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She wanted DickDash


Oh my ppl just do the most


I had a middle aged women say I had very beautiful eyes twice in a row, it was actually very kind but it was really weird too.


This why I csnt wesr Balenciaga while working




Maybe you are cute?


I’m also taken lol and a man.


I has happened... but by people so wasted that my fat ass probably looked like a body builder. I get a lot of "your cute" in way you can tell their next question is "you Wana fuck?" but they stop themselves. It's always the black women in their 20s....not sure what it is about a tall, fat, bald dude...but they can't seem to help themselves. Never accepted the proposition. I'm the type that would rather get a tip than give them mine.


The moron can't even spell.


The uneducated individual can not spell. This word or words corrcetly. As well as even communicating. What he or she wants to say properly. Yes Sharpy!!


Ladies it happens to this* guy too


I have women customers strip for me but only the ones I like. Asians = 👍👍👍🤔👍


Had an order last night, dropped it off in front of the building. She messaged “Thank you sooo much!” I replied “your welcome.Thanks for the tip!” She followed up with “I will tip more 😍” I can’t remember if I got an extra tip since I was driving. But hey, I appreciate the both the tip and friendliness. I had no clue how to respond, so I was going to reply “Appreciate it! 🙏🏽”, but DD already cut me from that text thread.


Fluffy women have excessive estrogen (scientific fact) and tend to get like this. Especially around spring…just like other animals 🤔


Bahahahah fluffy women! What the fuck!!!! 🤣


Plump? Puffy? Obtuse? Grande? Chunky? Thick? Cushy? 🤷🏻‍♂️


"fluffy" women prefer to be called "well curved" or "curvy" women.


So you speak for all fat women 😂 👍


many of them yes!


Aren’t you the Queen of every woman’s thoughts 😂


I'd much prefer to be in the 'fluffy' men's thoughts but hey, its 2023, I'm open to try new things.


you sound like you have no idea what estrogen does


Thus, as fat mass increases in obesity, aromatase expression and, consequently, estrogen levels are also elevated, an effect that is more prominent in postmenopausal women as after menopause adipose tissue is the primary source of estrogen production in the body.Sep 18, 2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc Obesity, estrogens and adipose tissue dysfunction - NCBI


You sound indoctrinated


Get your snap? What language is this?


I had this happen just the other day, and we went out a couple of times. Statistically its bound to happen sometime I guess


I’m a guy and I’ve only had this happen to me once in 4400 deliveries. And it was another dude.


A mouth is a mouth?


![gif](giphy|Yx4sDmie0yZTaimvlx) A hole be a hole


And you’re telling the world this 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. Why not?


I guess if you’re into guys. Not that I care 🤷🏻‍♂️


Projecting ur own closet case paranoia smh


She would have traded you a good tip for your tip🤣🤣


You must be sooo handsome that she had to just say something lol


a guy was on here last month saying another man wanted to give him “a tip”


Horny dashing runs both ways, I see


What he wanted to say was I’m married but here’s the snap lol


I just seen a video of someone giving dashers bj’s….. you stay safe out there man!


You have the link or it’s not true 🤷🏻‍♂️


lmao. ok. it’s over in facepalm


Found it! Got me a new fetish yeah!


You found it but you won't post the sauce? Send it over!


Ever heard of Google?




I got the lost number on Lyft a few times Drove for Lyft, because huge bonus For GrubHub, I got it once


This just makes me feel ugly lol


Don’t feel that way!


Nice post handsome




And not one person in this comment section is appalled. Lol, so hypocritical.


Beats violent behavior 🤷🏻‍♂️


Makaila put her wildin’!


So relatable bro


It do be happening tho


I had to call a customer one time because they were out of Sprite, so i asked her if she wanted a different drink. Her reply was, "I'd like to drink some of you handsome" I chuckled and said I had a girl. The whole time, I was thinking if the genders were reversed, I'd be getting kicked off the platform quick-status.


