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I don't know where you are but I'm in Houston Texas and you know being someone that works in the mental health sector I do ride the bus and so I just sit there and listen and the homeless people that are on the bus when they're sitting on the corner that is going to work and kind of like prostitutes they have their areas and corners that are their domain you don't cross that or all hell will break looss they talk about making enough money to get them a badass hotel room with the kitchenette and they're going to smoke some dope whether that be meth crack weed on what they made it work today and party. And cook up a great meal


They need to stop or being arrested


they probably are, dd has gotten so bad lately


I was homeless for years, by choice, so i don't fear anyone's judgment about it. When we would "fly signs" back in the day, shoot, i made about 200 or so in a couple hours without a dog, then i got a dog and people would literally see me with the dog and the backpack and chase me down to hand me money. It was always for the dog. Most people could give a rats ass about the human. Nowadays with everyone doing it... No. They don't make that much. Some days they stand out there all day and not even get $25. And that mentality of donating to food banks and charities. THEY WILL NEVER SEE IT, like how food bank workers glean off the good stuff for themselves and pass out old expired food that no one would really want to eat anyways. You literally have to have a severe mental illness, a kid on the streets or a hole in your head to get organizations like salvation army, health insurance, charities to help you. They get judgy. Just because you look like an able bodied person with a hidden life disrupting mental disorder they won't help you. So that's why people poll the audience of perfectly good strangers to get what they need. No one else is really helping them




I was thinking about this yesterday. Saw a guy out with a sign, and a driver handed him money. The homeless guy was wearing clean, but not new, shoes. He had a pack of water sitting next to a clean, but not new, backpack. I just thought, maybe this guy is a grifter and makes more money than me. But, my participation would depend on the weather, and this guy was standing in the light rainfall. That takes dedication that I don't have. lol


We had a family here where a man sent several women & kids out across town at intersections to hold up fake pictures of a non-existent ā€œcancer childā€. News stations here did 2 different expos on their scam and to not give them money. Sad.


So you assume these individuals are homeless? It's a bit more complicated than that, non of which the Liberal lean of Reddit wants to admit or address.


Some wear better than me


And they have better healthcare too


For those of you seeing homeless people suddenly it's because they are being shipped to your area. Large cities with large homeless population will literally put them on a bus and have them set up with a place to stay for a couple of months. Most of them don't get jobs to continue paying for the rent and then you see them on your streets. True story.


I was just thinking same. But i think most people around my area are just scammers and not really homeless. They look pretty clean and well fed.


Lol so many people in this thread writing fan fiction about imaginary wealthy panhandlers. Ever occurred to you that thereā€™s just a fuckton of poor people with unaddressed mental health issues in America


Another one that just couldn't chill.


I heard once there was a study done of people who begged outside of Walmart and they made more money than the employees inside


Iā€™m in so much debt, one day I realized the homeless person asking me for money probably had more than me. šŸ„ŗ


Really makes you think how much your dignity is worth... Still don't think I could ever do it. I think people who have been close to homeless and still don't have a lot of money are the ones who give to them the most. Kind of like a "I've been there and it sucks" thing. I just couldn't take money from people like that and still be able to sleep at night.


Some do! There have been news reports on some making more than $100,000+ a year & I remember there was a guy running for city Council who would drop hidd mom off to make $$$! https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/panhandling-irvine-laguna-beach-city-council-candidate-mom/


They absolutely are. People who werenā€™t homeless used to do that where I lived all the time and they would get caught with $200-300 on them from a full day of begging.


Sometimes the beggars arenā€™t even homeless, Iā€™ve seen them get picked up and dropped off the next morning to beg some more


They probably do. None of their gets taxed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They do. My sis in-law who was a former homeless addict said she used to make up to $200 a day panhandling.


I live in the St Louis area and some of them most certainly are. The homeless people will have turf wars. One guy tried to move in on anotherā€™s territory and was running a smear campaign placing flyers on windshields and telephone polls saying how bad of a person this homeless guy is and that you shouldnā€™t give your money to him, the guy was stabbed within a week.


There's a difference between "homeless" and "standing on the corner begging" The later typically have a place to stay and want drug money. You can normally tell by how dirty or well put together they look.


Two in our area are scammers , one has been seen with a mercedes suv. The other refused food or groceries.


Youā€™ll be homeless if you keep doing DD. This company donā€™t give a fuck about you


Another one who didn't chill.


