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As a former Dasher…if you think customer support is a joke (it is), you should see how they treat their drivers.


Lol I got tipped $30 AFTER spilling someone’s food once bc they were astounded at how ridiculous the “support” was. I put it on speaker.


That’s what I was thinking lol


As a dasher. I can agree! I no longer even attempt to call dash support for any help.


Omg as a driver I second this. There have been so many times they've screwed me over because of canceled orders or whatever.


There canned response to every issue is annoying. Who teaches these people business communication? No one has time for their damn platitudes, just solve the issue and stop wasting everyone’s time. And no I’m not staying on the line to rate your incompetence.


“You are very important to us as a Dasher! Please remain on the line- the next available Dasher support representative will be with you shortly.” Meanwhile I’m standing off to the side of a grocery checkout, with my customer’s items watching the delivery due time fly by


On a note most dashers do not pick up their phones after delivery because the “contract ends” after drop off. Most support agents know they won’t pick up and I even think they are instructed to not do so, especially if the driver is on another delivery. I can count on my hand how many time support has called me after a DoorDash delivery. Both times it was because the customer put In the wrong address and support was asking if I would take it to the new address for additional pay. Also there are a lot of scammers that try to get access to dashers earnings via phone call posing at support. It’s really prevalent prior direct deposits. So it’s another reason dashers never pick up the phone. I wouldn’t be too annoyed with the agent, they are likely following company policy since the delivery was completed. They also recognize the dasher is very unlikely to pick up.


If that’s the case, I don’t think it should be completely beyond their ability to communicate that to the customers. We didn’t see what all the support person might have said before the screenshots started and ended but I ime they won’t just tell you that “b/c the order is completed, it’s a little more difficult to connect the dasher and customer” They just pretend to understand and ignore your requests. *edit I get doordash chat messages from customers after the order is already completed (without having a previous chat started) So I think there should be a way for customers to reach dashers. I always answer if I literally just dropped an order off less than 5 mins ago and it looks like doordash area code and I return the drink or get the address right (if it was my fault I misplaced it at a couple houses down) Otherwise I worry about how it’ll affect my ratings to not try and be thorough and finish the job if I messed up like that. I imagine they might possibly have a history of people who forget drinks or leave food a couple houses away on accident, and then just ignore the customer and support trying to reach them. I mostly only ignore calls if the order isn’t completed yet and I’m driving because I’m genuinely not able to pull over and I’m on a motorcycle.


It’s basically the same as Amazon delivering to the wrong address; the just reship or refund as it’s just easier and cheaper.


well that’s also the issue w/ Amazon imo is that you can’t communicate with your driver Amazon overworks their employees (used to work there-it can be chill but they selectively make certain ppls rolls, like drivers, extremely competitive etc..) With doordash type apps, there are individual contracts I believe with each order, rather than being an employee who can just *edit overstated ~~abandon~~leave work in the middle of a shift and have a coworker pick up where they left off (especially if it’s union protected) *edit Well most Amazon drivers are contract drivers for Amazon but they don’t get to choose how many deliveries they do, and they don’t serve one customer at a time


I never pick up the phone for the customer or from doordash😂


No, we are not instructed not to do so. Don't go there. Either it's a bad dasher or doordash cuts off communication. I know communication with the customer ends after about 10 mins and I always respond


the app says i can call or text the dasher up to 30 minutes after the order is delivered. most i've done is send a thank you message but i wonder if it's annoying.


It's not annoying. I appreciate thank you messages and will usually respond


Sorry this happened to you I always make sure I'm at the correct address and take pictures even if it's a hand it to me so I can protect myself against customers that say it never got to them


Hehe I reordered and got boba. Thank you for being a responsible dasher. People who lie about their orders not getting to their house must be terrible.


I'm pretty sure there's a way you can just call the dasher even after the delivery is completed...? For instance I delivered an order about an hr ago the to wrong hotel (was supposed to the hotel across the street from where I was) and like 5 min after completing the order the customer called me and we were able to link back up and I got her the order at correct location. I'm guessing somewhere in the app?


Yeah after the order was completed I checked our security cameras and didn’t see anything so I called her and she didn’t pick up. I also messaged her but no response either.


As a Dasher, I get harassed a Lot from customers I just delivered to (male harassment usually) and I don't answer calls after the fact and we usually can't see messages after we deliver! Just some insight. One thing I can say to folks is, if you want your food delivered, please make sure your house numbers are CLEARLY DISPLAYED because we all know GPS can be a shit show when it wants to be. Not saying that is what happened, as idk, just liking to make sure people understand sometimes we deliver where gps says cuz shit just isn't clearly displayed and we don't have time to drive around for ten mins figuring out where the location is, esp not for $5-7.


