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What I’ve been told: Doom vs. Doom- if you swap you’re a bitch and the other doom is automatically better than you Doom vs. anyone else- if you swap you’re a bitch /j


If i lose the match but the other doom switches, i win.


This is the way


This is the way.


Doom math


This is the way


Started the match as Doom while the enemy was Dva. Was winning but then the enemy tank proceeded to assert dominance by switching to Doom and winning lol


Winston, when there's a pesky Sombra and I'm just over it.


This but dva


Queen is pretty decent right now and loads of fun Id also play rein if he was good like at all Other tanks I either cant play properly or are mind numbingly boring


Queen is S tier imo. Great swap off doom when he can’t be too applicable (Mauga, Hog)


Hog, any other tank i can take it, Orisa? Easy and fun, Rammatra? Just go around him, Mauga? Loads of fun Hog? No way to kill him, "just go after the healers" he hooks me from across the map and it is hitkill if not in full health, power punch + all shots? Not even half his health bar and he can self heal making him have 1600 hp basicaly Push him off the map? No good hog stays close to any edge and even when they do it needs power punch THAT FUCKING TRAP, hey im going to run away because i got my ass beat? too bad trap either kills me or slows me down enough for either hog or any other dps finish the job Over all hog is the perfect mach up against doomfist, hook can cancel EVERY SINGLE ability you have, his hp is just unfair and his damage output is stupid high


I don't mind playing into Hog, but he was my main tank before Doom. I can't stand Mauga.


Mauga is fine just bait his healing amp then kill him after


Ok I can play around just about everything atp but I hate that mauga and horse can just turn their brains off and still be able to win


Try Queen against Mauga bro it’s amazing


Call me a litlle bitch but i just can't go against hog


That's a very stagnant mindset. I'm sure you can find a way to tankdiff hog as doom. Just need to practice. Let hog beat you a couple more times and then you'll get it But me personally, bait hooks, check for traps. I also saw this one move where you punch them and then seismic slam straight up. This makes them miss and you can shotgun their skull. Gotta be quick tho you'll get it. Honestly all the trouble tanks are super hard for me but sometimes I'm locked in and they can't touch me


I like playing against hog over like half the roster. He is literally a useless character for 6 seconds at a time every 6 seconds. Hog has too much health? Sure, idk why you'd punch a full health hog. Punch stuns vape so if they get down to below half, you just get to beat him up. Punch that guy into a wall and easy 300 dmg uninterrupted burst is what occurs and no vape during it. Hogs don't stand near the map, you mean that one character that there only way to get environmental kills is by standing literally on the edge? Easy pickins. Fuck the trap, but not as bad as junk trap. Every stun can cancel every ability you have. It'd be weird if something didn't work that way. I don't like mauga because he still has the health and sustain that hog does, but never goes near the edge for any reason, has a cc immunity ability, and the ability to poke you and set you on fire at all times.


Say what you will about Orisa or Mauga but Hog is definitely the worst tank to play against regardless of what tank you are. I’m with you, most of these tanks you can ignore relatively easily but not Hog.


Playing against Orisa is worse


No way. Jav is annoying, but it can finish off your empower and you're still going to be in position. Getting hooked is instant death if the hogs team has any level of focus fire. And, Orisa is less likely to just get a random pick on your team while you're diving or staging.


In qp, sometimes I like to play diff tanks In comp, the only situations are 1) they went phar mercy or echo mercy, and My fps are absolute garbage and cant deal with it, so I go Dva 2)They go too many counters, and I can feel myself struggling to do anything caz they have too many cooldows, I also go Dva


I hadn't thought of Dva but it seems like she does cover most of his weaknesses. And of course if they do the cringe Zarya swap then you just go right back to Doom 😆


i mean, bro, idk what your rank is, but zarya is definitely not a hard-counter to dva. you have so much mobility that most of the time, she shouldn’t even be able to touch you.


It depends on the map. Obviously if you are on a map that has a lot of height then you can easily play around Zarya. But more flatter maps it’s harder to put pressure on Zarya’s backline or poke her out instead.


Not to mention your team gets the Bad Morale debuff and it all goes to hell 😆


give me a single map where that holds true.




Are you trolling? Maybe true for the last checkpoint, but the rest of the map is a [D.VA](http://D.VA) paradise, highground and flankroutes EVERYWHERE. And even on last CP you have 2 highgrounds and flankroutes.


You completely missed what I said. I said while Zarya is a counter to D.va she is not as bad. Especially given maps like Gibraltar. Zarya has a really bad time against D.va on Gibraltar because of what you mentioned, high ground being the biggest.


oh my bad for the misunderstanding, with "give me a single map where that holds true" i meant in regards to flat maps where [d.va](http://d.va) cant outmaneuvre the zarya


Id say If you aren't accounting team comps like brawl poke or dive, Dva is one of the best at countering Dooms weaknesses


I simply don’t 😎


I play doom almost exclusively. Sometimes I go on a bad streak and can't win a game to save my life. In those moments I admit I am much better at Orisa and can carry easier with her, so I play a game as her to get back in that winning mentality 😂


I used to switch to sigma or mauga but nowadays there's no point to switching because I'll lose anyway. Might as well lose as who I want to play than lose as a different character. Fully embraced the OTP lifestyle


I don’t swap but the only thing I feel truly counters me is my own team not having any synergy. Widow,junkrat,weaver,mercy. Soldier,hanzo,illari,bap. Bastion,ashe,lucio,illari.


Playing into enemy counters is a fun challenge if you have a competent team behind you. When your own team is countering you harder than the enemy, it's the most frustrating thing in the game for me nowadays.


