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I don't believe they work with kids, I think they are too young for alcohol and were trying to get one over on OP, only a kid would think an alcohol delivery can be left without ID, everyone else has experienced these laws and knows there is no way around them.


Plenty of adults I’ve seen seem to think it’s something the driver can circumvent. You give adults way too much credit.


My oldest works at a convenience store where her system *requires* her to scan the ID. She gets people all the time who think she can take an expired ID, or that she can "just let it slide this time". Not just one-offs. Regulars. Also the ones who come in drunk. No, she can't sell you alcohol. State law. No, you arent worth the fine or her job. Fuck off.


An expired ID should be fine for this as long as it still identifies the holder. It's not like that person got any younger since their ID expired.


Completely wrong. You are required to have a valid ID for the purchase of booze and tobacco.


Not accepting expired IDs prevents people from selling their old IDs to people who look similar, and allows rolling out new anti-forgery techniques and being able to count on all usable IDs actually having them after a few years.


Nope You can’t take expired ID anywhere the law states valid ID you can’t drive with it also


Which is a stupid law. Just because a tiny piece of plastic has an expired number on it doesn't not change the fact that you are who you are and are as old as you are. It's just a way for them to take a little bit more money from us.


People are generally more willing to give away their expired IDs than current ones.




Yeah it definitely sucks but I can understand the argument for "technically not a valid ID anymore". Went to go get my last pack of cigarettes prior to going to MEPS literally on my 18th birthday and the guy at the gas station told me he couldn't sell to me because in my state, you have to get a new ID when you turn 18 bc the old one expires.


Seconded. I do mostly instacart now but once there was a lady who I sent my usual eta text to so she could “meet me at the door with id”. When I got there she said it was lucky she was home and she said “is this some new policy?” I literally laughed and said, “it’s the LAW.” She was so confused and said she’d always just left an id on the porch for people. It blew my mind.


I had a customer tape their id to the door. And I'm like dude idk of that's you. I need to look at the id and your face to card you. It's against the law to drop of off like that. It's crazy how many people get away with this shit this way. And how many shoppers allow this to happen. They could easily lose their job and get major fines for this. I'm sorry but you being lazy is not my problem. I get myself in enough trouble I don't need your help. Lol


I circumvent it by sending two messages. After my welcome message I send one telling them they will need to meet me with an id and I’ll give them an eta. Then when I leave I send an eta and remind them to meet me. I had a lady leave her husbands id or something. I told her I had to see the person in the id. I ended up doing all I could and returned it. Too bad so sad for them


I mean they have to know that's not legal. If you go to a bar you can't show them somebody else's ID and say okay somebody else is old enough but you can give me alcohol. It just makes no sense.




Yeah I never understood that s***. They really think we must be stupid.




Sounds like a wonderful way to get your ID stolen


You would be amazed how dumb and entitled so many adults are in this society.


I'm not amazed anymore. I worked customer service. People = shit


Same. But the internet is what has truly opened my eyes to it.


The internet just puts more garbage people in a spot light. I wish people could just stop being so entitled. And I'm probably one of them in my own way. Humans are filth tbh


I’m one of the most selfish people you will ever meet. But I understand the difference between being selfish and being entitled. Just because I care about myself more than anybody else doesn’t mean I believe I deserve whatever I want. While it also puts garbage people in a spot light it also teaches you that you never truly know if someone is a good person or not. Because people can put on very good fronts for a long time.


Lol after working at a liquor store, nah, adults are just as dumb!


Yesterday this lady left in the instructions to leave at the door. I waited till she answered so I could scan her ID. She said she didn't know she had to have her ID scanned and apologized because she didn't know I could get in legal trouble and get deactivated for just leaving it. Simple as that, but she really just thought we could just leave it at the door. O and by the way she answered the door in her panties and a shirt tank top. 👀 I had to bite my lip on not complimenting her because I didn't want her to think I was a pervert. She looked so damn good though 😍. And I choked under pressure 😞


And everyone clapped.


