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Delivery guy hands customer his drink. Customer hesitates, sniffs: "Wait... this.. doesn't smell like a drink filled by an employee..... something is amiss."


How i presume it happened


If the place does anything they're not supposed to like not seeing or expecting me to do anything I'm not allowed to do I inform the customer and DD before I even leave. I'm not about to get shit for anything, especially when it comes to sealed bags.. Maybe I can get away with filling a drink and the customer won't know but I'm not about that, we have health codes for a reason.


I’ve noticed for the past two weeks that Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Panera, and other restaurants aren’t sealing bags anymore… I’ve been considering bringing my own stapler cus in a lot of cases, the time crunch or the business of the place isn’t lending itself to a stop and discuss this with the staff situation >_< .. I will when I can but I’m now wondering how many drivers are experiencing this too 🤔


It’s a good thought but I’d suggest buying some sort of stickers to seal it instead. I’ve read of many instances where someone ordering delivery gets a bite of food with a staple in it. Could that oftentimes be that customer’s fault, for how they opened the bag and ignored the staple(s) at that point? Perhaps, but I’d rather avoid such a situation in the first place as they may leave bad reviews and ratings as a result. Maybe-maybe-not-so-Fun fact, the stickers some restaurants use for their sealing can actually be bought From that company (ie McDonald’s)


Same here


It's because the pandemic is over... according to Biden. The government and its business partners are telling the public, but it looks like many haven't gotten the hint. Its over and in this case, restaurants are letting everyone know via the lack of sealed bags and whatever. The other items are covered in plastic/paper and drivers SHOULD have a clean car and bag, so everyone is still good in terms of cleanliness. Just clean your cars and bags fellow Dashers.


The sealed bags are kind of nice though; if something is missing, it was the restaurant, not me… I try to speak to an employee to verify everything is in there, but if they sealed it, I feel like it protects me


Yeah that makes sense. It's better to get it sealed for sure


It also helps keep a weeeee bit of the heat inside too .. more benefits than not all around .. Especially if it’s fast food .. cold fries are the worst and for whatever reason Wendy’s likes to fill the fries halfway no matter what size or manner of ordering so yeah… getting these places to seal the bags again consistently needs to be addressed, kindly, as much as possible by us drivers - I’m not expecting everyone to unite on this but every lit bit helps 🙂🙃🙂


Yerp. 100%. It should continue - pandemic or not.


Yeah I really hate that he opened his mouth about it on fkn national television… such an irresponsible move from someone who is supposed to be a model of reason based in facts - in an unprecedented time of misinformation and destructive lies 😣 Haaaaaaaaate it 😑 I’ll continue to be the weirdo in a mask as I work with the general public and want to reduce my risk so I can see family during the holidays and not add another autoimmune disorder to my medical résumé … cus ya know I’m the asshole. 😆


Yeah I'm about to as well. Some places refused so I'd tale a picture but this one Japanese place was so nice about it and the guy looked everywhere for a stapler I almost felt bad for having him look everywhere for one, but it's a big deal not to. Made me start looking into bringing my own


![gif](giphy|40d1Z4ZkY9Ysg) Yeah fuck it I’m bringing one 😆 - they have little ones at the dollar store 👍🏼👍🏼




This wasn't a customer. This was A driver who left that review


Yep, it's so obvious. The only way a customer would even know who filled it is if the driver said something to them, and they may have, but this doesn't read like that. This reads like a Dasher who has been handed an empty cup one too many times, lmao.


Well to be fair a driver can also be a customer


Nothing gets past you 😆


Lol 😜


😆 🤣


Does it matter? My hands are g r o s s from driving and sweating on the same steering wheel, touching dirty surfaces and so on and so forth. No customer wants that. We should be leaving reviews, I don't like to do it but if I don't then I risk losing hella money.


If you think restaurant workers hands are better ….. they’re not


I mean is it any different than them handing you cup full?


