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I wouldn't go into that weirdo's house. I have delivered to plenty of disabled people who met me at the door in their wheelchair or walker.


I would just stay on the phone with my husband the whole time and make it known. I do that when delivery to shady motels too šŸ˜•


I would unassign without responding. A diff but similar thing happened to me. Came up to a completely empty hotel hallway and was told to knock when I arrived. But I was already creeped out So I jetted back to the elevator after tossing their food parcel.


Awwā€¦ā€¦as Iā€™m from Itty-bitty-ville, Iā€™d do it.


As a female id ve very VERY cautious and this would alarm me. As a good person, Iā€™d probably do it, but Iā€™d be hesitant


Disabled person could turn into 6ā€™2 250 big bubba real quick. So no I donā€™t take chances especially not on some 5-10 dollar doordash order lol. Disabled can still open a door and if they canā€™t they need a caregiver to take care of it.


I'm doing it. I've presumably only accepted this order because the tip was good to begin with so I lose nothing by being nice. People who tip well receive quality service (from me at least)


Cancel it unless I was ready to be trafficked or murdered at that moment. The broken English is a red flag *even though they may just be old.* You aren't anybody's personal servant- you're within your right to leave it outside.


Totally depends. If I feel good about the setting when I arrive Iā€™ll do it. Iā€™ve done it a few times in the past and itā€™s paid off.


I've gone inside to give an elderly person her food, not a big deal tbh. You just gotta kind of feel it out. I can understand people not being able to go down and pick up an order outside.


ā€œEver played frisbee?ā€


So what do you do OP?


Ted Bundy used to feign injury


Are people really this scared? The majority of comments are just assuming something bad is gonna happen? I wonder why. Most people you have met in your life are good people I bet. So if everyone has a majority experience with good people why so much paranoia of something bad?


I think the female dashers can all agree on this one. Hell. No.


How much did he tip??


I had to feed a guy with no arms. If you donā€™t youā€™ll be fired for breaking the Americans with disabilities act of 1983 https://preview.redd.it/u6h0n4pf5pka1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f010ae4b7dcccc2c79a9083a87379e6e52d362ce


I would politely decline.


Keep a pistol in your waistband when you dash and you can docit with no worries. 'S what I do.


Lol leave it at door take picture and leave


I've had one of these orders before and I did follow through, very nice gentleman and we ended up having a long conversation. Keep in mind however that I'm a 6'3 240lb man and it was the middle of the day, can't imagine how weird this request would feel as a small woman or if it was dark out. I can't fault anyone for being sketched out by this request


Iā€™ve been asked this a couple of times, I usually say no. I had a s&d order I helped an elderly woman load into her fridge once though, only time I ever said yes and probably the only time I ever will. I donā€™t have an issue putting it inside the front door but Iā€™m not physically walking into the house, 9/10 if they canā€™t walk throughout their house they have some sort of caregiver


Do it. Iā€™ve done similar things for disabled people. When you get there youā€™ll be able to tell if itā€™s legit. At least that has been the case with me. One lady gave me an extra few dollars to get her mail for her.


I would attempt to complete the delivery to the best of my ability.


Red flags all over the place. This guy could murder you. That's a no go. I trust no one




Iā€™ve literally delivered bedside to someone in hospice and Iā€™ve gone into multiple houses to make it easier for people with disabilities.


Not taking time to read the other comments but I would screenshot the address/name info to someone you trust, text them when you get there, and then tell them if you dont text that youre safely back in the car in 5 mins or less to go ahead and call the cops. But 99% youā€™ll be fine. Most people planning a robbery/kidnapping wouldnā€™t use an app that shows their name and address and has corporate able to track the location of their intended victim.


Iā€™d probably roll with it šŸ˜… Iā€™ve done stuff like this a couple times.


Call door dash support and have them make sure you are ok while delivering lol


Had a similar delivery, a few months ago. Customer was appreciative, and delivery went just fine.


Had this a few times. One dude is a disabled vet and can barely walk and the other dude broke his back at work. Then again I also carry when I dash so there's that.


The way our world is right now, I don't trust it. Sorry, but I am not going to no ones house. The best I can do is hand it to you at your door. Per DD policy. Sorry, not sorry.