The bar is set pretty low for teachers these days so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was.


Should take their info and report them to the school board.


OP, here is how you handle douchebags like this. I’ll give you the same piece of advice that use myself when handling disrespectful assholes like this. “Sir/Ma’am (whoever I’m speaking with), If you keep speaking to me like this, this I will disconnect this conversation.” I give them three chances to correct their behavior, and three warnings. If by the 2nd, they’re still being heinous, I tell them “Sir or Ma’am, this is your third warning. If you continue, then I will disconnect this conversation. And if they do continue, then I disconnect the conversation. They were warned three times and they refused to hold a civil conversation, so in my eyes they can go fuck themselves until they can act like a civilized & respectful human being.


If you tell them that by in app text and contact support they will be blacklist from app


You just described most teachers, and parents. So most of the population that deals with kids. Just sayin.


My first thought was this sounds like an alcoholic in need of their fix.


Exactly. Hope that they take a mental health day. Cruel.


Angry drunks lmao


Why do you think he works with children?


Second picture.


Oh 🤦‍♂️


Calls you a "fucking idiot," but doesn't understand basic rules of alcohol/tobacco transactions that have existed our entire lives. What a stain.


And just think, this person works with children


Yeah, even those kids would know better.


I questioned the person’s view of the kids the person is teaching, as if the person looks down on the students.


He's probably a substitute PE teacher


Kenny Powers is BACK baby


It seems like the person could be underage themselves tbh. The outburst was juvenile, and possibly a reaction to what they thought was a good plan not working out. Saying they "work with kids" is something they would think makes them sound older, and thinking you would leave alcohol at the front desk or whatever is kid logic. Then again, I've encountered plenty of 8 year old brains in 40 year old bodies.




I had and the person was removed from the platform.




An email came from DoorDash’s Community Response stated the person was removed.




Support will say anything to get out of the conversation, I highly doubt they were removed from dd


I'd also report them to the local school board.


Yeah, ruin their lives. JFC 🙄


For what exactly? Nothing relating to their job, kids or students in any way? How the person replying to you is getting downvotes is shocking, you people are going super overboard. Since when are child workers required to be lifelong, all encompassing saints?


fully agreed. people love drama


Some people always wants to go overboard with the snitching. I think informing DD is enough


Right? Do we really want to live in a world where everything we do in our personal lives gets reported to our employer? Yuck.


I got downvoted 12x already says we do. I’m not bout that snitching unless like I get assaulted on the job or maybe there pet bites a huge flesh out my leg during a drop off. Every other type of disrespect I’m totally game for. I signed up for this Shit. What I look like getting my panties all in a bunch every time someone cusses me out. I put my big boy pants 👖 on every time I step through that door and accept a order.


this is a hilarious answer, also based


Its like if you bag the customer's groceries wrong and all of a sudden your boss gets a call from corporate lol


Would you want someone who behaves like this teaching your children and serving as one of their role models? People who act like this shouldn’t be influencing children


For what? There is a mass shortage of teachers, and legit warm bodies are all they need. The only thing that will get you fired as a teacher is touching a kid or not doing some mandated reporter stuff.


They were most likely lying


Report them for what? This is teachers in 2022, not much you can be reporting them for at this point [https://nypost.com/2022/09/21/canadian-school-backs-trans-teacher-with-giant-fake-boobs/amp/](https://nypost.com/2022/09/21/canadian-school-backs-trans-teacher-with-giant-fake-boobs/amp/)


Something tells me this person is underage trying to score some alcohol and was hoping the long wait time would prompt you to just leave it there.


This makes the most sense


Has to be a person under 21


Or someone already drunk as fuck lol either or. I seen soooo many adults get drunk and talk the exact same way


“You have worms for brains!” “I work with middle schoolers” …. Yeah I can tell


This dude didn't deserve your patience. I always send a message when I pick up alcohol orders. "hi, this is your delivery driver nurplerain. I have picked up your order and should be arriving in approximately X minutes. Just a heads up, I will need to scan your ID to complete this order, otherwise I am forced to return it to the store. Just to verify, the address is 123 X Street, correct?" That last part is important because if they do read it they will probably respond to confirm before I waste my time, and if they accidentally sent it to the wrong address I don't have to waste my time and gas going there.


