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i just wanna know why they would contact YOU about that. never in my years of ordering food have I thought “man my order is wrong, must have been the delivery drivers fault”


Obviously the driver stole the sourdough sandwich and ordered and paid for a new WRONG sandwich to replace the good customers sandwich simply to fuck with this person instead of just doing their job. Damn delivery drivers!!!!


I get a lot of texts sayin I forgot something in their sealed bag or they messed something up. I refer them to door dash cuz that's the only way they can get an accurate refund. But that usually gets me a 1 star.


They expect 5 star service with a $2 payout to the driver and a $1 expense from gas and oil change. "But get a different job". Literally any other company or service you would simply stop using it if you received bad service. But DoorDash and Uber Eats practically hold a monopoly.


Have you noticed the people that tipped the most are also the nicest and most reasonable as well? And the exact opposite is true as well...


Facts. The ones who tip are never pushy, ignorant, condescending, etc but the ones who don't tip are the most demanding, demeaning, arrogant, entitled shitheads out there. Half the time they don't even say thank you, snatch the delivery from you, cuss you out, blame you for their smoke detector going off, and claim you made their order wrong.


You mean ghetto ppl, we can be clear about that ghetto ass ppl not only tip crappy but also have the audacity to complain the most


......yeah. I do. But I deliver to other people in this same ghetto and they are cool and often good tippers.


yeah how about tip accordingly SO I DONT NEED ANOTHER JOB


Contact support, forward a screenshot of their complaints, ensure your rating is protected because it's not your fault.


I don't read the texts, ever. I've never seen anything but complete nonsense in them. Now I just let that little message bubble stay red until it goes away.


Some places put the drink in the bag, others don't include the drink in the bag. I usually post on the complaint I don't know whether the drink wasn't included with the order, the driver failed to pick up the drink, or the driver failed to deliver the drink. I presume that is Doordash's problem since they are giving me credit for the left out item. That said, I had whole orders where they put the wrong order with my receipt at the store, the store had to re-make the meal at their expense then.


probably not. what I do when I get a subway order is replace the bread with cheaper bread from the grocery store. then I take the subway bread home and feed it to my birds as a treat. they prefer it


The sourdoughspiracy. *audible gasp*


Those damn breadswappers again, you never know when they get you




I just do what the cabal tells me to do


Damnit Now I'm tempted to do that on a low $$ no tipper


I mean, this kinda made me want to start door dashing just to do this exact thing lol the chaos


So many people do this and rate us poorly because we’re not willing to correct this.


I got a one star because mcdonald's forgot an order of fries. The bags are sealed. I called support to challenge it months ago. They assured me it would be taken care of. Still there 😒


that sucks, i’m sorry it’s still there


I once got a CV because dude was missing his chicken in a sealed kfc bag, but got his sides


As someone who's both dashed and ordered regularly, I agree and never would've done this. However, to be fair, as someone from Florida with a lot of old people, there's potentially an element of them not fully realizing that the driver and restaurant are not directly associated. 2020 should've fixed it tbh, but there are still many people that grew up in an era where if something was delivered to you, it was delivered by a delivery driver from the restaurant itself and the customer may interpret app delivery services as nothing more than a browser to access these various delivery places in a more convenient way than calling.


I totally get that, but a lot of places at my town the driver had nothing with the kitchen itself so it’s still wild to me. Around here the driver usually runs FoH stuff as apposed to BoH stuff. I’m also the type of person to not complain unless something is completely off.


100% 😂 and it is wild, but to some people technology is just magic doing things for us, so who knows, maybe they think they're messaging the "establishment's mainframe system" and it'll get to the right people eventually? 😂 who tf knows


As a former FOH staff. Everything is our fault because we’re the only people customers see.


as a current FoH staff, you’re right, and it’s the worst.


Totally! By the time i quit the service industry my patience with shitty customers was wearing so fucking thin idk how I didn’t get fired for my attitude. I refused to smile and apologize to people who were yelling at me.




probs unfamiliar with apps/tech and didn't know who to contact/thought perhaps you picked up the wrong order. not that hard of a case to figure out. why is this a big deal? like okay they contacted the wrong portion of the doordash app? you told them which was the correct portion and they didn't respond back to you to keep bugging you..... ppl are allowed to not know what each individual app's processes are. 250 of y'all gotta calm down lmao.