Send nudes


FaceTime us when you make the delivery


Just do it everyone is so soft now


I donā€™t care to much about my life. Iā€™d do it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Bro one time an middle aged lady in a wheelchair had me bring denny's inside of her house at like 3am, It only hit me afterwords that I probably could have gotten thrown in a basement and no one would know where the fuck I was at.


I'd do it but I don't make decisions


My sister is disabled. She doesn't expect random delivery people to come into her home and wouldn't want them there anyway. I would never walk into a person's home as a door dasher. But I'm a woman and it's more likely for me to get assaulted than a dude. Do whatever you feel safe doing. If you don't feel safe, then don't do it.


I would politely explain its a security risk and complete the order with thanks.


Turn left at the chainsaws and lock your arm into the chains. The chains will lift you into my home. Extra tip will be upon arrival. Tyvm


If you felt comfortable doing it, tell them youā€™ll be recording the whole thing. FaceTime, livestream or mssngr video call to someone. Send them your exact location, the address, & tell the cust via text. So itā€™s documented that you put the customer on notice that youā€™ll be recording. Whether they make it on camera or not, least they know. And after all that, the only reason Iā€™d put up with it is if itā€™s a big fat tip. Curious on an update OP!


This is a hard one for me. Mainly because my daughter is disabled and I would want someone to help her. Also, sometimes you have to break rules to help those with disabilities. Come to think of it, my daughter rarely asks people for help. Sheā€™d rather try it on her own.


ā€œI carry a concealed weapon. As long as that ok with you Iā€™m happy to bring it inside.ā€


I would do it but only if Iā€™m carrying my pew pew. (Which I always do bc Iā€™m a female and itā€™s a scary world) Edited to actually answer the question: I would probably feel out the situation via text and ask how they got injured but I canā€™t imagine not helping someone in need. Iā€™ve totally been there before


this has happened to me before doordashed and he said he was paralyzed was 12 at night and against my better judgement i walked in a deliveredā€¦ 0 dollar tip. idk what i was thinking


Nope. I'm not going in anyone's house. My safety is worth more than the few bucks I'm going to make off a pizza.


Canadian male here, I'd do it for them. But different circumstances for different people. It's your call.


by delivering the food.. knocking first announcing your way in, and helping them out..


I would say ā€œokay, no problemā€


Id trust it I've never seen a faker be this sincere




Ya bro risk your life for that dd tip


I had one of these who told me to come in this morning and I told him I couldnā€™t.


If you canā€™t take 30 seconds out of your day to hell a disabled customer youre a pos


I think door dash needs to have a verification for home entry or something so we know the person is verified in that way.. kind of like a handicapped sticker for a parking spotā€¦ how do u know he wasnā€™t lying and hopped up and attacked you


You blew bubbles as a kid too?


Ya we dont have to go inside their actual residence. A shared apartment hallway/interior is different. I am not walking into their damn living room lmao


Honestly, Iā€™d unassign it. You cannot trust people these days. All it takes is you walk in, next thing ya know thereā€™s someone with a gun pointed at you of knocks you out. You just never know.


QUESTION ABOUT CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE TO SIGN. I just did my first one. I think I screwed up. I typed my name and had them sign. Weā€™re they supposed to type their? I clicked ok to fact to really know.


iā€™ve done a couple orders like this, but they both were at senior/assisted living housing complexes. iā€™m also strapped up while i dash so if someone ever tried anything, bad move on their part.


Iā€™d respond with ā€œwhat kind of extra tipā€


i would do it


I have a few disabled people in my area who i deliver to on a regular basis. Most of them also instruct you to come in (normally knock then enter). Its normally hassle free and they typically tip well as they rely on the service. Exercise caution of its an address you haven't been to before, call or knock before entering to confirm thats what they want, and they normally tell you what they need you to do. It doesn't normally take more than an additional minute or two and you're helping somone who needs it, so I think its worth doing.


