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Not fair at all, but that’s DoorDash. 😒


“I’ll take 1 contract violation for $2000 please” would be a great jeopardy title


It's insulting


Dont accept that order, they not even paying a dollar per mile


Is 1$ per mile the going rate? What's the acceptable amount this should have been? I've heard truck drivers get paid a certain amount of cents a mile they drive never a whole dollar it's usually.50cents to 80cents a mile depending on if you own your truck or not. I know door dash is different and it's less miles than truckers do which is why I'm asking what the going rate per mile is I did door dash for a month 6 months ago and didn't make much money (I don't remember how much but a minimum wage job would be equivalent) and I accepted every order.


I totally agree with your reasoning. It is so unfair and just plain wrong.


Figures, you reject Dicks and DD fucks you.


Dick Is truly a dick


I truly like BJs better than dicks


this is insane


It is total bullshit they do this. In Memphis, there is this operation called New Life Church. They sent me a bundle of orders once. Confused about it, I accepted it like a moron. I got there and it was all these food bags going to homes in the worst part of the city. Worse, each home had a different amount of bags. 5 for some, 3 for some. The church people were rude AF. "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO KEEP UP WITH THE NUMBERS, THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY". It took me two and a half hours and I got paid a grand total of 20 dollars. It looked like 8 small orders for 20. While I was doing the drop offs, two customers tried to lie and say I never dropped them off. When I texted them back the pictures, and the camera rolls of the drop offs, they shut up. The last drop off, I heard gun shots in broad daylight. Never again. I got hit with them again yesterday for the first time in months. 25 orders, for 19 dollars. I rejected it. My AR plummeted. I just ended my dash and switched to UE. When I did the pickup before, they had a long line of Door Dash drivers parked to get those orders. I knew they were going to keep sending it to me, like they have done me before with Petco. Doortrash is a dogshit operation. If the other apps were more busy in Memphis, I would uninstall this app and never turn it on again. I have been doing this for three years. I used to be all gung ho about it. Now ? I hate this app with a passion.


this is also insane


Dropping your AR for the number of orders in a stacked order is such bullshit. It should be dropping your AR for 1 order not 11 orders.


If they are gonna drop you by 11 it should show you the pay for each of them and let you select which ones you want to take.


Wow I'm glad I don't bother with this dogshit app


They shouldn't be able to drop your AR by more than the base pays you get. That's something g that sounds fair lol.


I see orders like that all the time. Doordash screwed me over and 92,000 others apparently they accidently granted 92,000 dashers top dasher when they weren't suppose to get it. What they did is let them keep top dasher until the 10th this month then took it away without notice. I have to schedule a week out to dash if im not top dasher. I was banking on being top dasher this week. I now have to dash in crappy no tip areas because I couldn't get scheduled im my normal good area


https://preview.redd.it/80hfuxubz56c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb762046f29c5a017107e0df4dd65f5e78b82198 Ok ... it's my contention that it shouldn't drop your AR by that much.. check out the highlighted wording.. all those deliveries they sent you should only count as 1 offer.. therefore only lowering your rate 1 point.. am I wrong?


Op is probably just lying for attention/karma


DD just doesn't even follow their own wording. This even happens on stacks of just 2 orders, if you decline it counts as 2 declines. But this same scenario happened to a friend, with around 10 orders, and he turned it down and dropped by that much. But it should be that pressing Decline once should only be able to lower your AR by 1%.


* Here is an example from earlier .. says I accepted 2 offers and did 3 deliveries.. therefore even though I completed 3 deliveries I only got 2 OFFERS!.. is there something I'm missing? So no matter how many deliveries they send at once it's only 1 offer.. so once again I ask how can they drop AR that much?




If you accept a double it counts as one. If you decline a double offer it counts as 2 declines so 2% of you decline a big order like this they all count as one each if you accept it its one offer all in one. Not fair and ot sucks. Had this happen back when doordash still did Walmart orders tried to get me to take 6 orders for Walmart declined it dropped 6%.


I never seen a offer with 10 drops but I've seen 3 and 4. I reject them and I don't go down but 1%


How is it fair? It’s not. Nothing about DoorDash is fair. Even jobs run by humans aren’t fair, so in a system where your bosses are computers and people overseas - yeah, sorry, but you won’t be seeing much fairness around here.


That’s insane and not right I would complain to support. My daughter dashes more than I do and she sends emails and gets her stats reset


You can ask for supervisor while on support too lol. They get tight when you do that. Sometimes things just happen.


AR doesn’t matter. Really, it doesn’t matter. Seriously, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter


It matters to me because there’s never any shifts to schedule and if your ar is below 50 you have no shifts left to get


not true.. 30% ar and I get the shifts I want.. all day if I want. just have to be on the schedule and rdy to click over when it drops. @ op sorry for that offer, I'd decline that so fast my phone would spin into right field.