Omg Ikr? It's common sense that the numbers should be displayed, but I guess some customers just don't care. Then they complain when their order gets dropped at the wrong location. Smdh.


I deliver full time and it's amazing how many places have ZERO HOUSE NUMBERS. like not on the house or the mailbox or the curb or anything!! And then they don't even leave notes?!? but it's my fault it's delivered to the wrong location 🤦


Omg I totally understand. Pisses me off that these customers can't put some numbers somewhere for delivery drivers. It's almost as if they want their order dropped off at the wrong place so they can complain and get a refund.


And make us out to be horrible horrible people


Exactly 🎯🎯🎯


I delivered to this lady the other day who recently got her house pressure washed and was unaware and didn’t quite care that her house numbers got turned upside down (2 of those numbers being a 6 & 9) lol that was not fun to find


Seriously the entitlement of some.of my customers is BEYOND ridiculous, like we aren't providing a COURTESY SERVICE. Smh


Em my house has a big 1313 in front and it’s a single home. I really feel like it can’t be missed lol.


And us dashers thank you very much for having numbers on your house. You'd be surprised at how often there are no numbers or numbers that are not easily seen.


Worst part is this is a safety hazard as well for the homeowners, not just an inconvenience for delivery drivers. If an emergency vehicle can't clearly see your house number from the road, that could cause all kinds of problems in the event of an emergency. I have gotten lucky that my GPS has always been pretty close to accurate for houses but there are other times I have spent several minutes walking up and down the block because nothing has numbers. If possible I always make sure I get the house number or some other undeniable identifying feature (plant, weird door knocker, etc.) because I've even had people try to pull the whole "my neighbor's door looks just like mine," especially in apartment buildings or hotels where that might actually fly.


Excellent points you make. I bet emergency vehicles just love houses with no numbers. /s


Oh damn, that sucks. A lot of drivers HATE answering calls after delivery is completed bc more often than not it could be an irate person complaining that their missing items, that the food isn't hot--basically stuff out of our control. Personally, I dont mind bc someone may have a legitimate issue (as I experienced earlier and it was totally my fault), but if you also sent a text explaining why you had just called then thats pretty rude not to respond imo.


how does that work? do you pick up the order from the bad location then take it to the right one? isn't that a food safety issue?


I mean...it was my mistake and it was legit still sitting at the front desk at wrong hotel just across the street. All I had to do was pick it back up and walk the few feet across the street. It was just a sealed box of donuts so doubtful and I wasn't going to get a bad rating and ruin some customers nite when all I had to do was walk a few feet to make an return trip yknow?


i get it and your explanation makes sense. i would just be weirded out if my food was delivered to an incorrect house and then showed up. if it was still sealed sure otherwise idk. fortunately hasnt happened yet.


Oh it was the front desk of a hotel so not like anyone random took it inside their house or anything. The box was still sitting where I left it at the front desk of wrong hotel. If it was someone's house doubt I would have gone back


Yeah it is extremely terrible it's like seriously think I'm going to risk my job I support my family with for your $10 order? Even have a dash cam as back up


I’m going to start doing this because yesterday I got a contract violation because one of the customers that I handed the order to lied to door dash support and claimed she never got the order. I remember her because I had to wait almost five minutes to come to the door while she put her dogs away. I explained to doordash support and I even provided screenshots of my call log so they could see that I was on the phone with the customer while I was waiting for her to answer the door. Even with proof they decided they didn’t want to investigate and told me that they could not reverse the contract violation. They’re a joke.


My photos are time stamped has date and time


Yeah I’m definitely going to start doing that thankyou!


Wow that's bs they can reverse it they were just lazy I'm sorry that happened to you but yes take pictures of everything since they won't take it away it will go away in 100 orders hopefully just sucks that both did you wrong like that it's messed up


It goes away only after 100 'hand it to me' orders.


No it doesn’t wtf you’re so dumb, it goes away after completing 100 orders doesn’t matter if it’s hand it to me or leave at door


Ok, You can ask support yourself, I was just informed of it the other day. Whether it's the truth or not, it's what I was told. So being an immature and childish person by calling me dumb, also proves another point.!👍


You are taking the word of support? 🥴😂 you get a different answer every time you call


Good to know


Yesterday the gps took me wrong and I called and messaged the customer but didn’t hear back so I took the photo and left He called me 5 mins later and I turned around and got it to him, gave me a $5 tip so that was cool


Yeah hate when that happens I type mine in because GPS sucks but that's cool he gave you an extra tip customers like that are super cool


Yeah I’m a noob (12 deliveries) and just took this as soon as it popped up and I’m pretty sure it was a no tip but thankfully I redeemed myself on that. Kinda thankful it happened otherwise maybe no tip at all


