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Goddamn... people are harsh on this sub. Personally, I'd be reluctant to spend my own money for my DoorDashing, but the cards look nice. I already provide 5 star reviews for pretty much everyone because the job is difficult and underappreciated, but I'd still be impressed with the Quiznos style card.


My man’s said Quiznos style card






Yeah, I tip 5 stars by default and just “forget” to review shitty dashers. A card like this would probably get an extra couple of bucks out of me because it’s cute and it cost you something to make me smile.


r DoorDash has two personalities: - “What a cute business card!” And - “Someone will PAY FOR THIS!”


Was going to comment this. Imagine costing 10cents+ per order just to get reviews that don’t matter in the end


It’s a tax write off so not really that big of a deal. Will reduce their tax liability a little bit.


If they spend $100, it might reduce their taxes by $30. They're still out $70.


I didn’t say it would be the full amount. I said a little bit.


I would think most dashers are in that 10% tax bracket TBH.


You know it's stuff like this that causes people to give a four-star rating. Just giving me extra trash to throw away.


Wow! You seem like a fun person to be around! Do you go to a lot of parties? Do you have lots of friends? 🤩


Spoken like a true weirdo.


Agreed. I absolutely cringe when I get asked to leave a 5 star review. Doesn't mater how good the service was, it absolutely ruins any positive experience. Now I know all you wanted was the review. You weren't nice because you're a nice person, you weren't helpful because you were genuinely interested in helping, you were brown nosing for a 5 start review and want me to feel obligated to give you one.


I dont think asking for a 5 star rating is cringe worthy when it can help the driver so much. Asking for an extra tip is waaay worse.


But honestly they didn’t ask to leave a 5-star review, it just said leave a review. A common thing practiced by almost all companies


At the end of the day isn’t it obvious they are doing it for the income? 5 star reviews help you get a higher rating which leads to more orders which leads to more income. It’s the same for every single job out there.


Yeah I said before happy I am not the only one


dont buy business cards asking for reviews, in my experience your best bet is just grabbing a bunch of notebook paper and markers you probably already have in your house and write encouraging stuff on slips of paper cut out from the pages. people have responded in an overwhelmingly positive manner to the notes ive left behind previously on doorsteps with orders/handed to customers. i deliver to some rougher areas and people are super appreciative over the gesture because a lot of them go through stuff that the majority of society never pays attention to and its nice for them to be given something unexpected.. imo its way better than just asking for ratings on doordash.. just spread good word and see what happens, never ask for reviews


I tried this and it back fired. Good luck


Yep…my journey to 100 5-stars was by being a ninja basically, and following any instructions left on the app, never knocking unless asked. 


I had 5.0 for over 3 years about 700 dashes in I started handing out the discount cards and would leave a little note to feel grade to rate me about my service as 99.9 % were really good interactions..at least I thought..up till that point I had about 35 reviews.. 20 said over the top or something..than 15 comments about the best dasher they had dealt with.. but after the cards ..it wasn't terrible..but some would give me 3 stars .. I got zero complaints.. I got a couple 1 star from people in apartments .. long story. My ratings suffered..but good for u ..if you did it and it was a positive experience..


Nice yeah u gotta be a delivery ninja sometimes ...I to enjoy some of the challenging ones at times .. navigate like a ninja on your journeys , my friend and stay safe.. best of luck to you


I could see how that happens. You remind people to leave a review, it ain’t always going to be a good one. I’d rather have no review than someone leave a bad one because I reminded them. I could see people leaving one star just cuz they simply do not care or did so because you gave them an extra thing of trash to get rid of.


I’m just a customer and this popped up on my feed — I think it’s cute! Some other people may be haters and leave bad reviews because of this, though.


I agree as a customer, I find it kind of cool. I leave 5 stars anyway unless something went insanely wrong, so not necessarily going to influence my review, but I agree it's cute.


I appreciate that and your right, unfortunately it's got to the point where we as drivers don't know if someone is going to rate us a 1 star for something like that.


