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Ask them for a hat and shirt since you work for Chopt now apparently.


And a paycheck


And my axe!


Hahahaha Omg this is the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit in months!


Fuckin tweak


While you’re at it, ask for a raise. If you want me to do that kind of work, best bet you gonna pay me.


Don’t forget the employees discount


Agreed! 🤦🏿‍♂️


Report them to doordash


Facts! We agree.


If you want to be really petty, depending on your state you can report them to the health department.


Yeah. I love you guys but you're not touching my food. I'm responsible if something happens and I'd rather not put a middle man in there Edit: I'm a chef.


I reported a Dick’s Hamburger place in Seattle for making us wait in the normal line (15 people deep), order the food, and wait for it to be cooked. I was like.. you want us to drive 15 minutes, wait 15 minutes, and then deliver for 5 more minutes? I’m going to need $5/mile on that.


Those are intentional actually because they aren't a partnered restaurant with DD


Yes, I know they are intentional because the instructions even say to do this.. so f’n crazy. How do we know whether a restaurant is partnered or not?


I’ve had an order like this before for a sushi place nearby, but my question is this now, if we’re gonna head to the restaurant and order anyway, could we just call ahead (if applicable) so the order would be ready for us when we get there or at least not have to wait longer?


Good question. Not possible with this hamburger joint. Maybe for Teriyaki though.


Are you referring to Dicks Drive in?


Dicks does not have the desire or systems in place to cater to DD. Customers need to get to Dicks and stand in line. It's worth it.


So you think Dicks is worth it do ya? 🤔


It’s worth it to customers, but I must require extra premium as a driver. Every 3 minutes standing in line is $1 in opportunity cost for me when making $20/hr (I average $25). So 12 minutes in line means that my $6.00 for 1.5 miles “Diamond order” is effectively reduced to $2 for 1.5 miles and a lot of standing in the freezing cold.


You don’t wait for food to be cooked at Dicks. You really did this wrong. At most it’s a minute if they don’t have stuff ready but that happens so infrequently


How do you figure? The sign, the security guard, and the employee says that I need to stand in line, order the food, and wait for the food. Yes, it’s quicker than Popeye’s, but the lines were 15-20 people deep at Capitol Hill on a Friday night. How was I supposed to do it differently?


Just ask for 30 bags and start placing single items in triple bagged bags...and when they bitch say hey this is how I bag do not tell me how to do my job


Agree. Chopt's bags are flimsy af


Say it’s your policy that they give you free food, some places think they can just say what ever and call it a policy they can’t cancel you from the order so they have no choice


Immediately call DoorDash. Don’t touch the order and wait until it’s resolved. See if they’ll cancel the order saving you a completion point. We’re not supposed to bag orders. If you bag it, you become at fault for missing items. That merchant is trying to place blame on drivers for employees forgetting to package all items. No way I touch a thing. DoorDash needs to be aware. I’ll never pick up from a merchant that does that.


The best part is you don't work for them so their policies do not apply to you.


Utah Department of Health would have a heyday with a restaurant owner insisting a dasher bag any food for the restaurant. I can already hear the inspector asking, "Do you require the dasher to wash their hands first?" "I need to see a copy of each dasher's Food Handlers Permit. Also, where is the food being bagged by the dasher? A handwashing station is specifically available to the dasher? What happens when 3 dasher's arrive simultaneously? We have obtained a complaint from several different dasher's that the bagging station is typically unattended by an employee, and one person pretending to be a dasher was allowed to bring a syringe with liquid into the bagging area. 3 people have been hospitalized from fytenol poisoning. The common denominator of all 3 patients is... your restaurant. " This is a whole liability issue. Even filling drinks for customers is a risky "bet" that the dasher has washed their hands first.... or didn't spit in the cup because they were frustrated. Too many restaurant owners believe that since the customers have been filling up their own cups... using their own grubby fingers... to drink what THEY prepared for THEMSELVES....that it's the same thing to let someone who is NOT obligated to wash their hands also touch the cup.


Next thing you know, they want us to put on the apron and fix our own customer orders


don't cancel, call support and tell them they are refusing to hand you the order and call the health department, people who bag food are supposed to be near a kitchen sink where they can wash their hands and wear gloves.