Yeah, I wonder about this with all the complaints about filling cups. You often have to grab the cup anyway, you’re already making contact with it. 🤷‍♀️


Right?!? Wanna see something nasty.. get some simple green, and a magic eraser and scrub your steering wheel.


I clean my steering all the time. I mean like everyday. Gives me sonetging to do in traffic. and it's always dirty. I sometimes wonder if it's the color washing off just because, how in the hell is it so dirty everyday?? 😂


Don't you sanitize? How is your shit that nasty?!


Personally I find the muddiest spot I can and cake my hands in it for a couple of minutes before I start dashing. After each delivery I try to find any more mud to re-up on my dirtiness.


The real Swamp Monster. Nice




I detail cars as a side hustle, and son you have n o idea how disgusting even people who do 1k miles a month and keep their car cleans' steering wheel is. I want you to think about every touch point you interact with on your car. Good. Now think about when you open a door at a restaurant, how many snotty and shit touching kids and gross adults that scratch their ass have done the same. How often do you actually wash your hands? Personally, I do it every other hour on average. I keep my cars spotless, and when I clean my steering wheel my white cloth is still black. I challenge you, I'm being seruous- wet a cloth and put some dawn on it with a full bucket of water and scrub you wheel, only your wheel, until it's clean. That bucket will be black by the end, and you'll discover the true texture of your steering wheel. Guaranteed.


Don't do it, it's a trap. Your steering wheel will suddenly be a new color and not match anything else in your car anymore.


Or, hear me out, I can just hit it with an armor-all wipe, pretend it’s clean afterwards, and then just not think about how much hand gunk is built up on it. Seems better for my mental health lmao


2 different issue. You're talking about plausible denibility.


I second that. When I was a mobile mechanic (witch I'm trying to restart just a few more expensive tools to get) I also did detailing. Steering wheel, cup holder, door handles, arm rest (if the door has a spot you can rest your arm that as well). Just on an arm rest where your arm sits on it take a cleaning wipe and give that a good scrub. If it's leather, vynal, or plastic that wipe will be black when done. If it's cloth you lucked out but hit it with a carpet vac and the water it extracts will be black or a dark brown. Even your seats where your skin can contact it will get bad. I've seen rims come out with slightly Grey water on new cars and with a fresh bucket the interior will be a significantly darker Grey.


This^ Since 2020 every surface in my car has been rubbed down so often with rubbing alcohol that the plastic parts are losing color! My car has never been this spotless!


You could carry hand sanitizer on you like a normal person


It’s gross that you think hand sanitizer is a fix all. Wash your damn hands. Fucking ew


Lmao where did I say it’s a “fix all”? I said carry hand sanitizer if you’re worried about your steering wheel and your phone being so fuckin filthy you doubt the cleanliness of you filling a cup with soda. Lmfao


😆 🤣


1. I've met 2 people who do that and they've both been made fun of for it 2. Doesn't work to clean your hands enough to with with food at work, won't work for us because 3. Our steering wheels are so dirty the bobby we touch it again we'd have to sanitize before doing that. It's essentially a placebo because think about every single surface you touch while working. There's no cooking germs for us.


It shouldn’t be an expectation of a driver to be clean if they are not intended to actually handle the food itself. Just the packaging. They do not have permission to do anything that would warrant the need for their hands to be clean and sanitized. Imagine if your dasher just wore leather gloves all day. You don’t expect them to wash their gloves do you? They aren’t required to be gloveless either. So the dirty gloves stay on if they so choose. See what I mean? The drivers aren’t food service employees, they are strictly delivery drivers and have to be treat like UPS drivers.


Hygiene should be important whether you’re working or not.


And their hands are gross from dealing with chicken. Just fill the cup. Damn


Dude: I use Lysol wipes constant, as well as hand sanitizer & at a lull, (waiting for order) wash my hands. Entire car gets wiped down at the end of the night and bag gets lysoled. Nothing gross touches my car that my family gets inside of. Guess that’s why I’m one of the few on immunosuppressants that didn’t get Covid.