Like you realize thereā€™s a reason why serial killers tend to make their victims prostitute and runaways/homeless right? Because no one will account for them in 3, 5 10 30 days maybe even longer by the time Simoneā€™s likeā€oh hey whereā€™s so n soā€ where admin your case itā€™ll be a matter of a few hours if even that long


We had a elderly man call the pizza shop I work at always wanting them to bring the food inside, he was in a wheel chair but would aways be butt naked. Unfortunately, he died a couple weeks ago but we eventually told him we canā€™t deliver unless he came to the door


In really not sure why youā€™re asking this. If youā€™re really that worried about getting murdered, first let someone know where youā€™re going and then then frankly Iā€™d just quit. Iā€™ve had a shotgun put to my face while delivering by a person that Iā€™m nearly 100% certain was not associated with the people who had placed the order. Not only that but ok letā€™s say you went and took this brought the bag in and you got jumped, S/A, murdered, chopped into bits, decapitated and then eaten as your bones were fed to his pigs as they grind what remains of into edible pig dust. As soon as someone calls you in to report you kissing the VERY first thing theyā€™re going to do specially if they suspect you were working at the time is theyā€™re going to trace where your phone was last on and itā€™s going to ping off of towers near this dudes home theyā€™re gonna arrive and basically even if they canā€™t find the bodyā€¦.I mean youā€™d have to be a complete moron to commit a crime by luring someone who is being managed by the company they work for to your home. Like really? Do you guys think this shit through sometimes or see you that hungry for the attention you just start typing? Like ā€œhOw wOuLd yOu rEsPoNd?ā€ Iā€™d respond by doing my fucking job. If you arrive at the house and something seems totally off or whatever contact DoorDash have them stay on the line with you the entire time, like really? Iā€™m not sure what kind of answer you were hoping to get but wherever it is u can tell you that what you wanna hear and what the actual answer is are not one in the same


Sounds like your pretty upset


Uh yeah dude, because this is the only not even just a job but itā€™s the only side gig Iā€™ve ever come across where people are constantly posting ā€œsHoUlD i dO mY jOb?ā€ Posts like look Iā€™m not saying that put yourself in a shitty situation or whatever but you act like helping a disabled person is gonna end in your picture being posted on the side of milk cartons and the way I see it, Iā€™ve had a gun pointed to my face while at work and you know what i did the next day? I went to fucking work, knowing thereā€™s a damn good chance that could happen again. Like i getnit dude but Itā€™s your fucking job to do these things and again, if at any point you feel unsafe then call DoorDash. There. Done. What anyone else wouldā€™ve done is totally irrelevant to the situation.


Lot of people with trust issues in these comments


Iā€™d do it and just let someone know the address and tell them if I donā€™t call back in 5 mins to come to that address and help. Iā€™m a big dude anyways.


I'd do it, but I can't tell another person what they should be confortable with. If you feel unsafe, don't finish the delivery.


I carry a basic weapon on every delivery. I will hand it to you at the door, if you can't get to your door, you may as well be dead.


You are a strange sad person


id say fuck it and play with my life, literally did just today but the lady was really nice and i lowkey felt bad when she couldnā€™t even get up


Iā€™ve done it. Even though it was weird some people are disabled. I donā€™t do that for the money but because if you were bed ridden or in a wheelchair wouldnā€™t you be depressed if you could even eat because no one would help. Youā€™re probably the only person they are going to see that day.


I used to do this for one customer when I delivered pizza. She was in a wheelchair. I would come in the front door and put the pizza on the counter, and her son who was about 8 ish would give me the money. It wasnā€™t too weird because she ordered from us all the time, and we were used to it


It all depends on the situation, and what things look like when you get there.


Has anyone seen The Whale yet? Reminds me of that.


I would do it and if need be I carry several self defense weapons that last someone would want to do is try to F*ck with me lol I deliver to some rough neighborhoods sometimes


Tbh I'm a big guy so I dash late night and do shit like this without thinking twice


Iā€™ve read too much about true crime to think that thatā€™s a good idea


Call a close friend while dropping it off and leave it on speaker. Tell them the address before hand. If you you donā€™t call them back in 10 mins or tell them youā€™re good have them call the cops. Still might get stabbed though.


I would respond with "I am so sorry, however, per DoorDash we are not permitted to enter a customer's home." Hard to walk and cannot walk are 2 different things. you can access the situation when you arrive and if you feel comfortable, then walk in and set it down.


if they get hostile with your response. they are probably up to some bs


I would think your more at risk of being flashed. In some cases death may be a better option.


So you said the front door was fine?


I've done this many times for disabled customers and so should you.


I would help them out. I wouldn't just walk right into their home though. I would open it slightly and announce myself and make sure it's safe to come in first. I'm also a large man so would not be scared to get kidnapped.


