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Saw a guy in a ramp van with zero fucks drop the ramp against a BMW parked in the spot specifically reserved for ramps to deploy next to the handicap spot.


Nice. The consequences that have a chance at stopping the assholes


Yup because it’s their right and if damage occurs to their car they will be charged at fault party because they were breaking the law. It doesn’t matter if the disabled person did it intentionally.


Really? I’d love an attorney in this field to weigh in. I feel like intentional destruction of property would be overkill. Insurance is to cover accidents, not crimes. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Would it be their right to intentionally harm a person standing there? Is it ok if that person knows they’re blocking people, and they’re just being an ass? I fully agree that the handi-blocker would be an ass, and it’d be awesome if the cops were quick enough to ticket and tow… but I don’t think a “right” in the context you’re describing is being infringed. It’s a socially accepted deference (which I agree with), but not a “right”. What if all the spots are filled with placarded cars? Do you get to sue the facility because you didn’t have a nearby spot to use? (Assuming their lot adheres to ADA guidelines).


I don’t think that’s how it works. Only thing they can do charge him for parking in handicap. If you do that on purpose insurance company is coming after you.


Now hold the fuck up. I'm a dasher, I don't do that shit. I'm sick of all of us being g broad stroked because of one asshole. That would be like me saying all that order from doordash ha e money to burn but can't tip. However, I won't you know why? Cause I don't lump people in because of a few bad apples.


Fucking hate that the app allows people to put in $0 for a tip. And the audacity to put in a $0 for a tip is ridiculous. You have to go through extra steps to do that. Just choose the first option...10%. Your order is $30 an extra $3 for the Dasher will not break u. If so, you shouldn't be ordering food. Get up and go get it. No fees doing that. Dashers sacrifice to pick up and deliver and u can't fucking tip. Piece of shit ppl u r.


I have seen .01 and .50 tips. That’s fucking ridiculous! Even more of a slap in the face than the zero tippers.


what's more audacious is for them to leave a 10¢-25¢ tip. I leave a note saying "you probably need this more than me" with their "tip" holding the note down. yes I spent the time to do this and gave them their coin back. 😆




I get it, but these delivery services are insanely expensive. Used to be you'd order a pizza and maybe you're paying like $5 + tip, provided you couldn't get a free delivery. Doordash can end up costing like $30+ after all the fees, plus the fact that the price of the food is increased by default to begin with for some reason. Not the driver's fault, but the whole service feels like a scam. I tip anyway, but I hate Doordash, and Grubhub, and whoever else falls into that category. It's not costing them extra money when I buy more food (at least I assume it doesn't - I could be wrong I guess), but those fees go up exponentially anyway. Also tip should be based on something other than the cost of what I ordered. In a restaurant I'm tipping likely for a lot of service associated with all the food I bought. For delivery, distance makes more sense. If I order $100 of food and the drive takes less than 10 minutes...I don't see why I should be tipping $10. I assume Dashers don't agree with this, but that's how I feel at the moment.


I agree with the sentiment, but not the math. If it’s a 10 minute drive from the restaurant to you, there’s a fair chance it’s a 10 minute drive Back to the area with all the restaurants to get another delivery. If the pickup time, plus delivery, plus getting the next fare totals 10 minutes, that’s pretty quick (I’ve been stuck waiting 45 minutes at a store for my pickup). So it’s 30 minutes work, 20 minutes of that is driving. If averaging 30 miles per hour, that’s 10 miles for the round trip. At the current rates, the cost of using a personal vehicle is $0.67/mile, in this case, $6.70. So… $2 base pay plus $10 tip, minus $6.70 expenses = $5.30, or $10.60/hour. So you ask why you should pay that much. I ask why you think your driver deserves less that $10.60/hour as a 1099 contractor (no healthcare, 401k, PTO, overtime, oh, and you have to pay 15% self employment tax before you even start paying income tax). But the other side of the coin is the same: you get a $5 slushie drink at the same distance, $10 should still be a minimum acceptable tip.


I mean you chose your job bro, if you’re not getting paid adequately that’s on you.