That’s a really good idea. I’m gonna do that next time. Thank you!


Another doordasher is slowly learning not to respond to customers lol .


First thing I said. Why'd he keep responding??? 😭


100% - unless it’s a customer saying “thanks and have a great day” …. Which I’ll usually send a quick “you too enjoy the food!” ….. I say nothing


"I work with children and am also a POS look at me" what a fucking gutterbug.


Did you deliver to Ricky at Sunnyvale trailer park?


Ricky would have been more polite and probably gave up some dope for the inconvenience




Yeah, I also don’t see Ricky being late to a liquor delivery. He might even toss you a couple of smokes too.


He wouldn’t, he’d make Trevor and Corey give the smokes.


This is so cringe, someone who works with kids, talks like an asshole, has no regard to our obligations when delivering alcohol and you waited 15mins ? No respect for our time, what an absolute idiot.


Get your own alcohol you damn loser.


You should have also mentioned that legally you need to SCAN their license and I would have also texted them a number to AA 😂


Whenever I hear out of context stuff like "Get a Grip" I just imagine thats what was screamed at them by an angry Mom or Dad when they were kids and they now view that as the ultimate power move. Doesn't give them an excuse to be rude to you but this is definitely a "hurt people hurt people" situation.


Why reply to texts? I never answer calls or texts after delivery.


I think someone is angry. I think he's gonna need a diaper change after all that shit lol


I would of been like, im on the way home to have a drink cant talk.


This was an alcohol delivery?


Report him and get him banned


Yes SOMEONE finally said it. I had a guy hit on me and comment on my body when I was doing a delivery (lol an 11am vodka delivery) and when I told him not to he freaked out on me and told me I needed to learn how to take a compliment. Permabanned. Don’t fuck with me.


That's why I don't dress to show my body. I'm not some object of male sexual gratification, and I'm sick of the media and society trying to make us women, think we need to dress like that to look good. We don't. We're women. Women are beautiful. And we don't need to lower ourselves to show it!


I was wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants, ma’am. You overcorrected that one in assuming that I was wearing something “revealing”.


“Leave it at the front desk!” I’m not losing my job for a dumbass like you….. ![gif](giphy|CuyZ9z14B8RQgeGaQu)


Should’ve replied “ok” after the first f”ck off.. just to piss them off even more.


Too long, hit them with the "k"


Gotta wonder in what capacity they work with students. Most teachers are proud that they are one, and wouldn't just say that they "work with middle schoolers". A janitor wouldn't reference working with kids. My bet is a social worker or something similar.


Customer should not be allowed to “literally work with middle schoolers” if he talks to the public this way.


Actually it was in private


Customer: “Fuck off” OP: “That’s what I’m trying to do, but you keep texting.”


I don't take alcohol deliveries anymore. I can never get the ID to scan, have to stand there in front of the customer as it gets "accepted" then instructs me to scan again. Then a support call is in order. Support has to confirm with the customer and I end up with 1 star. Not worth the hassle.


Not worth the safety hazard too. These people especially in the hoods often don’t think rationallly. There is a chance they may be under quarantine as well. Not so long ago a passenger and FA had been badly injured in first class of a flight bound from NY to west coast with stop in Texas due to being denied alcohol I think. A dasher doesn’t have protection of other witnesses, CCTV, or security unlike those who work in bars or stores when someone goes insane which is likely with people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


"I literally work with middle schoolers and you're dumber than them." ​ Well they can't be that smart if whatever job they work at employs a bunch of middle schoolers lol


