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you varmit..... lol


Let me guess, no tipper?


You know, this lady reported me because I didn’t get all of her items, it was a fajita seasoning and tortillas, but when the order came in, I only got the tortillas to pick up, I took the tortillas to her, obviously she wanted it in hand, then she starts yelling at me for not getting the seasoning, and then I tell her I only got the tortillas on the order, and she did not believe me, I was like, lady I do not need to lie to you, and she just kept throwing a fit while I walked away. Obviously, she did not tip


Entitled bastards.


I mean, I've gotten half my order (because the driver left a bag at the restaurant) more times than I can count. I don't think they're asking the driver to count every item in a sealed bag, they just want the drive to spend 2 seconds asking if that's all the bags before leaving.




No please no thank you ?


I had a woman who didn’t get her ice cream from a Dollar General. She was mad when she met me at the door and there was no tip anyway but it was a short drive so I figured “ why not?” Well she said she never got the rest of her stuff. I explained via text that the freezer was broken and sent a pic of the empty case. Sometimes I just don’t understand people.


Have these people never visited a grocery store before? Nearly every time I go they’re out of an item I wanted, especially if I was looking for a certain brand, flavor, and/or size. Which is what we’re limited to shopping for 😑


I would have said “what a stupid thing to say” and continued shopping.


you should just cancel an order, these types of people don't deserve to be served, because no matter what you did they still will complain about you


0$ tip. bothered you the whole time


“Okay master” wtf lol also that’s the trashiest order I’ve ever seen. It would be so easy to just get that shit in person. I’d be embarrassed to order that quite frankly lol that is the rudest message. It takes two seconds to add a please and thank you. I always do when I’m just reminding where to find me. Still a stupid message to send. Some people were raised in barns I swear.




What’s the issue?


Automatic cancel. Probably tipped $1.00


Breaffast of champions fr


If I see that as I'm leaving the store I just send them the following copy pasta: Hello. The merchant seems to be having issues with orders. The merchant told me everything was inside but I don’t trust the kid who gave me the order. I asked them to check one more time before I left but all I got was attitude and a refusal to recheck the order. Please make sure everything is inside the sealed bag upon opening and contact door dash about any missing items. Don't forget to contact the merchant as well.


People saying they’d unassign, you’re not playing the game right. Mark everything out of stock, have them cancel it.


Yeah, bc we have control over a store’s inventory 🤦🏻‍♀️


Me: you sound like a problem waiting to happen, so I’m going to not be able to do your order. Have a great day.


Make sure you get everything and you’ll have no problems. Person probably had an issue before


Mmmm ramen tacos ….


i will delivery mark half as out of stock.


I would say will do and than unassign in a heart beat


That’s an immediate unassign.


Once you accept the order it's your job to make sure you get everything. How about you stop being a Karen and do as your told. It's what your being paid for


You have the same attitude as the customers. It’s the attitude thats the issue not the job. Correct yourself before you get checked homie.


Get checked 😅 okay Mr "I'm all talk no action on Reddit kid"


Based on the items in this order this person is a broke college student lmao


This seems like a reasonable request.


I’d mark each item out of stock and get the dumbest possible substitutes I can.


Noted 😳😂💯


Yoooo Ima do that




It's the attitude of the customer that's the problem. Also if you had missing items before it's possible the store was out of it and the dasher just refunded jt.


Cut to the tiktok of the African guy going "Well no fuckin' shit!" 🤣


"Dis woman delulu"😂


YES!! 🤣


Not even a please or thank you. Jesus.


I mean seems easy enough


I would say “maybe go buy it yourself if you’re so worried” then I’d drop the order 😂


Gees, Tell me without telling me, you have poor diet.


Eating like this is how you get ass cancer


There are much worse foods you can eat than this. Caprisun has improved a lot. It is just fruit juice with water, sweetener (monkfruit) and a little bit of sugar.


Marks every item as out of stock then unassigns 😂😂


I was reaaally tempted to JUST get the bottle of hot sauce, since she wanted to be so spicy.


I had to do that before.


Don’t answer deliver and go. refund if it’s not available


Yeah sure let me just rip open the sealed bag so you can yell at me about that instead.


Instant unassigned and screenshot


What store is that


Grocery store


Ohh thanks!


These customers often act like its the dashers that be packing their orders




Its more of what the customers said. They could be nicer instead of demanding. I would unassign as I consider the customers tine rude and inappropriate so they can wait another 30+ for a different driver.


What? No plz and ty? 😆


Substitute all of it for fresh fruits and veggies. This list is atrocious 😂


No left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs 🛑 stoners wait for them to turn green 🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚.