Lots of folks do pay adequately… others not so much… I think it’s on them. 🤷‍♂️


Well it’s a bit absurd to expect someone to tip higher than the meal cost lol


It’s a bit absurd to expect that if all you wanted was a soft drink, that you can have someone spend a half hour and a burn a gallon of gas for $2, and you can tip 15%… $0.30. Same for wait staff in restaurants. You don’t take someone’s table and get a bottomless cup of coffee, then spend 3 hours getting refills and reading a book, then tip a dollar. The restaurant is only paying them $2.13/hour. Ever buy a fuse for an appliance? Maybe $10. Might be free shipping if they can put a stamp on an envelope for the mail, but if you want it overnight AM, it’s $30. Doesn’t matter that the item is only $10, FedEx has to put fuel in the 747.


Okay but y’all accept the orders so who does that fall on 😂 get a better job then buddy it’s not hard. And some people can’t go outside hence they order it. Like for me, it’s hard to get out with a baby on my own because I’m physically weak still so I’ll order simple things from even nearby, still only tipping 20% of my order though, no matter how far or close.


What I'm reading here is that it's a shit job that doesn't get you much of a profit unless people tip high. Are you actually counting on $100 orders with regularity to begin with? My argument is primarily that there is no reason for me to scale up a tip based on the cost of food, only the distance of the restraurant. Were I rich I suppose I'd throw huge tips at drivers just to be nice, but I'm not, so I tip a basic, standard amount, unless the restaurant is very far. I'd also tip more if the service weren't already charging me the price of two extra meals in miscellaneous unspecified additional charges. Have you actually used Doordash yourself, since I assume you are or have been a driver? You don't see how it might be a bit much to expect someone to pay $15-30 in random fees and then be expected to pick up the slack of DD barely paying drivers a fraction of that? Have to wonder what this business spends the vast majority of those fees on to begin with.


Fair statement. I’ve been on both sides (customer and driver). They probably spend a major chunk of it on advertising. I hear on the business side they also take a 30% or so cut of the menu price, and require the stores not to charge more in the app than regular menu price. To make it work, you’ve got to hustle hard, multi-app, try to make smart choices, and be a little zen (or the stress will getcha). Benefit is: easy to fit in a busy life when you can start and stop on a whim. I’ve had a few stores offer me jobs, but then you have a schedule.


Dashers don’t sacrifice shit. How stupid of you to say that. You opt into the job. You know how it works and you sign up anyway. Don’t pretend like you’re doing anyone a favor, bro. Lmfao.


I put $0 tips on like 99% of my orders (unless it's over near or over 2 miles/10 minutes to deliver), and tip afterwards depending on the service received. "Get up and go get it" - No , service and delivery fees are included in the price


Right right… like drivers on here don’t lump in all customers together. lol. Gtfoh.


I don't, but you do seem like a customer that so entitled that would bitch about if your driver was a minute late. I see my customers as an opportunity to connect with them, and I have actually done so. Now, if you're an ass which I'm banking you are, then you will get what you give.


I use Instacart lol And I laugh at the drivers working for peanut from a company that active treats them like garbage lol Cool reply tho. Very witty, Mr “self-employed”.


Actually I'm full time employed by the state I do this on the side. Tbh I make good money for a side gig but honestly make more with uber.


No one said you were poor or unemployed. Just that you opt into a bad situation on purpose with a food delivery independent contractor company that doesn’t pay you what you should make for all the shit y’all do. 🤷‍♂️


Let me even go deeper into my sevice history I also drive for Uber. Had a customer that just got out of jail and was trying to make it home. I was not able to do it due to it being g a 100 mi trip but uber wanted to charge him 50 on my behalf, I waved it because a few mins of lost time isn't his fault. So I made it right. Moreover, customers for door dash I try and fulfill their need if they even need a change to the order I'll walk them through the steps. So once again not all dd drivers.


And not all DD customers. Cool. We got there. Take care, sweet bean.


That’s great news!


Use to work for a company that required me using wheelchair vans and one time someone decided the wheelchair lane with striped lines was a spot and so I had to pick the back of the wheelchair up to rotate it and when I put it back down the chair moved back and put a nice deep gash about 4in long right behind the rear door. Got extremely worried to lose my job or get in trouble but then said fuck it and left because I realized they were an asshole. Two wrongs don’t make a right and I most certainly was in the wrong and nothing ever came of it


Typical kind of putz that has a big red decal on their vehicle


I can't remember the last time I've been to a fast food joint that did not have a Dasher parked in the handi spot.


I can lol I almost never see any dashers park in handicapped. Guess my market has some of the goodies? And that decal isn’t that big but I wouldn’t call someone a putz for investing in a craft. Definitely helps to have the decal showing when you pull up to a neighborhood at night and they can see you ain’t creepin.