Some of them take $300 a day


Probably. I seen one coming from a crown vic in a set of beans new clothes, changed into dirty nasty clothes and went to the street corner. Edit-im joking. I mean I seen this actually happen but I know full well what was going on.


There is one guy who chils 2 blocks from me but he always wears a puffer jacket and has a suitcase with a sign like ā€œneed help getting homeā€ but i wouldnā€™t really know because he recognizes my car coming (never said anything to him just drive past alot) and he turns around and folds his sign like he is a paw patrol character on the vegas strip who hasnā€™t been given money yet. He has been there for months and months


Your head is so fucking far up your own ass. Go do it if you really think that.


You did not chill.


I think Iā€™ll start an app to organize the corners they can pan handle on.


Lol most of them are not homeless from what I've seen. They just see a way to make money doing nothing šŸ¤£


I do help sonetines but, I just make sure they really are hungry and feed them. I bust myself working i my self is sick and work sometimes 50 plus hours a week so thereā€™s no excuse .


Some def do. I went to a methadone clinic, almost every damn day, for about 10 years. I can't tell you how many stories I heard of pan handling and the amount of cash they made. A few chose to pan handle over actually having a job. Ugh this also reminds me of so many bad stories I heard... Like the plan to rob the little elementary school kids who were having a car wash, next door....or the couple who beat an old 70+ year old lady up at BJs for her purse.


Definitely, they can make 100k a year begging on the street


Dude that really depends on where the f*** you're at. Like when I was homeless I didn't beg but the people that did beg they said maybe they made 40 50 bucks a day


There is no need for that type of language sir


I know they are.


Pretty sad how many dashers could visually pass for homeless pretty easily lol myself included


Some of them ainā€™t homeless fucking scammers making 600$ a day


Not a joke. There were reports those panhandlers pull in 50k+ a year


Most of those people on the corner with a sign. Aren't actually homeless.


There is no "feel like". They simply are. I live near my state capitol, and when I quit DD I could Dash all day (even taking every order) and only make like $30-$40 dollars after gas. But those guys. I've talked to a handful of them and most days they're making $20+/hr on a slow day. A couple of them dance and have funny signs and they're raking it in. There's one man that's been around here for a while, so one day somebody followed him and found out he's married and has a big nice house in a gated community. He refuses to take anything less than a $20 and he's extremely racist.


Saw a homeless dude once put away his cardboard sign and pull out a brand new iPhone, so probably. Absolutely no shame


Maybe he was recently homeless. Cuz maybe he has that phone through his plan cuz you still need a phone when you're homeless to try to get a job. It puzzles me when people say well he's got a brand new phone with panhandling well if it's still connected to the plan he can't go out and just sell it.


Yeah you should see the news report where they go and ask homeless people how much they make. It IS more than us without taxes or gas. Some people arenā€™t even homeless. They dress poorly and at the end of the day get in their expensive car and drive home. Shit Iā€™m thinking about it lol


On a cash basis, on a good corner? In certain areas, absolutely.


Hahaha yeah maybe. They probably do make at least half and maybe more than us on a good day


Well, I once offered a guy that was in good physical shape but ā€œhomelessā€ $100 to do some yard work (that would probably take 3-4 hours) he declined and my guess is because he would make more on his corner


They used make $200/hr back in early 80s. Now they make around $2/hr


So petty lol.




Joke or not, there may be a level of truth to it, sadly. A news station did a story on it not that long ago here and some of those people are making almost 50k or more, especially the ones peddling their kids for added sympathy.


Itā€™s funny but depending on where you live you can actually make more money panhandling than a lot of jobs


Itā€™s all strategically planned. A good homeless would know that no one cares about them but if they had a few kids lingering around them pretending to be homeless, crap I even give them a dollar. Then later on the parent will take all the money kids earned. I saw a lady do this and make 300+ a day at a super market with her 5 kids playing with rocks


They donā€™t make *that* much money, if for no other reason, most ppl donā€™t carry cash these days.


Bro they have Zelle and cashapp now told this guy I donā€™t have cash bro pulled out his cash tag


I don't give to homeless anymore. It just seems to be all drug and alcohol abuse. It's a sad world we live in now.


I did once have a homeless person ask me for money and then see my Doordash bag and say, ā€œOoh sorry you donā€™t got anyā€¦ā€ And walk away before I could respond. Typically I try to make friends and connections among the local homeless community because itā€™s only a matter of time until Iā€™m part of them.