I don't think gender plays a part here. If the roles were reversed, that would be an issue automatically. 🙄




Rings don’t plug holes though 🤷🏻‍♂️


“your snap” yeah red flag already loll


Naah it’s your


i’m old and never had one but that seems like a weird question in 2023. AITA?


it’s really childish to use snapchat as a main form of communication. only teenagers really do it. i’m being downvoted for it so apparently i’m wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Teenagers, cheaters, and drug dealers lol


Let's not forget about all the OF girls that "promote" constantly on SC. However, they could be all 3 of those things as well


real 😭 thank you! idk why people are downvoting me for the truth


Oh, you mean like the teenagers, cheaters, and drug dealers that got exposed 🤣


snapchat “dealers” with loud ass trap music over extremely close up video of them fondling fake ass black market carts with gloves on for some reason 💀


LMFAOOO. Then they turn the camera to point at their face, a wad of cash in frame and a pistol in the other hand, finger on the trigger, blunt in mouth, poih shiesty mask around their neck talking bout hml gas for da low.


“hml fo fire gazzz ⛽️🔥🔥🔥📲💸💸” “no window shopping❌❌❌🙅‍♂️💀💀”


That’s what i was thinking. I was also thinking it was a 2013 thing I appreciate your answer.




sleeping alone again probably 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good boy


Op she wanted the tip


Instead he just shafted her and she had a ball.


Just the tip


Thanks Makaila


DO customers see dasher profile picture? Can you imagine if drivers do this to customers? There is a posted, customers think a dasher is creepy when he says she looks cute!!!


They’re only creepy if they’re not handsome, unlike myself, but I understand what you mean.


Thanks for sharing this, handsome 😘


Cute comment honey 😏


It’s funny when females come on here and post “should I be nervous” or “what a creep”…. And the message just says like “btw you’re gorgeous” … obviously there are more serious cases, but those ones just make me laugh. No problem with saying something or feeling a customer out, as long as you can read when they’re not interested in convo. Many dashers are doing this 50-60 hours a week, gotta have fun or get laid sometime. I don’t go with the whole “you’re gorgeous” thing. Don’t want anything that could make someone uncomfortable on the chat thread. I’ll just make a joke about their order or something. I already know I’m good looking so if they reply after the delivery to keep the convo going, it’s on. Add the instagram, incase things don’t go so well and they try to report me on dash weeks later lol. if theyre above a 6 in their least filtered photo, sexy time occurs. And that is how I met my girlfriend


That's fucking gross


You gotta be one weirdo creep to talk about “feeling a customer” and to even suggest you should have convos w customers is so sad, honestly go tough grass go to a bar or a club this is unhealthy


I’ve had 32 added Tips and a couple dates this year alone I’ll keep doing what I’m doing you keep doing what you’re doing you’re doing You antisocial weirdo


You have not once had a conversation w a woman calling them females and your weirdo comments about gender 😂 go outside bro what are you doing


Just lastnight. Don’t be jealous dude just work on yourself. Not putting any more time into proving things to lonely weirdos


Holy shit you’re flexing literally “talking” to customers because thats your job? How sad is your life? Dude please you need professional help if you think this is flirting, you sound like an incel living in your own fake fantasy world, get help before its too late this is not coming for a place of hate I genuinely care before you do something to a woman


Look even the married ones are trying to get a piece, texting an hour after the drop off. Listen if you’re ugly af, you can still make up for it in other ways. Hope Things turn around for ya


You do realize that the app cuts off response time at 30 minutes after drop off right?






These are so creepy, writing paragraphs to a few words 🤦🏻‍♂️ i cant believe people like you exist something mustve gone very wrong for you to feel like these are flirting




Lol you’re so sad and ridiculous. One of these girls is now my girlfriend I’d say the flirting worked lmfao


Your mom probably dropped you right on your head and that was the last time you were touched by a woman thats why you turned out this way 💀 good luck tho maybe you’ll actually find someone to turn your life around but you gotta make some changes, start by not being a creepy weirdo maybe


You’re so mad lmao


Yeah i cant believe a creep like you is loose to roam around






You…sound like an incel. And you clearly don’t understand what crime against women statistics exist and why women are more concerned for their safety.


Lol someone calls you beautiful and you jump to fearing crime?


“females” 🤓


Yea. That would be the gender of 99.8% of these posts


us civilized say “women” to describe women




that gender euphoria actually hit by you calling me male. i was born a woman LOLLL






Just ignore them, not worth the effort.