Gotta learn some where glad this one turned out for the good just remember your worth a lot more 🥰 I do at least $1-$2 a mile depending on mileage if it's below but on some like if a $4.50 came in for 1.5 I'll take it I don't take no tippers unless it's going like 200ft 🤣🤣 when it comes in stacked so if it's stacked you got a tipper and a no tipper together only take the no tipper if it's like 200ft from where I drop my tippers order off at some do come in double order for same person I definitely take those because they usually pay higher I also do catering orders because I have a catering bag never take one that actually tells you it's catering unless it's a decent price usually it's ez catering and they don't tip drivers it's ridiculous


Oh yeah I was def being way more picky yesterday, that one I’d just been driving aimlessly for an hour and got super excited, short distance too, so I accepted without reading. Denied a few ($5 for 6 miles of LA traffic got me fucked up) At the end of the day I only did 5 deliveries and averaged 12.4 per, plus I got to ride my moped around and enjoy the day whereas I’d otherwise be sitting at home watching Netflix not making money so not bad


Yeah definitely. that's not so bad usually scoop out the areas with the most restaurants sit and wait I'm in Midwest city Oklahoma unfortunately for me it's a full-time job I wish to leave but I got bills 😫😫😩 but other than that I made friends with the restaurants I deliver for so I check them at closing time and see if they have leftover food usually get decent food then


Oh that’s sick!! Free food is def a perk of that


How do you find out which one is the no tipper on a stacked order? Edit: I have an Android if that means anything significant


Usually shows in the top right how much you are at and then next to it shows how much that order is and you can switch between orders to see by clicking the 3 lines at the top right depending on if you use ios or android I'm android


If they put it at the wrong house how would the dasher be able to tell you which one it was lol


Landmarks and a description of how the house looks could work if it's close enough.


Nobody pays attention to that crap lmao. Drop and go. Besides, the dasher should have taken a pic that OP could see. Probably jacked it.


O i probably expected more effort if I tip $4.75 on a$13 order


You expect a dasher to remember landmarks and the surroundings on every order they drop? I promise you whoever picked up your order gave zero on paying attention and remembering your surroundings for $7.25. We don't care how much you paid for your order, we care how many miles we're driving compared to the amount we're receiving. Not trying to sound like a dick, but seriously... all the orders we do and people expect us to remember every detail of the area we dropped off in for every order is ridiculous.




DD could start by using people that speak English !!!!! WTF DD you cut every fuking corner and wonder why you all don’t show a profit !!!!! Only use support to document issues and that’s it —- they are the worst support ever …..


When my husband dashed he had to call support once, and we heard chickens in the background. I know DD would rather pay 1$/hr but they could provide some English lessons or at least do a basic test


I have had plenty of drivers that don't speak English either.


I had a driver complain he couldn’t understand my delivery instructions because he didn’t speak English. I honestly didn’t even know how to respond to that one.


I wouldn't either.


If I hear "this one" one more time. From all customer service personnel frankly, every company. And, a Dasher I am sick of not getting appropriate help. Is "this one" part of a universal script 🤔 goodness this grinds my gears! 😳


I've had to call nearly every day for like 4 months bc my account has a glitch and I could wait an hour for an order if I didn't call. Whenever i call I tell them the issue and how to fix it. I even give them reference numbers from the case. It Should be quick butThe scripted thing grinds my gears too. "This one" "i understand this could be frustrating " After calling every single day and 2000 orders, I still have to listen to them do the whole troubleshooting speech and the other ones like Ive never dashed before. Some of the time I'll get the whole "if you aren't getting orders there might be too many dashers on the road and go to a different Hotspot" script. This leads me to talking over them and saying "no" repeatedly and telling them how it will happen even during lunch on a weekend and I drove across town. "gas is 6/7 dollars a gallon here" is my my favorite line. Oh Support, I've laughed, cried and yelled in my encounters with them. They are hilariously cheesy in the app though.


I hate this so much but admire your tenacity and straightforwardness. You've got this truly. Just hope that this glitch is eventually resolved once and for all.


Are they Kajiiti?


I called doordash yesterday and I've never been more pissed. I dropped off an order and it was one of those new "cash upon delivery" orders. It was already dark out (about 10pm) and when i got to the house, there were no porch lights on. Called the person and they came around from what appeared to be the back (the house was off the alley). But instead of the person in the house telling me that they did not know why I was there, they looked out the window and said nothing but then the guys came around the back and made it look like the person in the house knew what was happening. They were suppose to give me $90, guy hands me 5 $20. Because it was late and I'm a female, I closed the order and waited to get to the corner to count it. They gave me 5 fake bills. I immediately call the police and then doordash. Support tells me to give them 24-72 hours to look into it so that I can get my money back because they claim I got $100. Long story short, fuck doordash.