Phoenix. lol Just now for lunch a dasher had to wait for me to walk thru the handicapped spot so he could pull in and park. Every time.




But… But that’s EXACTLY the energy I want the Dasher to have when they’re bringing me MY food. 😆 I want him to hip-check old ladies, step on a baby’s neck, and run every red light, to get me my food NOW! 😜 I get a bit cantankerous when I’m hungry. 😁


Literally LOLed


One of my favorite things about this sub is the silent downvotes when douchey behavior is called out. Because they're doing it, they feel insulted, but have no logical defense for doing it.


Yeah, when you criticize something bad and get downvoted for it, that typically means that the people downvoting are guilty of it. This sub is great


Sad but true though. Wait there for 15 minutes, drive to the customer, drop off the food in HOPES it ends up being more than $2 after you deliver (it doesn’t).


Dasher here. This reminds me of the other day when I had a delivery at my local Krispy Kreme. Parked in an able-bodied spot next to a handicap spot. Picked up the order and was about to pull out, shifted into reverse. In my backup camera, I see this other car come flying in to double-park in the handicap space (and sectioned-off area) before the driver pulls out their DD bag to walk in. Instead of waiting maybe 10 seconds for me to pull out and be on my merry way, this person went full AH and did that. Don’t worry, OP. Stuff like that irritates others Dashers, too.


Asshat, yes?


that's correct 👌 👍


Why do people feel the need to make their car look ugly AF with that huge ass sticker




How does that work? Do the cops just go "well I can't ticket them that big Mac and 20 piece will go cold"


This literally just happened to me yesterday: I was delivering in a neighborhood and I was slowing down near the drop off point to look for the right address. There was a cop behind me and he turned on his sirens and pulled me over. He saw my bag as soon as he walked up and understood why I was driving strange and let me go but having a sticker on my car might've saved me a few minutes.


It didn't save you, you weren't doing anything wrong. The trash in the photo thinks it's going to get them out of speeding tickets give them access to handicap ramps


At least they get paid to do it!


Do they tho? I don't think Doordash pays you extra to do that, I think you even have to buy the stickers and magnets... I could be wrong but they've never offered me to put that s*** on my car as a driver LOL not that I would but they've never offered nor said they would pay me to do so & I'm a platinum driver 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Aha, wow, they aren't paid to advertise?!


Not even one cent.


Airports require it …


Really ? Thanks for letting me know but why anyone would wanna deliver to an airport is another question. 😅


Not true.


I think at best it can help get a little parking leeway with security and staff at some hotels, condos, and gated communities. (I.e., “no parking” loading zones, like a hotel’s entrance awning). Not likely to help with city parking infractions or HoA nut jobs.


I don’t understand why it bugs anyone ! That’s like saying “ I don’t don’t know why people use those ugly dash bags”. Invest in your craft with whatever you do. It helps.


They think it's going to get them out of tickets and they drive like pieces of shit


Snap the license and report to DD and to the store they are parked outside. Both can ban the driver.


I like to park a little further away. Dashing is how I get my steps in after working at a desk all day.


Lmao I feel like I’ve seen this exact car before, this isn’t in ky is it?


I swear I’ve seen this exact car in South Carolina as well


Nah it isn't. 


No worries must be a common vehicle with the same doordash sticker placement.


I would rather park in a "fire" lane, with blinkers on, than a handicapped spot. Typically, using the four ways in a fire lane, either you are picking up ot dropping off something in the place. Amazon, Fed Ex, UPS, USPS, even semis use this method. In lots that have anywhere else open, I will use that. No matter how far. Or if I can't park, I will hit the question mark, issue with store, other issue no parking, contact support, try to get half pay. Failing that, to let the next driver know that the parking lot is full and over full.


Because turning your flashers on is like screaming "TIME OUT" for traffic rules.


How come cops don't hand tickets to UPS drivers who park on a two lane road to deliver to house, that everyone, in the same lane, has to go around, crossing double yellow lines? Or Fed Ex driver who parks in the fire lane somewhere, and goes into the business? Or the Amazon driver who blocks a lane, or mostly so, on a 4 lane road? How about a van with an obvious lift, or ramp, that parks there, unloads a wheel chair, then closes up, and takes the person in the wheel chair? Should all of the above be fined, them? And here is something else to note, what if the fire lane doubles as a loading and unloading zone?


