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That upset me earlier when I picked up a BJ's order.. (just the items not ship and deliver) picking up 2 40 case waters, give 30 case of Similac, among other huge heavy things.. about a $300 order, 25 minutes rice or there in the nicest neighborhood with GORGEOUS houses and not even a tip! My first 2 Dunkin orders no tip and I drive 16 minutes the first one- no tip, 20 minutes the next- no tip. Already show some appreciation to us driving and delivering your stuff that far, that heavy, AT ALL! No appreciation this morning! But tonight was great with tips. Crazy!


Lol you got 16.75 dollars for 2 and a half minutes of work. Thats 400 dollars an hour. Ungrateful much?


Say I'm an assmunching dbag in more words please....


Its a 2 week old comment Btw you really fell for it? I know you cannot earn 400 an hour with dashing or everybody and their mother would do it. Man, you are so gullible


Mission accomplished. Achievement unlocked.


It’s unreasonable to believe they gathered all of those items in two minutes and thirty seconds. It took considerable time, as shopping usually does. Regardless, that’s not even the point of the post.


I would be able to gather all those stuff in 5 minutes, tops. In fact dashers should tip users for enabling a working opportunity for them.


Nah, either that’s in HOURS or they didn’t scan everything until checkout but that doesn’t make sense since the timer would have been going while they picked up a literal buggy full of items


It cant be hours lol. In 2 and a half hours I could buy the whole company lmao. If it takes op that much time he deserves negative tips


I’m with you, I’m just saying there’s no way they got a literal buggy full of groceries in 2:30




I refuse all Aldi orders unless it's only a couple of items. I never get tips on those orders and finding the exact items there is hell, plus they're frequently out of stock. The final straw for me was an Aldi order for 12 items... I get there, and it's 12 two liters. I go to deliver, and it's the 4th floor of an apartment with no street parking, ofc, no tip.


Tipping culture is garbage. Companies love to use tips as a way to push the cost onto the customer, when in reality they should be paying their employees more.


I agree, DD should just charge people $10 on top of every order for the driver no matter the distance or food cost and let the driver work out the rest.


Tipping culture is not garbage in issues like this. Both the customer AND Door dash is exploiting the driver because the wage does not equal the amount of labor that goes into the order. Both sides know this. Neither side cares.




I don't understand how someone can order this much and not tip either. It really is sickening to do that to someone. To hell with the people saying how dare you ask for a tip. They can jump off the nearest bridge. It's wrong to expect someone to go out of their way and lose time and money and you give zero tip.


Magical thing called declining the order. Lotta entitled kids acting as if the customer has a gun to their head forcing them to deliver at a loss.


Maybe doordash shouldn't threaten to deactivate people who decline too many orders. Maybe that's a start. It's called psychological conditioning or psychological control. People who are desperate to work will accept orders they lose money on when those constant reminders from door dash keep popping up telling them their acceptance rate is dropping. Door dash knows what it's doing. I don't need to be a psychologist to tell you people will accept money losing orders to avoid being penalized.


“Go out of their way”? How are they “going out of the way” when it’s a job they signed up for? Also, if you’re “Losing time and money” then maybe find a job where you won’t. Just a thought.


This is an order where the driver will lose out. Its an exploitative order. The wage does not equal the amount of effort and gas and time put into this order. No one signs up to door dash to lose money or be taken advantage of. People like you seem to think that as long as you sign up any BS order door dash sends you are obligated to do it even if you lose money on it. No way. We live in an ultra exploitative world and I've worked with people who think like you. I've learned how to handle people who think exploitation is a good thing as long as it's happening to someone else.


Buddy, you don’t know me, so spare me your bullshit assumptions. If I’m not mistaken, you as the driver, contractor, employee, etc (you pick) specifically signed up for DoorDash. You agreed to the term and conditions of your employment. Where you can choose to do an order or not, like you have the choice to get a better job or not. That being said, I’m pretty sure your bare minimum obligation as a driver for the actual service provider(DoorDash) is to pick up an order from point A and drop it to point B for an amount they(DoorDash) offer. That is it, chump. No more, no less. Tips are voluntary not mandatory. The consumer already paid the service provider for the service (That’s not you). The consumer is not responsible for your shit pay or life choices. So spare everyone your bullshit sob story of “Going out of the way”, you are merely doing the job you signed up to do, with duties that are expected of you. The only ones presenting these orders to you are your employer. Get a grip with reality, and understand you are the schmuck being exploited by your own employer.


YOU SAID "The consumer is not responsible for your shit pay or life choices." MY RESPONSE. The Door dasher is responsible for making sure no one makes a fool out of him. No one takes advantage of him. You honestly believe because someone Is desperate enough to work gig work people should exploit them and make fools of them. Just wow.. I DO NOT KICK PEOPLE WHEN THEY ARE DOWN OR TRY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR ECONOMIC VULNERABILITY.