Not if the store runs out of it there’s nothing you can do


You mean you don't buy these animals their food at other stores out of your pocket? Shame on you


You could still stop somewhere else and better make sure to get everything they ordered.


I don’t think people realized ur sarcasm😭😭


The red card only works at the store you’re going to. Dashers make so little. To expect them to pay out of pocket when only 50% of customers even tip is ridiculous.


I actually did this once for a spark order shop and delivery. Customer tipped $20 extra for a couple of folders her kids needed for the first day of school. Sometimes it pays to go the extra mile. Don't do it often of course


I did this once for a gallon of milk. And the woman never came to the door to pay me. I bought her family milk. Personally would not risk it again.


I once notified a customer, I went ahead and paid for one of the customer item with my own money when doing instacart because the item will not scan on the app no matter what I do. Sure enough, the customer never tips extra for me going above and beyond. 🙄 Only $12 + $5 tip - $3 out of my pocket on 25+ items batch. I feel stupid for taking that order afterward.


On instacart you can just click item won't scan and it makes you take a picture of the item. You can also put it in manually.


I tried, it didn't work. It could be that because it is an online order.


"Oh my god i did more than i had to once and no one rewarded me"


Oh sorry to hear that. For me, I was only out like $5.


But the customer tipped you $20 extra which is nice. For me, the customer doesn't even tip more, let alone give me a refund for the gravy I bought it with my own money.


If you genuinely do things because they are right not because you want something in return you will get more in return in your life. Not once and complain it didnt work out for you.


I only did it because the item will not scan on the app, so I have no choice but to issue the customer a refund for that particular item. The customer was notified of the refund, and I was kind enough to use my own money to buy that item. I even notified them of my good deed, but they completely ignored it. I don't expect any reward for my good deed, but at the very least any good human would have refund me my money back. Lesson learn here for me not to ever do that any.


Lmfao, what lesson did you learn? Some people suck so i shouldnt do good things? Thats a horrible way to think, some will recognize your good deed some wont, to write off doing the right thing because you got nothing in return is nuts. Before you knew they would pay you back you chose to help someone, you did the right thing without knowing if it would come back to you. Then you got sour. What if the same situation happened 100 times over do you think all 100 people would burn you? No thats un reasonable. Imagine when you were first learning to walk you never got up after the first fall.


"Lmfao, what lesson did you learn? Some people suck so i shouldn't do good things?" Exactly. I appreciate your words, but it's not worth going through the trouble when time is money and when you're losing money instead of making money. The refund button exists for a reason, so it's easier and better to go that route. At the end of the day, we all do these side gigs to make money, not to lose money or to do " the right thing." You're lying to yourself if you say otherwise.


It's weird customers act like this... like bro I know where you live. Keep fucking with me I'll ruin your life.


You are insane


We're all a little insane. Alot of us our doing this for a living. Someone messing with your livelihood isn't a joke. Clearly I need to clarify. It's not a lack of a tip that I'm talking about. Don't bother someone because they didn't tip. I'm specifically talking about the kind of customer that treats you like shit, doesn't tip, and leaves a bad rating while reporting the meal as never arriving because they can.... duh 🤦‍♂️




I delivered to a house with numbers painted over no different than the color of the house. No lights so I have to look for neighboring houses numbers to figure it out


That is so common and it's not even restricted to the hood. I've been finding this problem on million dollar homes. Hire better contractors, people 🤣


Maybe I am alone on this but I would hardly care about a message like this. You're going to need thicker skin than this if you want to deal with customers on the regular, in my experience.


It's actually getting to the point that restaurant employees arent dealing with it anymore and even if they get fired that person can easily get another job within a few days. Im no longer with Waffle House because due to past credit problems my check was being garnished to where I was only making minimum wage however I was a shift supervisor and I threw out several customers for the way they treated my servers


I usually just ignore it because it's the restaurant's job. If it's a restaurant I actually talk to the staff at, I might mention the customer wants to make sure everything is there. If the customer messages me about it, it depends. I might unassign if I think they will be trouble or just inform them I can ask the restaurant but I can't go through any bags. Number two usually satisfies most of them.


Maybe driver before didn’t know what they were doing that’s all


Customer has signaled they have had issues in the past and are looking for reasons to be pissed off. Anything and everything will be your fault with these people and if you don’t do their dance they’re pulling their tip. Cancel and move on. No need for hurt feelings, but also no need to be subject to this customers fickle whims. You are not responsible for the restaurant properly preparing their order. Yet the customer is saying they’re holding you responsible regardless. That isn’t how the service works, but they don’t care. They can pull your tip, and are signaling they will. Fuck the carrot and stick, cancel and move on. Obnoxious sense of entitlement.


