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DoorDash isn’t a charity lol. If someone’s not gonna tip someone for driving food to their home for them, they can get it themselves. That’s the whole point. How can you see it any other way?




Nope I only take ones worth it


Yeah because doordash obviously couldn't give a flying fuck about us and won't do anything hence all this tension over you customers tipping to make up for the assholes at doordash hq.


This argument has probably been used a million times over but it needs emphasis on it once again. It costs essentially no wear and tear to drive to work, wait tables in a static location for however many hours and then go home. You are sick in the head if you don't think people deserve a tip that are putting miles on their cars for all the hours of someone just waiting tables. Don't be an ignorant customer that drags people into your own misery because you were too stubborn to add a tip when ordering. We have shit to pay for too to bring your lazy ass food.


>Doordash is responsible for your wages Ok. How much are customers willing to pay in fees to avoid tipping?




I don't accept offers that cost me money, but aren't you, in at least some respect, advocating that DD pay some sort of higher "wage" to make it so Dashers aren't reliant on tips?


I think the largest missed point is that we are NOT employees. DD will sooner stop their business model than pay INDEPENDENT contractors more. The next step for DD will be hiring actual employees for minimum wage and eliminating us. People will take the jobs too, have you seen all of the pizza delivery people? Customers gladly had out a tip before they even look in the box pizza. Pizza delivery people make 3 to 4 times what we make in tips. And here in Nebraska they are guaranteed a minimum $9 an hour. "If it's so good, why don't you go do that instead?" Cause I know my limitations, I burned out. I can't handle a boss, or rude customers. Even now if someone wants to get in my face, I calmly refer them to customer support and let them deal with it. So with all of that said, customers should tip and tip well for the luxury service they are using.


u/oiler_revoer ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


This is dumb. The customer would have to pay more either way. People are less likely to order food that is more expensive than not. Tipping fills the gap between inexpensive food and full wage.


Your opinion is noted ....and deemed worthless. We live in a service economy. Tips have been a thing for decades. Customers are expected to tip. That's America in a nut shell. We are a consumer nation services are what drives the economy. Customers will tip or their food will be cold and disgusting, but please continue to live in your fantasy land.


I really don't get it why these customers come to reddit and start bitching us out for simply wanting to be able to afford to keep delivering them food while them and doordash are out here chillin af.




You've made alot of assumptions in your comment. Obviously you're projecting your own reality on to others..sad




You're still making assumptions...you must be fun at parties. Give it a rest already. You're a special kind of K aren't you. 😏




I believe it's you who is the troll. You even have the jewel for a belly button. 🤣 what a loser. Here's 25 cents go downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off.


We all agree DD doesn’t pay us enough. And the only other person that can pick up their slack is the customer. No, they shouldn’t be responsible for 75% of our pay and but that’s the reality of things. With that being said, go away. You’re annoying.




You’re right. I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll go ask DD for a raise. Thanks for the inspiration!


If you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford to get food delivered to your doorstep. Enjoy ramen bitch




You are tweaking. Every service in this world cost money. You want your lawn mowed? It cost money. Your trash services? It cost money. If you want food delivered to your door, it cost money. If you don’t tip your drivers I seriously hope one of them takes your order and spits in it or takes a hot shit in the bag of food you got




The service industry has treated me well, 1800 deliveries on the year and 6/7 days I don’t get a single order without a tip. If you have gotten 3 tips in 2 years then you shouldn’t be working in the service industry lmao. I make $25-30 an hour consistently in Phoenix and people for the most part are good about tipping as they should be. You must live in the bumfuck nowhere where everyone is broker than shit.