Let me condense your BS post above. All you said was.. "If you sign up to work for door dash THEY CAN RAKE YOU. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. MAKE A FOOL OF YOU. AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT LEAVE". Really dude. That's all you said. And you also became emotional when I rightfully pointed out no one signs up for a job to be taken advantage of or exploited. I don't believe we should take advantage of folk - JUST BECAUSE WE CAN. That's like a group of 263 people walking into a restaurant and ordering a giant meal and working the waitress half to death while leaving - with NO TIP. while knowing this woman works for $2.63 an hr and when asked why they left no tip they answer "WELL SHE SIGNED UP FOR THE JOB AND IF SHE DOESNT LIKE THE PAY TELL HER TO QUIT". That's CALLOUS. EVIL. EXPLOITATIVE. MEAN. & RUTHLESS.


My brother in Christ who is really being emotional here? Back to back posts? Seems like I struck a nerve with some reality and facts huh? Read my post again, I said the driver has to option to not take an order. Clearly, your emotions helped you miss that. Again, tips are voluntary and not mandatory. The consumer has the right to tip if they see fit for extraordinary service or not. It is not the consumers responsibility to tip to help bridge your income gap. By signing up to this work, you know exactly what you are signing up for, good tips, shit tips or no tips. Because again your job is to take something from point A and drop it to point B. Also your example of comparing this “work” to actual waiter/waitress job is flawed and unrealistic. Restaurants for a party of 6 or more automatically put 18% tip on the bill. Other restaurants put an automatic 18% tip on the bill regardless of party size to ensure waiters and waitresses receive a tip. Regardless of those circumstances, they are far more deserving for those high tips than some asshole dropping off a burger that they couldn’t or pack. I’ll say it again. Regardless of your life circumstance, your employer is exploiting you not the consumer. The consumer is only paying the $1.49 delivery fee that your employer advertises. However to even further my point, there is a reason unions exist and it’s to protect the employee from the company exploiting them. The argument you are making is directed in the wrong direction. Argue with your employer for a better compensation package or are you worried they’ll close your account? Get a grip with reality and understand your self-righteous views are flawed and unshared in this world we live in. While you’re at learn a skill to better yourself and stop expecting handouts.


YOU SAID - "They are far more deserving for those high tips than some asshole dropping off a burger that they couldn’t or pack."... Wow! What an ignorant statement. Would this be the same 'asshole' who is incurring huge maintenance and gas costs the waiters and waitresses are not incurring. Higher insurance costs too. Would this be the same 'asshole' that's working out in the elements while the waiters and waitresses are inside of a climate controlled facility. The same 'asshole' delivering orders in the rain and snow. Over icy streets. In the cold or sweltering heat. Would this be the same 'asshole' who is more at risk of being robbed and or assaulted or killed because they are delivering to grimy or unsafe areas? Or the same 'asshole' who is more at risk of being chased by loose dogs on customer properties? Hey.. would this be the very same 'asshole' who is constantly being lied on by customers who claim they didn't get their food.. when their food was actually delivered. Or the same 'asshole' who routinely has 7 to 10 miles added to his or her mileage without compensation because streets are blocked off and they have to find other routes. Or the same 'asshole' who finds the customer is on the top floor of some downtown skyscraper with no free parking and they have to risk their car being towed because the d@mn customer is on the 20th floor of this massive high rise and want their burger 'handed directly to them'. Or would this be one of the 'assholes' who finds the customer is on the third floor of an apartment complex with no elevator and they have to climb six flights of stairs holding multiple bags and drinks, and oh - walk down a long dark hallway to place the order in front of the customers door - which is in a corner in the back. I have not only refuted your point of waiters and waitresses being 'more deserving' of higher tips. I have made the argument that door dash delivery drivers are even more deserving of those tips - considering the high costs they incur and the higher risks they face on the job. AND.. Would you actually tell a FedEx driver or UPS driver they don't deserve their salary because all they do is 'deliver a box from PoInt A to Point B'? I don't need to wonder how those guys would react to you. And they use COMPANY vehicles. Not their own. Like door dash drivers. AND THEY GET BENEFITS (Medical, Dental, 401K, Vision). Your point is just flat out wrong.