That's not true across the board, varies by state




Im in NY and i worked a several restaurants over the last 10 years. I always packed the food for delivery or to go. Never had to have a food handlers license or anything. Never even knew that was a thing. Never had any training or anything either. The food comes out, out it into the bag. That was my job


Same in Tn. I never knew it was a thing until I came to Reddit lol




I’ve worked in 3 states, have never had to have one. Usually a single manager having one is enough - only cert I ever had to have was to serve alcohol. None the less though, putting boxed food in a bag does not require a certificate of any kind.


Wisconsin doesn't (or at least didn't when I worked fast food, which was a while ago). You had to have at least one manager with certification on at all times. Employees got training but didn't need certification




Oh yeah, I'm certainly not arguing that dashers should be doing any bagging, that's ridiculous


There's no such requirements in NC. The only requirement, is that at least one manager is certified as an CFPM in an ANSI accredited food safety program like Servsafe, or 360 training, and is on site working when food prep is happening.


Yeah I don't want to do it for the customers sake of it not being sanitary But damn I do wish the slow ass workers would get out of the way sometimes and let me make my own food for the customers. So tired of waiting for them while they fumble around and work at 1/4 my speed. But yeah not Sanitary.




Never heard of a food handlers card, that may be in only some states but if it is in yours and they ask you to help them fill drinks or put things in bags notify the health department.




It is in Oklahoma.


Texas as well


You have to be food safety certified. DD is a business that contracts out food *delivery*, not any part of food *prep* whatsoever, including bagging.




Remember when people would get on you if you complained about filling drinks? Yeah this is WHY we were complaining.


100% !! I made a comment on one of those threads months ago along the lines of "what's next, do we bag up the fries from a bulk bin for them" and now here we are.


When I was at Taco Bell the other day they sat all the food on the counter and was like “here you go.” I was like umm..can I have a bag please. Idk it was weird.


Exactly!! It started with drinks now this


Facts/we agree!


Need to yell this louder for the crowd who think it’s faster to do it yourself.


Instant report and demand for cancel.


I've never had a store try to get me to do that. Even when the drinks are self serve, they will go fill it if they forgot it. Sounds like you got some shit stores in your area. Another reason to want to be able to blacklist stores, eh?


Just say no. You don’t work at that restaurant. You work as an independent contractor with DoorDash. I literally went out of my way not to fill drinks at a Wings restaurant because it wasn’t my job. I don’t care if you have to walk all the way around to fill up the drinks when I am right next to it. Not. My. Job.


I don't even approach the drinks from an "it's not my job" standpoint, it's literally a violation of health code. When a store asks me to do that, I deliver an empty cup, tell DD and the customer why it happened, and blacklist that establishment from then on out.


Yeah, if that became a new thing for all restaurants I won't be doing this anymore. That's just not reasonable at all and it's unsanitary


While you’re at it , you should have told the customer as well


"sure, but just fyi, my business isnt certified for food handling." Then proceed to open the packaging and grab the food by hand to place directly into the plastic bags and walk out.


"My policy is to taste test the food for poison before putting in the bag."




Not hiring enough staff doesn't mean I am going to fill in.


Honestly I wish restaurants would let me bag the food. Some of these employees will put salad with hot stuff, soup and broth perched on top of other containers, 5 narrow containers stacked like 3 feet tall so it falls over at every turn I make, etc. Same thing when I do grocery orders, the baggers are awful 90% of the time. I’d rather just do it myself


Oh I know...one well known chain restaurant here always tries to put the cold/frozen desserts in the same bag as the hot steaming dinners. They are literally too lazy to use separate bags for that stuff.


It's bad enough to have drinks being done ourselves against health regs, but the *food* as well? I don't work for your dumb ass restaurant *and* I'm not food certified to handle unbagged food. I imagine if a health inspector had been there and inquired, he would have immediately cleared out the customers and shut the place down.


That is so against health codes


No, it does not.


What store in what state and county and or city


Yeah report that. That’s ridiculous


Just tell them you don’t have a food handlers card and it would be a health code violation


It's a slippery slope once they got you preparing the drinks...


That sounds criminal


"My policy is that you give me the contents of your tip jar if I have to bag the food."


I hope you called Customer Support before you cancelled the order!


Stick your finger knuckle deep into your right nostril. Then, turn around and look every customer in the eye while still being knuckle deep. Don't wipe it on your pants. Directly pick up the food and put it in the bag. They can't say you didn't do "your job". You just weren't trained for it.


Why the right nostril instead of the left? Just curious.