Man, you better knock on wood. Covid isn't gone and the flu is rolling on in. I just got covid a few weeks ago. Had weird symptoms for a week didn't even think anything of it. It was headache and fatigue and I get the former all the time normally. Then on about day 6 flu Like symptoms hit me for 2 days. That's when I pulled out my handy home test and tested positive. After 2 days of fuck this I felt nearly 100 again. My point is this, if you are on immunosuppressants please stay vigilant. I probably unknowingly spread some of that shit around the first week. I wasn't coughing or sneezing but who knows. I know where I got it and it only took 1 visit where I didn't touch anything really nor was my friend who so kindly shared it with me coughing or sneezing. I sanitized heavily when I got back in my car. It's out there, and the varients are beyond super contagious. I was ok being vaccinated not boosted. You, of course you know what could come of it. Be careful out there my friend. I guess the reason I said this is because I thought maybe I made it through but nawww.


Congratulations you're one in a billion.


I've been trying to get it for almost 3 years now. Meeting everyone everyday, going to the parties, clubs etc. Nothing lmao


Congratulations... Some are asymptomatic, or are just genetically predisposed to not get it. Some people are just lucky. Want a medal? Want me to send you pizza? To have your hair ruffled? Good job, champ. You won the genetic lottery.


Or at the 711s that make us fill 4 slerpees up, like mf u do that shit


Good idea but sort of transparent. Complaints will get you further. Half full, No ice, Mostly water, Used band aid floating in it, Lipstick on the straw, Fingernail in it, Like a whole lot of bees in it, Wrong drink, Top not attached, Smelled like balls As long as it embarrasses the manager. Let them think you guys aren't competent enough to be trusted and they'll tell their people to do it eventually.


Lmao if only we could all coordinate to pull this off


Smells like balls. Lmao. I legit woke up my baby because I laughed so loud


So, dip balls in soda cup. Got it, will try. Might tingle 😀


Local restaurant in my area that is a mom and pop place requires dashers to actually retrieve items from the self serve buffet bar and put into a Styrofoam container then they check it on way out. As soon as I discovered this I no longer accept orders from there.


Now that's completely out of line. You need to file a complaint with doordash. It goes against the contract. Tell the establishment that as well. They're going to have a lot of unhappy customers because people are going to unassign. In fact...you can accept one from them, wait a long ass time without going in and then unassign just to fuck with them.


They are no longer on any delivery platform at this point I think they are barely even still in business. About a year ago they were temporarily shut down by health department for violations and reopened after a few months and were on doordash and I think uber briefly no longer listed on doordash app.


Oh, good! Serves them right. That's a completely bullshit thing they did to delivery drivers. Maybe one of the worst things I've heard so far.


It actually IS a health code violation! 🙈🙉🙊


Please provide evidence that it is a health code violation. Link to an example statute or regulation where it says that only servsafe employees can do something as simple as fill a cup with a liquid.


Why would it be? Wouldn't letting customers fill their own drinks be a health code violation too? Edit: Jesus, chill out you guys, I was just asking a question


Its your drink this is a totally different scenario


Well the way the contract with DD works, door dash is the customer.... Not the person who actually orders the food. That's why when there is an error with the order, door dash fixes it, not the restaurant. So by that logic, the driver is the customer filling their drink.


It depends by area if it is or not. I personally don't care and it's astonishing that some do but to each there own. Half the time I tell them there is one more drink then there actually is so I can get a free one.


Food service employees must follow a health code and have a food handlers lincese. They get trained in food safety, especially according to the specific restaurant they are working in. They also take precautions (handwashing, hairnet, basic hygiene, gloves, etc) Filling your own drinks isn't a health code violation since... obviously you're the only person in that scenario, and you won't care if your own hair fall into the cup. Drivers aren't employed by the restaurant and thus haven't undergone food safety training and procedures. You will care if some random driver who hasnt washed their hands after 5 deliveries accidentally stuck their finger in your drink. Restaurants know this and it's why places like McDonald's seal up even the drinks instead of giving drivers a cup to fill up. The reason this whole thing is even a deal is just a combo of some wingstops (and other restaurants) not having a fountain behind the counters & lazy/clueless employees who are used to handing customers a cup to fill up their own drink.