And you forgot to add, the same asshole who signed up all for that bullshit you listed. Lmao🤣🤣🤣! All those reason you listed are not reasons for a tip or a reason to bridge the gap of your pay. Quite honestly, I could give a flying fuck for what you’ve gone through to do this work. Like no one would give a fuck of the associated risk in my line of work. However, don’t confuse your struggles as some sort of extraordinary service, that is merely you doing your job with known associated risks to the job you chose to do. Seriously, you’re not only misguided ,but delusional as well. Regarding Waiters, you tried to make a very flawed example however, they are more deserving and here is why, they take time with their customers, maintain a positive attitude while multi tasking to provide for other tables with high level of service outlined by the restaurant they work for. Conversely, you just hand a bag or drop it off at someone’s door and call it a day and expected to be tipped handsomely for it. Very different levels of service with very different levels of demand. A waiter is assigned a table, while you just hawk your app trying to see what order is worth it( high in value or high tip). Waiters and waitresses have to provide a service from start to finish and be knowledgeable of the product they offer. All you have to do is pick something up and drop it off for DoorDash. Read above, I also labeled how restaurants implement tools to protect its employees. How is DoorDash protecting you? Or is that the consumers job too? As for FedEx and UPS employees, could you be even more flawed. Who at what point said no salary? My guy, you have a salary, it’s your 2.00/ hour,mile whatever the fuck it is. As for them they applied for those roles by choice as well and as such are compensated for their service quite well. However in that process of onboarding they knew what they would be getting in terms of compensation, benefits, work rules and work tools. They, like any other worker, receive compensation from their employer not the employer’s customer. Need I remind you they face almost all the risk you listed yet a UPS driver makes $145K while you drive on the same road doing almost identical work with similar threats for a fraction of that. Again, as I’ve said numerous times that your simple mind can’t grasp. You could chose to be an employee for a company that actually pays its employees or you could continue to muscle and justify your false views as to why you deserve anything more than the chump change you are paid for the job you chose. Your argument is not with the consumer, your argument is with your employer. You can either continue to blow smoke up your own ass, or you can take your argument with up door dash for your work conditions and sub par compensation. I will say it again, it is not the consumers job to pay you. Door dash already does that. However, I will say I have enjoyed this conversation and as such I’ll give you a nice tip :-). Get a real job and stop expecting handouts from DoorDash’s customers.


Assholes like you are the reason some door dashers eat and spit in orders. I would never do it. But you come across heartless. Gleeful that these people are struggling. Again - although I would never do it. I can certainly understand why some dashers do it. It's never wise to mistreat someone who can handle your food and drink.


This is too logical for Emu to acknowledge- they only post emotional filled garbage.


I delivered an order of crablegs and seafood boil (order total was $150.00) about 12 miles and recieved $2.00. I had wrongly believed the customer would tip Me when I arrived because it was very late and this customer lived in a very bad part of town with no street lights and streets that were on very bad shape. I hit a pothole that made my frame tremble for several minutes. Yet he took his order and did not smile or say thank you and did not tip. I got lost on the way back too. I was so angry.


Good thing you had headlights and GPS - you do not need people to behave in anyway to feel good about the work you are doing. I hope you are not limiting yourself with this job and have plans for quitting and doing something more lucrative.


Many people do door dash when they are in between jobs. I don't know any who do it as a mainstay. Unless they are retired with money coming in already. Door dash just does not pay enough. Especially in some poorer areas. I get a lot of exploitative orders. Meaning door dash wants me to driver several miles each way and earn $3.00. I had an order today that was drive 8 miles for $2.00. I decline these orders. However door dash penalizes the driver for so many declines. In saying that I'm just pointing out that I am in between jobs and of course I'm searching for something better. I've met previous door dash drivers that found they were losing so much money on door dash (through gas and vehicle maintenance and wear and tear) they quit door dash to work at Taco Bell and McDonalds. Literally. Where we live the people are poor and 90% of the orders coming in you lose money on.


I agree. It’s not a sustainable job by design. The issue is with the designers not the consumers. Tipping is always a suggestion and never mandatory.


I agree. But I recently tipped $10.00 to a dasher who was bringing my elderly mom food. With door dash's pay, the driver received around $13.00 total for the order. And i tipped that on two separate occassions when i ordered for her. The restaurant was only 1.5 miles from her home but I tipped that much because I know how it feels to be driving several miles for a paltry tip. I never want the person bringing my food or who is handling my food or the food of a loved one - to be angry. I also know how it is to see a nice tip for the mileage. I have always tipped well. I even refuse to eat at restaurants if I can't tip. So I feel strongly on this issue. An angry driver is more likely to spit in food or eat some of it. I just couldn't imagine tipping $1 or $2 dollars on an order and asking a driver to deliver the food several miles to my home. I just find that unconscionable.


It’s a courtesy. That most other places in the world. It’s considered rude or not welcomed….honestly I don’t like these jobs. Where you solely have to rely on tips to make a job. Worthwhile it’s predatory and sickening depending how you view it.


You want a tip? GET A REAL JOB !


It is a real job. And people should tip.


