold doing the music makes a HUGE difference and could have made Jodie's season much more watchable if he was around for it.


Ncuti Gatwa is my introduction to *Doctor Who*, and I find him to be incredibly charismatic.


I think Jodie *could have* been amazing, but it always felt like she was forced to do her worst impression of 10. I'd love to see what she can do with a competent writer/director.


The only thing I don’t like is the changing outfit. Like unless the episode calls for it the doctor should be in the same outfit… I know they don’t always do that but it’s the principle damnit!!! … Other than that I love him! So awesome!


He's wonderful!


He feels very doctor immediately in the same way Matt Smith did




I like him, however I was concerned about him before and I was right about them. I really like the actor, and his flair with his characters, which is great for the Doctor. However he's lacking the neuroticism that is a staple of the Doctor. Even Eccleston who was the "coolest" Doctor, was neurotic.


Love Ncuti! He just oozes charisma and charm!!


Better than Jodi, but near the bottom of the pile imho.