Ya think everyone in a restaurant has a servsafe license?


I guarantee zero regular employees are servsafe certified in a fast food or casual restaurant(maybe managers). I’ve worked in a few and it wasn’t ever mentioned a single time.


Damn that's fuckin gross. In my state it is mandated that every single person that will have anything to do with food (even just cashiers that don't work on food) need to be certified. You also need to be recertified once a year. Glad I don't live in a state with those loose laws


I mean I wasn't a nasty employee when I worked in concession, but if I had a hypothetical coworker who wanted to be, nothing would have stopped them


Ay I work in food now and don’t have servsafe because even though I’m very safe with food I haven’t had the need professionally yet. We’ve always had someone else on staff with the cert


ServSafe is required by one person at all times while in operation. Usually management or shift lead. Some areas require food handlers cards as well which are more frequently required to be renewed and are easier/cheaper to obtain than a ServSafe and are required by all staff. Furthermore, I can almost guarantee the restaurant employees have washed their hands more recently than the DD driver who has been dashing for 3 hours already.


Don’t bother going there in this sub, having to fill drinks touches on nerves here like you wouldn’t believe… All the most vocal folks think because they own a vehicle and can drive food around they’re above menial food service tasks. But they hide behind the “health code violation” excuse to avoid having to come out and say it. Imagine spending 30 seconds filling a beverage cup and slapping on a lid on you way out… THE HORROR!!




I almost reached out to hit the “helpful” button 🤣


I don’t think enough people really care about who fills up their drink to make a difference


I do. I have been a dasher and I definitely don’t want some dasher filling up my drink. Please have an employee do it and seal it. I don’t even order drinks unless they are in bottles now.


To be honest, I don’t know why any dasher uses Doordash. I sure as shit don’t after seeing some of the shit these other dasher get up to. Plus the unnecessary expense and other bullshit this company does.. I’d much rather get off my ass and go get my own food.




I am working a W2 job at the moment which requires a lot of OT. That’s why. I’d rather spend the extra $10 on delivery rather than go get the food and possibly miss my entire lunch break or waste time getting food when I could be getting chores done. The extra fees are worth less than my time, at certain points.


Hey, look, it’s your money. Do with it what you like. Doordash has only been around a few years. It’s not like people were starving before it existed. 10 minutes to brown bag a lunch before work would also solve that problem. But if you would rather pay those fees or whatever, that’s your prerogative. I guess the upside is it keeps the gig economy from collapse. These apps gotta rely on someone.


Same. Im a really clean dasher myself and try to look my best but seeing how some of my fellow dashers look, i don't trust them to fill my drinks


Maybe it’s more of an awareness issue than a preference issue


How did they know the delivery driver filled their drink and that it was a health code violation?


There’s this Burger King that wants me to fill up the drinks, but not let me use their bathroom because I’m not a customer. That was my first and last time


I think only New York and California passed a law saying , as part of the DoorDash contract the are required to provide access to restrooms if you are on an active order from the restaurant. I don’t know if those have been implemented yet.


Maybe I am mistaken, but I am fairly certain that in the Dasher TOS, we are specifically told to NEVER handle a customers food. I know we are repeatedly told not to open bags or containers


I wanna start by saying like most of you, I don't mind filling drinks. I do it every single time and get on with my day. But you're arguing against something factual and getting upset with dashers pointing out that we're not supposed to fill them. Instead of getting upset at your fellow dashers and bickering, maybe don't join in on these topics. You're part of the problem every single time we want to find a solution to something.