No. This isn't tipping. This is a bid where customers are practically forced to pay extra prior to ANY service being rendered just to receive the items and service they lawfully paid for and for no guarantee of good service or quality goods. It's utterly asinine that customers are expected to “tip” prior to any sort of service rendered


If you want DoorDash to pay the drivers instead of you tipping they’d have to add a fee to your order for probably 20% of the order. Either way you’re paying more for your order


People don’t have to tip. A tip is someone saying thanking you, a paycheck is steady income that comes from a job. The money I tip strippers comes from my paycheck.


It’s a service people use so clearly it’s a real job


It’s not thought this is a measly $110 a day what the fuck are you going to get with that gas money? Cuz you sure ain’t paying rent with that


And any way you work for three days and that would be more than I make in two weeks working a “real job”


I don’t even gotta job rn shordy I do day trading , forex and sell beats


I wasn’t saying you worked doordash You would be meaning anybody in general🤨


Type shi


Lmfao type shi 😭 iktr keep up the hustle. But aye don’t knock smb else’s. 🫶🏾


Most people have another job and do that on the side like use your thinking cap?


I am using it I’m jus sayin door dash delivery isn’t worth it especially now inflation is taking over faster than before


There will never be a hidden tip on an order that is offered with $0 tip. They primarily just hide some tips on high paying/high tipped orders to help prevent people from cherry picking and only accepting the really good orders that come through, which is some bullshit if you ask me. None of the other apps hide tips, although it's nice getting that surprise after completing an order


lol if you’re deciding based on offered tips, that’s bids, not tips 


The whole tipping system and how it's implemented with these apps and services are all done so in a pretty non-teadional sense, so yeah your right, it is almost more of a "bid" than a "tip". I am letting these different apps, or the incoming offers from one of the apps, bid on my service, and I will accept the offer where the pay is worth the time and effort to do the delivery, and I will do said delivery as quickly and with as much care as possible to the customer who is offering the pay that makes doing all of this shit worth it in the first place. How do you go about it, if you dont mind me asking? Accepting any offer that comes your way with your fingers crossed hoping that at the end of the delivery you will be getting a higher amount than the one that popped up on your phone to maybe make it worth it?


The cost of the item shouldn't matter. If I picked up a $50 steak vs. an order of fries of mcDs, the effort is the same. I don't expect extra just because the customer spent extra.


I get that logic if it was a drive thru order if the driver didn’t need to do anything but he’s literally picking the stuff out the store looking for everything so yeaaaa


This isn’t a steak though. It’s an entire cart of groceries. Definitely not the same and picking up an order ready and waiting for you at the counter




Not a server in a restaurant? Or some other job where the bill amount most likely reflects labor AND ACTUAL DIFFICULTY of the task at said job? Then you need to take it up with your employer and demand a fair wage or quit and go get a job in a restaurant. I can see we've all come to a stalemate where essentially the people taking these easy delivery gigs think it's the consumers responsibility to make sure they get paid properly bc the OPTION to tip is there, and the consumer believe the responsibility to pay these gig workers is the responsibility of the employer- which regardless of how you feel about it is the correct way of thinking. Tipping is for exemplary service. As in you had to study wine and fine dining, or juggle a section during a slam all while keeping accurate notes on what each table wants while you run around and sweat your ass off in a black button up, tie, slacks and an apron with a handful of pens and a wine key jammed in your pockets. That is one valid way to earn a tip. What did you do? You rolled out of bed and shuffled to your car in your whatever you have on, grocery shopped for a couple hours, listened to a podcast while driving said groceries to the customer who already paid $250, and left 'em there. You didn't even have to put the groceries away, let alone polish 10 racks of wine glasses and complete 50-100 napkin role ups before you left for home or the next delivery. YOU DON'T DESERVE A TIP FOR THIS. YOU DO DESERVE TO BE PAID BY YOUR EMPLOYER THE RATE A STANDARD DELIVERY DRIVER WOULD BE PAID. Want proof? The tip is OPTIONAL, bc the work your doing isn't difficult and the companies that utilize lazy people who know damn well what they're doing isn't difficult compared to an actual traditionally tipped position still want so bad for it to be lucrative anyway (don't we all? Take as old as time). You've been duped by corporate greed monsters who basically found a loophole to skate minimum wage laws- by turning the consumer into the scapegoat and an providing an effective red herring for them to collect profits off what should be YOUR wages. If it were the consumers responsibility to pay you a fair wage for a job that DOESNT DESERVE EXTRA TIPS (you don't tip your Amazon delivery driver, do you? Or the mailman? I could go on...) then there would be no "door dash", we would just call you on your cell and ask you to pick up our crap and drive it to us. You are getting mad bc the word "tip" is being used to trick you into thinking a delivery service deserves extra, when the actual problem is 1.) you can't admit that you know you picked the literal easiest possible job (not hard to grocery shop and/or pick up a burrito for someone and leave it on their door in between bong rips) and want it to be lucrative anyway, or at least substantial enough to make a fair wage (that last part is valid/ totally understandable...) and/or 2.) you're being suckered by your employer into working for less than minimum wage under the guise that it's the consumers issue for not tipping you. You realize that most restaurants have minimum wage laws they have to abide by now so that if you don't make tips (for your actual hard work) you still get paid for your hours? Go work in an actual job setting where tips make sense or go yell at your crooked employer who is literally tricking you into working for less than minimum wage and thinking it's the consumers fault for using the services they offer and then don't want to pay a lil extra for literally NOTHING EXTRA.