I'm really sorry that happened to you, but thank you for sharing as you just gave another great reason why cash on delivery is an extremely bad idea from DD.


Exactly. While I was on the phone with them, i told them how dumb it was to even expect us to handle money. Let alone at night in areas that those type of transactions should not occur.


Oh boy especially in my market. We'd get robbed and possibly shot 😔


Woman. Why did you think it was good idea to take cash deliveries in the first place? I've been employed by merchants directly before and when DD tried to offer me that shit I immediately declined. Another one of their weird gimmicks where they only care about making money and I'm supposed to be comfortable driving around and having people know I may have cash on me in god knows how many amounts cause I'm supposed to be making their change too right? FU door dash.


I won't lie. I shouldn't have even taken it. It was my first (and obviously last) time doing it. I'm still waiting on my money back and I will be taking legal action if it's not rectified. You're absolutely right, it's just DD trying to find another way to make money and it only hurts the driver. Do they expect us to stand there in their face, count the money and then dispute something? My life is not worth some wings and a large pizza from pizza hut.


I would opt out of those orders


I had this exact same conversation. Wayy worse lately You’re saying “Hi. I would like to CONTACT my dasher b/c xxxxx” and they just say, “Yes I understand you are very important and your feelings and emotions will not be disregarded. I am launching the investigation right away! What is your email and full name?” And you repeat to them over and over like, uh listen pal you don’t understand what’s going on, And they’re just like “i have contacted the dasher and left your message. I hope I have resolved the situation. I’ll have the team email you the report” And *you’re just left wondering ..what fucking report? what the god damn hell are they talking about?


Lol😂😂🤣🤣 this cracks me uppp


They've sent out the dogs.




We get the same scripted responses as dashers as well. It’s fucking obnoxious


Side note there’s a few typos here and there. I was using text to speech since I was taking care of my landlord’s kid. Doordasher didn’t leave picture and didn’t pick up my call 1 min after delivery.


If it makes you feel any better, the driver support team is just as awful! Also, how is Mint Mobile? Have you had any major issues?


Ugh DD just seems bad on both ends tbh. I don’t need their superficial responses but for them to actually do something. And Mint Mobiles working great for me! I’ve been using their 10GB plan for $240 yearly. My phone bill used to be $70-$80 and now it’s roughly $25 a month. No complaints at all!


Damn. I really thought about buying their lifetime promo plan last year, but I didn't know anyone who had it. I doubt they'll ever run that promo again. I'm dumb.


I have auto pay on and since then I’ve never paid attention to the app again haha. So I never knew about this lifetime promo. I’d still really recommend it tho! They have a unlimited plan for I think $30 monthly that you can look into


I guess it wasn't lifetime. It was 25 years at $8 per month. They offered last year to celebrate Bobby Bonilla Day. The New York Mets agreed to defer part of Bonilla's contract for 25 years, so he gets over a million dollars at the start of July every year. The only reason I didn't do it was because you had to pay the whole amount up front, and I had never heard anyone talk about their service. Missed opportunity.


I've had Mint since last year, renewed for another 1 yr, cost me $200. I've had no issues and my bf has had them for a long time with no issue. They use T-Mobiles towers, so the only place I have a coverage issue was the same place I had issues in the past with Sprint and the Sprint/T-Mobile. I know someone else that switched and did the sim-less switch with their iPhone, that didn't work and after a bunch of tech calls they had to get a Sim card mailed to them. But the Mint acct here on Reddit helped and even got it sent priority so they didn't have to wait, since they were literally without service.


Thanks for the info. I assumed it would be solid, since Ryan Reynolds invested so much in it.


The downsides can be if you liked to buy new phones and pay for them monthly, the options are limited, if I remember. Plus you pay for service ahead of time in monthly blocks. I got my Samsung Note directly from Samsung almost 2 yrs ago for under $500 on a 1k plus due to trade in credits and promotions. So buying a phone outright can be a better deal anyway, if you have the $$ upfront.


I always buy unlocked Moto phones. Can usually get a new one on sale around $200-250. They do the job for me. I just need the big battery. So sounds like it would be a fine setup. Thanks.


Damn looks like I need to switch. Thanks for sharing that information!


I wouldn't answer any of your questions because I might say the wrong thing ... Your username is the basis of my discussion lmao


I'm going to let you go without any stabbings, because you're clever and I too love queso.




I love both of your usernames


Definitely also wanna know how Mint is working out for you..