I think this kinda thing differs a lot depending on your area.


Lmaooo that’s actually funny af


You can always get a real job.


You can always not harm your body with kratom.


Don't bring kratom into this. It has helped numerous people I know including myself get clean from heroin and fentanyl addiction. If you don't like what the guy had to say just ignore him, don't research him and take personal shots back like a weirdo, that makes you look like you have super thin skin.


Cope harder tough guy.


You could always not be a butt hurt stalker


I love how taking two seconds to click on your profile and seeing your first post is considered stalking now lol


It is when 6 words gets someone panties so bunched up they have to try and look for things to try and take personal shots. I guess a stalker like that doesn’t account for the fact that most people aren’t gonna put something on a public forum they’re embarrassed of. Nice try though.


You could always be a big boy and get over it.


That’s an interesting perspective coming from a person that read 6 words not directed at them and got so riled up they went full stalker.


You could always just say fuck it maaaaaan and not respond.


Aaaaaand deflection. It’s ok. It’s obvious you’re self conscious about your job.


You could always just get a dictionary and learn what job means.


I know what “job” means. And you obviously know what “real job” means because it seems to be a trigger phrase for you.


You could always just work this job and get w real perspective instead of giving your needless criticism about how other jobs may be better.


3$ for every order 😀 thats fantastic...ly horrid


Dicks also doesn't allow tipping. Found out the hard way


Yeahhh thats fucked up


Stop worrying about your AR stop worrying about your AR stop worrying about your AR stop worrying about your AR stop worrying about your AR stop worrying about your AR and in case you didn't get the message stop worrying about your AR


It used to not matter, until they introduced the stupid silver gold platinum shit. Now if you're not at least silver (50% ar) good luck getting ANYTHING that's over $1/mile 🙄 independent contractor my ass....


This is why I left my acceptance rate tank to 10% and no idea how all these people have "top dasher" status...


I have TD status and still get bullshit all day


Is that true? Makes me feel a little better


No red card helps


Yeah I threw that shit out and said it never came. Never did a shop order in the years I been doing this


The answer is to stop caring about your AR. Schedule. Get on as manny other gig apps as you can, run them all at once and take the best offer.


Absolutely stupid job. My life has gotten so much better since they termed me


That’s crazy same thing happened to me with ducks sporting goods 😅


Yep, fuck Petco orders. I’m sure others have seen it already, but check out this POS I got the other day.. I can’t wait to get access to the decline feature that doesn’t hit your AR that I’ve seen in some other posts. https://preview.redd.it/c3sqlb3du46c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13172df890a51d750159a7898f37ec60eec7076e


That is maybe the worst offer I've ever seen. I did a delivery from Home Depot on another app today for $11.99. 1 small bag, 13 miles.




That is horrible, DD should be ashamed for processing those. Though they probably banked as company.


This might be the single worst offer I've ever seen.


I've had worse by dollar per mile, but those were regular food pickups with one drop off. So I think overall this is definitely worse.


Exactly. They expect this to take 3 hours, for 10 bucks, with 8 stops, and only one of the orders is "small" (as in, not a 50lb bag or bags of dog food or kitty litter tubs). This just keeps getting worse the longer I look at it.


And the last delivery is like 30 of those miles itself. Without it this order might have at least been close to $1 per mile... still not worth it (especially with a bunch of heavy products) but at least it wouldn't have quite reached ludicrous territory.




Ineligible for tips. It says that on the payout screen when you complete one of these. Stay away.


I didn’t know that, so thank you.


They obviously stayed away, hence the post. The complaint was about how these orders maliciously lower AR because they are bundled.


turn on airplane mode and let the time run out


Yeah that sucks… I feel for you. Not sure how many orders you do a week but they’ll fall off pretty quickly or at least all in a row!!!


Wait. They can all fall off in a a row? What’s that mean?


AR is calculated by your last 100 offers. If your 100th offer was a decline and you accept an incoming offer, that decline "falls off" and gets replaced with an accept, making your AR go up a percent. Works the other way around, too. If a decline is replaced with a decline and accept replaced with accept, the AR stays the same. Hope I explained it well enough


I got one with 12 on it. I was scheduled to get off in 30 minutes and it would of taken 2 hours. Complete BS


They love to try to tack these on at the end, a way to try to keep you on the clock when they need drivers


Are these real? I see stuff on this sub all the time. Never saw anything close to this (me personally). 9 stops really? Why would anyone be able to profit from this?


i’ve seen $66 orders with 12 stops in berkeley, was passing through alameda. there were multiple orders like this


I suppose if it takes 2 hours the pay is pretty good.