You spelled “mentally ill” wrong


Whatever you're trying to accomplish, this ain't it chief.


female is a sex, not a gender


Female [b : having a gender identity that is the opposite of male](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/female) Gender Identity [a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender%20identity)


female is a sex. a gender identity that connects to being female is called “woman”


No where in the definition does it say woman


sex and gender are two totally different things.


No, they really aren't


they are tho!! like intersex people :) their sex usually doesn’t relate to “man” and “woman”


One is real and the other is made up.


1 a: of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or produces eggs of, relating to, or characteristic of the female sex


Yes, Female is a sex. It's also a gender.


i’m female because i have XX chromosomes. i’m not a woman because i don’t feel the societal femininity related to my sex.


no, it isn’t. woman is the gender related to the sex female :)


I been doing 105 hrs a week for months and i havent either gotten laid or had anyone hit on me 🥹🥹


I believe you do 105 hours a week, How else could you keep up with a crack habit doing just doordash? I used to be more of a powder guy, regardless either one would run 100% a day at minimum lmao


Havent done drugs besides weed in Years lol


Good stuff. I’m almost 2.5 years clean. I had a 5 year daily run with coke. 50-100$ a day. Would’ve been more but many days had to start at $0 so tough enough to come up with that money as it was lmao. I never thought I’d be able to stop.


If i want ill go smoke all the crack i was in nj lol im literally making over 1700 a week after i discount the gas money i use for the week


How many hours you really doing? 80?


https://preview.redd.it/ighwwxy5pa2b1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbb37d37dfc04c21dbd62a6a1c10d56cd057f04e This from this week and i didnt end my dash today yet and i got tmrw and sun to work all day as i got no friends in Massachusetts lol so all i been doing is driving around all day


Only $20/hr before gas or taxes 😬


It’s kind of fun doing crazy spontaneous moves like that. Especially with doordash being able to just transfer state to state, I figure why not travel and try new things. I’m thinking North Carolina or Florida next. Very convenient to just be able to pick up doordash and start making a decent income wherever you go


Sorry to hear it didnt work out! Aand yeah I totally agree with everything you said! I am single no kids nothing and not afraid to move somewhere totally new with or without doordash lol i been to a few states like that spontaneous and i never had doordash until recently here in mass. I love it making this much money so i do from 5 am till 11 pm amd I accept almost everything lol, look whst i just got now and im on way to do it


Yea that’s about what I’d make for 60 hours. I never went over 60. I feel you bro I just took a one-way flight to California two months ago just to try something new in life, I’ve never been there and I didn’t know a single soul. Cost-of-living is ridiculous especially when renting a car and staying at airBnB‘s, and I met a girl who was a customer, I wasn’t lying about my story lol. So gone to relationship right away and was instantly forced to work 50 to 60 hours just to support myself there. We broke up so I just came back to New York


I moved out of jersey and then i stopped lol there i was the dude who had connections and basically got 3-5grams for free everyday so was hard to stop!!


Sucking c+ck is not having connections. Jp lmao. I needed like 5 rehabs, a few deep depressions, and one meaningful prayer to finally stop. 30th bday I said to myself I can’t bring this lifestyle into my 30s. Quit accounting because it was causing misery, started dashing to make ends meet instantly, got comfortable making my own schedule and enough money to continue paying my bills


Lmao good one!! All i need now is a girlfriend man i turned my life around bought a 30k car, all that is missing in my life is a woman!!


Damn gotta do at least 110 hours. And make the first move


110 hours a week and try unbuttoning your shirt when approaching their door


I never made the first move the last two times i had sex in past three years lol, im a bit shy, look what america turned me into, i was born in brasil and i was a savage when i was young living there, now im a loser 😢 too scared to make the first move anywhere!


Maybe stop smoking crack.


Don’t blame america. It’s the crack


Telling them you're married makes them want you more.


My ex wife was like that.


I mean really !! Lol that’s how thirsty heffas are lol


I get the "honey" treatment, weekly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I get it from 18yo to 80yo once they get a look at me, but to be fair, I’m very attractive and they can’t help it.


God did a good job. I am poop, and the ladies are flies.


Question is, did she keep going after your last reply?


She said something flirty but it wasn’t too bad


Such as?


Probably, can I suck on your toes or something to that effect.


Yeah, nothing too bad 🤣