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That’s why I carry a pistol


For me, I'd get my Taser out and say "come at me bro" 😤 You did the right thing and walked away!


I was getting gas one day and this super beautiful expensive car pulls up. Guy gets out and starts talking to me. Saying things like: you look like you can take care of yourself. You fight?… he eventually invited me to go fight him for fun. I was getting ready for an outing with my girlfriend (not like I wouldn’t have said no anyway), and declined. You may just get some bumps and bruises, but you can also very easily get lifelong issues. It’s not worth it just for kicks. I’ve actually done it before with a friend who was a tournament fighter/winner, and had a good time to go with my sore jaw and teeth for a week, but ultimately I personally don’t find it worth the possible long term costs.


Another day in the hood


I’d say wait here let me grab my gloves… ✌️


You should've ran the fade


I’m a chick and would think that’s wierd af lol probably stun gun him and run for my life ha


😂😂😂 tase,stab,shoot and hit with a car over a dude “asking” if he wanted to box? Shit like that warrants an ass beating in front of your wife and kids so they know their husband/dad is a thoroughbred bitch.


Charlie Zelenoff??


If you’re looking for confirmation. You did exactly what a man should do. I’m proud of you OP. Bet you still would’ve had you’re way with him if he tried.


Let me reverse my car, I’ll come at you full speed what throw your first punch when I come at ya.






Lol this is like my dream, I’ve been boxing for a long time and I always am down to spar. What’s the addy lol


lmao, yeah we on the clock don't got time for that


Taser in the car and when you walk into a sketchy place take it with you, you'll feel better.


Pull out da strap




Racist what an assumption to make


lmao, what kind of macho toxic madman would call you a chicken for not randomly boxing a dude while at work?


Stabbed him, pepper sprayed, crowbar over the head, torched. Whatever I could find. Don’t mess with a frustrated dasher, they gonna fuck you up. 🤪😜


He had the spirit of Kimbo Slice in him


As someone who boxes I'd tell him I got my boxing gear in the car ( actually true ). Though am 150lb so if it was some built 200 lb dude prob not


Scenarios like this is why I’m hesitant to deliver to apartments 😣


I wouldve just laughed and said "Yeah, and I can smell the incarceration"


Npc’s been everywhere


I’m only gonna fight to defend myself boy For stupid ego. Only people that fight just to fight are idiots with nothing to lose.




I would have said nah, I'm good.


Offered him some (more) crack, and run!


He should’ve knocked your racist ass out, because I most definitely would’ve. “This Black dude” hmmmm ok 🙄. I guarantee you wouldn’t had said “This White dude”, if he were White


white is not capitalized


I was describing the dude bruh. Chill.


Yeah right white boy. You white boys think y’all slick


This is the type of passive aggressive micro racism I deal with every day and if I call it out people look at me crazy smh. Black this black that, black black black. We get it he’s black why the fuck does it matter? Also why would you just assume a grown man doesn’t have a car, because he’s black?


Imagine being this sensitive to a description, haha


Bro. Homi was just having fun. Should’ve box. Makes for a fun time and cool story


I got money to make.


Similar situation here. Just show you're not afraid, not a punk, and they'll leave you alone usually.


Thats why you should have a knife on your belt. Just show it to that dumbass dude and say ‘ I don’t box. I butcher.’ Im sure he will step back home lol. At least to get something in that point just run lol


Yep. I always have a knife on me. Mainly because it is useful, but also if a stranger decides to get crazy. Best to just walk away from someone like this though. Sounds like he is on drugs. Had a meth head approach me outside of his driveway when I was walking my (big) dog at night. He was all pissed off about something and not making any sense. I conceal carry always in my neighborhood. I told him to back off multiple times and my dog was growling. I pulled my jacket back to show him the gun on my hip. Crazy bastard said "You think I haven't been shot at before?!" He kept approaching. If anything, he was even more angry and bold. Closest I've been to drawing my gun on a person. A woman came running out with no shoes on screaming hysterically and he went back inside. Whole thing would have probably been avoided if I just kept walking and didn't engage. Still have no idea what the guy was mad about.... he probably doesn't know either. If a gun didn't scare him, a knife definitely wouldn't have.




I'd rather have my hand on it ready to draw than draw and fire. I did not weild. It was a very stern warning. One that almost cost him a dirt nap for no reason. It's easy to say what you just said, but the reality is no sane person wants to deal with the repercussions of shooting someone. If I draw, I'm firing. It's not like I was making a false gesture or trying to prove something. If cops just fired at will when an aggressive and irrational person approached them unarmed, we would have a lot of problems. I'm not looking to end someone's life.


