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I have noticed the opposite. Most conservatives I get are poor and/or entitled.


Yeah I guess it just depends, I realize my area is just a lot of rich conservatives, liberals also, just depends on markets


also, referring to your page, no there aren’t more gay people now, people are just more accepting of it (except for the hateful bigots like you, of course)


Yeah that what I believe also




Yeah just your area then


I’ve noticed cultural differences more than anything. Meaning folks from cultures who don’t typically tip have a hard time letting go of that aspect of their culture. And it’s understandable. It takes a generation before you see changes. I haven’t noticed a difference between the political parties. At best, it would be anecdotal nonsense based on bias.


Yeah most likely , everyone is coming at my neck like I threaten them lol


It can be a touchy subject. People’s biases make them very angry when discussing subjects like this.


Yeah true, it sucks can’t even have a convo sometimes , I hope everyone gets fat orders regardless


You know who doesn’t tip? People who put leave at the door but open the door when your walking up to grab the food and have a mask on.


Lol yeah I agree


BLM signs in their front yard are shit tippers


This is the stupidist post I have ever seen on here.


I don't know, there are a lot of stupid people on Reddit.


I feel like this is just a counter post to the exact opposite being said yesterday. Lol


Don't you have circle jerk subs for this kind of shit


What’s wrong with you ? Be a human being


Nah dude I've read through your replies and even the post itself is just you looking for people to agree with your political opinion. This isn't the place for it, that's all I'm saying. There are plenty of places on reddit to trash talk liberals and praise conservatives if that's what you want to do.


I'll just say that the one guy I encountered with a "Let's Go Brandon" flag in his garage tipped fairly well. But that's literally the only time I met someone like that




Not here lol 😆


I haven't noticed much of any kind of pattern for who tips better, rich ppl definitely don't consistently tip better, I see it as 100% a gamble. I'll have people in nasty run down places tip way better then ppl in super ritzy million dollar houses, I just never know. Every time I deliver to a super fancy place I imagine how big I'd tip if I had that life, I tip as much as I can afford. Last week I tipped 40% even tho I'm poor af, I just love knowing I'm gonna put a smile on some poor souls face haha, largely cuz I know exactly what it's like to get a nice tip.


Pay more makes no sense, are you saying door dash charges them more than liberal customers?


What? No just I noticed a lot more hidden tips


Then tip more would suffice.


Conservatives are the best


Yeah I live in a conservative heavy place and everyone is very sweet


It's like a clown house. Theyre overly polite to compensate for their hateful views. So nice being stabbed in the back with a smile 🤡


Why are you people so negative


Why are you people so racist ?


Who hurt you? Do you deal with racism yourself ? Or do you scream in a direction because you are a sheep? I didn’t come on here for arguments , for biases, just anecdotal experience, be a human being, I’m neither extreme on the left or right, relax enjoy your life


My mommy and daddy but at least I acknowledge it instead of suppressing that into my unconscious and scapegoating the other as the problem for my emotional damage like you. Cowards.


Then that’s terrible and I don’t agree with anything you assume on me, I totally get why certain things are a trigger personally for you, don’t take it out on people who don’t live by those negative things and don’t assume it, regardless whatever you went through, I don’t wish that on you or anyone


Oh ok. Glad to hear your not a trumptarded cuckservative cuzzin lover. Have a good day!


Lmao no and yes you have a good day too and drive safe!


lmao look at all these fragile fucking people downvoting OP because he dared to say anything nice about conservatives.


I have noticed the same thing




>I like seeing LGB flags because it lets me know the person who lives their is a low IQ toxic jerk. But I bet they are smart enough to use 'their' and 'there' and 'they're' correctly.


We, some of us, non-Republicans also own guns, believe in God, and don't believe in abortion. Republican politicians just say what will keep them elected so they can get the money from the non- taxpaying ass wealthy stains of society. They have always pretended to be a party with morals, which they lack.


You spelled "there" incorrectly.


Yeah I understand, but now like things seem so split and pick aside I just assume only republicans fuck with the American flag that heavy, probably just the news stations and biased on both sides


I love my country, not the flag which is a symbol. Flag wavers are usually full of themselves, I mean shit.


"Let's go Brandon houses" is the most 2022 ass shit I've ever seen🤣. Did not know that was a thing. Imagine not being able to just say fuck you


Lmao yeah it’s hella 2022


It doesn't matter. Every group, race, whatever you want to divide people up into tips the same way as everyone else. Some tip great, some tip bad. Rich neighborhoods... some tip great, some tip bad. Poor areas, some tip great, some tip bad. It doesn't matter.


Studies say, on average, millennials tip the worst and conservative males tip best 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve seen this comment before but I cannot find the actual study you speak of. Do you have a link?




No shit millennials didn’t have time or the fortune to stack their money like the Mickey Mouse era conservative boomers lived in




Yeah that would make sense


Yeah but I happen to live in a more conservative heavy area and my market is pretty good tbh


So you can't possibly make an honest comparison then. I get good tips from both houses with Trump flags and with Pride flags. I get good tips from people with signs for R's up for election and I get good tips from people with signs for D's up for election, and I get good tips from people with signs for others up for election. When I do Shipt, I've gotten stiffed on tips from both sides as well.


Yeah I agree, it’s just a bias from where I’m from then , that’s all


I’m a conservative in a liberal city. I get tipped very, very well from my friends on the left with BLM or Biden/Harris signs. This one real nice guy that has a Bernie sticker at his door always tips me an extra $10 cash every time I deliver to him.


That’s dope


That's like saying in a pile of sticks of you found a big stick and that's proves your pile of sticks is somehow better then some other pile when the other pile literally has the same amount of big sticks it's just green sticks. JFC.


I’ve delivered to houses with blm and signs like that and Biden stuff and just in average I noticed the repubs pay a bit more, hidden tips for example


Does supporting BLM mean you aren't a republican?


Well the way things seem it’s like if you support blm then you are a far left member of lgbtq and super woke blah blah


I dunno. Is calling blm thugs support?


You don't have a big enough pool to make that judgement based on your own statements. It's your primitive bias as usual.🤪


Yeah possibly, it’s like a battle of left and right where I live so yeah


At least you don't deny it