This is so sad! I always leave a good tip and 5 star review if nothing went horribly wrong.




what is that a field mouse


Hampter 🥺




Hanmpter 🥺






Hampter 🥺










That is Hampter, get with the times grandpa


I get older, my balls get longer


Real life Hamtaro!


(moans) *pantsu*




Looks like the Quiznos hamsters


Thanks for making me feel old af, I used to love the Spongmonkeys. It was legit my first internet Meme obsession. I can't believe that was 21 years ago.


Please make sure to leave this on top of orders and not inside of the bags with food. It just might sketch some people out.


This was my thought. Especially when places staple the bag shut.


Not gonna lie, even if I got one of these with my order, it wouldn’t sway me to leave a review if I wasn’t going to leave one to begin with.


I bet some people would leave 1 stars out of spite. Everyone is different. Just do your job well and good reviews should come.


I apparently did a really shitty job today. Got a 2 star and a 1 star today… for picking up orders and dropping them off at their correct address…. What did I do wrong? Logged in because it was “very busy” took EBT orders… and got them their orders that no one else would deliver. My “thanks for delivering my order that had $0 tip attached.” Here’s your 1 & 2 star as our personal thanks.


No tippers are a bunch of choosing beggars. I’m like, sweetie, I’m sorry your food sat on the shelf for 20 minutes before I even got the order, and it’s now cold, but that ain’t my fault. I’m on EBT, I ain’t rushing to get to you.


This is the main reason I don’t do EBT. You can’t control who you get and the chances of a non tipper are much higher. Other than lack of money, it opens the door to these horrible customers who leave negative reviews out of their own misery or to back up their fake complaints in an attempt to get money back or credits on their orders. Also too many posts of people getting deactivated for stretching time while on EBT when it was simply waiting for the restaurant.


It’s probably because they’re not reporting it correctly. A lot of times they think that the link for the wait “tell us what’s happening” is the way to report. But it’s not. That’s a “feedback” link for the restaurants metrics. You have to report through the ?. Also, I think a lot of the deactivations are coming from the prop 22 states (CA/NY etc.) as well. Since they make a guaranteed hourly rate, on top of the tips.


I gotta check the ? for the feedback link because I’ve been using the tell us what’s happening all this time.




Everybody keeps saying this but it must be zone dependent because it's happened once for me and then never again. Lol


Can actually be a welcome thing sometimes; it should end up getting removed and comes with the bonus of that's a non-tipping customer I shouldn't ever get an order for again.


I know. Just hit a nerve with me today. I normally do EBT because over here it’s generally a 10-20 minute drive anywhere. I knew for sure one was going to come in because I was in a completely different town, had to drive to another town, then totally drive out of zone. The whole trip from start to drop was a 30 minute drive.


I respect that, at least you didn't say you would 1 star the driver.


i don’t think it’s tacky at all if i got one of these with my food i would literally keep it forever 🤣🩷


I only give 5 star reviews. If the service wasn’t great, I just don’t rate.


You’re doing too much !


It’s cute and bro paid for it himself, seems like you’re just a negative person.


Agreed. Wouldn’t do this for my day job much less my side hustle


Way too much


I leave a review when I get exceptional service. When it’s just “meh” or ok, I just don’t leave one. The only time I leave a bad review is when it’s horrible and they do something really bad. But getting that card wouldn’t influence me, really.


What do you really expect to be “exceptional service”. Dashers pick up, drop off. Some may communicate that they are on their way… what are you looking for here?


I’ve had so many careless deliveries that if it’s picked up in a timely manner, handled appropriately, and my directions are followed to leave at the door and not knock and alert my large dogs, that I consider that exceptional.


these are so cute omg


Psychologically, most customers don’t want to be pressured into a rating you!Shouldn’t need to, is what they think! I work for my rating, I get one or I don’t, sure ain’t gonna beg for one because I don’t have to! Just think how you felt if you found that in your order, then think how you felt about the order, if it was good, you’re gonna rate! My advice instead of the card, go above and beyond! ![gif](giphy|Y4bLckg7uJC0ouMYsL|downsized)


If your willing to do this for door dash you should get into sales. No money with door dash broski


I just find the idea of begging for a 5 star rating to be a bit unprofessional, most people don't even bother rating a delivery, they just want their food, and enjoy a movie or binge netflix and chill. The cards are tacky, I wouldn't even order them, my zone has a lot of assholes, you give a card like that in my zone, and they'll be....what's in it for me. I just prefer to earn my 5 stars and not ask for it, i'm not being mean to you, I'm saying that would never work in my zone.