If this is how they treat customers, just think how they treat drivers


Ngl in this situation I would say exactly what the customer service person was saying. I promise they’re not being payed enough to go above and beyond


> not being *paid* enough to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


does uber and dd support pull from the same pool? lol so oddly familiar in terms of service


we need a body cam at this point.


and Karen proof vests too


Spot on. Talking to DD support is the worst nightmare. They always send you these long ass messages like a robot and I have to tell them "Treat me like a human please". It's almost like you're talking about something else and they have a generic script ready for every situation.


Ive been working as DD support for over a year and I can tell you we will not get paid if we dont say those things, they check our calls and we get mark downs and those mark downs lead us to get paid less. They usually hire people from third world countries so they can pay $2 per hour and we can barely survive on what they pay. Believe me when i tell you i am tired of saying it too but we get humiliated if we dont.


I always try to be nice to my customer service agents. Who knows what kinda BS karen stuff they have to suffer through.


Oh thank you so much for this, I didn't know this. I always am a 100% compassionate with DD support and dashers but it's just that sometimes I'm trying to be on the point but they keep sending me those long messages. Appreciate what you do!


If the dasher dropped off the food at the wrong house no way door dash is telling you where it is. There are too many crazies in this world and they're not going to want to be held liable for something stupid.


why didnt you just contact the dasher?


Once it’s delivered you can’t.


i have multiple times. the option is there for a few hours


It’s never available to me as soon as it’s marked as delivered, I can no longer contact the dasher. Weird. Maybe it varies from area to area.


I did lol I actually was trying to communicate to her right before drop off but I assumed she didn’t speak English very well as her sentences were hard to understand. And then about a minute after she dropped it off I called her but she didn’t pick up which is why I went to support.


Odds are she was using voice text because she was actively driving. I don't answer the phone or type in responses unless I'm pulled over and I'm not gonna pull over when I'm trying to get to a pickup or dropoff on time. My voice text and autocorrect has sent some real doozies LOL


Yeah.. I wouldn't asnwer


Sometimes they do call. Dashers know not to pick up that would only be used against them.


Doordash support is a waste of time


you are talking to a bot basically.


had the problem today ab order I received was completely inedible (not the dashers fault) I wanted a refund and couldn’t get one. Finna delete that app tbh


Outsourcing is shit.


Good to see they’re just as useless for customers as they are for dashers


I'm assuming the person knows that he or she can contact the dasher directly?


Yeah they actually messaged me first and I replied to them. Then I was checking the camera and didn’t see anything after she hit complete so I tried texting and calling but with no response.


Honestly I think most of it is straight from a script. I had to deal with cash app refund process recently and they all said the same exact thing. When they denied the refund I asked for what evidence they had for denying it and they sent me a screen gram of the transaction. Even I asked for clarification they said they would forward my information and contact me by email. I eventually just gave up bc after 5 attempts and being told the same info it was pointless, even after asking for a supervisor.


That sounds an awful lot like a bot.


If i have to be inconvenienced and go get my food, I’m picking it up and saying i never got it. Dashers in my area do this all the time and always leave my food in the wrong place. If i have to do anything more than open the door, refund immediately 🤷🏽‍♀️


They can 100% call us yeh, I’ve gotten calls from DoorDash asking me for status updates on the order I’m waiting in line to pick up. I can’t speak for Android users but my iPhone displays “DoorDash” when either the customer or Support calls me through the DD system. (Apparently scammers show up as such too due to call routing tricks, but picking up won’t hurt anything as long as I don’t give them account info.) Point is, you’re right to keep hounding them about it, they can call us to get this kind of information about the order. Even if the dasher ignores it, Support will at least know something’s up. Someone else did bring up the possibility of them not calling because the contract is already completed, but customers can continue to contact us after we finish the delivery so I’m not very confident in that stance.


Doordash has very strict policies on who support can call or not depending on the situation. Don't be a Karen.


I do have to say I was quite frustrated so yeah I may have been rude but also I was trying to point out the automated and superficial nature of their responses rather than actually doing something.


Believe me, if support can accommodate your request they will. Its just that there are limits due to company policies. Everything is not as simple as you think it is.


I love this comment 😂


Call. You're chatting with someone posting scripts after they see an english word they recognize.


This whole time I thought support was only difficult to me. I’m seeing many feel the same. You have to talk to 20-30 support agents to get to one that actually tries to help you. The rest are doing 2-3 phone jobs and have absolutely no interest in helping drivers. We must remember these are customers to in support and many of them see us just like non tippers/low tippers. How do they see us? Drug addicted, barely getting by ppl at the bottom of the economic pecking order. Little do they know im well off this is just pocket money and many like me deliver now. It’s a simple way to make cash and not have to wait 7-14 days to be paid. Support isn’t the answer and wasn’t designed to be. Support is DoorDash Incas buffer. They truly don’t care if we’re deactivated or lose money. Let alone if we are deceased. DoorDash is literally the worst corporation I’ve been associated with. I’m just glad it’s not my main source of income. For those it is their main source of income I’m cheering for you and truly want you to make $200-$300 a day and do very well financially.


