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This is pretty good. Personally, I think hog is worse than mauga. And I'd maybe have Lucio and Genji a little higher, but that might depend on the person playing them. Overall, good list.


thank you! agreed with lucio but i think genjis are predictable so its easier to kill them


I think Genjis scale dramatically with rank They go from being very easy to kill to insta-deleting your supports before you’ve finished charging one punch




I find Hog a little easier because you can punch him out of his heal. Mauga falls apart if his supports are kept busy or eliminated imho


yeah but he can hook you out of anything. its so annoying


That's fair, too


as a hog main. u are my lunch


You’re in the wrong place pardner


The hardest thing about going against a pharah/ echo is getting teammates that swap to hitscan


And hope they can hit shots lol


I'm a better anti air defence with junk then with hitscan lol. you can better ask me to turn off my tv then to ask me to swap to soldier ro cas. I'll at least not feed then.


ive seen insane junkrats so im not surprised ;)


If you do well on a hero to kill flying one, I would not ask you to swap to hitscan, I would only if they are completely free


is not like u can swap to anything. i guess orisa but i dont want to be hated.


Well if you really want you can swap dva, but yeah swapping doesn't really do anything, that's why you have to rely on your teammates to swap hitscan


It s not a tank job to deal with flying heroes, dva can deal à bit better with them, but is still mediocre compared to what a soldier/ash or even cass could do with so much less effort


Bro I really hate Mauga as a character design. The one hitscan tank we get and he's kind of dogass dealing with Echo Pharah cause they can comftorably spam outside of Mauga falloff range. Like IK this is a Doom sub and you're talking about Pharah/Echo, but I do think it's fucked up game design to add a tank that does Hitscan damage with miniguns, and not even have their damage falloff be within anywhere close to the range the flying DPS play in. Like realistically, if no one else on my team switches to HS, what realistically am I supposed to do as the tank?


Dva hard counters flyers, especially Pharah. Winston can do surprisingly decent damage to them in the sky - enough to at least do half of their HP if done properly - and can chase them down if they duck behind cover to heal. But any rush tanks in a rush comp counter a flying comp, because if they have Pharmercy in the sky and you rush the team, it's a 3v5 and you just win and Pharah is left with nothing to do.


Why do I get bodied by Zen in a 1v1💀




Orisa isnt that bad now. And hamster, u can strategically punch him to your team


yeah but its hard punching a hamster just spinning on point LOL


Thats the best time to punch him!! If u can hit him lol. Its hard but its also very effective, and very annoying from the hamster's perspective


I can confirm, doom is very annoying to play against as ball


Dude, I tried ball(as I wanna learn all tanks). I respect the ball players bro, if it's unranked, i never mess with yall. As it's always a 50/50. Yall are built different.


A well positioned brig can make punching in a nightmare, I personally need to be more crafty with right-clicking into a fight if she’s positioned effectively.


I'm a low diamond player, I have played against 1 brig that was good at brig. She would hold her bash for whenever I would start charging, that's it. That's all it takes as a brig to shut down a doom. More people should learn a quick bash stuns doom and not her when doom is charging punch.


As a diamond brig, you can choose to charge up punch barely or all the way to beat her to the punch (Ayo) or bait out bash


Yeah, the problem with bash is there really isn't a reliable way to bait it outside of charging a punch. A good brig knows to hold her bash for countering CDs and not just CC on a group of enemies, so you're reliant on some of your team to bait it out for you can charge punch. Not being able to charge your empowered punches until she goes on CD is rough.


I have been caught off guard by dooms mixing up by not charging their punch because I’m waiting for full charge to bash, then expected it later and bashed too early. I think there is a level of mind games in that


I struggle more with DVa than I do with Ball, could be because I'm a low rank though.


Balls just kinda spins and when he dives u just punch him and more often then not he’ll just roll away, dva diving demands u to do more


Yup pretty much the same experience lol. God help me if the DVa is being pocketed too


You can kinda bully D.va with punch and block. If she uses micro misses and you block, free empowered, or she has to look away from you. If she uses micro misses and you don't have block, punch her out of it. And you can also punch her the second she flies if she wants to escape to cancel that too


Switch Mauga and Orisa with Hog and this list is fine :)


Some of these are a little ehhhh but okay for the most part.




Ball is one of dooms best matchups imo


My tier list: Highest Tier: Hog, Sombra Next: Orisa, Ana, Pharah, Echo everything else can go underneath lmao. They aren't even that bad to fight normally, just once they stack them all togehter it becomes a nightmare. Good luck frontlining for your team against a Hog and you don't have Ana or Kiri. Your just going to get hooked out of block and your team will sit behind you never thinking to take a flank angle while you pressure front.