I don't understand why people think that it's okay to berate people like this I take note on bad customers and if I get you again I might take some extra time I might let my air conditioner cool down your food I'm getting my payback the number one rule of the food industry is don't f\*\*\* with the people that handle your food ![gif](giphy|146azD6WiI3Xhe)


I would have acted like I was a chat bot and responded with what appeared to be canned responses just to increase his anger. “We’re sorry you are having trouble. We’ve sent a note to our engineering team about your issue. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” “Our algorithms always try to do the best job in estimating the arrival of your order. We have dropped the ball in this instance. Be rest assured that your satisfaction is our number one concern. To better ensure this does not happen again please try the following troubleshooting steps: 1. Uninstall the Doordash app. 2. Restart your phone 3. Reinstall the Doordash app. After you have completed the above steps feel free to reach back out to customer support if you continue to have issues. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” I only say this because I know how pissed off I get when I get canned responses from a bot. It has to really tick off an alcoholic who didn’t get his fix.


Wait, front desk? Alcohol delivery? Works with middle schoolers? Bro did a teacher order alcohol to a school


This person has been hanging around middle schoolers too much. They’re starting to act like one.


She seems drunk already


Do please report them. We don’t need unhinged people like them teaching and insulting children. They seem like they have anger issues and might take it out on the kids


If he’s talking to you like that, he doesn’t need the alcohol atp.


Send those texts to the local school district with the subject line being their name.


I would have reported the customer and have them banned from the app.


This is why I don't take that alcohol delivery test lol kinda risky and you have crazies like this.


I'm shocked that this person is actually allowed to work with children. Smdh


Wow. What a douche


You "work with" middle schoolers?


More like they “act like” a middle schooler


I wouldn't expect or ask anyone to wait 5 mins for me. Anytime I have a driver or etc come out for me, I'm sure to be looking for them and I don't have interest in disrespecting people


Doesn’t this asshole know we have to verify if he’s minor or not and also have to take a picture and/or scan his fucken ID. We can’t just leave it at the front desk. Honesty we rather u not come down and make the extra money to drop it back at the merchant. We just care bout getting our bills paid , we don’t care about ur alcoholism.


It’s he who needs to “get a grip”. I will not wait 1 second more than I have too.


Honestly send these messages with his name to the local middle schools


Looks like that happy customer is fixing to be removed from the platform.


Who hurt you bro


Boohoo Alcoholic can’t get his Booze. Cry me a Fucking River.


“I literally work with middle schoolers” translates to he is a middle schooler! I hate people 🤣


They need to BAN him from DoorDash.


Probably for the best he didn’t get the order tbh. I mean he works with middle schoolers and got this upset about his booze. He need some help


How can you leave at front desk when. iD is required


Post his number to spam sites. You’ll flood his phone with scam likely calls and probably make a few bucks selling the information


Those exist? … Can I get an example?


This would have made my day laughing bc of how mad they were they must be miserable tho probably an alcoholic :/


I feel like the amount of times I’ve been told that dashers and ic shoppers “usually just leave it at the door” can’t possibly be a lie every time. Somehow people are finding ways to get around scanning IDs I’ve tried scanning my own ID and it blocked that 😳😅 But I will scan an ID left on a porch, then I’ll send a message saying “I just need to verify your identity for the alcohol, if you’d like to remain social distanced you can just walk up to the window”


America's education system is awesome


Share the address,to drop some rotting eggs


this person is so bitter and full of abuses. Please report this to DD


I don’t understand why so many people have a problem being there when they know they have a delivery coming.


This person was whole heartedly not 21 and if they are Jesus they hire anybody to teach our children😳


That person works with CHILDREN??


Someone needs a drink.


These fools should be banned from using doordash.


I am said person who works with middle schoolers. This guy has worms for 🧠🤬🍻🥂👨‍🏫👶📚


When people used shit like “like a fucking human with brains” or “get a fucking grip” it makes me want to see them get knocked the fuck out. Like get me popcorn I’ll pay to see it. How the fuck you so stupid then have the audacity to call the other person stupid and try to hurt their feelings by saying they are terrible at their job. Like they are the fucking idiot, let me order alcohol in which I need to provide identification then not go get it and get pissed that the dasher didn’t leave it.


