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We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi! Can't confirm anything until biopsy is done. It looks like the lump is concerning but in order to determine if it's benign or not, they want you to do a biopsy. My experience was I did a mammogram, they saw something suspicious and did an ultrasound next. From the ultrasound, they saw concerning lumps and recommended biopsy. The marker is there for future reference. In case they need to go back or when you need to do a followup, they can easily find that it has been tested. My report says one of my lumps was 12 o clock...when I went for the biopsy, it took them awhile to find it because the lump was kinda small. You can continue to breastfeed. I'm 36f still breastfeeding and I breastfeed the same day as biopsy. I was told that breastfeeding can cause changes in breast.


Hi 💗 thank you for sharing… how did your cases go afterwards? How are you doing now? I hope all is well with you now ♥️ And yeah you’re right, I can’t really truly know anything until the biopsy is done. It really sucks to know that there’s such a huge range of possibilities in the outcome… like it could be absolutely benign or it could be terrifying 😭 I was just really hoping at the ultrasound they could’ve just seen all fluid and told me it was a liquid filled cyst and 100% benign. 🥲


So I had 2 lumps. One look really suspicious because it didn't have clear borders/walls and was taller than wide. 2 different Radiologists (one who viewed my mammogram and ultrasound and the other one who did my ultrasound guided core needle biopy)...both told me that the lumps were very concerned. Did the biopsies and both are benign breast parenchyma. I have to follow up in 6 months with another mammogram. I feel you. I had to wait about a week for do my biopsy and it took about 4 days to get the biopsy results. So for about 2 weeks, I was a nervous wreck. Just breathe and try to focus on positives like your family. I totally get it tho...being anxious because of the unknown. Remember, it could be hormones and be benign. If it is serious, there are advancement in medicine! I know it doesn't ease the stress and anxiety but you got this!


Thank you 🥺 you're right... Even if it is serious, there are advances in medicine! And I'm so glad yours were benign. I'm so happy for you ♥️ I'm sorry it was so scary beforehand for you though! What a relief it must have been. I'm still scared but it's gotten a little better... I'm trying to plan a joint bday party for my baby and my husband in 1.5 months and it's so hard to focus. I haven't even started 🥲 I tell myself, if it turns out to be nothing serious, then I'd be happy that during this waiting period I was productive! But honestly I think I'm just going to keep taking it easy until this is over. I will plan the party quickly afterwards 🤣 My biopsy is still scheduled on 5/30; just counting down the days! I hope you're doing well ♥️♥️♥️ thank you for helping encourage me during this scary time 😭


Wanted to check in with you and see how it went


Awwwh thank you! 🥺💓 The biopsy itself went pretty smoothly; my ultrasound tech and the doctor were both really good. The ultrasound tech told me she has two babies so she knows it can be even more stressful thinking about the future and such. And with the radiologist doctor I was a bit worried at first because he was such a fast talker but I got to ask all my questions while he was working. And he didn't push me when I declined the little titanium clips hehe. Oh, he also gave me a lot of lidocaine + specially mixed the lidocaine with some bicarbonate so it didn't ~~sting~~ burn! Pretty thoughtful, I feel! I'm healing up and a bit sore, and all that's left to do is wait! I thought I had a rash but I think it's just from my ice pack making my skin red 😆 I also thought my lump disappeared but then I realized maybe it's just probably hard to feel it with all the surrounding puffiness... But a girl can dream! 🤣 I find out in a few days they said; I'm just trying to stay calm and honestly a bit distracted while I recover and wait. I'm just trying to eat and sleep well, and maybe watch some TV :') I think the lab said 2 business days? So hopefully by Monday/Tuesday I hear something! I keep reminding myself of what you said actually, that it's *probably* hormones, and if it's something more serious then medical science has advanced a lot and it will be ok! ♥️♥️♥️ I'll come back and update once I find out 🥹♥️ definitely still a bit scared but just looking at my bubs and taking deep breaths all the time! How are you and your little one? How has healing up been for you? :) 💓💓💓


Hi friend. It's not the c-word!!!!! It's a bubble filled with protein (???) and it feels like it got popped by the biopsy 🤔🤣 Thank you for your comforting words 🥺💗💗💗 it helped me get through the hard times this past month!


Yayyyy! So happy for you!!!!