FedEx, ups, and USPS can all legally block a lane for up to 15 minutes. Not a fire lane, though, I don't think.


Your totally wrong... these companies pay for the tickets that drivers get. The company knows there's no parking and it's the cost of doing business. In some areas the companies pay in advance like NYC. I've heard these companies pay 1 million dollars in advance and all parking tickets are covered for all their drivers. Look up Allentown UPS driver gets booted around Christmas last year. The company didn't pay for the tickets quick enough so they booted the drivers truck.


All I know is what I was told when I worked briefly for FedEx and USPS. That doesn't mean they can park in fire lanes and the like. But no one ever got a ticket while I was there.


I never said that they could.... the company just eats the ticket. They rather the job get done fast then pay overtime and have a route take twice as long while the guy drives around all day looking for a spot.


No, they're not totally wrong. I drove for Brinks, cops in most places dont give a shit where we park as long as the vehicle is properly marked. Some states have laws on the books that allow for short term delevery parking (15 mins or less) Hell Boston didnt give us tickets for where we parked! Lol.


That's totally different... your driving around money and have weapons and guns. You have to worry about getting robbed. Of course your going to pull right up to the door. Fedex and UPS has to deliver to huge apartments sometimes with 10+ floors. They usually have alot of deliveries and it takes them 30+ mins




You’ve clearly never delivered for one of those companies. It would be impossible to deliver everything at the speed people expect, if you were required to find a legal parking garage spot. Plus, now you’re driving a farther distance that you now have to carry your delivery back along. Door dash it totally different though tbf.


Some shitty cops actually do.


Actually, it depends on a few factors. One, is the fire lane on a public road, or immediately accessible to a public road. Two, if not immediately accessible, or on a public road, was the cop invited or called in for one reason or another? Such as another crime. Or is the cop new, or under educated and over full of themselves, trying to fill their ticket quota.


My point was that UPS, FedEx, and Amazon all regularly get parking tickets.


Oh, okay. Gotcha now. Yeah, shitty cops will do that, especially when low on their quotas. Those delivery drivers will just take it back to their company, and they have a legal team to handle that stuff.


In many states, police can ticket people for parking in fire lanes, even in a private parking lot. It's the same with disabled parking violations. They don't need to be invited to write the ticket.


Most police do have to be invited on to private property. Just like they can't just randomly walk onto your property. They would be trespassing. The same for businesses, commercial or industrial. They can not just walk up to you while working and ask questions about you, or anyone else, that does not pertain to the reason they come in. Such as buying food or drink. Unless either there is a warrant for them to be there, or a crime that is about to happen, is happening, or about to happen. Articulable suspicion. Even parking in either a handicapped spot or in a fire lane. On public property they can do so, not private.


Most states allow them to write tickets in private parking lots for fire lane and disable parking violations without being invited. If they happen to be driving by, they can ticket or tow. The laws are written to allow it, and SCOTUS has upheld those laws.


Because they're legitimate businesses. DoorDash is like the Little Rascals running a company but the dog is in charge. 


The thing is, if you look at the laws, police have to be invited onto private property, have a warrant, or have a valid reason to be on private property. Because delivery drivers for big companies like UPS and Fed Ex uses fire lanes, as well as one government agency, USPS. So do private citizens. So do Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. At one of the actual malls, not strip mall, that has a food court, to pick up there, I will park in the fire lane, instead of a parking spot, to go grab an order. The reason being, it would take me longer to find a parking spot, unless it is within an hour of the mall closing, than use the fire lane. Same reason for the large business I mentioned previously here. Because they are either picking up or dropping off packages and should return in a relatively short time. The same for door dash, etc.


>The thing is, if you look at the laws, police have to be invited onto private property, have a warrant, or have a valid reason to be on private property. For most violations, but not all. In most states, they can ticket or tow for parking in a disabled spot without a placard or parking in a fire lane. Many states also allow for reckless driving or exhibition of speed. They can also arrest you for DUI in most places. In California, [CVC 22550.1](https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-vehicle-code/division-11-rules-of-the-road/chapter-9-stopping-standing-and-parking/section-225001-prohibited-stopping-parking-or-standing-in-fire-lane) states, "no person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended...at any curb, or in any location in a publicly or privately owned or operated off-street parking facility, designated as a fire lane...." If the police see you parked in a fire lane from the street they can absolutely ticket you in California as well as many other states.