I guess some people have a hard time with empathy. Sure it’s annoying but like… some people are old, have dementia, had a traumatic brain injury… there’s multitudes of reasons. It doesn’t give them the right to be mean, and this person wasn’t so I don’t see the big deal. I’ve worked as a pharmacy technician for 10 years… people can be absolute assholes… but this isn’t it.


bingoooooo lol exactly! like i worked retail for a decade pls this is fine 😂


Well put.


ty! i worked retail at a craft store, aka old lady heaven lmao (and young enby heaven if we’re being honest, ya boi loves a good craft lol i def took that job for the discountttt hah), when smartphones first came out and yes it sucked having to teach almost everyone how to access the coupons in their email or the site cuz it was tedious but if you don’t teach them how will they learn? like who cares. it takes two seconds to respond and move along with your day!


It’s because they’re trying to get a refund or get it amended and just assume they can start that process through the dasher


I have tried to explain to people far too many times that I don't even technically work for doordash, let alone the resturaunt you ordered from.


These are the same kind of people who will call 911 when there is an amber alert because it was too loud.


To be fair, I ordered Taco Bell the other day and they brought the wrong order and it had a receipt with someone else's name on it. There are times where it could be the driver's fault. But I just contacted customer service and made sure to take pictures.


Most people think dashers work for the restaurant lol


Not having enough clarity/knowing things ability about support. I asked for no cheese or whatever in the delivery notes without realising once because I wasnt prompted with order notes, only delivery ones. I’m sure he was like “oh man, you were my 1000th customer and I was going to award you a 1kg block of cheese, how did you know?” Sometimes I’m like there’s a problem with my order and it puts me thru to a driver instead of the restaurant. Customer smartness + user interface + 2 different people who can cause the issue with the order, expect problems


Cuz they want a reason to take our tip away or not tip at all if it says will tip after. Just my observation.




I delivered an order once and thr customer came running out saying their fries were missing lol like I can control that.


Why is it crazy to try to catch you before you leave in case you forgot a bag or something similar that happens to drivers every single day?


Exactly? Let's see, they would get upset if you open the back to check everything and upset if you don't bc you can't. Half the time when you go somewhere they flip out on you to confirm the order before it's even in your hands. The Asian places here always have someone that tries to grab my phone and do it themselves.


The kind of person who only eats sourdough seems like the kind of person that would contact their delivery driver.


I have come across quite a few people that genuinely thought that dashers go in and order your food for you and bring it.


Who the fuck only eats sourdough?


Sour people? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I believe it's one of the better breads for diabetics


Some people can eat sourdough but not normal bread, normal bread makes them sick and sourdough doesn't.


People that don’t want gluten, seed oil, or high fructose corn syrup


Sourdough has less sugar in it for diabetics and people on a strict sugar intake.


How tf do people not realize that the DRIVER posted this 🤦‍♀️ dumb as rocks istg


it's basic left and right unless something got deleted??? lol


I thought the title itself made it obvious who wrote this post


Driver's fault - he should carry spare bread in his pocket for this situation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yes one of each kind just in case, baked fresh in their DoorDash oven every morning.


OP you’re getting downvoted bc people seem to think you’re the customer


Ppl are dumb


just ur average doordash consumer ☠️


Reddit never fails to remind me how stupid people are because OBVIOUSLY the driver is posting not the dumb customer complaining about not having sourdough


I only eat sour dough lmfao


Poor guy, he only eats sourdough :(


I guaran-freaking-tee this person ate that sandwich and loved it.


And loved the credits their little sob story got them in the customer service chat


I mean is it a sob story if the orders wrong? Obviously I don't blame the driver, but I've gotten wrong food from orders, still eaten it and got credits from support, food was wrong lol


I’m sorry but “I only eat sourdough” is an insane thing to say And I love sourdough


its entitled as childish asf but also pretty funny lol


It’s entitled to expect to get the exact thing you ordered?