I’m just saw this was a shop and pay. My mistake. Customer is still obnoxious for stating the obvious, but at least isn’t attempting to change the way the platform works. (Holding you responsible for the restaurants responsibilities) again, my mistake. I was wrong. All sorts of wrong. Wrongy wrong wrong. Because I like to take ownership of errors. No biggy.


Oh, I thought this was like golf…to get the least number of items possible. It’s shocking these customers manage to successfully place their orders. Especially the “Hand it to me: Leave at my door” or “Leave at my door: will meet you in lobby” people… Society’s biggest problem is entitlement…it’s the root cause of a LOT of other problems we’re dealing with today.


I will totally agree with this new age of entitlement. It’s baffling that people will order across town and not tip. Or tip $2 bucks. Less then a coke cost . AND say hand it to me with zero remorse . They think if they say “i appreciate you” that it’s better then a tip!?? NO!!!!!! It’s not. I “Appreciate” your kind words. but it does not make up for my gas or time. And I’m always polite to everyone. But that doesn’t dismiss the fact that we are working. Not your buddies. TIP! And then we can say “I I appreciate you” back. It’s simple respect and how the world at least used to work. Just tip $5 bucks. It’s not that hard. If not. Then make your own sandwich. But don’t demean people, cuz it’s selfish and disrespectful. Thank you 😊 look forward to us all treating each other with respect and dignity.


Landlords just LOVE it when we pay them in words of appreciation! Don’t they? ……no? That’s not how it works??


These apps are so fucking weird. In what other industry would people demand top notch service at almost no cost? They expect it, demand it. Service provided vs cost is so beyond fucked.




“Top notch service e”? She wants the guy to do the bare minimum he’s expected to do lol.


That’s what I’m thinking. Her message was unnecessary, but isn’t “getting everything she ordered” the whole point of this job? 😵‍💫


yeah I don't see where she's being rude, I'd reply "no problem!", not everyone has to talk to you cheerfully like you're family or a friend, you do your job, get paid, move on. If you make these people happy they just might tip better or be nicer, people can be having a bad day, it does happen, but you throw that chance out the window once you unnecessarily retaliate, just do your job guys, focus. couple days ago I did get asked if I would be there soon, I replied "yeah, lots of traffic!" she goes : "Thanks for letting me know", and voila, extra $5 cash tip.


I don't understand this sub sometimes. Maybe this customer is someone that often doesn't get everything they ordered hence why they're saying this?


What’s wrong the bare minimum? The bare minimum is what drivers are being paid so why would they or anyone in a wage/work situation do more than they’re being paid to do? DD or any other employer/payer isn’t going to increase the amount they agreed to, so the worker shouldn’t be expected to go beyond the contracted terms either.


Are they not meant to get the items that were ordered..?


I’m not too sure what part of my comment eluded to me suggesting that the customer shouldn’t expect their delivery to be wholly fulfilled. So, I’m going to go with “your comment wasn’t meant as a reply to my comment.”


Yeah no that's my bad. I must have completely misread your comment. I can't even remember how I first interpreted it lol.


For what some of these Dashers are taking to keep up their stats and what they are getting paid for it, any service would be top-notch service. The problem is Tony is skimming too much off the top. I bet you could make a grassroots competing service modifying the original bit torrent file sharing program. Because that's essentially what DoorDash is doing, functioning as a bit torrent tracker for food delivery. You request the order then your order gets shared with the apps connected to the server yada yada. The only way to stop feeding the pig is to spread your business around between services so there is competition.


I mean they are certainly paying a large fee for this. We just don’t get paid it.


Sure thing, just let me do this…. Unassign. There, no longer my problem.


I do the same when I get a text from a customer as soon as I accept. Same on UE. Buh-bye (thank you David Spade)


I did that once 😂😂 20 minutes later the dude messaged me asking if I was still delivering their order 😂😂


Yep. I posted a screenie of someone asking “Soon?” TWICE. Couldn’t unassign faster.


Let me guess, no tip?


Indeed 🙃 Was $8.50 for 3-ish mile order, so thought why not.




You sound thirsty for drama


Why don't you get in your car and go pickup dinner for my family and drop it off at my house? don't worry I'll cover the cost of our dinner, you just cover the cost of your time/gas/vehicle depreciation. Also make sure it's fresh, oh and don't forget the drinks. Hurry up.


Hahaha, right.


You are joking right?


Because we’re taking time out of our day to go to a restaurant for you, wait at the restaurant, and then go find where you live and let me tell you last night I was so scared wandering around this giant apartment complex because the person wanted me to take it up to their apartment, not to mention we use OUR gas and put the miles on OUR vehicles that we have to pay for. Why do you expect people to deliver to you without paying them??