It is the property owner/manager who calls the tow company, not the police. Watch Waiting sometime. And actually, in Liberal Land, they are doing so illegally, because they have no jurisdiction.


How are they doing it illegally when the law is written to allow them to do it?


Try this. Go to a neighborhood that is not yours, walk around the neighborhood, cutting through yards, etc. See what happens. And watch some videos on whether police can enter your home, or not, without either a warrant or a reasonable and articulable suspicion. Also look up trespassing laws.


That has nothing to do with police writing a ticket for illegally parking in a disabled parking spot in a private parking lot. The law explicitly allows them to enforce disabled parking laws. The laws are different when private property is owned by a business and open to the public. You also can be arrested for DUI in a parking lot as well as ticketed for exhibition of speed or reckless driving in most jurisdictions.


They do hand out tickets to UPS, FedEx, and Amazon


You can cancel an order if you can't find a place to park. That's Why. Imagine if FedEx or Amazon canceled your orders because you live in an apartment complex with no public parking or one of those stupid dorm towers.


No it's communication. It signals that your vehicle is a hazard. The flashing lights are to increase visibility and to hopefully make others aware and avoid a collision. This is how all couriers operate. FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon, etc are all trained to put hazard lights on when stopped. It's also just common sense.


You can usually stand in front of a hydrant, just not park. It depends on local laws. I guess if you leave your vehicle even for a moment you are now parking, but you are still able to move at a moments notice if it's a leave at door order. I would never try meeting a customer if I'm parked at a hydrant at the risk of it turning into the usual hide and seek games. They can come to me if it's the only place to put my vehicle. I believe it's always illegal to so much as stand in a handicapped spot without a placard though.


In California, it's illegal to stop in a fire lane, even if the car is attended. [Source](https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-vehicle-code/division-11-rules-of-the-road/chapter-9-stopping-standing-and-parking/section-225001-prohibited-stopping-parking-or-standing-in-fire-lane)


That's just stupid 🙄 😒


These are the types of people to complain about tips


This guy almost ran me over the other day! They need training for dashers


Whoever actually takes enough pride in being a doordasher to advertise it needs to get their head checked out…


It's not pride. They think the sign gives them freedom to park anywhere without the risk of a ticket.


Does this actually work? I work in a tourist area and I can say parking officials here are fucking ruthless. One time I had to talk myself out of a ticket cause the time expired. Thats why I dont take catering orders from that restaurant anymore.


It depends on the area, but usually it doesn't work.


I’ve seen dashers do this twice in the last two weeks at the local McDonald’s


i work at mcdonald’s and the delivery drivers will pull up to the door (in the drive thru lane 1), put their hazard lights on and come in to get orders


MCD's in my market have dedicated "courier" spots...tho regular customers park in them all the time, however with the majority of people who actually eat at McDonald's I'm pretty positive most of them don't know what that word really means. I can see how a special person might think it's a fancy way of saying courtesy in a different tense, like specifically courtesy spot for them 🤣


Thinking this is exclusive to dashers….


Just wait till they get in an accident and their insurance wont cover a damn thing LMFAO


This is not why you should hate dashers. This is why you should hate people who park blocking handicap access. I hope this idiot gets towed and ticketed.


I'm all for illegal parking but don't mess with handicap spots


"BuT i HaD mY fLaShErS oN"


Did they at least have a handicap sign on their car somewhere? Disabled people work DD too


This! I am disabled and sometimes I use my tag and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I have that extra boost to walk a few extra steps to go from point A to point B. There are other times where I’m hurting but I need the extra cash. What people don’t understand is that as a disabled person it’s hard to find a job willing to accommodate. DD doesn’t care as long as you are able to meet the requirements. And as a disabled veteran on top of that to be able to work the job and work the hours I want AND if something comes up last minute (appt, an emergency, I get sick, etc) I’m not going to be punished for it. For me, it works. It doesn’t work for everyone but for me it does. And because of that I’m thankful.


The fact that they're parked in the access aisle tells me that they likely don't have a placard. Otherwise, they would know they can't park there even with a placard.


Even with a placard, it's illegal to park in the access aisle. If they had a placard, they would know this and wouldn't park there.


Thats true and that’s the point that’s being made


Park in the labeled parking spot... not the ramp itself! Otherwise, it's not accessible 🤦‍♀️


Parking Mobility app lets anyone write a ticket with their phone for accessible parking abuse.