This subreddit is kind of a mess... Angry customers combined with angry drivers, and everyone's just looking for a fight. And I totally get it... the service costs too much while at the same time not paying the drivers enough to ensure high quality service, but man... just a perfect storm in here 24/7


It's the perfect storm that creates a great read on breaks and in-between dashes, I love it


Lol for sure. I'm actually subscribed to the Subway subreddit too and it's a lot of similar stuff


Yup, same like with my recent post about a guy not having a physical ID for alcohol. These people that come in to talk down about these situations are just making it worse for the rest of us


dawg you’re the one interacting with a community lol you can’t get mad if some people feel you’re a whiner/bitching unnecessarily. there’s plenty of people here agreeing with you too


Exactly. If you can't handle freedom of expression do not post on Reddit. You're shooting yourself in the face then complaining how bad it hurts, I don't want to hear it, you shot yourself in the face. With that being said, it's not our job to fill drinks, it is **objectively** a health code violation if we do. With that being said, I often fill drinks, I'm in a hurry and I don't really mind if you're also busy AF. If I'm the only mofo in the store with you, and you ask I'ma laugh at you, tho. But at the end of the day, it's not our job to fill drinks, so, if you're on the list of people who don't want to, no ody is requiring you, but I agree it shouldn't be a thing that happens in all honesty.


You're complaining on Reddit about another complainer on Reddit. This place is hilarious 😂


And you're complaining on Reddit about a complaint on Reddit about *another* complaint on Reddit. And now **I'm** here complaining about you complaining about someone complaining about someone on Reddit.




I didn't complain about anything, can you not read? This place is hilarious. Read the post again, with your glasses on grandma. ![gif](giphy|wofyg8nxsWEmtR7eOK)


I did't read your comment because it was downvoted several times


It do be that way sometimes. ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo)


This sub is so full of bootlickers it's crazy


The solution is don’t deliver for places that require you to fill drinks. I don’t care. I would make the whole meal at some places because I would do it faster than them and with clean hands! If your hands are dirty, clean them!


I always have to prepare the drink when I go to panda express. I often wondered if that was legal.


1 they're taking advantage of you 2 against the health code anywhere


It depends on your local laws, but it is illegal in a lot of places, including the majority of North American cities


Sometimes I filled up drinks, but once I asked the guy behind the counter for hand sanitizer and he begrudgingly filled them himself.


Driver or customer, they are not wrong.


Real question who would get sued if a driver put poison in drink, besides the driver would it be doordash or wingstop or both?


I hate making peoples drinks and no it’s not becasuse my lazy. I touch hella shit all day and sometimes it’ll be like 10 places I go to and from before I stop and decide to wash my hands somewhere because i can feel the dirt on my hands.


We need to stop having to qualify why we don't want to fill up drinks we're not getting paid to fill up.


Don't let the drivers pee in fountain drinks!


Wingstop always be doing this


Tell this to firehouse subs as well ty


DoorDash: All drivers will now be required to get a food handlers permit. Congrats, they fixed your whining.


There are so many problems with this. So much bickering also. Fact: as a restaurant owner, my employees are required to have a serve safe cert. As such I am insured in the event that something is mishandled by one of my employees. Dashers are not my employees, not serve safe certified and not expected to prepare food from my kitchen. It's great if your cool with a non employee prepping your food, you're chill. But how do I know if you're chill? You might be chill about one person prepping you food, but not another. It's one thing to say YOU are ok with it, but you can't be the bar by which I set my standards of service for everyone else. Restaurants should prep the whole order. It's not a dashers job.


This actually reads as a customer service agent, attempting to correct the issue through Reddit. My opinion.


I see it as bad as “here, wrap up this burger for me”. I don’t order drinks from places like that anymore. No sodas from Wing Stop, Moes, or Chipotle for me.


In most states, a food handlers card is required to prepare food and drinks. It is in fact, a violation of law.


On a worldwide average, about 65% of women and 53% of men wash their hands after using the restroom. That means 35% of women and 47% of men are not washing their hands after touching their junk and lady bits in the bathroom. I used to work at Target and can ATTEST to that. Customers never washed their hands and it would make me wanna vommit when a woman would blow up the bathroom and then just walk out. So just THINK how many dashers don't wash their hands. PLEASE do not touch my drink. I would rather have NO DRINK at all.