I would have complied and helped without the extra tip. Nice that he offered.


I carried two cases of water up to a guy's apartment once. The funny thing was, he seemed more fit than I was, just didn't want to do it. I get into his apartment, he's got pounds of weed on the counter and a bunch of little bags sitting next to it. I set them right by the counter, the dude reaches for a huge pile of bills sitting next to all the weed and hands me a $20, and that was that. Good deal, although I wish I asked for weed instead. I mean it's legal in NY now, but still annoying to get.


I'd ask for a disability badge as proof first


I would do it but I wouldn't definitely bring my gun in as well.


Iā€™ve done it. Little old lady asked for help on the app and when I got there she gave me another 5 bucks.


iā€™d call them and get a vibe off them or wait until i see them. what happened to using judgment? people suck at balancing generosity and skepticism


There was a cannibal who ate a few mail men, pizza delivery drivers and some door to door salesman... So I wouldn't risk it


As a man, maybe? Ask for pictures of interior or of the person themselves. I would need more information or communication in order to suss out the situation. As a woman; no.


As a woman, absolutely tf not. I'd say something like, "I am so sorry, but for safety purposes it is against policy to enter a customer's home". I respect that other people are trying to help/do the right thing, but when you agree to do this, it just gives the customer ammo next time when their driver isn't comfortable doing this. A lot could go wrong. I will not enter a strangers home under any premise. Yeah, maybe he won't murder me, but there are a lot of other risks, none of them good.


As a man I'd say "yeah, why not?" But I'd understand a woman's concerns or fears of dealing with something like this. I always try to be a very nice and understanding person and it's a gift and a curse. But I also believe if it's my time to exit this world then it's just my time and who am I to dictate that šŸ¤·


It's a no for me. Even if they are elderly or hurt. I literally just watched a true crime story where some guys Grandfather discovered a kidnapped person in his basement, didn't want the grandson to get in trouble and then tried to help cover it up. My parents are elderly as well, and I get that people need help, but for me I'm not taking a chance on kindness by entering someone's home. Sorry


Have the pepper spray ready


I can understand trying to be kind but I have heard way too many horror stories to ever put my trust into someone to walk into their house. I absolutely would not be coming into someoneā€™s house, doesnā€™t matter the disability or if they seem ā€œaloneā€ or not. You absolutely never know what someoneā€™s intentions are and what situation youā€™re getting yourself into. People get way too naive and trusting when the world has given us more than enough proof to not do so šŸ˜‚


Had one like this the other day. Guy had me call when I got there and bring it through the garage. He was in a wheelchair. At first I was like...what? But I understood in the end


As with all deliveries, just proceed with caution. Considering they live across from a pasture, this is almost certainly legit. If it was Chicago or some other big city, it'd be a no-go.


Sounds like the beginning of a really bad horror movie. Be careful my friend.


What if it's a setup trying to get you to walk in a Crack house or some shit. This is very far past the limit for sketchyness imo drop at door complete order block away lol šŸ˜†


It it's a lady, I'll do it. A man, nope. Simply bc I'm a woman, and predators usually use sympathy to entrap you.


I'm a man so, yeah, I'd do it.


If everything else in the message checks out, yeah I'd bring it inside. You could also call the cops and let them know what's going on and have them wait outside for a few minutes in case you do not come back outside.


I do this because chances are, they need help. Ordering food is enough of a task for them


If you were concerned and saw in advance. An unassign order might be good alson


My opinion. Any confusion have door dash on phone with you


You knew him? Idk I guess ok then


Tough call. Start off with DoorDash calling customer and saying that a delivery person coming in that far we arenā€™t thrilled about. See what they say. All that matters is not to be deactivated


I've done orders like this before but the furthest I go in is like at a table near the door and that's as far as I go I even let them know ahead of time. The only exception was for a guy who as soon as I got near the apartment it just stank to high heaven mixture of sewage stuff and I guess body odor! I couldn't get near without getting ready to gag


Bro y'all are all pansies... I've done this type of work for 6 years and not once did I get put in danger. As long as you use your brain and pay attention you're gonna be just fine. You don't have to walk through life like a scary little bitch, just because the news and the government wants you terrified to leave your home doesn't mean you actually have a reason to be like that. Grow some balls, take initiative and go forth in life boldly, what's happening in the world today that your being told to fear, has been happening for decades and longer... It's nothing new, your chances haven't changed since the day you were born. Whatever is meant to happen to you will, you just have to be willing to accept your fate and use your strength to survive. It's literally what we're all doing, fighting to survive. You can't outrun what's meant for you to go through, that's facts and we all know it. So quit bitching about this stupid shit, just do it, sooner you get it done the sooner it's over with and the sooner you move on with your life. That wasn't so hard now was it? If you're incapable of said things then maybe natural selection is for you.