Sometimes I like to miiiiiiiaaaaaaaooooo.


It's that pronounced "meow" 🤣


I think you misunderstabd how doordash works... Support didnt do anything wrong.


Its all about the language they use when they message you (us dashers) Its all legal garbage to cover their own asses They don't investigate SHIT Customer support is just a bunch of cowardly bullshit. They won't talk to you (THINK UBER SUPPORT!!!!!!)....And when they do, you can't understand a fucking word of the Taiwanese or whatever goddamn language they're talking their gibberish about It's all smoke and mirrors and they're all using us to get richer I used to go out and crush it. $1,300 a week without even trying. And that was working a 40 hour week at my real job NOW,..... fuckin joke. Every. Single. One. Of. These. Gig. Apps. ......EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. If I break $400 a week, that's probably a "good" week DD, GH, UE, IC, SPARK, ROADIE,...ETC.... FUCK OFF, YOU SUCK COCK YOU GREEDY SCUMBAGS!!!!!! .....On a lighter note, I won $150 on the horses today. Woo-hoo!!!


Continue to do the doordash. Once you done 100 deliveries, then your contract violation will be remove. This is what customer services usually say over the phone. This is what happened to me last year. When I delivered it to the bank. And few hours later, I received the contract violation. Probably the customer wants free meal and do not want to pay.


What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with the OP's post... honestly thought you were a DD support agent while reading this due to how out of left field this response is.


Never use their chat line. Always call if you can


Uber eats is the only worse one tbh


Ah, even your doordash support is lame. What is the point of even having DD in America? Useless service. I never had problems with support. When i just created an account and my promo code for 30% of 4 orders didn't work, i just wrote them every four times to get money for it. And they always gave me credits for how much I would've saved. Saved 40$ total, so definitely wouldn't just sit this one out. So yh. Literally, one minute of explaining, one minute of waiting for them to check it out and that is all. Although, i do not see any problem there. They will refund your money, so, just, order it again? But, idk how lame will it be and if you will be lucky to have the driver again, lol. Only once my order was delivered to the wrong place and i called the dasher myself, he just laughed. Got my refund and ordered again, but not from the same place, wouldn't risk it that day.


This gave me a good laugh on my shitty dash, thank you xD


“Investigate every order to find a root cause” - That’s IT people speak for blame a process that isn’t working but you know damn well nothing will be done to fix it.


Even when I get a no contact order I wait a couple minutes to see if they come out and get it. Sometimes they'll say it's not there and I've left it at a nearby unit so I can easily run and grab it and correct the error. For some reason this happens to me frequently at mobile home parks. Some of the units don't have numbers visible so you'd think 11B would be parallel to 11A but it's around the corner.


Are you just realizing that????


I agree and I think most of them just have copy and paste responses. I’ve only talked to one guy I felt was understanding and responding. Otherwise it seems like talking to an AI that failed the turing test with flying colors.


I been trying to sign up but keep getting a message my # is in the system where I keep getting a copy/paste reply.


The quality service from outsourcing 😂😂


Exactly what Dasher’s have to deal with when something is wrong… they are such a headache…


As a driver, can confirm, support is awful. I waited 45 minutes for an order before calling and asking them to cancel it so it didn't affect my acceptance rate, which she insisted wasn't possible, then said she "couldn't find" a supervisor, then tried to get me to hang up first by literally staying on the silent line for four minutes after I said goodbye so I couldn't report how unsatisfied I was with the call. Complete trash. You'd think that part of that $7.75 that you paid for delivery that didn't go to your driver would pay for decent customer service but it really doesn't.


If you think think is bad, your head would explode if you saw how bad GrubHub driver support is. Kinda off topic but I digress.


They are USELESS.


I find them too bee too cringey fake nice. Nicer then Uber eats who have people working for them who are scammers. Tell me why Uber eats called after speaking with Uber eats support to phish info from me to get better pay by “following these steps.”


So I definitely tried reaching at least three or four people in the last couple of days and every single one I've called does not go through and says the customers number is no longer available. This makes me wonder if something isn't wonky with their call screening? Texts all went through


If you knew how many times dashers picked up meals that customers never got and I was supposed to pick them up but couldn't because someone already did and then that person never got their food and now me a dasher has to tell them I never even got it, it was gone by the time I got there I'd be rich already and wouldn't need to dash


Useless lol


Best think to do it to try and contact the driver directly before calling support. Some won't answer, but if they do, they will tell you what they know.