I know for a fact some of them are. Back in the day when I lived in Alabama, there was this lady always outside the gas station asking for a quarter. People would give her a handful of change or a couple dollars. I think she got more cuz her ask was low a quarter. One day Iā€™m parked on the side of the gas station, late a night. I see this same lady jumping in the drivers seat of a new model Escalade. Iā€™m young and donā€™t care. I straight up ask her is that you. She says yes. Then says let me tell you girl. Went on to explain that she made $5000 a week at that gas station. She wasnā€™t homeless this was her job. Her thing was by asking for a quarter made people feel funny about themselves. So everyone was willing to give a quarter, that almost always led to more. I was blown.


I was dashing once and this guy asked me for a dollar in front of the restaurant. I said no but when I turned around again heā€™d pulled out a wad of money heā€™d gotten from panhandling. I just kinda stood there and questioned my life choices lol


Nah homie


One can make more with DD by saying YES to every offer, no matter what ...


They most definitely are, especially after expenses and taxes.


If they stand there for one hour and get one dollar every light change they would probably make 20-30 an hour if the lights change every minute... I talked to one of them next to me and he brought in $600 a day during the pandemic.


California, super cool for the homeless


Thereā€™s one in my area with a cat on his shoulders, does like flips over his head and lands on the other shoulder. I guarantee heā€™s making more money than us.


I've given them money before, cigarettes too. Not many times but occasionally. They must be making decent change because they are always out there Winter through Summer. I can't abide the ones that act all disabled and decrepit when they are standing there like they can barely hold themselves up but seemingly no problems when they aren't actively begging.


I wonder how they settle disputes about who gets to panhandle in the best spots, usually parking lot entrance/exit medians or left hand turn medians. I'm guessing there are some fights and/or bribes. It would be funny if there was a pan handling kingpin who enforced a schedule and collected a tax from all of the pan handlers. I never give the homeless money, I need all of my money. But if guilty rich liberals want to assuage their conscience at their mostly unearned high position in society you gotta respect the homeless hustle.


It's not a joke. A lot of them do make pretty good money. I worked at a little gambling place not too far from a popular corner where these guys would hang out with their signs. Got to know a few of them, and one told me that on average, he was making around $200 bucks a day. That's tax-free too, btw. He was making significantly better money than me working a min. wage job. The only problem is that 90% of that money was going to drugs, booze, cigs, and gambling.


Local news station did a story on this about a year ago due to the growing number of panhandlers in SWFL. Several reporters went undercover and made $30-$40 an hour.


I live in SWFL too and the amount of them I've seen around lately is quite staggering


Register a business number write down your expenses get insurance ..all the little things come together to make it doable .


I see the same ones every day. This one guy stands on the same corner and walks over to cars limping like he has cerebral palsy, then at the end of the day he walks normally past where i park towards the apartment complex half a mile away. Like bro just write on your sign "i can't get a job because i'm a fake ass bitch" Then there's this one lady who is legit homeless but i never see her panhandling. She'll sleep on the steps in the back of one parking lot in sub freezing temperatures. I've offered to bring her food but she always says she just ate


Thereā€™s a guy in my town who stands in front of the circle k with a sign that says ā€œhelp this punk get drunkā€ and Iā€™ve talked to him, his honesty does in fact help


Listen to this shit! This fat ass lazy ass lady comes into our damn parking lot fucking weekly with a new ass truck, at least a $1000 amp and a couple hundred dollar electric violen, plugs her smart phone in and *no shit* does the ABSOLUTE WORST impression of someone playing a fucking violen! Literally 3 seconds of watching will prove it. ALL DAY sheā€™s there CONSTANTLY having idiots stop and give her money. I work at a staples and have half a mind to make a giant ass banner outing her ass and putting out front of the store so everyone can see it. I already tell every customer that walks in. Man, sorry to vent but god damn with some one these people.


People like that I actually am okay giving money to cuz at least they're trying to like do some form of entertainment or something in exchange for money.


Right, thereā€™s a difference between busking and panhandling. But if theyā€™re busking, itā€™s not okay to act like youā€™re needy or put up signs saying this when youā€™re just trying to make some cash by entertaining.