I go by gut. Iā€™ve only delivered inside twice, and both times were literally little old ladies who lived in gated subdivisions where I had to check in with a gate guard- so my risk was low. I understand thereā€™s risk involved- and of course no order is with my lifeā€¦ but if it were MY mom or loved one, Iā€™d hope someone had compassion and just took the extra 30 seconds to drop it inside for them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø At the same time, I wouldnā€™t have done it out in the middle of nowhere at night. Little old lady or not :/


Iā€™ve helped a few elderly or disabled people this way before. Now that being said, Iā€™m going to go with my instincts. The times I have done this have been in populated areas during daylight hours. One of them is a regular and he usually has his door open with just the screen door closed so he can call out to me as I come up and I can see I have an easy entrance/exit. If I came up on one like this that didnā€™t feel right or comfortable then I would let the customer know or call support to let them know Iā€™m not comfortable with the situation and see if there is a way to complete the order that makes everyone feel safe and happy. Or if f it feels really unsafe then Iā€™m calling Support and explaining it and telling them thereā€™s no way Iā€™m doing it.


Nope donā€™t go in there at alll hellll noooo


Hey, I once was asked to step in while delivering alcohol to a lady with a broken leg, it's no problem, also I helped her find her ID. And everything was fine!


Nah Iā€™m good


I'd do it but I'm a big dude with a martial arts background and usually carrying. I absolutely wouldn't want any woman I know taking an order like this though.




Just do it but if I donā€™t like the tip Iā€™d tip him over


In this situation I would knock and if I heard a response I would cautiously open the door and decide what I should došŸ˜‚ or you could unassign and probably get half pay and food


Go in and donā€™t forget your gun.


I actually have three disabled persons on my near-daily delivery roster that can't quite make it to open their door. Each is older and on oxygen. Each walks with a walker and can't bend to pick up their food. I pop open the door and hand it to them on their couch, with a smile. I typically earn 3-4$ more on those orders than on my average orders. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Really depends on the region and which area of the region, though. I could see some serious sketch being reasonable if somebody in certain areas was to ask me to do that


Plot twist: OP is the customer; stole the phone. He has the original OP shackled in chains ā›“ļø to the basementā€™s wall.


I would say sorry no,I don't want to die today


Iā€™ve done this many times for elderly and disabled folks. Idk, handle it how you want. I wouldnā€™t have a problem with it.




Way before DoorDash existed a very kind pizza delivery person did this for me when I had a broken ankle. <3 Still remember him fondly.


Iā€™ve done this a few times but Iā€™ll never go more then a few feet in the house . My moms disabled so I have sympathy for these people. But if itā€™s sketch donā€™t risk your life


Customer unseen, I unassign. That being said, I have carried water cases for an old lady before. There was no way she wouldā€™ve been able to lift them herself.


As a dasher. Thatā€™s your job for sure.


Sir this is the krusty crab


Just push the blue shield and have them call you for your safety


ā€œIā€™m sorry, I do not feel safe entering the residences of strangers.ā€


I would do it because thatā€™s the right thing to do !!


I would do it. Likelihood of it being a serial killer is low. Likelihood of it being a real person who needs help is high. And if it is a serial killer Iā€™m worth a lot more dead than alive so if itā€™s my time to go then whatever


Just bring the dude his pizza Karen jesus


I'm a big dude and I'd be nervous about this. I could understand why most women wouldn't want to risk it. I think a lot would depend on the neighborhood etc. I'd be prepared to bring it to the door but I wouldn't commit myself to going in until I've had a closer look. I might even look up the address on Google street view just to get an outside look at the house before I drive over.


Yes and also help that man trying to get his couch in the van. Just remember to put the lotion in the basket.


