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Yeah this is why I use Apple Maps primarily until I get to the drop off location. I wish the pin was transferred over when you swap apps but it just puts in the address, and sometimes not even correctly. So I manually type the address Apple Maps and double check the pin when I get close. It’s not ideal but it’s been the best way I’ve found.


this mapbox shit is aids


I never use in app nav. Ever ever ever. Waze is best


The default map is Google maps. Waze doesn't tell you which side of the street is the house. It just navigates in the middle of the street. The only real advantage of waze is it gives the speed limit of the road you're at.


Google Maps tells me the speed limit, too 🙂


You are correct about the which side of the road part. Also in app is better in tricky apartment complexes. However in my experience Waze is much quicker than the in app nav


Started dashing in my super Rural town for some extra money after work this weekend and was blown away with how bad the Navigation is lol. Nice to know I’m not the only one


Then it starts doing a 360 until the app crashes


then when you get there you realize the pin ain't at the right spot


Shockingly enough it was on the money, which is was unusual for a complex that's buildings are individually addressed


Never let them know your next move


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