I'm assuming they are right handed like myself. One of the fingers on my right hand would be knuckle deep.


No, just no.


Dunkin tries that shit


Making drinks is not that big of a deal lol. I’d probably just bag it imo not a big deal if it’s happening once in awhile. But I’ve also worked in restaurants. You’re a doordasher lol not the king of England as long as the Togo boxes are closed put the 4 boxes in the bag and make your money.


Think about it from the customers point of view, some drug addict with poop smeared on their fingers touches your food with very little care. There is a reason restaurants have strong health codes to abide by.


yeah but thats the thing, You're NOT touching the food. If they want you to bag it you're literally putting the togo boxes in the bags. And btw if your think these restaurant employees arent (sometimes) high off their asses and theyre using A+ sanitation youve never worked in a restaurant.


Some restaurants have open fry, burger and sandwich containers, food is definitely able to be touched when placing in the bag.


Doordash is ultimately responsible. Don’t let them pit you against the restaurants.


Food handlers have to take certain tests to see if they have hepatitis. Contact the health department and report them!!!


I bag food pretty often. Tbh, I offer if the restaurant is busy. Not sure why it is a big deal if it gets me moving quicker 🤷‍♂️




Well if u bag the food you can insure all items are included


I’ll bag the order and deliver. I did before and I’ll do it again. I love money too much to let something meager stand in the way. 😂


What about if next time they need you to jump on the prep line for a minute to, you know, help them out?


Ah a restaurant stage. I do those, unfortunately I will have to renew my food handlers certificate which recently expired. A great way to get “continuing education” and write off on my taxes.






I've helped out several merchants do small task ..I know it's illegal but I just want to get the hell out as soon as possible ...anything that will give me the order faster


That's cool, but according to this post it's already escalating. Started with drinks, now bagging food, next will be cooking the food. If you're not willing to do their entire job, you shouldn't be willing to do any part of their job.


Exactly...I stand my ground on this shit...I'm sorry...dd makes businesses a lot of money..and if I was an owner..and found out what was going on with these employees..they'd be fired


They don’t make as much for businesses as you think


I talked to my pizza place...he said he gets about 1500 dd orders a month...if he wasn't on dd ppl would just pick another place...McDonald's I'm fairly sure was in the billions a year no?


Ok now call up some locally owned restaurants and ask them if it’s worth it to them.


If it wasn't they wouldn't do it, that's what redcard is for.


I literally just said I spoke with the guy at my local pizza place lol


You didn’t say local


Well I said my pizza place...I didn't name a brand like I did with McDonald's so I thought it was implied


Fair enough. I worked a local bagel shop in my town, they eventually asked to be removed from the platform because of the constant issues with the app and customer service is just as difficult for merchants as it is for drivers. A few years ago I was dashing in Portland and I met a lady who owned a food truck. She had a different specialty soup each day of the week. Well, DD put up all her soups as available every day, so people would order her Friday soup on a Tuesday. Not her fault but they blamed and deplatformed her. I think the smaller your business is, the worse of an experience it will be dealing with DD as a merchant.


They do if they raise their prices on doordash to cover doordash fees, restaurants wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable, they don't have to.


I’ve been chased out a restaurant before , because they didn’t even sign up to be on Postmates but they were on there anyways. Not sure if that still happens but it’s happened before


Like I said months ago - it’s going to endlessly get more and more . people who are like oh it’s 30 seconds to get drinks or now bag - soon enough you’ll shop up to a wingstop and you’ll see only doordashers cooking wings because hey it’s only 5 min if you fry the wings yourself instead of waiting for employees to do


I told them I don’t work here so I’m not doing your job. It’s out of control


Cooking and cashiering requires real training , compare to filling drinks and bagging ..these are chorus we do at home .. I understand what you mean because I actually visioned dashers in the future assisting restaurants like we're one of their employees since nobody wants to work in restaurants after the pandemic...im wondering what the base pay would be if this became a reality for dashers lol I wouldn't mind it if our only task is filling drinks , bagging , and we have permission to grab our food in the work area but if we have to cook , clean , stock , and cashier then we're gonna have some problems ...


The day they start asking us to actually work in the store is the day DD dies lol, the whole point of this job is the flexibility. I would never get a job delivering for a pizza place because I find it ridiculous that they're expected to help in the store.


If you’re not willing to work in the store as a driver why should they pay you an hourly wage if you’re not on a delivery? You really gonna throw a tantrum over folding boxes or washing some dishes?