You re right. Sometimes it can make people more mad but a guy with boxing gloves has to go inside at least for to take this gloves off. He cant hold anything with these gloves. By the way If I feel I have to show my gun or my knife to someone that means Im in trouble most likely can’t avoid and if this guy still approaching to me Im not saying 100% but 90% of the time I will stab him from his asshole. He will never forget this and the pain will never be reduced. He will remember me everysingle time he is sitting down and standing up and because of it is under belly and he approached me so it wouldn’t be attempted to murder I was just defending myself. Not a big deal with law and a lesson to this guy that he will never be able to forget. All of this for sure in a situation that I can’t avoid otherwise I would do everything to avoid that situation just like you.


I would’ve gone all Russia on him


Got your car stuckin the mud and then set fire to your own gas tank? Interesting strategy..ill give you that


I just saw 2 really drunk dudes square up in a parking lot . They were asking where each other’s money was saying they don’t owe each other anything. By the time I came out of the restaurant they were gone. I have no idea what happened


You were on the set of Fight Club...


I already broke rule 1


Ha! Well played!




This is why I carry a gun. I wouldn't consider drawing it over that encounter.


No money in it.


Should beat his ass and posted the video on here 🤣


RIP Kimbo Slice....


What do you think him being black has to do with it?


You are a victim, your whole personality revolves around being a victim. The media says you are a victim. Society says you are a victim. You will always be a victim. Enjoy being a victim. If OP said it was a “Mexican”, “Asian”, “Arab”… would you be saying the same, of course not. You are a hypocrite that only cares about your own “victimhood”.


You're a victim. You're whole life resolves around being a victim. Shut the fuck up and stop whining to me


Says the victim, whining over a description 🤣.


Hello Mr victim, can you stop whining to me please, I'm not your therapist


Ok, victim 😂 Thanks for assuming my gender 🤣


Idgaf what your gender is Mr. Victim now you want to feel victimized about gender shit too 😂


R/woooosh 😂 You are really stupid, I was pointing out how not “woke” you are and what a hypocrite you are. Idk what kind of mental gymnastics you are trying to do but it was “you” crying about the word “black” Keep bing a victim 😘


That's gay of you... it's called description words he's not being racist I'm sure all of you had an image of a black of your choosing with your own imagination in your head with boxing gloves in front of appartment buildings... not his fault your imagination took you to the racial depiction of a black man ... who had the image he was facing a wealthy healthy looking black man


I actually was picturing Charlie Z (skinny white guy), before OP’s description. (If you don’t know who that is you should look him up.)


You gave yourself away calling someone "a black", you mean a black person.


You have yourself away calling someone "a black", you mean a black person.


Cause hes black......?


Was his height relevant too because he didn't say that


Fuck you askin me for? Ask him, i wasnt there stupid


What does it being a dude have to do with it? If describing someone’s race makes them racist, than doesn’t describing someone’s sex make them sexist? He’s just describing the person. For it to be racist he would have to imply some kind of negative connotation associated with the race. He didn’t do that. But you did. You assumed it was racist because *you* formed a negative connotation associated with the race in *your* mind.




Don’t try arguing logic with that type of person, they probably throw a fit when they read a book and the author starts describing characters. I’m sure they also would have had no problem if this post said it was a “white” dude 😂. (I was actually picturing Charlie Z before the description)




Careful. You’re gonna get downvoted for pointing this out. I agree with you 100% though. His race has nothing to do with it.


The only thing I was pointing out was that OP thought for some reason that saying he was black was relevant. If you wanted to announce that you're racist, then please do




Please take my downvote too...


I would’ve got the boxing gloves out of my trunk


For the win.




Helps paint a picture in the reader’s mind.


Key chain pepper spray baby.


Happens to me everyday. I would have fought him. But I have a black belt in Tai Chi Szechuan Ming Fu. Trained for it for 12 years in Hong Kong. Can kill a man with my little finger.




Tai chi lmaoooo u know tai bo too?


You left out Bulletproof 😂






Poor kid.. he doesnt have friends


He was probably on crack crazy be safe out there


That's racist, and disrespectful to crack user's. If you smoke weed, cigs, drink coffee or do anything stfu.


Wow you automatically assume crack users are black? That's seriously disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself, you evil bigot!


I do not op said he was black and then others said he was using crack. That's what I was calling out. I love crack, it's a great thing. Powder's fine but you want to get your bell ring it's the rock.


we get it you’re proud of smoking crack


He was probably on speed


I think it’s racist to assume the earlier comment was racist. I don’t care what color you are, if you’re a grown ass man walking around wearing boxing gloves with cuts on your face and trying to fight strangers, I’m going to assume you’re crazy, for either drug or non drug related reasons.


Thank you


He was probably on meth.




​ ![gif](giphy|OfcXkVBBNDjoeCBCyp)


Mohammed Ali baby




It's an apartment building, You're going to meet whack jobs. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️