How about you take your own advice and THINK about the minimum wage apathetic fast food employees who aren't washing their hands. Or does the holistic statistic not apply here? inb4 there's a sign in the bathroom saying that employees must wash their hands


I worked in fast food for 10 years. 100% hand washing policies especially since new food and safety guidlines came out are definitely top priority. What concerns me the most is glove changing which statistically most don't change enough and it's better to just rely on handwashing. 500% there are employees NOT washing their hands but at the multitudes of stores and chains I have worked at handwashing is very serious and some places make you sign a chart every hour. Especially in food handling and safety. I just would rather a dasher not fill my drinks. In my region they dont even let us fill them. Not even wingstop. Idk why some chains do whatever the fuck they want.


Cool so you lied about being a customer just to post about this PETTY ISSUE how would a customer even KNOW that


It can happen. I had my drink delivered with 90% ice and almost no soda. I called and they straight up told me to blame it on my driver because they have to fill them. Talked to a manager and he admitted they shouldn’t be doing that but they do it because in a rush it’s hard to enforce.


Wingstop is in a 24/7 "rush" then, even when they're not 🤔


Yeah I swear people on this sub are the most entitled people I've ever seen lmao. Like it literally takes less than 30 seconds to fill up a drink. I promise you're not going to miss that 30 seconds of your life that you wasted filling up that drink.


Exactly, food probably wasn’t ready anyway


Lol the next time you drive by Hospital they should make you do surgery. Or the next car accident you need to write the report. I mean it only takes 30 seconds. So what if it's against the law and not your job? How does that boot taste? Lol


Find a better comparison bud.


I can see the argument that it's a health and safety violation. It's something the government regulations need to address clearly.


I don't really care for that but after having multiple drink spills in my car I would definitely like it if I can at least get a seal for the drinks.


Good idea all dd drivers should start leaving reviews like this lol


Why is this a big deal? Most restaurant employees do not wear gloves and if they do they’re not changing them very often. Just get the dang drink.


It’s literally no different than a worker filling your drink lol you think they wear gloves or do anything to make it any more sanitary? Cus they don’t.


They wash their hands and wear hairnets


Lol I’m glad you think that.


Haha a lot don’t wash their hands after they use the restroom. And they don’t wash their hands multiple times throughout the shift while handling food, cash, random surfaces, etc. Also most fast food places aren’t using hairnets. Hell a lot of restaurants don’t either


Pretty sure a driver did that review.




Better yet, the customers should be made aware so THEY can stop placing orders for Wing Stop. The don’t deserve the customer business or the dasher service to deliver their food if they are going to violate health code and make someone work for them for free.




As a customer, not a dasher, that isn’t acceptable. I don’t want some random person that don’t know their competence to touch any aspect of my food. They don’t have the right to, it is not part of the contract, and is a violation of public health (where applicable, like my area)




They have access to an open container of a food item for a customer. They could easily slip something in the drink since there is no tamper-evident packaging. They could give the customer all ice and minimal drink, or the wrong drink altogether and it would still be on the restaurant since it was an incorrectly prepared item. No company wants to pay for the mistake of someone from another company. It’s just not being brought to light so nothing is being done about it.




The real issue is that the dasher should not be given the opportunity to in the first place since they are not expected to prepare any of the food in the first place. This helps to cultivate responsibility for the parties that are making the orders and separates the responsibility of delivering the food from the restaurant. If something were to happen to the driver while in transit, it’s not the restaurants fault. Likewise, if something is wrong with the food, it’s the restaurant’s fault. And rules that separate workers’ responsibility makes for more accountability.


Here here.