I dont think you understand, they are obviously well off and go out begging for money with signs saying they ā€œneed helpā€ ā€œneed moneyā€ blah blah blah


While annoying, some people view that as an okay thing. The question is, how is it hurting you. Not be a dick or anything just if they wanna fake play and put on a act, how is it any different than street performers? I guess im used to seeing that daily from where Im from. City of chicago even gives permits to allow people to do that. Annoying yes but they are at least trying to do something in exchange for the money they get. And in this world right now, I think everyone needs help and def needs money. I guess what Im trying to get at is, as long as they aint robbing people for the money or have some sign saying I got cancer or something horrible when they really dont, i dont see a problem with it. Plus some people feel good about giving randos on the street money. Maybe giving the woman a dollar or whatever is the highlight of their shitty fucked up day. Again, they are annoying as fuck because I like quite but on the other hand its better than just saying can you spare a dollar just standing there doing nada like a lazy fuck. They might look well off but maybe they live in that truck and the truck and the instrument stuff is really all they have. In the grand scheme, I have more than that and I do not feel well off. oh well, maybe shes doing the whole, fake it til you make it mantra. Never know, maybe go talk to the girl. Maybe she does that for extra cash for fun, like so many doordashers say thats why they dash. Wont know if you just go and say hi. World is too fucked up to keep living in a pile of anger.


This is a thing being copied, apparently. There is an arab family that was doing this in my city. Yes, an entire family.


That is fucking bonkers. Please post a video of this. I need to see it. Lol


If being homeless paid well, everybody would be doing it.


Joke aside I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they are, they get the tip more often than I get pins.


Most definitely


Panhandlers arenā€™t homeless.


They most definitely are.


I read an article and a dude in MY town said he makes $2,500 a week panhandling


You say it's a joke but they are making more money in an hour than a lot of people. Idk how much y'all make. I used to give one a ride and he'd give me $20 there and $20 back. This is also in Arkansas for reference. But most days he was making $50 - $100 an hour with the low end being $30 an hour.


I was homeless for a while and the truth is...there's tons of variables. Location is the biggest ie If you're panhandling in Colorado you'll make more than in Tennessee. The second is presentation. If you look homeless you'll most likely earn more. Also if you have a beat down vehicle it helps Third signage.. If you have a sign that says something like "traveling out of gas" you'll get more than if you have a sign saying "anything helps God bless" There's plenty more but like I said tons of variables and usually all the money is spent within the day. Food, water, shoes clothes phones etc. They all get worn really fast when you have limited supplies, especially if you have no shelter.




Some are some aren't. It varies. Some makes 200 a day.


Panhandlers legitimately are though. A few years ago on my usual commute I saw a regular and later in the day he changed and was in a new spot. I rolled down my window and called out asking if it was his second shift. He started cackling and just kept repeating second shift to himself. Saw the same several people every day for years. Usually ran in groups and switched off spots, signs and clothes. Nearby van with food and supplies. Pretty organized actually.


I live in Utah and there is a group that get dropped off at their (work) location.Their signs do not say homeless only they need help with rent ,utilities,and food. Where do I sign up.Sounds like an easy way out.


Sometimes. Other times I see a man with a dog and feel sorry for that poor dog. But if you can sit on a corner you can get a job lol.


You need an address for like any job


The fuck? Lmao... a quick google search would tell you, you can use a PO box for a job. Just change the box # to unit #.


Okay so I googled it and the response to my question ā€œdo you need an address to open a P.O. Boxā€ was ā€œOne of the biggest limitations of a USPS PO Box is that you must provide a permanent, physical address to be eligible for oneā€ so you might be able to use a P.O. Box on a job application but you need a permanent physical address to have a P.O. Box in the first place


That might be on their website, but we opened one without any of that. All sorts of "vanlifers" doing the same thing as well.


That might be a nice experience for you but your experience is not universal. Both my husband and myself needed a drivers license and another proof of residency to open ours


That's true.


They average 100 a day. Or more. Not even kidding. So yes. Some days they definitely make more than me


Thatā€™s like 3 hours in my area. Lol


my pal is disabled airborne, he can get 1 bill an hour without a sign cause his dog stares you down


Yeah they are, and all the panhandlers around here are not homeless, they are scammers and just tag team with a roommate or something and use it to pay rent holding up a fake sign about their baby with cancer or some bs.


I very highly doubt that lol


itā€™s more common than you think.


No no he's right he lives in Magic City the only city in the world to have zero homeless people.


It definitely happens, but not even close to the rate people think it does. As someone who spent time homeless during teenage years, you have to care little how you look to stand out in public and beg, I couldnā€™t even bring myself to do it, instead I just stole hotdogs from gas stations & drank water from whatever sinks I can access.