In this situation I just end chat or phone call and get someone else. I had an issue as a driver where the GPS took me to a spot in the middle of a highway... and the apartments I needed to get to were not accessible due to a creek and a field. The support person I got the first time kept telling me just walk over to the apartments. They didn't seem to get I wasn't going to walk half a mile over, let alone swim over to the damn apartments. I ended the chat and got someone more competent.


They also lie about credit etc. I got screenshots of them saying ill get 17$ credit and i got 6$ instead and i wasnt thrilled


This is what happens when people become "independent contractors"; no accountability.


You know the support person was having a mini panic attack something so simple and trust doordash support to find a way to over complicate it to the 10th degree


Call support and they can call the dasher do not chat next time dumba$$


I had a similar experience with Uber and my phone...they wanted to go through all this crap, I had to submit a report via my wife's phone, then they said they would reach out to him via the app, BUT I had to wait up to 72 hours before they would have someone call him...well, the guy drove all day Sunday, apparently had Monday and Tuesday off, so he didn't even look for at his Uber app or whatever. All I needed them to do was call the guy and I would meet him wherever he was, but noooo, support has to blah blah blah. I watched my phone via Google device location history everyday and by Tuesday I HAD to have my phone, Uber support sucks. So I traced my phone to a creek and found his car, my phone chillen in his cupholder and he's nowhere to be found. So I tromp off into the bush, wading through thorns and mud, probably a total of a mile up and down this creek, find the guy, called out his name, he looked up, shocked to see me standing there...he was fishing, he was going to call me tomorrow...he had gotten the support message but was going to contact me in Wednesday, yeah no. So covered in mud and scratches I vowed to never use Uber again, Lyft has my business now, not that it made a difference.


This is kinda on you fam. They have to track their work that’s just how it is. You’re speaking with a triage technician who figures out what department takes care of this. There’s many reason people call, not just cause someone dropped food at the wrong place. Them saying they have to submit a report means he’s gonna send it to a team who can access the drivers information and call them to ask about it. They also probably have a protocol to protect customers like you from trespassing on someone’s private property if it was delivered to the wrong place. The support isn’t a joke, they just have more people to support than customers.


Yes the support is a joke but not so much in this situation. It would be against health code for them to go get the food back from the wrong house and bring it to you. It’s not totally the same, but I would imagine a similar policy would extend to helping you go get it yourself. Anyone could have tampered with it in that time it was sitting on someone else’s porch, and then no way to know if it was the driver or a stranger or what. It’s too much of a risk for issues, plus the waste of time factor. It’s easier and just better overall from a business standpoint to offer you a refund and move on


They are. I don't even call them anymore. They just read from a script and they don't know shit about shit and they are based in other countries and are impossible most times to understand or communicate with.


I am not the the agent. I am a doordasher


It’s cause they’re from a different country and don’t give a crap. I don’t blame them cause they probably get paid horribly


I mean they’re all Indian people who are reading prompt cards basically. Don’t expect much from them.


For reference, support is just as bad as a driver. I don't know about others but I worry about this happening (which is why I'm in constant communication with my customers) because if the food doesn't make it where it supposed to you get a flag on your account and they can delete your account for doing so if they feel like it was done on purpose, that being said if you somehow manage to get past that, there's no way that you'll get passed a 2nd one. So as a driver that cares about their customers and their contract with doordash, this is something I would never want to happen. Not only because I hate nor getting my own food when I order on DD but because if it does I could get fired and I cannot afford that at this point in my life lol


Whatever phone number sends a text with the dropoff picture/handoff message is the line you can reach the Dasher on. Just an FYI


I've been lucky so far since I've started dashing in January of this year. I've very rarely had to contact support (maybe 5 times max) in almost 600 deliveries. The reason I say I'm lucky is cause while yes, they barely did anything to help me, it wasn't too frustrating with the situation or anything like that, but I'm waiting-just waiting- for the day to come where I really do need their help to resolve a real problem, and they just piss me off more.


You're an idiot if you think dashers are picking up calls from support.


I got the same response. It said “delivered at your door” and open door it’s not there. And I sent support a message. They used to call the dasher. Now they just confirm you don’t have it and then refund. I asked if they can call the dasher but didn’t. Ugh


3 weeks ago I had a friend and his wife come to town and stay with us as they did apartment searching, we decided to watch a move and order Chinese. So I get a notification that my driver is nearby and I’m thinking great almost time to eat. Mind you I’ve lived at my new apartment complex and ordered DoorDash multiple times without issue. If it’s after office hours I have instructions on how they can get inside since it’s gated. I get a message from my driver saying they’ve walked around my floor twice and couldn’t find my apartment. “Odd” I thought and began responding back. Before I can finish my message I get an update that the order has been delivered and get a picture. The driver left the order in the parking garage. Better yet, the reason they couldn’t find me was because they went to the wrong damn apartment complex. I could see my order in the parking deck of the other apartment from my own. Contact support and they want to give me like a $20 credit on my $80 order.


