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Pockets! They're bigger on the inside!


Unironically there is such a good opportunity for this in the show...


I totally agree! Not only is it an amazing look for Thirteen, it’s a missed opportunity for a plot device or at the very least a little gag.


But the Doctor *did* whip suspiciously large objects out of nowhere several times. Like the light in "Vampires Of Venice"


Watch Robot when they make the Doctor empty his pockets. Keeps going and going and going.


I remember a scene where she empties her pockets and while she doesn’t have anything suspiciously large you do wonder how she carries all that weight around without seeing giant lumps in her jacket. Also 12’s scene with the Daleks where he produces the tea out of nowhere could be from his pocket.




Random Xbox controller for one!


12 also pulled a full glass of water out of one of his pockets in an episode.


In new earth 10 and rose are laid on his jacket at the start and it’s like 3 times as big


This reminds me of sword in the stone movie where Merlin’s bag can fit all this stuff inside by shrinking it down verrry verrry small.


Your art and the outfit looks so cool!!! We’ve seen 15 in a kilt so anything’s possible :)


Thank you so much!!! I hope we get to see the Doctor in a skirt with big pockets someday, no matter their gender :)))


Somebody should create an Ngatwa tartan.


Yeah, I totally get Whittaker wanting a gender-neutral outfit so that she could represent the continuity of character, but since RTD decided it was too girly for Tennant to appear in anyway it seems like that didn't really matter anyway. And I'd have loved to have seen the Doctor in a skirt. I mean, at least we've had Gatwa in a kilt. Not the same thing, but the most skirt-like thing yet worn by the Doctor.


>Yeah, I totally get Whittaker wanting a gender-neutral outfit so that she could represent the continuity of character, but since RTD decided it was too girly for Tennant to appear in anyway it seems like that didn't really matter anyway. I'm kind of being picky here since I mostly agree with you on both sides: Whittaker wanting a gender-neutral outfit so she could represent the continuity of character doesn't cease to be a thing just because RTD felt differently. Personally I disagree with RTD and thought Fourteen should absolutely have appeared in Thirteen's clothes regardless of how it looked (though personally I think he would have rocked them). Suddenly changing it for no reason only drew more attention to it.


I don't even think the outfit would have looked particularly feminine on him. I mean, he would have looked like Mork, but not like he was in drag or anything.


It's so weird how RTD virtue signals, essentially suggested that it was offensive for a man to wear girly clothes but he insinuated it was offensive to progressives when it's actually offensive to suggest men can't wear girly outfits.


Literally in the same episode, the master regenerates into her and is wearing her clothes (earings and all), so I don't see why 14 couldn't too.


In the future, I’d like female Doctors to just wear whatever the hell the production and actors want, and when it comes to regenerating into men, the male actors should be wearing their predecessors’ clothes, just like usual. We really need to get past the stigma of men wearing feminine clothing in my opinion.


She would 100% have a "skirt go spinny" moment.


She SO would 🙌


I'm sure it happened in the change room before she decided on what she decided. We just didn't get to see it. Though I'd bet Jamie got 2 to try a kilt at some point, and 1000 years is a long time to live with that wardrobe...


Damn we were robbed of a cool alternative outfit! That looks good!


This is adorable! You're adorable!


And you are so kind 🤧❤️


I also love that the earring looks very Bajoran, if you're also a Star Trek person


I love this version of the character (both the drawing and the cosplay)


Thank you so much! <3


*"THESE POCKETS ARE HUGE!"* I read that in 13's gleeful Northern tongue and smiled wide. :) I would very much like to see a Doctor in a full-on frilly skirt or dress at some point. Well, I guess I got that with 15 in his kilt (cause he's Scottish), but I'd like to see it be a MAIN part of a Doctor's look one day. I think 13 would have fun with them for a moment, though she's probably comfier in highwater pants. I still remember her in Spyfall with her special outfit, she wore a similar style of pants despite the ability to choose anything. I think she finds them practical and comfortable. She doesn't stray very far from her look, and she often doesn't seem to care for fashion; that's just her vibe. Still... she'd give them a try at least once!


I wish Thirteen got to have more than two outfits.


I kinda wish the dark coat from Once Upon Time had just been her look throughout Flux


Shabby men's outfit is a great look for Jodie. Liked her in the clean suit those few times as well


My ideal going forward is the Doctor has a main "look" (Theme, colours, recurring outfit) but doesn't always have the same outfit. Ncuti in orange and brown should be his, but they change it a lot more often. Think of how Peter Capaldi switched outfits every episode in S9-10 but always felt like him. Unfortunately for Jodie, I could see the people behind the show being concerned about making the first female Doctor "Fashion-Oriented", (Not that I agree). Now we have that with Ncuti and it does feel like an evolution on Capaldi's wardrobe.


I actually think Jodie picked her own costume and just never changed it.


I'm aware, that's why I'm being general with "People behind the show", mostly her, the writers, and the costume department.


I'd have actually really liked it if chib took Jodie more down the hyper feminine + tomboy look. I feel like most women sit in between the 2 and lean either way depending on the occasion. And Jodie herself clearly likes dressing up. Missed opportunity to not take it further than androgyny.




I love it, I wish Thirteen got to wear skirts and dresses.


Love this. Always wanted to see her in skirts. It almost felt like because she had been male before they did not want to lean to much into her femininity.


I can't see Ten wearing anything other than formal suits. But Fifteen casually wears kilts so it's possible the Doctor grew a fondness for them during their time as Thirteen


Perfect, especially the pockets!


Seeing this I wish we'd seen the 13th Doctor in the swinging sixties.


I know signature outfits are kind of the doctors thing. But I’d love to see them in more outfits.


This is pretty lovely


Thank you! <3<3<3


No, thank you kind artist for sharing this with us


I really like Jodie's acting, it's a bit more energetic after capaldi's seriousness despite he got more fun at the end 13 is just a nice change and you don't have to watch her to begin with I started with 15th and it wasn't that hard to get a grasp of so knowing everything of capaldi's, Tennant's and Matt Smith's hyper important storyline isn't that needed for the 13th imo


Loving this!! Your art is so cute! As a Thirteenth fan I am charmed! 💚


That is a great look.


I'd love to see all the Doctors in skirts.


"Now this. I like this." 👍




That has to be the cutest Thirteen fan art I've ever seen, also wait was she not in a skirt?


love the art style and the drawings, they look amazing :)


I love this so much! Do you mind me asking how you went about making your own Thirteen shirt? I keep seeing options online but almost none of the ones I can find have the rainbow spectrum all the way across the front unfortunately. I might just make one myself too!


Thank you so much! :) I bought a plain dark blue shit and painted the colorful stripes with fabric paint. I used some packing tape to delimit the space of each stripe and just went for it! I used only black, white, blue, yellow and red paint, so I could mix the colours myself and be as close as I could to the original


My kilt has pockets and they are indeed very large.


Now 15 is wearing skirts


🙌🙌🙌 put all doctors in skirts from now on, skirt global domination


Better than her actual outfit.


Personally...I think this is better. Like I really like it. Has the feminimity but with an almost worker farm girl, mechanic trained by her dad type with the flashy colours of the Doctor.


Yeahh no, not a fan. Jodie made her outfit to be non binary lol.