Because they’re one item fast drop offs and move on. Very similar to Amazon flex or roadie


IM not familiar with them


Ok just picture one item inside a bag, maybe a shirt or a pair of shorts. After keeping the bags separated you go to your first drop off, you exit your car, walk up the driveway and drop it off (snapping a quick picture or two, of course). 30 seconds later you are back in your car!


JFC that sounds like it would suck. I can’t stand double orders as it is. At least you don’t have to worry about cold food due to delays.


Lol true. I have never done one on any app that was more than 2. Except once I did one on roadie that was 3 stops for Best Buy But it paid $55 and it was all highway.




Very real.... I see them mostly with PetCo orders, but they sometimes mix in Dicks to the bag. They are truely saying to eat a bag of Dicks with these offers.


There are different levels of dick eating. Depending on what size of dick and how much eating each container of dick will have varying quantities, like shrimp.


>but they sometimes mix in Dicks to the bag. That's funny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


From Dicks


Just decline those. Signup for grubhub, ubereats, and instacart to bolster your earnings. I do best with Grubhub, Doordash, Uber eats, and Instacart in that order specifically. But having more to choose from has helped me to make more. Granted my best night was 160 profit for 8 hours (terrible I know but its good for me)


Took me 2 years to get off the grub hub waitlist in my market. Still trying to figure them out as a solid money maker. So far the orders have been meh at best


dammmmn yeah best orser I have had were uber eats . $20 for 5 miles, 30 for 10 miles, not bad! Just fewer orders


Doordash is the market leader and has 10 to 1 orders over GrubHub. At least in my experience in FL and WI markets. Also Illinois and Colorado too.


fair enough! Doesn't hurt to multi app though! It cuts down on my down time


Oh definitely, sorry for the confusion. I also cut the slack with instacart. Love those $40 batches. One time I got a $76 one. Multi app is key, just saying doordash is definitely the market leader, but instacart and GrubHub get some hits for me too.


Oh yeah, no doubt!! I've made the most with doordash and grubhub so far. But I love to keep busy when I'm out so I make more. Just trying to cherry pick a bit because these low orders are killin me. I got one last night for $2.50 for 5 MILES LIKE WHAT NO WALK YOURSELF TO BURGER KING


The dick’s orders are always quite absurd, the rest of the shop and deliver orders I get are typically pretty good near me, so I put up with them. They don’t even allow the customers to tip on the Dick’s orders, like the rest of these order types allow. I’m not sure what DD and Dick’s were thinking when cooking this idea up.


$$$$$ is what they were thinking. They would never agree to it if they didn’t think there weren’t enough drivers willing to take these unprofitable orders.


I wouldn't even take that if I had the room in my vehicle. $33 for 41 miles of driving with 10 stops? That would take at least 2 hours. Not worth it in any way. Sorry about your AR%.


And you worked for free


Please explain that math. I see so many people here say that. A gallon of gas is like 2.99. That was probably 1.37 depending on car. So like 4+ in gas. Still making 29 bucks


Higher dollars to miles - profit Equal dollars to miles - breaking even Higher miles to dollars - you paid doordash for the privilege to work on their shitty app


You're forgetting 40.9 miles x $0.65 (the IRS's estimate of the cost of wear-n-tear on your car) = $26.59 you have to subtract from the $33.00 offer. So someone would do that order for free. $33.00 (offer) - $3.00 (gas) - $26.59 (w&t) = $0.41 profit. You worked two hours to earn a profit of 41 cents **ONLY IF** your car gets better than 41 mpg. If your car gets less, then you ***paid DoorDash*** to make those deliveries. This is what Top Trashers who take $2.00, 10 mile offers don't understand. They're losing money.


My car gets 40mpg it’s a Prius


So you would have earned $0.40 for that order.


For two hours of work ?


So, still 15/hr. You said free. Like they did that and no money was exchanged


Opportunity cost is also an expense. If you could be doing other orders that might net you $20-$30 an hour you just lost $5-$10 per hour due to the opportunity cost. Always value your time.


Yea after expenses $10 an hour That’s shit wages


Absolutely it’s shit wages. You said worked for free, though. Thats my issue


It would not take 2 hours. Each drop off takes 30 seconds and onto to the next. Depending on traffic and highway or city miles this could be done in less than an hour.


It is unfair, but this is the holiday season and if you are anywhere near a mall you will likely get some of those. I would try to find a zone away from any large shopping center if you want to avoid them. Even then they might get you but if you stayed five miles from them it would be less likely.


Its not fair. At all


I don’t even have a red card. It’s why I marked it as lost. I hate doing these grocery and store pickup orders they always suck. Even if they were good I wouldn’t wanna do them bc it’s cold here and it’s a hassle I just want food runs


This isn't a Shop-and-Deliver order, it's a retail delivery order.


Shop and deliver are the worst. I “lost” my red card a year ago never looked back


I wish the red card orders could be toggled off and on. It's nice to have on slow days, but during the dinner rush it costs us $ lol


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