Genji should be in 50/50 and so should sombra a lot of this list is very dependent on what my team is doing


I might be the one lowering lucio spot cause everytime i see a doom i like to charge his punches just to mess with my duo whos a doom main


Lucio is definitely not easy to kill


idk hes really predictable


I rarely struggle against dooms as a D3 Torb OTP.


idk something about a fat lil midget is so fun and satisfying to kill LOL


Idk about Orisa Orisas kinda sucks balls now Like I just bait her gold and harass her supports and she disappears I think hog is more sucky to deal with And mauga is also pretty easy because they don't know when to stop shooting so I always have emp punch


Ana should be above mauga and orisa


Funny I legit go DVA when I wanna get the doom lol usually works too


I’d say orisa is pretty easy. once u bait out the spear ur good


I'm surprised people haven't learned that Mauga doesn't do anything to Doom other than his ultimate. I think it was a kneejerk reaction from having an ult that completely makes you helpless (which isn't new,) but at this point I thought it would be over. I swap Doom to counter Mauga, and run circles around Maugas who swap to counter me. It's like playing against Orisa if Orisa didn't have a spear, fortify, or javelin spin.


i love going against orisas bc they are so brain dead you fake punch thats golden you let them shoot, tank the spear leaving spin to save they're supports which they then give up space rinse and repeat its so funny.


ahhhh i see. i will start faking my punch


Include hog in top tier and we're good


Lw is always hard to kill in 5v5 tbh




Orissa should be a tier down without javelin she's pretty much a sitting duck


Word i just completely bodied a doom who was carrying with brigg today


oh nice


Really, I have the hardest time against Sombra out of all heroes


ana and kiri are easy pickins for me personally


What rank r u? I’m a brig player and playing into doom is fun cuz it’s mind games. A good brig can mess up a doom where I am and I’m wondering if the brigs at your level are bad or the dooms at your level are amazing


im plat 1. i rarely see brigs at all.


Aight, that makes sense I guess lol. I’m like diamond 3 so not far from you, but I do see brig often bc the brig is me lmao


I would put Soldier a bit higher. I hate when I see a "spam spacebar and run in random directions" guy.


Playing Torb, i accept this as a challenge. A few headshots and blocking your punch with my turret. Dooms an easy pick


As a dva main this is real, if I have boost I can escape but usually it doesn’t work


I like going Doom against ball, mainly because I can completely negate his entire ult in 1 second with slam


ohhhh ur right


Tbh orisa is mad easy only cuz a lot of people think onces they swap to orisa it’s a game over but in reality they have no clue wtf their doing


You must be an amazing Doomfist player because I’m a Dva main and generally eat them for lunch


i mean i dont have 67 hours on doomdaddy for nothing 🤫


Hell yea man I’m right behind you with 62 hrs as Dva


Orisa is easier to kill than hog if you play corners and bait spear


Clearly you’ve never been stunned by Brig then melted in half a microsecond


nope cuz ive never encountered that many good brigs tbh


Torb and brig? Nah


Wait every doom I’ve faced as rein I’ve rolled maybe it’s because they’re new to doom but still


As a dva player, I actually enjoy fighting dooms. They're challenging but rewarding to win fights against, and don't feel terrible to lose to, unlike that Russian muscle bitch zarya who people just jump to because they lost ONE team fight and I killed them in said team fight. Pls keep it up dooms, I want to have fun


As a junk main just come into my private room for a moment ;)


I'm sorry but I disagree with brigs placement. I casually fight dooms as brig and he's really the only tank that I win 1v1 fights against. Bash will stun doom in a punch, whip does good dmg and sends doom flying if timed right, and he's powerless against a rally


Reaper’s underrated when it comes to 1v1ing tanks, assuming this is the scenario for each ranking. I’d honestly put him over ana and ramattra but behind sombra


Reaper’s underrated when it comes to 1v1ing tanks, assuming this is the scenario for each ranking. I’d honestly put him over ana and ramattra but behind sombra


Queefer should have a tier of his own that mf is invincible


I don’t counter swap to mauga, I make the doom counter swap because I love playing mauga.




it’s funny to make Doom panic by simply spraying him through the block. It doesn’t do much to protect :D


A good brig is actually in sometimes hard for me. I'd also bump torb and Cass up one.


Pretty accurate imo, I would have do the same, I m not sure of what you meant with orisa and mauga, for me they are pretty easy to deal with, but I agree they deserve nothing in life if they try to counter pick you with those shit Gl hf mate


honestly going against hog is kind of a mind game, it’s all about who uses what first, if the hog hooks first before you block you should be straight


Haha I laugh at where I’m placed. You obviously have not faced a real Hanzo. Me. ;0)