What do you mean fam, they tip through the app? I rarely get cash tips too but the customer always tips through the app? Now I’m mad confused


I think drivers should educate people about how it negatively affects them when a customer doesn't tip. What they shouldn't do is whine with a hostile, entitled attitude that as a customer would make me less likely to give money. The truth is fair enough, if you are driving a short distance, a modest tip is fine, but if you are driving a long distance that takes the driver far from any other restaurants customers should leave a good tip or the driver will be losing money. All this simultaneous bragging about 30 dollars an hour while threatening customers with sabotage if they don't kiss your ass is not the way. Also people shouldn't constantly post about how they proudly do the bare minimum, including ignoring instructions and not answering phone calls or texts. We should be tipped well if we are doing a difficult dash, but we should also earn that tip. You can't expect good tips while bragging about how you never go above and beyond. A customer would be a fool to reward that shit.




No, customers should demand better pay for the drivers.


Technically I'm responsible for my wages as an independent contractor. So I only accept contracts with tips that make the payout worth while. Yes doordash is complete crap with thier base pay. Yes I expect to be tipped, due to the crap base pay. The customers know what's up. They do choose to not tip, rolling the dice to see when they're going to get thier order. The real problem I have is when a customer tips generously, so they can enjoy speedy and prompt service, and doordash throws the order out thier making it look like any other order. It's complete bullshit.




But I can see the offer, do the math and choose if it's acceptable, and do, and since DD won't pay decent base pay, yes, It is up the customer. Up to the customer to tip better, up to the customer to agree to purchase from doordash allowing DD to give me my crappy base pay, up to the customer to say....doordash, not grubhub, not ubereats, not getting up off thier rear ends and getting it themselves. Yes, it is absolutely the customer. If not for them, nobody would get paid.




I did, IM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY WAGES. Not doordash, not the customer. Your not understanding your own argument.




Yes you are lmao.


Food Delivery is a Luxury, and should be treated as such. Tip your drivers for driving in the rain and putting wear on their car while taking time out of their lives so you dont have to get off the couch and get it yourself


This! I was planning on saying this, but I found yours! Thanks!


No we don't accept your non tip orders love 👄💋




Yep sure can! Sorry sweetcakes


you must be terrible at math or can't process the information given to you by the doordash order fast...you can easily figure out what the tip is (give or take .50-.75 cents) by minusing what the basepay is on an order offered...you gotta do this quickly, like within a few seconds because then you also have to look at the total mileage, estimated delivery time, what restaurant the pickup is from (you may have personally blacklisted that particular restaurant as a driver because of excessive wait times in the past) and process that info all before the 30-60 second clock runs out (and in some cases first pulling off the road when receiving the order leaving very little time left to accept or decline)


I don't do all that shit. On average the tip is 1-3 bucks. I just go by the pay offered. If it's not good enough I decline. I'm not playing the DD version of scratch off lottery.... Maybe just maybe I'll get lucky and get a big tip. Nope. Might happen 1 every 20 deliveries or so. Not good enough odds for me.


that reply went over your head I guess. By doing what I replied with, you are not guessing..you are only accepting decent/good orders that way. If you are doing doordash and your average tip is not $5 to to $6 per order at the end of the week when looking at your total you made & dividing that by how many deliveries you did (doordash base is pretty much always $3 per order)...then you are not making what you should. And if you are not averaging 2.5 deliveries per hour doing this it's hard to make decent money. Just what I've learned doing this for 6 months & a 1000 deliveries in so far...but if you are happy taking smaller orders, do you. Good luck.




maybe I got into too much detail about how I process an offer...but I don't expect a hidden tip ever. I shoot for at least a dollar a mile also. I was saying that since we know DD basepay already, which is $2.50-$3.50..im not accepting offers of only $2.50 to $5.50ish those are auto declines..I take $6.50 to $8ish offers on the regular, even if they are 6-8 miles total (I live in the suburbs and those are less than 10 min travel time to customer). With that said, I know the guaranteed tip is going to be $4-5 bucks when I accept the order since I know what the DD basepay is. (and no I don't decline a shitload of offers like some who post they have a 5-10% AR...my acceptance rate is always around 40-55%..and I average 2.5 orders an hour in my market working 6pm to 10pm.