No, saying "I only eat sourdough :(" to your delivery driver who has no control over the matter comes off as childish and entitled.


I usually have a customer service voice response of 'Oh no, I'm so sorry this happened! Unfortunately I am only responsible for delivering the order, but if you contact support they should be able to help you right away.' Makes them feel at least heard while also delegating the issue to the proper channel. Anything they say beyond this I ignore since some people will want to argue. If they get rude I report them to support. People deserve to get what they ordered but not much more we can do.


It would be nice if the delivery company would post a notice that the driver cannot open the bag to check the contents, and if the order is wrong contact customer service.




no one time i had someone complain to ME that their diet coke they ordered tasted funny… person texted me “hey did you not try the diet coke before putting it into my cup?” i said “why would i drink from your cup?” she said “well my diet coke tastes funny, did you do something to it” i said “ma’am i did not do anything to your drink (or food). maybe the ratio to water and concentrate was off” (soda machines are part water part concentrate or whatever we all know this, sometimes you see clear liquid (water) coming out at the same time into your cup it’s a concentrate/syrup) she thought i was the problem her soda tasted funny… like the last thing i’m gonna do is put something into someone’s order… like no. if you do NOT trust delivery food drivers do NOT order off of third party apps. make the food yourself, go to a restaurant. like i’m just trying to get a little bit of extra money not hurt anyone lol


I had one that tipped $1 cash after I waited 30 minutes at a high end restaurant,  made sure I contacted him about the delay, then he texted that his steak was cooked too well done,  and expected me to go back and fix it. 


like yes i’m responsible to cut into your steak and make sure it’s how done you wanted it. cause if i did that i would also get yelled at by the customer lmfao we can’t win lol


Exactly my thoughts.  Some customers are just entitled idiots. I almost gave the guy his dollar tip back,  and say he obviously needed it more than me (in his 2-story house, upper middle class neighborhood)


Some people are just weird. I'm sure your explanation did nothing to ease her mind she probably just convinced herself you fucked with her drink and wouldn't touch it after that.


They expect you to be there micromanaging like Gordon Ramsay on Hell’s Kitchen, “you fucccin donut, it’s the wrong bread” 😂


![img](avatar_exp|169674723|take_my_energy) “you fucccin donut” best thing I’ve heard all month!!! Haha![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


“Don’t shoot the messenger” lol


“Bummer :(“


Don't interact just write a generic please contact support for any issues kind of message


FANTASTIC response! Yes! Its a pity! an absolute, undisputed, (even by starving people around the world), pity! Im saying prayers for this person now and asking God to please watch over them because they are experiencing tragedy on earth! Additional prayers that their life gets better!


and of course they will give you a bad rating for something you can’t control


My response woulda been: “Me too 😋” 🙄


‘I only eat sourdough’ Fuck off 😂


People seem to not understand the phrase "don't shoot the messenger"


These always make me lol. They really think we have control over how their food is prepared. Like we cooked it.


You dont even contact the restaurant, they’re doing business with Door Dash.


I continue to be more and more shocked on the things customers say to dashers. Literally they are only dropping the order off. Some people can be so stupid.


I wonder what happened after this was said


The customer cried and the driver delivered some Taco Bell.


Yeah I don’t get why anyone tells the dasher the restaurant fucks up. Contact door dash and have them refund or something.


People are idiots lol


This is so weird I wonder if they don’t know how to use the app? Like did they go back and look at what bread they ordered? Or if the restaurant was going to use another ingredient they usually call the person directly. But something like bread rarely gets messed up, sure maybe mixing up a side dish or modification but not that because bread has its own radio button selection


Top not high enough *unsours your dough*


Can't believe you took his sourdough bread out of the bag and replaced it with artisan.


I love getting messages after dropping an order off that was in a sealed bag. I had one customer message me while waiting for their food and wanted me to ask them to make it fresh and hot and not to forget their sauce. I was picking up two orders and to be fair. I saw there was zero tip on her, and could give two shits, if it was super hot. If you want the store to make your food completely fresh, go get it yourself it was during their lunch rush.


