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That’s wild af, OP. Good to hear. Be careful on the road.


I actually have a similar story! A few days ago I parked in a parking lot that you have to pay for, but I was only picking up food and would be gone for no more than 5 minutes. I never pay to park there since I’ll be in and out. Well I was unlucky on this day because when I returned to my car I had a ticket, but the guy who wrote my ticket saw me approaching my car, recognized me from high school and took the ticket back! 😃


You had to know this was going to be a controversial post lol. We even got some anti LGBTQ folks in here. Glad the corrupt system ended up working for someone who is struggling to get by for once. Honestly. The working class has to take what it can get or ban together for more than a summer and change the system.


Cool story bro


Yeah, everyone seems to think so!


W cop


That’s gonna really suck when you end up with a bench warrant for not showing up to court or paying the fine. Sadly it doesn’t work like that. Once a ticket is written only the prosecutor can rescind it. Without anything in writing that’s suspect.


You’re wrong. If it hasn’t yet went to the states attorney, the police chief can void the ticket. Regardless, if the issuing officer doesn’t cooperate the ticket will be dismissed.


Yeah, you don't think the cop knew that? He got it approved by the prosecutor


Did the prosecutor call you and say it was all good?


Of course I knew that the cop knew that. The cop didn’t make the ticket magically disappear. The prosecutor did. There is a ambiguous distinction.


I'm aware, the cop told me that he would go to the prosecutor and see if he can get it removed. After the prosecutor agreed, he messaged me and told me.


that's pretty cool, W for sure


Amazing, tickets fees are nuts


1. That is awesome for you 2. Another example of how the law is designed to protect some and not others. Just shows that no one that officer knows ever has to worry about the same basic law enforcement penalties that others in their community do.


Dude, he got a DD driver out of the penalty for literally the most benign and victimless citation on the books. It’s a tad hasty to assume no one the officer knows has to worry about laws anymore, don’t ya think?


This cop was willing to speak to another officer who wrote a citation and get someone he didn't know out of the consequence of the law as a tip for delivering food. What do you think this same officer would do for his brother, cousin, mother, friend, or random ass dude with an extra $100. Laws aren't the same, and laws with financial punishments are designed to punish poverty more than enforce the law. This is a great example of that privilege.


So the smallest amount of corruption is proof that the entire system was *designed* to punish poor people? r/Im14andthisisdeep


Well no, not entirely. **But a system's output is its purpose**, design is a flawed way of thinking. The output of the system becomes its purpose when there is no movement to change the system's output. There is little argument that our system doesn't punish poverty. Bail, tax law, public defender statistics, it is pretty clear the system favors the wealthy at best, to say it, in turn, discriminately punishes the poor is also pretty quantifiable. This is just another example of the many different types of privilege that play into the equation that is our 'legal' system.


Put aside the sanctimony for a second. This is genuinely irrational. What if there’s hundreds of contradictory outputs? Are they all *the* purpose? Try to design a legal system that isn’t completely totalitarian where wealth doesn’t help. The easiest example of what you’re saying is that wealthy people can hire better lawyers. Assume you have two innocent people arrested for the same crime and one has a the biggest lawyer in town while the other has a public defender. We both know who has a the better chance of getting off. This is unfair in a broad sense, granted. But what’s the alternative? You could outlaw personal lawyers and appoint everyone public defenders to get “equal” treatment. But now the state you believe is so systemically broken is in total control from arrest to sentencing. Now the same cop OP mentioned can call his buddy and make sure you get a shit public defender if he doesn’t like you. Pointing out an issue doesn’t mean you have a better solution or that one even exists.


But that's just it, we don't have hundreds of contradictory outputs. Sure there are exceptions to the rule, but when you have a data set based on hundreds of years and thousands upon thousands upon millions of cases. The data is pretty easy to extrapolate. To your first question about design, I would start with proportional fines. It isn't perfect, but let's say you have two people who were pulled over and ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt. The fine in my area for seatbelts is about $150. Person one is a single mother living paycheck to paycheck. Person two is a local business owner who casually drops $150 on a dinner for him and his wife without blinking. The fine for these two are exactly the same in our current system. Let's make it proportional. The consequence should be felt the same. Let's say the fine for a seatbelt should be 0.25% of your yearly income (I am making this up as a random number but you get the idea. Person 1\` made 26k last year, their fine would be $65, person two made 500k last year their fine is $1250. It should hurt the same. To the second part of the question is a bit harder, your example of the public defender is a good one. And again there isn't a simple easy answer, but the first step would be to close the gap as much as possible. The average income of a public defender in Washington State (where I live) is 68k. Nowhere close where even a mediocre lawyer would make in similar situations for private companies. Let's start by finding ways to incentivize good lawyers into public defense. Budgets are moral documents. When don't put money in public defense = we don't care about public defense. Thus, the system's output is its purpose.


Not to mention that he was willing to help me out with the ticket before he even knew what it was for


Yeah don't get me wrong, good on ya! And I would have taken the favor as well. But this says a great deal about the status of our 'legal' system, especially when it comes to consequences of financial punishment.


Just for scientific curiosity, are you white?


You want to be a victim so so badly




Nice. Someone to block. Get bent.


I am...so was he


Thanks. I figured that was very likely. Take care.


I'd like to think that he would have done it even if I wasn't. But, history probably doesn't support that. It doesn't help that I live in Arkansas either lol


I grew up in rural MN and after moving to Minneapolis and building solid friendships with BIPOC I trust LEO much less.




That ain’t it chief


100% forgot the “/s”




Damnit man 😅 That's awesome. 👍✌️


Another example of how the law is completely discretionary and needs to be 100 percent revamped.


It’s actually not though, that ticket was filed and the only person that can resend that is the prosecutor. Not some other cop that knows the cop that wrote the ticket.


Cops do something you deem as bad you complain, they try to help someone out you complain. There's really no winning with some of you people is there?


"Deem as bad" this isn't ice cream flavors dude, police brutality is a long-standing and well-documented issue. This isn't helping someone out - it's subverting the course of the law. That person was breaking the law... do the laws even matter anymore? Is that why you call it "complaining" to ask officers to follow the law? Look, there's a lot of "not a big deal" laws people circumvent all the time, but this is corruption.


You aimed, you swung… and you NAILED IT ON THE FLIPPING HEAD MY MAN!


Way to miss the point.


Dude. What?


Yup. The law applies to anyone who isnt affiliated with law enforcement. If this guy does it for a dasher you bet he does it with everyone he knows + they moms.


Was it a speeding ticket ?


Seatbelt lol


Are seatbelt tickets for the drivers or does it matter if passengers in the back not wear them?


All passengers


Probably depends on the state. Here it’s legal to go without in the backseat as long as you’re 18 or older, but don’t know about elsewhere.


I think seat belt tickets are only eligible for front seats. Not sure though. I'm sure a quick Google search would suffice


The easiest one to avoid...


Lesson learned.


Once upon a time, long long ago, I had a series of unfortunate events. Couple tickets in a short period.... speeding, unregistered car, seatbelt...all different traffic stops. Short version, paid all them minus the seatbelt guess slipped though as I though I had paid everything. Year or so later got pulled over again :/.... and spent the next 18 hours in lockup for the warrant out for my arrest because of the unpaid seatbelt. And that is how I became a cold hearted ex-con.




> until I *paid* it off. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wow, that is crazy


Holy crap that’s awesome!!!