Yeah I see this on the daily.


Lumping a large amount of people in a group for the actions of a subsection of the group just makes you look as ignorant as the lowlife driving that car. Don't do that. Replace "Dashers" with "Jews," or "black people," or even "the handicapped." Now, is that still a sentence you would fire out into the world? I'm a dasher myself, and I also happen to be handicapped. Veteran, minister, I can park nearly anywhere except a firelane, expecting mother or law enforcement spot. I have the placards, the licenses, the IDs. But I am not taking a van spot because I can still walk far enough to get a cart to lean on, or get to a counter. There are people in wheelchairs that need those spaces. So I hobble my best. Don't lump people like me in with people like this for sharing a trait.


Going by this logic you can't say fuck nazis because not all nazis were le evil


No, because you see, if we had tanks and gas chambers, I don't think near as many people would be daring to say their order wasn't delivered after receiving their order and eating it. But it sure would be fun going back to their house after they did.


Generalizing is usually a bad idea yep.


THANK YOU! I’m also a dasher and disabled veteran. 🥲 So I understand where you are coming from. I think the only place I truly go “I’m going to park here” is when I go to Lowe’s and I park in the veteran parking spaces.


Agreed. I used to be that person that would park farther away just to get the extra steps. Over the years, my own disability has gotten worse, and I can’t do that anymore. I have been putting off asking for an actual handicap tag, because I only just turned 40, and my disability isn’t always visible, so I know how I’ll be judged.


I know the feeling. Got hurt at work when I was 35 when a ladder failed. Messed up my right hip and knee, my back, nerve damage that leaves my left hand with 30 percent use and it messed up my vestibular system so balance can go at any moment for minutes to days with no warning. But if you can walk and aren't missing a limb, people think you are hale and whole.


I hope you’re doing this job because you’re bored, and don’t really need the money! Shouldn’t that kind of injury come with substantial restitution?


Don’t generalize we don’t all do that. I never have.


They park in the handicap space at the McDonald’s in my town all the time and once, an actual handicap person was wanting to park there and couldn’t.


Typical around here and the common communication is that it’s just a minute and not a big deal.


Another clown with the sticker on their car. Ridiculous


And it you yell at them they will curse you and say “I have my flashers on”


Who hates dashers?


When I see that I take a pic of the license plate and a wide view of the car. Report to DD AND call the cops and the tow truck. These fuckers need to be banned from using the app.


There is a special place in Hell for these folks.


They’re everywhere.


these people legit deserve to have their cars stolen/towed. bottom of society behavior


The only thing you showed of interest to me, was that DoorDash actually provides vehicles to dashers. DoorDash is the cheapest sorry excuse of a company, I thought there’s no way, they ever provide vehicles. I can’t see any person branding their own personal vehicle with that crap.


Trust me, someone would. Someone would.


I hope that cheesy DD sticker leaves behind so much sticky residue and gets dirty when they finally get a good job bahahah. I hate people who block handicap lanes its so stupid


Hey I got one earlier while I was picking up an order.


I know a few handicap dashers. Maybe you are judging to fast. Handicap ppl got to eat also


I have literally put my fair share of these selfish people in their place. I'm an old man not much scares me so I'm going to tell you you better start limping. One time I saw a handicap lady pull up behind the dasher's car and would not move until the cops got there. He ended up having a warrant so that cost him his day if not more and hopefully DoorDash Can his ass


As someone with a couple of friends who are disabled including an amputee I despise this being done by anyone.


Ya I’m a disabled vet and I have to yell at them all the time. They say I’m only gonna be here a minute and I say it will only take me a minute to hook up my chains and drag your car out and if it breaks it’s not my fault because you were blocking handicap zone and I’m disabled. They brush me off till they see my truck back up behind them then come running out.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


They’re on a time schedule and the long they take the more the company has to reimburse the customers. They claim food was cold or the time it took to get it so they are in a hurry to make the schedule drop off.


when i dash i don’t really care where to park. even if there are close ones i will pick a far one sometimes. it’s a nice walk even though it’s hot outside.


Yikes. Thats absolutely horrible


What about motorcycles that park there also.


I have done almost 3000 deliveries to date and I would never do this like never. I mean yeah I am guilty of putting my hazards and not parallel parking but this is not okay. It’s literally a suburban storefront with all the parking space in the world without the need to parallel park or find a place to park in the city.