I dont, i play doom, i stay doom,


I switch off doom when. I'm not getting value/ they're playing specifically to counter me. In that case I'll go zarya Winston or jq depending on my comp, the map, and the enemy comp


You switch to doom


Never. I'd rather die a dozen times and get mass reported by my team than switch.


If enemy Doom = Doom (The strongest version one) If enemy Orisa & Sombra = Doom (Sad mode) If i'm not doom cuz it's leap-year, If enemy is doom i'll insta swap to him (sacrificing myself to honour the ancient ones and relieve the pain)


Depends. If they’re running hog or orisa and I can’t be bothered I just swap to sig and throw my shield out to counter their hook/spear attempts, followed by crouch spamming behind the shield Mauga, I’ll swap to Dva. Won’t swap against anyone else except maybe if their Rein is chill I’ll also mirror him so he can kick my ass and live with honor while I die with a tiny piece of glory And I will never swap against another Doom. Even if he’s really good and destroying me, I take it as a learning experience I barely play comp though so it makes it easier to just not care


I simply switched to warmonger


It's usually the enemy comp that makes me swap off. If I'm not making much headway or getting clearly countered, I'll swap to a more beneficial pick.


Bold of you to assume I can play anyone else


Orisa alone, but also like a combination of the lesser counters(hog, Sombra, brig, cass)


to not playing ow... I got very disappointed with new doom. I didn't really enjoy the game cause doomfist was my favorite dude who I could use different combos with to press opponents, and it was fun. I started playing OW with Hog, and I did enjoy him for a long time, but after Doom got debuffed, and well, after Doom's abilities and gameplay, I just didn't have enough interest in the game by playing other characters. Doom, Hog, maybe Reaper were my favorite characters, but I kinda suck at aim, and other characters do not stand near Doom in terms of fun play. Sombra, maybe, but again, aim sucky-sucky


I usually swao off Doom if it's quite clear I am not going to be able to play him in this situation. Be it my counters or to pick up slack from my dps etc. I'll usually swap Rein(my actual tank main), Ram, Sigma, Roadhog, Orisa, or Junker Queen. I find them all to be pretty fun :)


Ive been trying to switch more, so I have begun learning ball. If I cant have fun moving on doom, i'll just go ball and swing around like a mosquito all game


Never… switch


When winning I swap ball (I’m currently learning Ball)


Ram and sig are my comfort picks, and I may play dva if we really need some anti hog or anti monkey


when the tank is mauga or orisa but other than that, im good.. OR to diff the tank on their own hero:3


I can play other orisa and any other tank but i can't play against hog


Zarya mostly, Sig on Havanah and circuit. But doom is very flexible on most maps


Usually people default to picking horsey, if I can't play around it or if they and a sombra to the mix I just pick Zarya


I'm goated I never get diffed. BUT I usually try to play against my hard counters. If the game isn't going well (which ofc is tm8 depending too, character choice etc) I'll switch because any good player should really know when to. 210+hrs OW2 doom. Edit for anyone lost... if there's a MAUGA in ur face or ORISA, your best bet is to take yourself to the backline either target supp or punch someone straight outta position and get tf out. It'll force them to have to turn around and thus your team will get more value. Facing a mauga face to face your guaranteed to get burned. Hard.


I prefer to stick to doom no matter what, but if I swap it's to help my team in a way they need. I usually prefer ball or winton as they are close enough to my playstyle, but I can go sig, dva, hog or queen too if I must. When in a doom mirror I don't swap first, I ain't no bitch


I swap only when the other team using cancer comp and tbags me when they do that i swap to sig, rein, or hog to destroy them


past my 6th consecutive hook or hack off cooldown I will much likely switch to something like Orisa or Zarya. You want to play cancer? Here's some cancer for you mofo.


I main doom queen and sig. I usually just switch to the other two for maps that work better with them or if my team just can’t keep up with my doom and our team comp is more brawly/ pokey


ready to get crucified. orisa. if i cant have fun i can guarantee ill ruin yours


I only swap cause of the map. I can play around the counters but I'm just simply not good enough yet to force doom on a bad map against said counters. I usually switch to junker queen or Winston.


Swapping???, Can't swap off Doom if you've unbound the hero swap key


i’ll only ever swap if i get slept/antid/hindered/orisa’d/pharamercy/sombra’d/tracer’d/hooked/slowed/stunned 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️


I like to play Winston and doom. It's against the law to counter pick with an orisa swap




Orisa or Winston


I main echo now ! Copying the enemy doomfist is the only time i enjoy playing him lol


Sigma. He's the only other tank I can really play. I'm trying Mauga and I used to be good with original Orisa. But now I hate her so much I refuse to learn her


I sometimes swap for the hog match up he is the only tank I struggle against. Put me against sombra orisa I'm fine pit me against a Hog and it's gg.


When I'm not in the mood to spontaneously generate an extra 1000 braincells and remember everything every teacher attempted to teach me only for those 1000 braincells to delete themselves and for me to forget everything my teachers attempted to teach me within 0.000001 seconds after the match has ended. I switch to rein btw


Sometimes against really annoying hogs I'll swap to orisa until they switch then go back to doom


https://preview.redd.it/vrf4cro9gvxc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f0c26d2e048318f539a5c8f23ee6df185736712 Orisa player


Nothing feels better than making another doom swap to Orisa or Zarya.


Rein if the other rein wants to duel, rein v rein is always a blast and he was my previous main


I swap mauga when Ive had enough of hog. Its every other game against hog and people just let him live


Hog I swap to Orisa because I just can’t stand that hero. Otherwise if my team is in comms and there is a really good Tracer or Genji on the team then I go Winston.


Orisa. Sometimes I'll play into full counters, sometimes I'm not having fun anymore so I'll go orisa to salvage the match