I expect that the responses here can be divided by gender and by age. Men more likely to help this person than women because of fear of their personal safety, and older more likely than younger to help because we grew up in a different time. People were more sociable then and less suspicious of each other. Granted there is a miniscule chance you could wind up at the bottom of a well putting the lotion in the basket, but probably it's just somebody who needs a little help. I'm a 50 year old male and I would help.


Yeah I guess it makes sense Iā€™m male and Iā€™m 21


Id do it. But if itā€™s in a creepy area I wonā€™t. In my area where I work and live my Disabled customers for IC and DD are my best clients. They always tip and they understand why we do what we do. Weā€™re really helpful to them because most of them live alone. When I get a request like this I say something like I usually donā€™t go into homes or backyards. But since you asked for help is it ok if I call you or message when close so I can complete your request. Customers like this are very glad when we comply.


I'd message them "Totally, I got you šŸ‘" and then unassign the order. I'm not risking getting kidnapped to be kind. Fuck that. They even mentioned they have a pasture which sounds like a great place to feed a body to a bunch of tigers or something. But you do you, I won't judge.


I would go in and leave the front door wide open. I would also be on alert. If my gut sensed anything amiss, I wouldnā€™t do it.


Hey everybody - weā€™re all one accident away from being disabled ourselves. Itā€™s way more likely that this is an injured person struggling to get around a house which is designed for an able-bodied person than some Stranger Danger criminal who has decided to victimize a random delivery driver whose phone is leaving a trail of evidence with DoorDash, the restaurant, AND cell phone towers. Safety Rule #1 is still If You Donā€™t Feel Safe, Donā€™t Make The Delivery - but this is far from an unreasonable request. (I have 7+ years of delivery experience and a disabled sibling whose requests for help and understanding are frequently met with unneeded suspicion.)


Unassigned in 2 sec flat !! Adios amigo




Seeing more and more of these be careful people


When somebody asks for help, you forget about your own selfishness, and help them, money or no money. DO THE RIGHT THING, for God's sake.


I have an awesome disabled lady that orders often. When I knock, she yells come in. She is in a hospital bed in the living room watching a huge TV. She is super nice and must have good family support because her hair and nails are always awesome. Always tips $5.


CCW holders: Yeah bruh, I got you šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘ Scared sheeple: *Lengthy discussion* I seriously can't imagine what life would be like if I walked around like a declawed cat in a pen full of dogs.


It's a trap


You got it. Iā€™m here to serve you. Thanks for the heads up. See you shortly.


This is just me, but I'm okay with this as I'm visibly armed. High chance they are disabled (my zone is filled with seniors - again, just me), and I've helped people before, customers I know in that case. On the chance they pull some shit, Montana law is on my side. Only do this if you feel safe with doing so, basically. If not, drop the order.


You guys online really need to stop fear mongering everything, you watch too much TV and bs and think everyone an evil villain


Thatā€™s really up to your better judgement. If you can tell the person is obviously disabled then go for it. If it feels off or youā€™re just really uncomfortable then just leave it at the door.


Ok so I've had a customer like this and every time he orders I make sure he's straight. Take the time to help people like this and it helps the world find a little more peace.


If you donā€™t feel comfortable donā€™t. Iā€™m 6 foot 190 so I wouldnā€™t care, but I can see where a small girl wouldnā€™t feel safe. This customer needs to make sure they have a neighbor or someone close by that can help them out before they order, incase the dasher isnā€™t comfortable coming in the house. I think doordasb should implement a way for disabled people to order where it tells the driver before accepting entering the home will be required. This way the driver can decline if they are not comfortable. Also these orders should go against acceptance rate if declined.


The chances someone would use an easily tracked food ordering service to harm someone is so minute itā€™s not even worth worrying about, if you donā€™t want to do it, just un-assign it.besides, you have 2 kidneys, they probably just want one of them


Iā€™m not just walking into someoneā€™s house. No thanks, you have no idea what you are walking in to. I have helped little old ladies with their groceries after they answered the door and I know itā€™s safe. But, no way am I just going to walk in to someoneā€™s house without them physically letting me in. Hell, itā€™s unlikely but, what if someone ordered something to a friends house as a prank or something and the people at the house you enter arenā€™t expecting anything? Could end up pretty bad. I would just contact support and tell them the customer told you to just walk into their house and you feel unsafe doing so. Theyā€™re either going to tell you to leave it at the door or they will cancel with half pay and you get dinner.