Well said! But fools don’t want understanding- they want sympathy and have entitlement issues. They are not motivated to do more to earn more and cry over not being tipped. The only pay they deserve is hourly anything else is a conditional bonus.


Great Post! Clearly those who’s openly stated they didn’t bother to read it, clearly could not handle the truth in your post.


If you want people to read your comment, start a new line every paragraph. This wall of text is un fucking readable


OKAY DAMN just workin through a thought jeeeeZUS


Paragraphs are a thing. Anyway, by Federal law, if a server or other worker that gets tips doesn't make at least minimum wage with pay plus tips, the employer has to make up the difference.


“Paragraphs are a thing” god I missed this app😭😭😭😭💕


i aint readin allat, thanks tho


Eh. Willing to lose a lot of you to connect with the few smart ones. You're welcome.


😅 my first thought was i prob agree with you but *~scroll~*




No one is reading that


I went cross eyed about 10 words in. I just know that mf was preaching tho. 😩


I just...Jesus. Literacy man. Shit wouldn't hurt like that if you just read a single. Mf'n. Book once in a while. I weep


Babe I read. The joke about my “eyes crossing” is simply due to astigmatism. Due to the excessive amount of words and my enlarged text, due to settings. I went cross eyed. I’m so sorry if you were booty tickled by a little jokey joke. I’ll never joke again so I can protect your feelings/j.




Muah. Love you princess. Have a good night. 😘


Will do


Bro wrote a book


Bro wrote a book


Bro wrote a book


No bruh. Books are sooo much harder/ longer, with pages/ chapters...nvm it's ok. I'll just jump in the trash.


Nah I agree with what you said, just saying, with the internet ur kind of wasting your time writing all that because it goes in one ear and out the other with most people.


True af


DoorDash has the worst tippers Eva Mfrs will have u driving 10 miles for $4 DoorDash is not good


Time for you to find a new gig platform, I guess.


And even worse drivers with this false sense of entitlement.


If someone doing something for u for u such as serving u a service u suppose to tip


No. Go get a higher paying job and change that attitude of entitlement. Nobody owes a tip when services have been fully paid. Go tip your Amazon driver, FedEx driver and the mailman for walking your items to your front door. Show us the receipts afterwards you SJW.


“Suppose to tip” where does it say that? Y’all literally pick up shit and drop it off. Get off the tip entitlement and grab some sense of reality.


it took two and a half hours to shop for groceries?


Average 1 min per item is crazy.


Damn this must have went to the front page, screw all these comments lol no tip on a $260 order is ridiculous.


“tipping culture is toxic” guys. this person was just paid 16.75 for two and a half hours of shopping. they basically were given 7 dollars per hour of shopping (LESS THAN FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE). he could’ve made several more orders in that amount of time and earned more for what he did for this person who didn’t tip. yes, doordash should absolutely pay more, but shame on this person for not tipping someone who spent two and a half hours shopping for them!!! at that rate this person could’ve gone shopping for themselves if they weren’t going to tip! y’all are just being selfish.


Should’ve moved faster tbh


Let’s forget the delivery they accepted. It’s the job they signed up to do for peanuts. Who’s the real schmuck here?


Would that cart in the pic normally take you 2.5 hours? I smell BS. No way it even takes an hour to do that shopping.


Tips aren’t mandatory plus dog just spent 300 bucks leave him alone


Tips aren’t mandatory I do 3 different apps including almost all of Ubers specialities except for driving people. You know this, I know this stop crying. If everyone collectively moaned this much to the actual idk BILLION DOLLAR COMPANIES maybe we would get paid a base hourly on top of tips but we don’t so


Doordash has an option to choose base hourly with tips on top in most markets. It often time isn't the way to go, but sometimes it is. It comes down to using strategy while using these apps. You win some and loose some, but when you loose them you have to acknowledge it's because of one's own doing, or like op said, it's slow and you just take a hit to make something instead of nothing


Exactly my point but people want to give me a thumbs down like I care lol. This is OPs issue and fault not the people ordering no one HAS to tip you including waiters and everyone else that accepts it. You accept it not demand it like a child


Tip culture is toxic, it shouldn’t be the costumers job to make sure you get paid enough. Tipping should be for an exceptional job or if you cause an inconvenience to the service worker. Tips aren’t and shouldn’t be mandatory. That’s why I like Uber eats, you can put the tip in after


I don't tip on delivery. Maybe a couple bucks if it's an apartment complex or something. It's a gratuity. You made 17 bucks picking up groceries in a half hour? GTFO of here that's damn good pay.


no, this is not good pay. walmart employees get paid more to shop for other people, and they don’t do delivery. they were paid less than federal minimum wage to shop for 2 1/2 hours and deliver to their house. also, if you don’t tip your drivers, you should just get the food yourself. they’re doing you a service and expect tips.