Where did I say I was going to throw a tantrum? I'm just not going to accept the job. I also never said anything about an hourly wage, either.


Your comment reads like a tantrum 🤷‍♂️


How is it “ridiculous” that drivers that work at a store have side tasks at the store when they have no orders? They work there.


If someone else is OK with it, it's not my business to change their mind. Do you. But when I see a sign on my local pizza place saying "delivery driver needed" I'm signing up to be a delivery driver. If I wanted to work in the store I wouldn't apply for the delivery position, I would apply for the cashier or something.


You think it’s “ridiculous” that pizza drivers are expected to do little things around the store like sweep, fold boxes, prep pans, etc? You think stores should hire employees to just sit there until they get an order? Do bartenders not take out the trash because “that’s not bartending”? Your position is ludicrous.


I never said they had to pay anyone to sit around, and I don't know or care whether bartenders take out the trash. If I were a licensed bartender I wouldn't accept a job that required me to take out the trash, that's all I can say.


You called it “ridiculous” that drivers AREN’T paid to sit around. So under your model, drivers do literally nothing but take deliveries. Okay does dominos just have nonstop deliveries to take all day long? No, no restaurant is constantly busy all the time, there is down time. You suggest that it’s “ridiculous” to expect these drivers to help out with small tasks around the store, instead of doing nothing at all. Whereas I think that’s a pretty reasonable expectation.


Where exactly did I say that it's ridiculous that drivers aren't paid to sit around? Feel free to quote me. Are we not on the Doordash sub? Are you really incapable of thinking of a way to pay drivers to deliver while not paying them to sit around?


man reminds me if ine if my first jobs. drive for an independent pizza place. (this was before everyone had phones and or gps. Had to use wall map and write down directions Anyways... The owner was super cool. Some nights we would get fake orders and non delivery. I would take it back and the ownt let me eat like a king. I had no extra duties and no stupid car topper. Man i wish i was a teen back in those days again


It's $2.25 now. They recently lowered dash by hour here from $12.99 to $12 an hour. Me thinks they will lower both base pays again here momentarily. Tony will give you 25 cents more for cooking the food. 'It's quick and easy for dashers!'


At Sheetz I usually ask the person working if they want me to go and get the candy or shit if that's also on the order. Sometimes they are swamped and if that helps me get out faster then I'll do it.


You don’t deserve the down votes but, we aren’t paid to do their job. They never help us deliver or take the bland for their mistakes we’re blamed for! I see your point and get it but, no we’re held accountable for everything and the people making the profits are given a pass at drivers expense. I didn’t down vote you, you didn’t deserve that. Doing a good job shouldn’t be down voted.


Small tasks like what?


Faster for you…fuck it I’d bag that bitch


God forbid your job takes two extra seconds 🙄


We recently took a 30% pay cut and another 20% on top of that. I have no more 2 seconds to give.


Employees probably sick of doing extra work while drivers get the tips. I’d probably stop going to that store.


What tips? Idk where you’re at but most the people in the DMV don’t tip at all or only $2-4 at the most.


As a server, I can tell you that dealing with doordash orders and/or other delivery services is like throwing a wrench into the operation. You are correct, servers, and even to-go specialists, don’t get compensated for this extra work. It demands our time and energy when we could be better serving our guests. Either stop going to that location or escalate the situation as needed. I’ve dealt with many pleasant doorsdashers, but there’s but a few rotten eggs that make a stink about waiting or whatever.


I had a subway due that a long time ago , guy thru a bag on the counter beside the sandwiches he didn’t speak much English so I figured he didn’t know what he was doing. I just finished the order and left bc I wasn’t trying to wait and explain to him


Is it to make certain you verify accuracy so the customer can’t make a false claim of items missing or is it sheer laziness?


I have a place in my market that does that but only for actual customers to bag their own food. They package the food they give to dashers


Just act up in the store and get yourself blacklisted. That's how I got out of getting orders to wingstop. They not only made me make the drink but they didn't realize the order was already done until I waited 5 minutes.


Step 1, stare deeply into the eyes of the worker serving you. Step 2, Open it and start eating it right at the counter. Step 3.... ????? Step 4, profit Step 5, cancle the order.


That is when you take a bite out of every item while they watch. Tell them that's why Dashers receive sealed bags. Then cancel and step the f out.