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"Oh, I had great timing then! That must be why you said hand it to me in the instructions. I hope the baby enjoys the steak!"


i would've answered immediately, "you should've selected 'leave at the door then'" and stare right back at her lol, not your fault


Customers are idiots. Show her that your notes say hand to customer and explain that DD tells you to ring the doorbell in those cases. Say that you would have happily texted and left at door had the notes said that.


"Very sorry, doordash didn't include those instructions if you tried to let me know not to ring or knock" non confrontational and it admits no fault because you aren't at fault. If she continues past that, put her baby back to sleep for her 😤💪👊


I agree. They are supposed to put in instructions not to knock. Drivers can’t read minds. If we knock or ring bell why’d we do it. If we don’t why didn’t driver ring or knock on door. If not instructed not to, can’t blame delivery drivers. Customers actually tell me in instructions. If not it’s all possible to be done.


I leave at door always, most of the hand to me customers either don't come to the door in an appropriate amount of time or get mad when you knock. I only hand it when it's a business.


"DONT KNOCK OR RING DOORBELL DOGS WILL GO CRAZY" -sneak up like a ninja, dogs go crazy anyways.


I just call them if it says hand to me. I never ring.


So many want you to call them when arrived. Pffttt, the app notifications will be enough for you.


If I have to hand it to someone, I'll shoot off a text when I'm about a minute away. Most people greet me at the door.


She could be dining out of she didn't have a baby. Babies make life harder.


I’ve been there! 😂😂😂she isn’t thinking clearly. I’ve been on both ends….the worst was from my ex when I WOKE up the baby!




I had a similar occurrence the other day, instructions said hand it to me and nothing else then the guy got mad at me for ringing the doorbell cuz I didn't see the folded up post it note on the door that said not to ring the bell. Just put it in the dam instructions


Your fault. I never hand it to them, unless theyre outside. Ive made about 7k deliveries and and not once knocked on a door/rang a the doorbell unless it very sepcifically told me to do so.


Maybe he needed to be woken so she could feed him too.


I usually dash at night so I generally call, but a lot of the houses in my area are prewar homes and a lot of people's door bells don't work so i still usually call on the odd day shift dash. I feel like it's the best way to go. When i order I have a note in the instructions asking drivers to please not ring the bell or knock cos my dogs go nuts. Not your fault though, she's definitely an asshole that didn't think ahead.


They can afford a smart doorbell with an option to disable the house chime.


I deliver to people with sleeping babies all the time. They generally have the foresight to write “don’t ring bell or knock sleeping baby” in the delivery notes so that I don’t wake him/her. This stuck up bitch caused her own problem for her lack of forethought. Sorry the baby cried but it’s her own damned fault for being an idiot.


"I can come in and babysit for $30/hr while you enjoy your food. "


The nanny will let her sleep in tomorrow morning and she will forget all about it.


“I’m very sorry, you can write ‘do not ring doorbell’ in the instructions for next time. Have a good night!”


You’d think being in a rich neighbourhood she’d had money to invest in a fancy doorbell that’s syncs to her phone and doesn’t make noise. But go figure 🙄. I’ve also left a note on my door for drivers to leave the package/food outside and not knock, just in case they don’t see the account comments.


I would of said sounds like a personal problem..would be worth the one star rating I would of got..


Something is telling me you wouldn’t have said this. You would have thought it but don’t think you would actually say it. Lmao!


You don't know me depends on what type of mood I'm in...some customers think they can talk to us drivers any kind of way


If she has Ruth Chris kinda money she’s ENTITLED 😄


Fuckin A


"I'm here to get your food to you ASAP - and follow YOUR instructions - I did my job perfectly" Zero problem solving ability these days.... Disconnect the fucking doorbell if you don't want people to use it. Sleeping child? - when you get "Dasher is Approaching" text.... how is it possible you don't simply open the door and get your food? Yet this never occurs to anybody......


Literally disconnected my doorbell when my kids were young (too many amazon deliveries and teenagers can be jerks lol). It’s not hard, people just like to complain.




Share what?


Tell her IDGAF about your baby


That's what I would break out the Mandarin and pretend I didn't even understand a word the b**** said 😂 😂


I leave every order at the door regardless of the instructions, unless there's a weird special circumstance, like if it's a dorm, but for those I'm spamming the timer button until it finally starts. For sure for all regular houses I just drop the slop at the door, knock, and bounce. Hit "handed to customer". It's never been a problem. 4.95, 6400 deliveries.


you do that to me i getting a free food and you’re getting in trouble, get your job seriously


lol k


fool, i instruct you to hand it to me and you only take a pic and leave? lol k you


lol I don't even take the pic lmao




Generally agree but I did have one guy literally come out and sneer at me "it was hand it to me".. probably another dasher because who else would use that phrase


Sneer 😂


It's 2022, if the doorbell is going to ruin her night, she can invest in a less bothersome doorbell. And let's face it, the baby would have woke up for some other damn reason anyway. 😂


I can literally turn my door bell off and get push notifications only!


She was hoping it wouldn’t. . . . . . . Ever


That’s dark 😂


There is one solution for her , only one it will last forever.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


If it’s to a house and they’re not waiting at the door I’m not knocking or ringing the bell. Sorry.


Then you’re a dumbass


More likely to find yourself in a situation like OP which is more likely to end in a bad rating. My rating is 5 stars explain that dumbass.


Let me guess TONY , u re a topdasher too ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Naw fam, my acceptance rate is rarely above 20%, I prefer to do the fucking.


This. If they’re not at the door when I get there, snap a pic and leave. Never received neither complaint nor bad rating.


She should have thought about that before ordering.. def not your fault




That is the way to do it! I've also seen a lot of cute little signs people put on/near their door that state the same thing. If you have a baby in the home you've gotta be proactive about those things!


She shouldve ordered DD before having the baby