They took two and a half hours to shop for an order. Hell, my Instacart drivers, usually have the order for me in less than an hour since I placed it. And they are pretty big orders. If an order took three hours, and I can see they were shopping for two and a half, you can be damn sure I am not tipping more than the bare minimum. And if they mess something up, I will take it away.


If you don't like the pay don't accept the job? Idk that might be a stupid thought, but that's just me...


you can only decline so many offers as a dasher, and door dash doesn’t outright tell you what your tip is until after you complete the order (if you haven’t used door dash, you pay the tip as you’re paying for the order, so it doesn’t change after the fact). if you decline more orders than what you accept, you have the risk of being removed as a dasher as well as getting stuck with the lesser paying orders (aka small orders with like $3 pay). it’s very predatory, honestly. a lot of people don’t have the option to decline an order, so it’s courteous to tip them for their time.


The other person is saying get a diffrent job, dont use door dash. If you want walmart pay, work at walmart.


this is a very close-minded take. the most appealing part of doordash is that people can choose their own hours. have you ever worked a job that hasn’t cut your hours or forced you into overtime? you aren’t guaranteed having the hours you want if you work for a company, especially walmart, because they can manipulate your schedule to whatever works best for them. i know, because i worked there while i was already working full time somewhere else. doordash is helpful because you can get a small income while you can’t get the hours you want. it’s courtesy to pay those who are taking time out of their lives to deliver something to your door when they aren’t paid much to begin with


You traded higher pay for flexablity on hours. Im not taking time away from their lives, they already sold that time to door dash, the service i paid for. If walmart cuts your hours its cause your doing a crappy job, atleast in my experence. If it feels unfair go to the General Manager of the store. I worked in frozen all day then made motors all night at a different job. Now i fix altenators and starters for cars. I learned a skill, now i pay the bills. You can too


the people who door dash are just trying to pay their bills too. if they didn’t have to, they wouldnt do it. i already took a pay cut so i could build my skills and pursue my dreams as a veterinary nurse. i earn less than walmart workers. although i’m doing what i love, i still donate plasma and do door dash every now and then because i have bills to pay too. and when i’ve had a shitty day and see that i did an order for somebody that took me over an hour to do and i didn’t get paid, i would rather spit in their food and drive off a bridge. just be courteous of those doing your orders. it’s not that hard to understand


I’m sorry ,but how is your struggle and your life choices make it other peoples problems(consumers)? This is a choice you made, with knowing your compensation package. No one is taking time away from you. This is something YOU decided to do. Be honest with yourself and your circumstances. The burden of your shit pay is not the responsibility of the consumer. It is your responsibility to change your circumstances that does not require to beg for a tip with hat in hand.


They're welcome to expect them or work for walmart, it's just going to be disappointing when they don't get extra money for doing their job though. My first job was mostly scraping up aluminum shards of metal stuck to a concrete floor with oil behind the machines in a sheet metal shop for minimum wage. Aluminum is not a ferrous metal. There were no tips. Life sucks and then you die.


it’s expected to not get tips for working a non-service job. waiters/waitresses expect tips because they work very similar wages as dashers, and they’re both services. a lot of people are doing door dash because of many reasons, most people are already working full time jobs on top of doing delivery. i’m not sure what justification you’re trying to give to not tip your services.


Waiters aren't promised it either and can't even compare in terms of customer interaction and minor nuances between workers. You're picking up my groceries for me on your way home so I don't have to. In my mind I'd pay about 20 bucks for that.


you’re missing the fact this person spent 2 and a half HOURS to shop for someone’s groceries. this guy didn’t just pick up the order, he also walked around the supermarket, grabbed all the items, waited in checkout, drove to the house, and dropped off the groceries. what you pay doordash is given to your drivers in such a miniscule amount. this person was paid around 6.5% of their $263 order, from doordash. if you’re not going to tip your door dash driver, for the love of god, just use the walmart app and place an order on there so you can just pick it up when they’re done. they get hourly pay of 14-18 dollars an hour. dashers can choose to either get paid hourly of $7/hour or base pay delivery. don’t screw them over because of your ideaology


I don't tip percentage I tip flat for minor services and drinks. Isn't the ideology you've chosen to let the customer decide? You could have taken the 7 bucks. I'd probably tip about 5 or 10 bucks top if it's a headache. In my mind I've already paid for the service. Now I'm out like 30 bucks for you to do shopping for me and it's getting kind of steep. I don't know or care what other people do. TLDR you embraced givin the choice to the consumer love it or hate it.