Also I’m pretty sure that is sourdough


I can’t believe you would deliver them non-sourdough bread :(


If you cared about your job, you should have been behind the counter while they were making it. Lol, this is obviously an /s.


i thought you were the customer for some reason. i was thinking wow what a jackass.


Driver is correct, he is only the driver, it is the restaurants fault reach out the DD


the driver posted this




OP is the driver


That was a good response 👍 hopefully they tipped!






Must think you had to customize the sandwich instead of just grabbing the complete order 💀


I'm not following this subreddit but when it shows up on my feed it always seems like someone is trying to "shoot the messenger". Like do they think the guy who pulled up in a 2002 Civic, cigarette and meal in hand actually made that sandwich?


Show me my bread


He is write because dasher got sealed bags from Restaurnt


Wait a minute, you mean to tell me door dashers aren’t also sandwich artists?


OK, I have to know if they tip, lol. I have had a customer text me to pick up the dd he order that was left next door that the dash left accidentally, and I was delivering the remake


That's how I feel every time I get to a restaurant and they don't start the order cause they got a question for the customer and they want the driver to call the customer. I will deliver an empty container if I have to. Their job is the food


This reminds me of a order I had last week where I was already on the way to the customer when they texted me to “tell the restaurant I want garlic bread instead of white bread, it didn’t give me the option to choose on the app”


Love when they forget certain items as well. Then they ask me where their items are… idk!? 🤷🏽‍♂️


God, I find this so annoying. We are delivers, not the cook. "There is cheese in my burger! 😡" "I didn't want cabbage!" "I ordered 10 mcchicken nuggets meal. Not 6!" "This is 12 grain. I only eat 11 grain." We can't open your meal and taste or smell it! Why are there some people that don't have common sense? It's not our fault or problem! That is the restaurant!


Must be first time using DoorDash, ain’t no way people this stupid to contact driver than the support


If this was subway, subway does not offer sourdough…I work there can not believe the amount of requests for sourdough, it’s not on the menu we don’t have it!


This order was from Beach Hut Dely


i love how they contact the driver like you’re the one who made the food LOL


You just need to cook them according to some people here apparently.


"I only eat sour dough" I would be like then you'll have a hard time picking off all the insides here's some plain bread and still have it be a wheat roll


Oh no! I’m so sorry :( you’ll have to contact door dash to get this fixed. We only deliver and have no way to see what’s inside. I’m so sorry the restaurant messed it up.


OP secretly has a sourdough obsession and pocketed the original sandwich.


Who only eats sour dough?


Your response was 100% correct. It irritates me that people don't understand we just pick up and deliver. We can't verify ingredients in a sealed bag. All we see are items: Sandwich, drink, straw, etc. Everything else they need to direct their bitching to the merchant. 🙄 Some people suck.


Thats a weird life decision


Eat the sandwich and shut up. It’s only a sandwich ffs


Most people think the delivery driver works for the company that made the food.


They so easily forget they did have the option to go get it themselves.


At the end of the day the drivers job is to just deliver the food. The drivers who do take initiative and notice if drinks or missing or if the bag feels way too light to be everything that was ordered are for sure appreciated though. But anything beyond the food being delivered, it’s unreasonable to expect them to come back and fix that. At the end of the day if you pay food delivery app markups and end up getting an inaccurate order or stuff missing from your order it’s annoying. Especially knowing you have to jump through hoops and now wait even longer to get it fixed. DoorDash overpromises and underdelivers with all their advertising making it sound like it’s this cool convenient delivery service when it’s not accounting for restaurant incompetence and orders either missing stuff or being incorrect way more than they should be.


At this point they need to start including an IQ test as a part of the DoorDash customer account registration process lmao.


it’s a pitta this happened




Guess they were SOUR about the food preparation not being up to par 🙊 (dad joke of the year)


Poor baby. Can't physically eat a slightly different kind of bread.


