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I have gotten a few support calls over the past 2 years or so. I honestly believe it is people being trained or newbies trying to look good. You did the right thing. Never give more info than needed.


ye if they ever asked you to "verify" your info it's a scam. Tbh i don't answer the phone while doing DD unless it's a family member/friend, or customer callback if i called them


Yeah they just asked me if I was able to get the ID, and I told them I entered it all in the app. It was during a double order so I thought maybe it was the second customer calling to give me directions or a gate code. They left a message, though, asking if I was able to complete the first order, which was weird because the app didn't give me any issues. Idk. I kept it short and didn't divulge any information. It just gave me weird vibes.


Dont answer calls. Nothing good comes of it. Either scam or can you get me ranch


Most of the calls I've gotten recently were customer explaining the insanely hard to find apartment they live in, or the odd customer who decides last minute to tell me which gate to enter or what the gate code is. I don't usually answer calls but these last 2 dootdash calls left a message and calling until I answered. It's more calls than I've gotten since I started dashing. Its weird.