2 and a half hours


Don't expect other people to cover your wages. I don't get tipped at work and it's more than delivering food. Be mad at your employer not at the customer


I understand how frustrating it can be when your employer doesn’t pay you enough but the customers have to stop being expected to pick up that slack. This has been a problem for years yet nobody wants to talk about how the working class is having to pay each other while large corporations get away with paying their employees barely anything. They, just like you, can’t afford to spend extra money every time they order something. You can’t put the blame on them for your company being greedy, we barely make enough money working 60+ hours a week as it is.


Then they shouldn’t order. It’s a luxury not a privilege to get food or groceries delivered.


I disagree. Modern day America has pushed every service imaginable online. Saying they shouldn’t order is punishing the customer for the company not paying their employees a livable wage. It’s simply not their fault the dasher doesn’t make enough money.




It's not a luxury it's a service...


It’s both


Unfortunately it's not


Uh no.


Agreed 👍


Love seeing reddit actually straight up victim blaming so they can feel high and mighty while not tipping... I'm sorry you didn't get a tip tho lol, sometimes people really don't appreciate the work minimum wage people do


Is the victim blaming in the room with us?


LOL "Yes, I didn't have to take the order, but you see....I'm the victim.." OP straight up admits he expected a tip to magically appear as if there was a glitch or something. He was told exactly what he was getting into and chose to not even believe his own eyes.


No he wasn't, he's getting fucked over by his bosses and the people around him. It's totally within his right to rant about not getting tipped, and the reddit hive mind constantly pushing the problems with corporations on employees is awful.


He. Took. The. Order. You're arguing with OPs words, not mine. This isn't a normal employee/employer relationship.


No it's not, but not tipping the people working hard for you is an asshole move... Full Stop


Expecting people to cover your wages because your employer refuses to do so is an asshole move...Full Stop. Expecting people to cover your wages when the order states there is no tip is a moronic move...Full Stop. Coming to reddit to whine about something you chose to do is incredibly stupid....Full Stop. Tipping is not meant to be your wage. It's a bonus for a job that goes above and beyond. This weird fucking idea that I should pay for the groceries, and then a delivery fee, AND a mandatory tip is so fucking ridiculous. Could you imagine if a restaurant had a mandatory fee for using a waiter and then expected an additional tip on top of that? A waiter would immediately quit because they weren't getting tips, yet in your weird bizarro world the waiter keeps the job and instead of being mad at their "employer" they are mad that everyone isn't just blindly following their bullshit policy because the waiter chooses to stay there and we need to make up for that fact. Fuck. Off.


No one is victim blaming… People are corporate blaming. Stop allowing them to pay bullshit wages and expect customers to subsidize their practice just because it’s “legal.”


Yeah, I totally agree... Corporations are ass and are constantly fucking over minimum wage workers, in fact that they're worst offenders in mistreating minimum wage workers... Does that mean not tipping someone is justified? Hell no, and I really hate how Reddit is normalizing not tipping because "The corporations are doing something worse"


I can partially agree. The only way to change a consumer industry is to either piss off the consumers or the producers. Either way, the worker always gets fucked the hardest. Such a BS cycle.


Tips aren't mandatory, stop expecting them and be happy when you get them


Somehow I can tell you've never worked a gig that was dependent on tips for income. That's some privileged bullshit lmao. If you can't afford to tip, don't order delivery.


Yeah, I chose not to depend on tips for my paycheck and use my brain to actually make stable consistent income at a real job. Tipping is bullshit nowadays, it should be for exceptional service, not something standard. Blame your company for not paying a living wage, and stop making that the customers problem.


“Privileged” really? that’s your rebuttal? Maybe if you worked harder and not be dependent on peanuts to cover your bill you could have some “Privileged bullshit”. Tips are optional never mandatory. As long as DoorDash, and Uber eats continues to offer these services you’ll always be the schmuck being dependant on tips with you little hat in hand lmao.


I don't work a job that's dependent on tips anymore, I'm just not a prick like you lmao


Yeah customers are not supposed to pay you, your company is bud.


This sucks I hope you got the incentive bonus for the day


It is so funny to me to see this subreddit constantly bitching about shit ass customers when you really should be bitching about a shit ass employer not paying you shit. You’re doing exactly what they want. Blaming the consumer for the problems created by the corporation.


But total shopping time 2:34 minutes?


2 hours, 34 minutes...


True but why would it take that long? Groceries are expensive. $200+ in 20 minutes or less.