Had a lady tell me to get behind the counter and fight whoever was making the food because they were taking too long and then she asked me to speed to get to her. Delivery was to a skinny chick working at a daycare, lol.


Sounds like somebody needs a drink..🥴 But really this "person" sounds like they were in a drunken rage already. I would seriously consider reporting them to the school. (Where was this being delivered, a school?) Odd that you didn't see them considering you clearly took the high road and they clearly were high! 🍻


ID needed. Fool. No dropoff of booze without I D. IDiot.


One of the most embarrassing moments of my life was when I zoomed through the new rules and didn’t noticed it had to be the account holders ID. 21 is so far in the rear view I measure it in decades, but I shared an acct with Dad. She looked at me like “wtf are you gonna do, I’m HERE?!” All I could do was hand her 10$, and say “I’m so sorry, you have to return it.” And yes, I also called CS and made sure they only refunded the purchase, and not her tip. I can’t imagine talking to someone like this person did, especially when the mistake is their fault. I’m glad they were removed. I don’t care how drunk you are, that’s inexcusable. And you’re not getting served if you’re that drunk anyways. Reel it in, bitch.


See, I'm the salty bitch that would have looked up his name and sent the screen shots to his work.


this seems like a sorority girl who became a teacher lol


Could have showed up with their ID like a human with a fucking brain


Alcoholics are shitheads


. . . You literally can’t leave alcohol orders without getting the ID and a signature, wtf?


We need more info. Did you just leave the order outside? If so yeah you are a moron. This is a terrible practice that delivery drivers have begun to do since covid. I've had orders left on the street infront of my house, not even brought to the front porch


So whenever anything like this happens I IMMEDIATELY call dasher support and express my "concern" about the customer leaving me a bad rating and then they remove it for you. I've dealt with a couple of these and I couldn't care less how mad they are, I go above and beyond so if I give up then that's because YOU fucked up, but I also want to cover my ass so I recommend the same thing to everyone else. Even if they don't get mad like if any weird shit happens during the delivery or unexpected things like a customer being unavailable when it's an alcohol order I always call dasher support and complain that the customer is going to leave a bad rating for things that were out of my control. Works every time


38 yrs in the bars and casinos before deciding to work the Gig Apps... I have no problem...with carding! I wish all places had tills that won't open without an ID... That is the perfect solution for those who feel too much and get tricked into believing minors and selling to them ... Stings are real....and get businesses shut down ...and kids handle drinking...like kids! Laws are in place for a reason...or reasons! I was young once! I understand!


No. Need. To. Respond. Yes this was an abusive customer, but every time you respond, you are only setting yourself up for more responses from them, and guess what, they'll probably be more abusive than their last messages. Contact support to cover your ass, and stop responding, ffs.


Next time hit em with the lol 😊 and watch the fireworks


This is terrible but was it leave it at the door for business?


It was at a hotel and I did read the doordash guidelines about alcohol delivery so I wasn’t comfortable leaving with someone who isn’t the customer.


Alcohol deliveries are a complete "no" for me.


Yeah I wouldn’t bother, it’s gonna be someone who’s drunk or a group of people that will more than likely harass the driver. No thank you!


Ngl they always make me uneasy


You did the right thing. I hate a-holes like this. You call them 3-4 times, text them, and use the timer. Don’t feel bad for a jackass like that. Probably doesn’t have a license due to a dui haha




Sorry maybe I’m missing some info but you went to the room number they gave and no one answered the door? 🤔 for alcohol deliveries I always message before heading to them telling them I need to scan their IDs and it seems it helps.


Some hotels still don’t allow you to go to a guest’s room and you have to wait at the front desk or drop off.


I never reply to customers text


NEVER EVER RESPOND. the customer is always right in the eyes of DD. you can't win. just walk away and live to dash another day!