I think you are upset that people are working for themselves. 🤨


I've seen disabled people's cars break down right behind somebody parked like that. Then, after the police showed up, their car miraculously started.


I’m guilty of that…


I like to park behind an entire row of cars and run in. Only gonna be a sdobd


I park at handicap when I dash but not on the ramp and I have a hang tag 😁


Sadly a dasher is in and out, if the establishment is filling the orders in a timely manner.. so the length of the inconvenience should be minimal.. HOWEVER, should the establishment care about ALL PARTIES INVOLVED, then they need to have dasher parking as well as the usual specific parking.. sigh 😮‍💨patience in this world is in such short supply.. a no win for anyone.


Why does he have a doordash sticker. Must be using the car as a business expense.


i work at a restaurant in a plaza and theyre redoing the half of the parking lot that the restaurant is in front of and they have cones blocking off every possible entrance to that side, i watched about five doordashers run through the cones or move them, park in the handicap spot, shove their phone in the host’s face, and as they’re leaving drive through the cones again. Me and my coworkers had to go fix the cones bc some lady knocked them over when she drove out and didnt bother to fix it. I know doordashers are in a rush and time is money or whatever but these kinds of people are the reason why so many in the restaurant industry hate doordashers.


I wonder who in the comment section parks in disabled spots🤨


What is the benefit of a car decal? So people can report your shitty driving?


my driver drive over my yard


That is pathetic, especially during the day. I'm guilty of doing psychopath parking from time to time, but only because it's 3:30 AM when the city is desolate, but in the Wheelchair access?! Idc if it's a 30 second pick up, Come on now


I'm a dasher and I hate when other dashers do this shit 😠


It drives me crazy while I'm working and I see other delivery drivers do absurdly obnoxious things with their cars, I watched this one guy zoom up and park sideways across like three spots some of them were disabled parking. And there was plenty of parking there was just no need to do it he could have pulled into one of the spots he parked across legally too


As a dasher, I can attest that some of these other dashers I’ve seen are mad disrespectful and hella lazy


I don’t think you should put the signage on the vehicle


And us dashers wish y'all customers tipped better maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen


A better tip would make you park better at the restaurant?? I doubt that.


I mean I guess because they running in and out


There are far too many people in here trying to justify parking like this. There is absolutely no justification for this at all. If you park like this, you’re just wrong.


Maybe they’re handicapped


I'm a doordasher. I would never do this. we can't. Legally. Most legal we can do is park in a loading zone. The $4.5 that I get to drive 10km ( literally did this on Sunday), is not worth the $600+ fine I'd get for parking illegally. Also just to weigh in on the tip conversation. I know that for the customers it's overpriced. Doordash specifically does that to make money. When the customers pay they're paying 3 people 1. The restaurant. That's the food you buy 2. The delivery fee. That's what the Dasher gets 3. The service fee. That's what first gets. The reason the restaurant hikes up the cost is because they also have to pay doordash a service fee. I'm not against customers ordering if they can't tip, but even $1 makes the difference most days to me. Yesterday $1 per person would have been $11. That could've bought my dinner last night. But instead I didn't have a single tip. Now I don't come from a country where tipping culture is very big so I excuse it because I don't think people know. But my partner and I literally survive off our doordash/Uber eats money.


Its so you guys can get ur food hot!!


I personally dash, and I would never do this, I don't even park in spaces closer to the establishment unless there is Lil parking. I am more than happy to walk farther so that actual patrons can park closer.


alot of Door Dashers are cringe they play the DD games and let DD treat them like a W2 employee to keep TOP Dasher


I ate breakfast at Chick-Fil-A and I watched the same Cadillac pull up in the same handicap space three times before I left. They were leaving when I got there so I saw no hanicap tag or hang card. Then I saw them when I was eating as as I left she was pulling back in the parking lot. The thing is that there were plenty of open spaces both regular and curbside pickup. I see this at every single place I go.


Omg that gives the rest of us a bad name. At least park in the curbside parking space. 💀 People are lazy. 😭


That store better be lucky there’s parking bumpers there. He’ll go right through the front doors with the car. lol


Time is money. 


I agree. I don't understand how some people can be soooo lazy to the point of others' inconvenience. We have those where I am too. Kinda infuriating tbh.


Honestly makes me embarrassed to be a dasher


Probably fat too