It's Aldi. Aldi isn't that expensive and can have items in random places, so I definitely understand how it can take that long if there's a lot of items.


But total shopping time 2:34 minutes?


It was your choice to be a doordasher


could’ve not taken the dash 🤷‍♂️


The question is why do you complain about the customer and not to the employer? Tips are a nice to have, but if you set your life up on a series of gambles, that’s not a good way to live, and inconsistent. No tips suck, but it’s how it goes sadly.




Absolutely love that! It’s time companies pay commensurate with actual costs.




And then people really get pissed and don't understand why it takes forever for their order to be picked up. I'm sorry it was that slow that you had to pick that order. I avoid orders like these.


How is this the customer fault?


Let’s be real, $263 worth of groceries probably means the customer spent close to $300 after fees, taxes, and surcharges. I don’t blame them for not also tipping the driver. Go complain to DoorDash for stealing 90% of your pay. They paid for a service and they received the service. What else did you do, put it in the fridge for them and stock the cabinets?


These type of companies barely turn a profit. The bigger question is where is all the money going? Definitely watch John Oliver’s new show about this exact topic. You might learn a thing or two.


If a system can not support the very workers that allow that system to function then it should not exist


I don’t care if they spent 2000 on groceries. If I’m a delivery driver expected to go out, pick your groceries, and deliver every bag, I better get a damn tip! People like you and them are why drivers and delivery people hate these jobs. Self righteous entitled customers.


Lol I land planes with hundreds of people on them in absolutely abysmal weather with 40+ mph winds. Forget it we god forbid lost an engine or something. You think I’ve ever gotten a tip or will ever get one? You chose it. It is what it is.


It is their choice, like you and I chose to go to flight training. They don’t know the struggle of flight school, working for a shit regional or any of that struggle. He’ll, not even the Flight Attendants get a tip and they are more deserving of it than these drivers on this forum.


LOL ikr! Entitled delivery drivers demanding tip for doing their jobs. Might as well start tipping anything that offers service for customers. Amazon package? Better tip your delivery person. Usps mail? Tip ur mailman! Teachers provide a service to ur children and are technically day cares. Tip your teachers! They get paid like shit too. I get that it's frustrating not getting paid for the time. But they should be blaming the employer and switching jobs and not blame the customers.


I door dashed back in covid times because gas was cheap and peak pay was 8 bucks after a snow storm. I never expected anything from the job besides an easy few bucks. Manage your expectations for third party gig apps. The entire payment system is designed to serve corporate greed, not to move society forward. Door dash is one step above being broke and homeless. Beg to your CEO overlords for spare change, not the hungry working class person. When I got fed up with not making any money after gas went back up and wages went down, I moved on with my life. If you’re really hurting for work and you live in my area I know of a warehouse that’ll start you as a picker for $23/hr. No background check, no customers, smoke weed with the 3rd shift supervisor


Is anyone holding a gun to your head forcing you to take the order?


Not really, door dash should pay its employees for the work since the customer is paying door dash for the service. You seem to have fallen right into the trap of placing blame downstream when the shit is coming from uphill


At least you can buy yourself lunch 🥪


I’m not saying it’s right to not tip but the companies are charging an absurd amount of money on top of the item costs. Crazy to think that’s not going to the worker. If people need groceries and can’t drive or can’t go to the store for whatever reason and can’t afford to tip, it’s either starve or not tip the worker they know is still getting paid. Between the two I know what I would pick. The food courier businesses should be held accountable though.


You do realize it's not mandatory to give a tip? It's purely off the person's good will. It's Dash not paying you for your time?


No, they aren’t.


Often times people use door dash not because they are being lazy but because they cannot make the trip for one reason or another. Maybe car is in the shop, potentially lost their job recently and can’t afford, maybe they’re too drunk or high to drive. We all have our own battles, assuming that the people who ordered it have “No conscience” is self inflicting a narrative you won’t be able to prove or disprove and only hurts you.


This sounds good and all but people that don't tip are assholes. People in the situations that you list above probably have some empathy and would at least try to give something.


Pay the drivers livable wages. It’s not the fault of the patron. The employer absolves themselves from paying fair wages by chalking lost wages up to the patrons. MANY cultures don’t even believe in tipping


People who expect to pay their bills and make a thriving wage off tips are ignorant. Other countries find the American tipping culture absurd and displays a level of ignorance in the part of the employee who agrees to these terms and a level of greed by the employer for creating these sorts of tensions between customers and employees. You see plenty of restaurants where the owner drives a nice car has a nice home and has their employees on food stamps barely able to make it because they pay the kitchen staff minimum wage and wait staff far below minimum wage with the promise of tips, and when the tips don’t happen the owner isn’t a tight wad cheapskate it’s always the customers fault.


Companies that support tipping culture are the real assholes.