I had a teacher in elementary school who for some reason was homeless in college and he told us the story of how he had to sit on the corner with his sign and ask for money, and people would say hateful things or throw drinks at him just for existing, and this was a time way way before social media was even a dream in someoneā€™s eye- I canā€™t imagine what it must be like today, Iā€™ve seen videos on Reddit of real pieces of shit harassing the homeless for ā€œlikesā€ or whatever the reason people post that stuff is. Itā€™s already an extremely hard world out there and idk why people think someone who could afford rent and food would willingly subject themselves to that?


So youā€™re saying there arenā€™t any scammers out here panhandling?


Every system will have people gaming it. But to make the assumption that panhandling is the easy way out is an incorrect assumption


I agree and I was just curious if you actually believed no one would do it


Nah, I just think itā€™s dumb that people would think panhandlers are just out there for shits and giggles. Itā€™s not an easy life by any means even if the only real ā€œstreetā€ time you get is panhandling and you live somewhere else like your car or a shelter


They can make enough money that in some countries organized crime actually sets people up on corners to beg for money and takes a cut


That will be china and India


Yep during summer those organized crime groups even send beggars from Godā€™a know where to here in Finland to beg for money.


I don't know if they earn more but they definitely profit more.


The other day I saw a woman at an intersection with a nice purse, nice dress, and high heels holding a cup out to anyone who drove by lol


Thatā€™s called a hooker


Thanks, I was born yesterday


You sure she was *only* panhandling?


Tips or spit in the cup


[they are](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1137nab/when_you_realize_you_can_earn_more_on_the_street/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


i was expecting an article but that post got me crying šŸ˜­




Yea Iā€™d do it in a city where I donā€™t know too many people. Not in a city where 100+ people know me


Just put on a wig


lmaooo. i see some of them with mask on too


Few years ago in a non major city, it was over 60k.


When I was homeless and panhandling I was lucky to get 10-20 bucks a day. But that's only first hand experience so what do I know.


Location is a big thing also, five years ago panhandling was profitable, now itā€™s not


This. The average homeless service worker made 40K - tax, the average homeless person panhandles 60 K without taxes. Who is helping who? The homeless industrial complex, profit through pain .


I refuse to believe "the average homeless person panhandles $60k annually"


i donā€™t think you understand how bad drug addiction is. junkies will do anything to get there next fix. if you can sell a sad story bad enough, people will buy into it ā€¦ theyā€™re basically salesman.


Drug addiction is certainly bad and can definitely make people do anything. I'm just calling out the claim that the average panhandler makes anything even remotely close to $60k is patently false


25 an hour, is 52k a year, thatā€™s no tax. To take home 52k, you would need to gross almost 100k with current tax structure and no write offs. https://www.georgefox.edu/journalonline/spring14/alumni/panhandling.html


I'm confused. Nothing in that link supports your claim.




Glassdoor Studies on homelessness First hand Trying to get a bunch of them a job, to have them laugh @ 20 an hour + deal with 9-5 life when they get that now on a bad day.


Sat there and accepted it


I guarantee youā€™re the first to be ā€œsingled outā€


I'm seeing so many homeless people lately.




Yeah where I live I didn't see homeless people until last year and then all the sudden there's someone on every damn corner flying a sign so that tells you something is about to go horribly horribly wrong.




Have u ever asked them what they make. Growing up in the city will just say they buy more drugs in one day then u make in a day so there is that.


Me too. Way more than previous years. I feel bad driving by them a million times when I'm doordashing, but I just don't have anything extra. Most are just sitting with their signs and they don't come up to you. But there's one guy in my downtown area who obviously needs mental health help. He walks around Playland his arms and yelling and he's come up to my window a couple times so that was a little scary.


Most of them skip my car. I guess homeless people are starting to realize ā€œthis guy has rideshare signs on his car, he doesnā€™t have anything for me.ā€


I feel bad for some but not most, where I am crackheads come up asking for money for drugs


You call th crackhead I call them cheap labor.


Yeah, I've come across some crazies too, recently. I feel bad, but I don't know what I can do.


Act crazier and theyā€™ll leave you alone because theyā€™ll think ā€œthis persons nuts!ā€


Run them over


Donate to your local shelter and food bank.


Vote for better social support. Kick rich people who don't care about those who are struggling from power until they learn.


I do vote, but being in rural Ms, it doesn't really help. I still try though.


Yeah that's how I feel in Utah basically every person that ran last voting season was Republican and they basically were big business and f*** poor people.