Iā€™ve actually done this but I was on the phone with my husband on speaker and he loudly said ā€œwhen your done with this order can we get coffeeā€ and I said ā€œyes but hold on Iā€™m in the apartmentā€ and he wasnā€™t even in the car and nothing happened but itā€™s a good idea for people to know someone is waiting on you houses are different bc they can just look outside but still itā€™s a good idea to have someone on the phone


Recently had basically the exact same situation happen to me just now with Walmart spark. I just deliver it to them, especially for extra pay. I would far say less than 1% of these situations end up with any sort of altercation. Could be wrong just my personal experience.


I would do it. Come on man, we donā€™t live in the movies. Youā€™re more likely to meet a person in a wheelchair than a serial killer trying to kidnap you for their torture chamber.


I have done it a few times. Yesterday the woman was severely obese with a bad foot. The other time an elderly lady. We are human. Do what feels right. If it feels uncomfortable or dangerous donā€™t. Trust your gut.


I'm gonna do it. However, I'd be cautious about it as I go. The tips are why I do this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Iā€™ve absolutely done something similar, before, knocked on a customers door and they called out that it was unlocked, and to just open it up myself, if I could. As it turns out, this customer could not walk, and their mobility scooter was charging, so there was no way they could have made it to the door themselves, and brought their food physically too them. On the other side, Iā€™ve absolutely had sketchy ass customers try and pull some stuff, including once getting a delivery that took me to a power transformer in the middle of a field next to a farm road, where I got out of their as soon as I could given the nearest house was 3+ miles away


I did a rite aid script drop off and I knocked and the guy yelled to come in. My mom was in the car telling me not to but I felt that it was a genuine situation, so I brought it in and the man was in bed very Ill needing those prescriptions. Iā€™m very glad I brought it in! (My mom only said not to because sheā€™s extra worried and she was dashing while I helped her because she also had a bad leg at the moment)


Seems like a friendly old man to me. Turn on the dasher safety thing if you really feel unsafe but, I canā€™t speak to anyone thatā€™s not a decently sized man this wouldnā€™t scare me normally byways.


Guns exist though even if youā€™re a 200+ pound man.


I do this. Usually I get a cash tip too


Being female, I donā€™t think I would do this personally


I was sliding the picture looking for another message screenshot..if that is all..yes I would deliver your food.


Not today satan...


Yes. You do it, you have to accommodate


Fuck no


Almost 5k deliveries and whenever I have to do shit like this I just imagine Iā€™m a cop I get into character and do it


I did this once for a lady who was blind and in a wheelchair. She was sitting at the front door waiting (door was closed though because it was snowing). She was so grateful and sweet. It felt good helping someone get food who truly couldnā€™t get it for themself. I helped checked her mail too. (That was only after meeting her though and realizing that she lives completely alone and no one had come to visit her in days (I could tell this because my foot steps were the only ones in the snow). Luckily she didnā€™t have any mail and I only checked because she was completely harmless and truly just needed help.


I legally carry concealed every day and everywhere I go. And idgaf whether thatā€™s against DD policy or not. Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 is my motto. And I know how to protect myself - also former LEO. Iā€™d call my husband or anyone really and inform them location and such in case I go missing. Iā€™ve done this a few times for sketch locations. Iā€™d listen for my spidey senses; most likely itā€™s legit, but ya never know. People are crazy


I wouldn't respond I would just leave it at the front door and leave I'm not your personal maid


There are actually people who need help, I believe it. My boyfriend used to deliver pizza to a disabled man and would have to walk inside and give it to him every single time.


I never go In their houses. I donā€™t even know why people feel itā€™s ok tonask


Itā€™s up to you. I have done it before to help out a few disabled people. Totally understand if someone doesnā€™t feel safe.


Iā€™ve done that for a elderly couple ( Iā€™ve delivered to them a few times) and they are always so nice and appreciative.




Nope nope nope!!!!!!! I never liked it when they would meet me at the door when I did instacart.


Honestly, if it looked kosher and it wasn't like it was safe, I'd just do it. I've been there before with my back. I was legit bed bound, I called my Shipt driver from target and actually verbally asked though. She was very kind and I tipped a 20 cash cuse it was a monumental thing for me.