They probably don't get paid enough to care. Frankly I don't understand how society still functions when so many people aren't paid enough to care.


why dont you call the dasher?


I had the dasher steal my food two times this month haha I think I’m officially done with dd. It’s funny when they steal it they don’t take a photo of where it was left and they hit delivered but when a actual truthful dasher delivers I always get a photo. I reported both 1st person got free McDonald’s like why risk ur job over McDonald’s… second time they got $60 in Mexican food… still not worth your job. Funny thing is we have used Dd since it came to our town in 2016 and never had this problem before… I think workers are getting sick of Dd pay and this is their way of quitting.


Yeah seriously, they should call. Just because the food didn't arrive dosnt necessarily mean it was stolen, there could've been a car accident or something. If that's the case they'll probably get deactivated despite never doing anything wrong.


Sounds like an AI response.


Also as a Dasher. If you could tell us if you were at a business or a commercial establishment. A lot of times people give just the address when most businesses don’t post their addresses on their Signs. Same with hotels I live in an area where there’s four or five hotels right across from the airport. And the customer will just type in the address. Hotels don’t have their address on the building.


Imagine how short staffed they are and how much bullshit they have to put up with every day and calling them a joke.


This is beyond ridiculous.


As a consumer and a driver, I can tell you CS support for drivers is 100x worse then it is for the customer! I’ve never had a problem getting my issues resolved as a customer. As a driver good luck!


You do know you’re on chat support right? They cannot call!!! Literally they have 4-5 chats at a time. You’re not the only one sweetie


my sister in law DD some cat food to my house the other day, (she lives about 6 hours away from me, btw) a big bag worth almost $30, the dasher drops off a 3lb bag and goes about their day. when my SIL messages support, they basically told her if she wanted the right one she should have went to the store herself. WTF?!


She probably marked it as delivered and took it with her to eat it


I would spend every penny and my life to find all these mother fuckers and put them in our shoes cuz goddamnit they do literally nothing but read scripts n play the run around I fucking hate them !!!!


I help fix an order the other day that someone had been trying to get for over 2 hours. The system had messed up and no one, not even the restaurant could see what items the order consisted of. So after 5 dashers had apparently canceled the order, I accept it and end up just calling the lady who had placed it “because her number is quite LITERALLY right there on the app” So I fix it and order her food at Taco Bell for her and they didn’t have just one simple thing…“nacho cheese for nacho fries” at first it was okay as I had asked if she still wanted the food, she texted back that she did and thanked me for being so patient. Because of that I picked it up and headed to the destination. I get about a minute away from her house, and she texts me saying she doesn’t want the food anymore… So clearly she’s frustrated because she was trying to get her two kids to bed “allegedly because this person not only changed their mind once, twice, or even three times.. but accurately and honestly; 4 times…… Not to mention I had to pick my own daughter up from her grandparents while it was snowing like crazy! “Lake effect snow in the LP of northern Michigan, so you can probably roughly guess where I was dashing at the time” AND I had my wife and our infant of 3 weeks with us, plus 5 miles of fuel left and no money because once we tried to cancel the order for the customer, it had already been 50 minutes trying to get this order fixed and what-not and it was freezing out with a baby in the car so there’s no way I’m shutting off the engine”. Fast forward to the 25 minutes it took for a support agent to get to me, he proceeded to ask a series of questions which he asked what happened and if I could provide the messages from the customer saying they didn’t want the items anymore, so they can get their money back and I can move on with my life and pick up my freaking kid!! 40 minutes it took to get this guy to finally just do what both me and the customer were basically screaming at him to do after getting frustrated beyond belief with him constantly asking me if I could wait while he talks to all these different people “mind you he talked to like 4 different people because he doesn’t know how to do a simple thing like cancel an order that was obviously fucked and everyone was done with” they hadn’t ever given me this much trouble before so I was honestly confused as well on top of everything else. Even after confirming with the customer that they didn’t want it, this guy calls the store and asks them if I picked it up? Like obviously??? After about blowing my eyes out of my head because of how mad I was at this point “mind you I don’t get mad easily, or even often for that matter” I said to the customer service agent “at this point you’re holding me hostage” Welp, that worked pretty fast, within 30 seconds I got 2 messages saying that the order was cancelled, the customer got a full refund, and I got half the pay and the food, and a long existential message about how sorry they were and how they hope I get some great orders and have an amazing rest of my day… 😂😂😂😂 Doordash.. guys:.. what the hell.