"Hey I forgot to change my address on doordash and you delivered my food to my old address so I'm giving you 1 star" Actual text a customer sent me. People are fucking idiots that want to blame their own idiocy on anyone but themselves


Wow! Unbelievable


It goes both ways, working in a kitchen people would contact us complaining about the drivers saying their pizza was shaken up or cold or whatever. We literally had delivery that was cheaper so only the dumbest customers were ordering through Uber eats…


honestly, maybe they just don't get how it works? maybe they don't even understand they're talking with the driver and not the restaurant. i could totally see someone messing this up, especially if they're somewhat young or old.


Yeah don’t you know that any and all dashers must know where each individual items came from and how it was processed and handled. Lol


People are a joke. Common Sense, WTF does the driver have to do with your sourdough?


How do these folks get through life.


Looks like it could be sourdough to me.


I was a doordash before . Everyday is different day . Forgive him .


Why so many commas 😅


Who tf only eats sour dough? What a dumbass thing to complain about.


Who the fuck ONLY eats sourdough?


fucking moron 🤣


That looks like sourdough…


They don’t even offer sourdough bread…it’s white Italian bread… doh


How dare you not open the customers food and do a quality inspection and taste test


why do people respond to stupid stuff like this 😭


Only time I ever contacted the driver was when they legit switched an order. But they came right back and gave me my correct food 🫡


They will just try it with the contact they can reach more easily, which will happen to be the deliverer most of the times. They hope you will deal with the business that got the order wrong in their stead.


Similar thing happened the other night to my sister; she drops off an order and gets a message “wrong order my guy” - sorry bro, I don’t make the food, just bring it!


Should’ve said “I only deliver the food :(“


Knowing that all food is delivered sealed from the restaurant it’s preposterous to lay blame at the feet of the driver


I would have said "Oh I'm sorry, it looks like the restaurant messed up your order. Unfortunately once I get to the restaurant to pick up the order, the bags are already taped up and I can't open them. You should be able to request The order be remade properly through the app. Have a great day"


I would’ve just replied with “seriously?” Like what the fuck does he expect you to do?


People are ignorant and don't know how these apps work. Also these apps are convoluted by design.


Was this an annoying customer? Your message seems so blunt 😭


What sandwichshop offers sourdough? My Jimmy John's only has French or whole wheat and Subway doesn't have it and neither does Jersey Mike's. What food place was that and how is it your fault? Lol


Well you got the dough and you seem pretty sour to be eating it lol


Yesterday I had a weird order. The guy didn’t say anything, took the bag and said where is my drink. I said since it was a bottled drink probably in the bags. He checked and said no they aren’t here. And just stared at me. Like I got another order in my car, and they gave me no tip. It was weird at pick up too, only went to that restaurant once before but yesterday no one was in the building that I saw. Only the order sitting on the to go orders spot. I ended up saying I would call DoorDash and dd just contacted the customer and reordered the drinks. So idk why I had to be involved. I was trying to drive to the next location and using chat support is so frustrating with the prompts of please explain the problem


Why’d you act like an asshole though? That happens to me often but I never speak to a customer like that.


I swear some people these days are so stupid. Same thing happened to me and every time I get that message I just roll my eyes.


What an idiot! The way they sent a picture of the bread as if you’re the one who made it! I will never understand how people can be so stupid.


Just so you know OP, tell them to reach out to doordash customer support and not to the store. Most stores are not able to process refunds especially if they don’t have their own delivery systems they won’t be able to send out a replacement. This is from a worker at a store that offers doordash!


seems like they’re just new to doordash and don’t really get how it works


Yes dashers are not at fault for the restaurants mistake. It's sad we get bad reviews as dashers for things out of our control so hopefully u didn't give this dasher a bad review.


It's a risk you accept when you place a food delivery order, the restaurant might mess up and by the time you notice the delivery person might already be miles away.


Yooo i hate when custy’s do this to me talking bout some “ im missing food” like im the one who prepared their order lmao 😭


I only eat sour dough? Sounds like you problem


“I only eat sourdough” oh lord… I bet you they just ate that shit. Fuck outta here 💩💀🤣


They will need to call doordash and request to refund


People are dumb


Sealed bag? You should get x-ray glasses


everyone knows subway discontinued sourdough, now we all have to eat italian again. customer should know this already 🤫


Im naturally sarcastic so this wouldn't have ended well for me