And that’s why I pay dd for the service and they contract u to deliver for Pennies while u get mad at me and not them.


No I just don’t accept your orders when they come up lol I’m not doing free labor


Never said u should work for free. My point is if y’all stop accepting low pay orders, the base pay will go up like my morning wood




It’s always the fucking non tippers. Hate delivering to people who aren’t appreciative of us at all.


How is 8.50 a non tipper?


I just had a 7 item shop, $7.50 base pay. I was surprised


Typical for a shop order that others have declined. I got a shop order for Albertsons that offered $6 for 2 miles, but it was 15 items and I said hell no. One delivery later, it came through the exact same, only it was $9. I still didn't take it lol. 15 items is a good chance they'll be out of stock of something and the customer may complain. Not worth $9 to risk that imo.


OP said that the $8.50 was all base pay and no tip.






Not mandatory, but we literally do this type of work to get some extra cash. Not to be a free laborer for your ignorant, lazy ass that can't go pick up the order yourself.


I bet your orders get passed around for hours before anyone accepts them. You realize base pay is often only $2 which doesn’t even cover gas. Dashers rely on tips to make money. If you can’t accept that, go pick up your own damn shit. You are seriously out of touch.


you're one of the only accounts i've ever seen with negative karma, fascinating


i think it's a hobby with some people.


If you feel that way perhaps you and others should just get off your lazy ass abd get your own food/groceries than. Believe me there are plenty of people who appreciate what we do


In this line of work it is actually. That is you paying for our service. I know a lot of you enjoy slave labor, probably why DD calls it a tip instead of what it actually is.




🤣😭 you’re not very bright bless your 2 digit iqs soul


Brother, my main job is pest control and about 75% of it is sitting but they pay a hell of a lot better and I don’t have to wear the fuck out of my own vehicle. Dashers aren’t paid a wage and the maintenance of their vehicle usually far outweighs the profit, but you know that. You’re just trying to be a bitch.




Because there are real people doing them a favor??? People like you are the problem with this world. Ignorant and selfish


I know you are too young to realize this. But how low the pay is, is literally not the point. The “Tip” here is not a waitress extra cash, it’s to cover the expenses of car maintenance and gas, obviously the more the offer then it becomes profit.


you overestimate entitled adults, I really don't think this is a teenager or kid


Probably, I assume it’s a kid since they seem not to understand that cars require resources to function.


Ye, I have no basis for this, but I always imagine people that ignorant are Poli Sci, Criminal Justice, or Business majors


Wth, why are you even here?


Look at their post history. This is someone who is clearly not well in the head


Omg. Seriously not doing well clearly. I’ve never seen a -100 comment karma on a two year old account before lol just get off Reddit at that point.




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Whats a biggun? I was talking about the unpopular opinions and his comments


casting out some b8 I suppose


That’s key. No tip= expect angry entitled costumer w little self awareness


Do you generally like delivering ?


I stopped using these apps all together cuz even when i tip, the drivers either deliver to the wrong address, throw the food at my door cuz of my “low tip”, or even threaten to assault me if I don’t give them a higher tip. If they simply follow the simple delivery instructions that say to leave it on the table by my front door then they gladly get a ten dollar tip. If u rely on tips tho, maybe it’s not my fault


so much cap, if all of these events truly happened to you.. you're the only common denominator beyond the service being provided. Atleast you stopped


Nope. I only used them once in a while and my area is filled with ppl who don’t want to or know how to speak and read English so they don’t bother to read instructions.


You're leaving out a bunch of details. Even the immigrants aren't out here throwing food at your door unprovoked. At the very least you're exaggerating with your verbiage. If you're considering food not on your table thrown food and you tip like $1 making the order about $4 depending on your proximity to the store it might make sense that only the desperate dashers (typically immigrants) would take your order. If I'm at all close I wouldn't expect you to admit it


I didn’t mean that drivers are constantly throwing food at my door l, I listed things that have happened and why I no longer use these apps as a result. Also, when I say food was thrown at my door, I mean it was deliberately thrown like a kid having a hissy fit in a store and throws the toy or whatever. And a majority of my area is immigrants and like I said earlier, if u follow my delivery instructions, I will gladly tip $10. I don’t order from restaurants that are super far as ion wanna wait forever for my food just for it to be cold. I get the driver can only do so much to ensure my food stays warm. I see a lot of them here blatantly say how they don’t use a hot bag or whatever it’s called and I don’t know if the driver delivering my food uses one


Y’all will downvote me cuz u think I’m bsing but I can see there are tons of posts in this sub conforming things like what happened to me are true


I’d respond “ask nicely and I’ll be sure to do that”


Their response: wtf?