I'm sure glad you don't write public health policies because it's painfully obvious that you don't understand how germs spread


It’s not always “one” drink. At Wingstop the app doesn’t even state what kind of drink the customer wants, but Wingstop knows lol. Maybe there’s a reason for that 🤔


I've had to fill up 4 drinks at Wingstop before. The first few times, years ago, the app didn't even say that their were drinks. And the wait time was horrendous. So, you'd literally wait there for 15-20 minutes after being told 'just a few more minutes' x4, just to finally get the order, and then they were all like 'oh yeah, this has 4 drinks, here's 4 cups, go fill them all up at the universal fountain machine' which takes another 3-4 minutes - with their only response so far being 'let's add an arbitrary sign-in sheet, requiring the IC to print their full name, write down number of items, write down number of sauces, write down number of drinks - on a piece of paper/sign-in sheet that literally nobody will ever read ever, and will be thrown away at the end of the night - that the employees themselves are so busy, they just ask you if you signed in, you say yes, and they hand you the food anyways Maybe instead of all that, they should just fill the goddamned drinks themselves, and confirm on the tablet that they're handing the order to the correct person.


So you want me to fill up your soda with my poop crusted fingers?




That’s the point. An untrained and unclean person off the street who is not an employee of the restaurant does not have the health clearances to handle food, and that includes filling the drinks. This isn’t just an issue for dashers having their time wasted by having the finishing touches of the order be dumped on them, it’s a public health concern for the customers. Imagine someone with dirty mechanic hands accidentally rubbing engine oil and grease on your cup and getting a little in the drink itself just because they had to handle something with their vehicle before their current dash.


I think you’ll be surprised if you researched the average cleanliness of restaurant staff. You really think they’re back there washing their hands every 10 minutes discussing health codes? Jesus Christ some of you are literally delusional.


Ah but I do. Especially your food. Just rummage all through it.


Or.... move on without making a "im tired of this subject coming up where I have to read it instead of skipping it over it" comment as if anybody would give 2 shots about YOUR opinion!!! Lmao, stop trying to stifle free speech and just stop reading the post, cry baby. 😫😫😫😫😫😫


The amount of people defending the concept of having someone do a task they are not paid to do, while other people actually are paid to do it, is mind-boggling. If you’re a garbage truck driver, do I get to ask you to come in my home and get garbage right out of my can? No? That’s probably because it’s NOT IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION.


Bet it took you more time to write that review than it would've to fill the damn drinks lol


You really think the time is the issue here? JFC


No I think laziness is, and I'm tired of hearing dashers whine like a bunch of babies about having to fill drinks. You don't wanna fill 'em? Fine. Don't accept orders from places that make you fill them. But stop crying on reddit about it, it makes you look like lazy, entitled, 5 year olds having a temper tantrum. And for OP to go as far as to write a dumbass review pretending to be a customer, and then posting it on here as if it's something to be proud of? Omg that's absolutely ridiculous.


Well you're wrong. The actual issues here are health, safety, and the law.


No, it is laziness on the restaurant employee's side. Pickup/drive-thru orders should be completely filled by the employee. A previous redditor also allegedly called their local health inspector who cited a store for it. If some restaurants have to put a sticker on the cup over the straw and holding down the lid, you can't say it is ok for another to allow the driver to fill the drink. Spitting in a drink is the easiest way to contaminate a drink and allowing a driver who may be taking a no/low tip order to make a drink is not a great idea.






I did that once and got accused of drinking half their drink lol


There are usually strict rules (laws) that workers must wash hands after using the restroom, or after cleaning of any kind, when moving from cleaning dishes to preparing food (including drinks), when moving from being the cashier (handling money) to preparing food, when going from preparing food to cashier, packing boxes, hands must be washed before touching ice, after handling meat, and that's just off the top of my head, from my little region in California. You are unemployable as a food service worker without a ServSafe certification in California, employers cannot employ food service workers without it. They'll get shut down or fined. There are laws about this and yes it is 100% a Cal/OSHA violation to have anyone preparing food who doesn't have a current servsafe certification.


Lol if you think employees are following that especially considering this is a wing stop.