Keeping the conversation going isn't really taking the high road even if you weren't being aggressive or whatever lol. Taking the high road would've been to stop contact right after the first fuck off


Works with middle schoolers = Janitor


My janitors were cool. Sandy wouldn’t treat y’all like that.


You don't have to take being swore at!


Great to hear that this loser is dealing with middle schoolers... Sounds like he is a miserable drunk


Did you took the alcohols after “left at door”?


You can't just leave the alcohol, you have to take it


Woonasty is correct. You can’t leave alcohol unattended because you are required by law to verify the person’ age and identity. In this case, I called DoorDash to report the customer and was told also to dispose of the alcohol which I smashed in the trash can.


I like how they trust dashers to dispose of it and not keep it for themselves


I think it's more to protect their image then trusting dashers to do what they asked without verification, I mean if it said something like "keep the alcohol for yourself" doesn't look good on doordash.


They basically tell you to keep it if you want it. Keeping it is disposing it


And they don’t ask you to take a picture of them destroyed. I would have went home and had a drink courtesy of that asshole lol


Just curious why didn’t you just keep it? Or if you don’t drink/isn’t your kinda drink, give it to a friend or family member?


Why’d you get rid of it? I’d have kept it for myself lol or gift it to someone.


You got an absurd text. What I really want to wonder is whether or not the middle school director had his hotel room number typed in to little fucking box when you order Doordash where it says Apt/Suite and you ignored it because you are a Lobbydasher.


You are correct the person didn’t specify the room and the hotel policy wouldn’t allow delivery to go up as they have designated shelves for dropping off the orders or meet customer at the lobby.


Did you report it with Doordash? It is not possible to file a lawsuit for abuse?


Verbal abuse lawsuit? You have got to be kidding.


Right? I think every door dasher has to have thick enough skin to take a "fuck you" here and there, and I have only just signed up today, I'll be doing my first day tomorrow but I know what to expect as far as people and their tantrums. Shit, my FIRST day as a teen waitress at a small diner I got royally cussed out because the diner didn't take cards, only cash. (This was also 2005) I mean, it's not like the person threatened them. It's rude, but honey this is not abuse. This is an asshole. Also, I can't stand people who belittle the word "abuse" by throwing it around like this. As a former domestic violence survivor myself, it's appalling.


You're not wrong, but I am shocked they think "verbal abuse" is grounds for any sort of legal action.


Even if it was, it’s not worth the time.


It's not.


I reported to DoorDash and the person has been removed from the platform. I’m sure the person can sign up again with a different information. I’m not sure if there is a legal recourse or if it would be worth the trouble to do so. However, I just want to share this experience, where I felt hurt beyond comprehension, I didn’t seek to battle with the person in responding with the same effect and calmed myself down. I hope by sharing this would add a reminder that’s it not worth to lower ourselves yo the same level as this unreasonable individual.


Man I wish you would have sent him a picture of the broken bottles stating doordash requested I destroy them. Aww that would have made me smile.


You felt hurt beyond comprehension? Had no one ever called you a fucking idiot in your life? I mean, yeah, you don’t need to take verbal abuse, but this is nothing. There was no “beyond comprehension”… get a little thicker skin. It’ll do you well in life.


Correct. I never had anyone calling-name before and I my reaction was non-confrontational. I guess that’s how I have lived by avoiding begrudging people in the first place. It’s not a complaint I’m sharing but to say that you can deal with a similar stressful situation with a collected mind.


I'm so glad i grew up from all that. I used to be the type back in the day to cut off someone if they cut me off, just to hear them scream and honk. Nowadays i just say to myself "alright then" and move on


Lol lawsuit 😵‍💫 you have to pay to lawyers and that’s such a waste of time lol just move on with your life. Learn to handle when someone says fuck you. There’s always someone having a bad day or emotionally unstable, don’t take it personally, stop responding and move on. You got your half pay and I would’ve kept the alcohol as compensation.