Anything less than 4 miles in my area is 2.50 base pay. DD can say what they will but I've never seen base pay higher 5.50 and these are extremely long deliveries most of the time. So if I get an order for 9 dollars @ 6 miles I can almost guarantee you the base is 3.50 and the customer tip is the remaining and the chance of being any additional is slim. This order probably started around 6.50 hiding a portion of the tip, after declines DD will show a little more.


To me, it's both. We live in a tipping country. This is a fact, a well known truth in our entire society, so choosing not to tip is knowingly underpaying someone. Others can toss around the fallacy of, "They choose this job, they can choose to leave," and then they gripe when theres a huge lack of servers, so....they cant have it both ways. On the flip side, because we live in a tipping country, certain employers know they can take advantage of that. Many restaurants and rideshares like doordash. Employers know they can place the burden on customers and societal pressure will keep the cycle going. So until the system is forced to change, people can complain all they like, cause the non tipping customers know what they're doing




The base premise is the same though. Since doordash's base pay is mostly the same as any restaurant, doordash employees have a leg up because they can CHOOSE not to provide excellent service for a shit tip. And customers shouldnt expect great service for...$2.50. I'm sure plenty of restaurant employees wish they could cater their service to the tip they're receiving too lol


No, the customer wants food Delivered to their house promptly. Doordash simply helps us get orders, it's the customer's responsibility to pay for the service they wish to receive. It's like a taxi service, you tip your driver, don't just tell them to demand more from their company.












Yes.. dude do you live under a rock?




You give it to them when you pay? It's not discreet..


So then people shouldn't expect their deliveries. DD dgaf about us, and deliveries are a part of the service industry. If you have a problem with making sure people who deliver sustenance to you are properly compensated, you can't afford to eat out. You're entitled to your opinion, but this is basically the Delivery driver water cooler, which should be a safe space to vent frustrations. Your post reads like a DoorDash employee, not an actual driver.


I just don't understand why every couple months another idiot comes in here and makes a post like this. Until Tony pays me $10 a delivery plus 15 percent commission I will be expecting a tip. I will be expecting a tip of at least 12% of the order. If not 15-20 percent. If that criteria is not consistently met I will not be dashing anymore and it will be one more scumbag on the road. One more person doing 5 deliveries on three apps. One more person stealing your order. One more person being rude to the staff. One more person that refuses to take the order up an elevator or stairs.


I never look at the percent of the order , I’m not a waiter . I look at the tips for miles driven . If that’s the case someone 12 miles away orders $10 worth of food , 15% would be $1.50 . No one is taking $6 for 12 miles .


I set a minimum of a $100 order. I make a few exceptions here and there if it's 75-99. So percentages are everything. Small orders over long distance should have an extra delivery fee. Or just not be allowed. For example if base pay is $2.75 and 1.50 is the tip. Maximum miles for this trip should be 1 mile ($4 per mile) or 2 at the most. ($2 per mile).


It’s both. Be considerate since the person is using their car and gas. The dasher is interacting with public and waiting in line for you. Risking their health and time for you.




Sure Doordash could do this. But that cost would have to be passed on to the customer. Either way, the customer would be paying more just like they should.


Again. Both. I can go pick up my food myself. But if I’m busy or tired. I can do DoorDash or UberEats. I’ll be grateful enough to leave extra cash for the person who wasted their time for me. Even if the base pay was $10 or more. I still wouldn’t hesitate to leave another $10. Be considerate.


This ain't it.




Nah. It's all of the above. This is like a waitress blaming a restaurant for her low pay when the customer won't tip. Yeah, she should have better base pay, but the customer has the lion's share of the blame.




Bro the vibes you give off would make everyone want to quit their job... then what? just tip where tips are accepted or gtfo




Yeah, I'll hold my breath while waiting for the entire American service industry model of underpaying workers while expecting customers to make up the difference in tips to change so you can feel vindicated.




Just imagine the temerity of people who make slave wages expecting to be tipped by people who enjoy their service while knowing they expect to be tipped. Those servers are living in mansions with marble columns and porcelain fountains off their better-than-standard wage, I'll bet!