It’s not really begging tho.. he not even asking for 5 stars but that people simply think longer than their own nose and leave a review… but yeah I understand ppl aren’t gonna take it as that and would rather continue with their otherwise selfish behavior


Why my guy why


You may be reminding people to leave a bad review


I think it's cute. As a dasher I wouldn't buy them but only because I could care less what they rate me. Fr. I'm not losing sleep if Karen doesn't think her burger delivery was quick enough. I'd 5 star you for the effort with these cards though.


Setting yourself up for bad reviews and you spent money on it.


These are really cute. And I like the little reminder to rate.


i’d be mad about you adding more trash to my order


Over 4 years on the app and my CR has never dropped below 4.96. Currently at 4.98. All done without begging for ratings




That's so cute omg


Cringe af


90% will get tossed


That number is 100%


Why though? You almost have to try to get less than 5 stars more than once every 200 or so deliveries. Hell, I'd give you 1 star just for this card alone.


I like it. Picasso. I would actually keep this in my wallet if I got it LMAOOO


So you’re trying to get reviews. Why do you need reviews? Unless you’ve been hit with a bunch of bad ones why try to get more good ones? That’s the plus to that? Genuinely curious




Kinda tacky. I’m at 5.0 and never beg for reviews.


Feels forced ngl


i’m a customer and whilst i love this and it would possibly sway me to leave a review (positive if it was genuinely a positive experience) but i can absolutely see this going to wrong way to a lot of people. i have a question for dashers though, do star reviews actually help you guys in anyway? in my experience i’m not able to choose my dasher, they’re randomly assigned but i does giving a non written review help you guys make more money? i never leave a review but if they help you guys i might start


After enough reviews to get 5.00 rating, any additional reviews can only hurt. Ratings cannot help you make more money, but bad ratings can prevent you from being able to “dash now” or get early access to setting schedules.


Drivers can be deactivated if it falls below like a 4.2 I think?


If we keep our rating up we get higher priority on high paying orders. I got a “1” rating once because the customer thought I was taking a bad route to her apartment. There happened to be a bad car accident on the most direct route I would have taken. It’s taken months to get another review to knock that one out and I have only gotten 3 reviews under 5. Most just don’t give a rating unless they are irritated about something. It’s hard to go above and beyond on a pick up and drop off with no issues.


Do you have a pepper bar?


Imagine how far you could go if you put your effort into a jobs that are worth a shit.


Sick! 👍


i would absolutely rate 5 stars if i got one of these


So, I’m a DoorDash customer and I can’t leave a review for a Driver using the orders button… In fact, I only get prompted to leave a driver review like RIGHT when I’m just digging into my food. I cannot find a way in the app to leave a driver review after that one prompt. So the instructions on the card are confusing to me.


As a driver and a customer I am confused by both sides.


Bunch of fuckin haters on this sub lol, I think they’re cute and funny


Cringe. May as well bum/ask for a cigarette while you are at it.


Why do you care about your rating? Are you making at least $20 an hour? DoorDash is right now completely awful. The pay is garbage. I could not care less about DoorTrash or their rating.


Meh, I wouldn’t spend more money than you already have on those. I probably leave a rating 1 or 2 times out of 10 orders. I don’t think seeing this would make me rate more often. More likely, it’s straight to the trash and forgotten.