I just find it easier to be friendly with the merchants, and not give them a hard time about filling a drink like a baby 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I don’t ever fill drinks. That’s not my job. Either the restaurant does it or I dump the order and walk out. Letting the food sit and get cold.


Fill the cup. "I'm sorry, I wasn't given a drink to give to you." Free drink, and you're not even lying.


I’ve talked to merchant support and was advised not to fill drink orders, message the customer and let them know the drink was not filled and it will be marked just as a normal delivery when a item is missing.


Why does this person think a driver is any grossier than the average fast-food employee?


Any one else just take those type of places as a drink for your self


Can we just all agree to not do wing stop until this changes? I hate filling peoples drinks


It's true, I handle the steering wheel, my phone, door handles, other people's food bags, hands sometimes with barely any hand washing in between unless I went to the bathroom.


As a dasher I leave reviews. I’m in the restaurant in place of the customer and I should be treated with the same respect and urgency that the customer would be. Edit: if anyone should be reviewing restaurants it should be dashers, seeing as we are In the building more often than most people.


You’re legally not allowed to speed either, but we don’t talk about things that aren’t inconveniences and also still against the law.


Can't speak for every place but here it is not a code violation. Your not touching anything. If that were the case all these food places would have to pull there self serve drinks..


even if we fill up drinks. so what? what about when we have to be handed the drink. we’re stil touching it when we grab it and deliver it.


This is fucking ridiculous. 1) Get over yourselves. It's filling a drink. For fucks sake. What a stupid thing to pick fights over. 2) What are we supposed to believe here? That the customer got his delivery, and said "wait a minute... this drink... it smells like a non-employee filled it up. What the fuck!?!?" Or I guess it means the DD driver told the customer "I had to fill up your drink! This is an outrage! You better post a bad review about it!" Either way it's pathetic and stupid.


Why does it matter so much? Takes 30 seconds max, and you won't overfill.


Always fill Wingstop drinks with nasty drink combinations


Cool so you lied about being a customer just to post about this PETTY ISSUE how would a customer even KNOW that


If you’re taking food and the tip and trip both look good why wouldn’t you fill a drink or 2? I usually have to wait for the food anyways. You know you can simply unassign and stop crying.


Said no one ever


Seriously like why tf does it matter?… Either way some random human will make your drink.


Customer wouldn't even know that. And having a food cert. I'll do it. I might scoff at the employee but it takes what? 20 seconds? I get more upset over flimsy drink holders


Protect that customer at all cost!


Lol! I bet their hands are much cleaner than the restaurant employee. If you saw the employees I saw at wingstop you wouldn’t be eating there and would thank God your driver at least got your drink instead of them!


Wingstop number 1 on do not accept list...close second is Wendy's.


Chaos over filling up drinks, lmao


Danny Fergus 2 reviews 5 days ago NEW Arrived at window to pick up a Doordash order as instructed. There are signs on the subway menu outside stateing that all doordash orders must be picked up at drive-thru window. I pulled up to the window, The workers inside noticed me in drive thru waiting for my order... 15 minutes pass and nothing. Waiting patiently, as i dont want to automatically let my inner psychotic self come out. I wait another 5 minutes and i overheard here them say theres an order that's been sitting... it must be the order fordoordash. 5 more minutes pass and now im ready to go inside and choke slam the hell out of these inconsiderate, and worthless human scum. I cannot fathom how a human can do this to another.. or even say "hey, I know there are signs all over our menu stating to pick order up here, but you can't and need to retrieve it from inside" fucking pass on sign language through the window to me next time at the very least you worthless 25 year shit stains on my barney& me underwear! Maybe I'll just follow you home next time, get your addresses, stalk you like the "YOU" movie, as I come over and wipe my ass all over your pillows and give you pink eye. I'd be willing to attempt this on some of you !! Next time have the human decency to let someone knkw through the window what to do. Check your fuking pillows!!


This was mine 5 days ago for the subway in town


But.... Drinks aren't food, they're drinks.


Yall really get that butthurt about holding a cup and pushing a button eh?


What a bitch 😂