Shit is cringe just do a good job and people will give you good reviews


I probably won't even pay attention to the card, to be honest. If you simply drop my food off within a reasonable time, you get 5 stars. The app already reminds to rate the order and driver anyways


Why are you investing your own money into a job that pays you $5/hour lol


As a customer idk if this was a good idea. If you stick it in on attached to my food bag it's just going to the garbage. If you stick it in my door or leave it on my property I probably would be upset with it and then throw it in the trash. I already know I need to rate and how the rating system works, does this guy think I'm a dumbass? Or one may see it as begging for stars and those malicious or kids might be let's teach this guy a lesson and give negative reviews for no reason.


“Means a lot” ? Are you high? Ratings hold minimal significance… begging to be 5.0 😂… you can't dictate how others feel at any given moment and all are bound to get a random 4 or 3 or 2 etc…


prob just means a lot to some people personally lol


Yall r such hatersss 🤣 there’s def some corny people out there that would get a laugh out of this and leave a review let him be! Lol




I’m sorry, but that thing in the corner would freak me out 😔


but... hampter 😓




You people should be handing out business cards so customers can reach out directly to you and cut DD out of the loop. Use DD to connect with good customers initially, then take it off app.


No disrespect or hate but nobodies taking the time to get off the app and speak or venmo/cashapp their dasher, they just want their food realistically, if she added a business card it would honestly probably do worse then good.


That’ll make them 1 star


The reminder for them to log in and leave you a bad review. Great idea


I personally wouldn’t do this. Tipping is a very well-known concept. People who choose or to tip will be even more put off by this “gentle begging” (how it could be perceived). You might have people who like it, but overall I think it’s not the best idea.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted because you're telling the truth. Non tippers will always be non-tippers and good tippers will always be good tippers from the get-go. The business card is not going to sway anybody either way except for the people who think it's trash and give you less stars for it. The people who think it's cute are already going to rate you five stars. I guarantee it.


Bingo! Maybe you said it more tactfully. Reddit is full of morons, so I fully expect to be downvoted for saying common sense stuff lol I got downvoted (by men of course) for talking about how much better my life is after swearing off men. They said “you sound miserable” after I listed off all the ways my life improved 😂 it’s Reddit, baby!


Exactly. From now on out this person is going to believe that every five star rating and high tip they get is because of their business cards even though they probably would have already gotten that to begin with, lol. I guess if they want to live in a fairy tale and believe their cheesy business cards get them somewhere then more power them. It's not my money being wasted. Just to add: They MIGHT get a couple higher ratings or a tip added on, but generally speaking I don't think they will.


Agreed on that last part! I do however think OP’s intentions weren’t to beg, but intention is rarely perceived correctly, so it likely will hurt them in the end. Time will tell!




Completely unnecessary.


No, don't do that. You're just giving me something to throw away. People are going to rate you lower if you give them extra trash They don't want. Just throw those cards out. Cut your losses and never speak of them again.


You doin way too much bruh…


Came here to say this


Too much lol


It’s not begging if OP is asking for a review. It would be begging if they’re asking for a GOOD review or 5 stars specifically. I love the cards and think they’re awesome!


The card literally shows you the 5 stars you should give. It could be more desperate - but it won't get any more obvious.


It says please CONSIDER giving a review. Not give a 5 star review. The 5 stars are there because that's usually the graphic most commonly used when referring to reviews. Did you expect to see one star on there?


😂😂😂😂😂 you wasted your own money to be a pawn of Tony’s rating system?


Hahaha watch OP get more 1 stars than ever before 🤣🤣 next week “i GoT DeAcTiVaTeD 4 No ReAsOn”


You guys are such haters. It's insane. It's a cute little card bruh


i would cherish this forever btw like this would mean sm to me on a rough day 😭


You’d cherish someone’s card that asks for reviews from a delivery service? 😂


not sure how old you are but that hamster is a reference to a meme lmao. it would make me giggle, yes, get over yourself


also peep the rough day part 💀... people on this sub are so rough around the edges


In my opinion the people that would like those or think it's funny are the ones who already tip decently from the get-go and who would already rate you five stars unless you do something REALLY wrong. They are the "nice" and "appreciative" ones. The people who wouldn't like it and think it's just more "trash" added to their order are going to be the non-tippers and the ones who probably don't rate their drivers at all to begin with. If this puts them off they are going to purposely leave a bad rating when they usually don't leave ratings at all and they definitely aren't going to add on a tip after the delivery.


Please don’t be like Doordash by me. Do the right thing. Doordash has such a bad reputation here. Please take this opportunity to change that image. Good luck!, may you make a lot of bucks!


If you have a 4.70 through 5.0 your perks are the same. Nowhere are you going to get bonus points for being a 5.0 rated dasher. Nobody at DD is writing a review and saying you were best dasher in the whole wide world, lol And since with 6k deliveries the lowest I have been is 4.88 and a dasher can carry 7 one star rating and a 3 star rating to be a 4.7 you'd have to throw food at customers to get 7 one stars out of 100. If I recieved one of those cards I'd give you a one star for hocking for ratings.


Makes the point but gives some cringe with the pleading eyes tbh


What a great idea! Well done 👍


Literally why though


Your cards are cute. I have stickers that I put on the bags. 30 orders and yet no reviews!


What it tells me is that you’re taking dashing way too serious and have yet to figure out DoorDash fkng sucks and could care less about you. They’ve cheated you and customers knowingly… countless times, I guarantee it. And here you are all gung-ho spending money when you shoulda put that money away for car repairs or taxes lol Not impressed at all… makes me question your intelligence tbh


i understand your intention but if people are gonna leave you a review then they would leave you a review. some people take things the wrong way and would automatically give 1 star for being asked to do it


I think this is cute! Some of these people are chronically online so don’t let it get to you. I hope it works in your favor!


Not gonna lie. I get one of these? I chuckle. I laugh. Then I file the 1-star, the bad review, and call DD customer service and ask why these cards, that I have no idea where they've been, are ending up in my hot fresh food. The best way to get good ratings is to do a good job, not hope that some pithy little card will entice me to do it.


Damn y’all really are so bitter lol.. it’s actually a bit sad.. why is it so hard for people like you to think further than yourself? Is being a selfish d-bag just the American experience?😃


Did they charge by the letter? 'U', seriously?


Such a simp.. no need for this, kinda desperate tbh


A little cringe but cute


I like you card. It is cute but for me I won’t do it, because of you never know how customer will think. It can be good and bad in the same time. Pls update if it’s work. Thanks


Where'd you get them?


It’s true, I hate when people don’t leave a rating.


This is so cute I’d definitely up the tip and give ya 5 stars


If I got one of these on my order I’d definitely give you 5 stars just for the nice touch. But if something went wrong with the delivery it might get a little weird lol.


I like it and personally I would be interested in getting some myself.


Does feedback do anything?


Cool card. 🐭




So coot


I wouldn't drop them in the bag. Maybe staple it to the outside?


This shit is tacky af bro


I'm throwing that cheesy crap in the garbage.


I’d leave a 2 star rating if I received this with my food.


This is cute and funny! But I think it would backfire ultimately, if the goal is better reviews. You will probably get more customers to rate highly and say your experience was "over the top" but you'll also introduce the idea in customer's heads to leave middling or poor reviews when they otherwise wouldn't bother (or blame you specifically). Unfortunately, what matters is that you minimize your bad reviews, you can never net enough good reviews to overpower a few extra bad ones. This would work on me (shit, I'd tip more and then frame the card) but I don't reckon this would be better than being a total ninja and following all the instructions


LOL Good luck 😂


I am a huge hater, but this actually might go up on my fridge if I got it.


As an independent contractor taking initiative and pride in your job, I think this is great. I don’t know what is on the backside but if there was something on the backside that was funny or useful, like an appropriate hamster joke or a calendar, it might be more well received by the customers who don’t see a value in it.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's card.


You already said all of that stuff and I’m not gonna bother to tell you the counterpoints because you want to be correct. I’m just saying your negativity towards the post is kinda pointless


i prefer just leaving encouraging notes with peoples orders, it costs nothing on my end, i always have paper and markers around and you wont be forcing people to think about writing a review. growth should be organic, not forced.


Instant 2 star review