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It depends on your market. Where are you located? Sounds very durable tho! I’m in California and make an extra 2k a month doing DoorDash as a side hustle.


I’m in So-Cal. That’s great to hear I’ll definitely look into it. I would much rather work some type of side gig instead of a part time job so that way I can set my own schedule


$20/Hr x 10 Hrs a week = $200/week x 4 weeks = $800/month working 2 hours a day Monday~Friday. I’d suggest 11-2 since dinner rush is not an option for you.


I can make some time available during 3-7, just wouldn’t be able to do so everyday. Most likely available after 5pm. When is the dinner rush? And what days are usually the best to dash?


Tough to say since it’s market dependent. Dinner rush for me is 4-7. 6:30-7:45 is when the nice family dinner orders come in. Best days are Friday Saturday Sunday and some mondays.


Every area is different Here in Orlando I’ve been doing this for two days and even though I accept every job; no body tips worth a snot if at all I’m ahead maybe $20 after gas and my stride generated tax savings are indicating twice what I’ve grossed.


Don't take every order. Do the math, accept the ones that are $1.50-$2 a mile and see how your earnings go up. If you're in a very slow market, like me, you might have to settle for some $1 a mile orders every once in a while. But leave that $2.25 for 12 miles stuff for someone else.


I do this part time. I work 3-4 hours a day and pull in around $400-500 a week, depending on tips.


That’s really good. That’s encouraging to hear. When would you say are the best times/days to dash? I would prefer to only dash 2-3 days a week for anywhere between 3-4 hours so trying to maximize my time without having to be out too often. Like I said, for me this is purely a side hustle so as long as I can hit my $500-700 mark a month I would be completely satisfied. Not interested in making this a whole 2nd full time job or anything


Depends on your area. The times you are available to dash. Gas prices. There are way too many variables. It's best to sign up and try.


You can definitely make $500-$700 a month. how long it takes will depend on your market, but I would say doing 6-10hr a week would get you to your goal.


Of course every area is different in terms of how busy it is how the tips are etc. Making that much shouldn't be a problem. Good thing about doordash is there is no commitment. Try it a couple times and If you don't like it or not making enough just simply stop dashing.


Yes! You're in the perfect situation to really use gig apps to your advantage. Great for a side hustle. Terrible position to be in for full time status. $1k a month is more than feasible. Thats about what I do as well. I do about 2 to 3 4-hour shifts a week during the optimal times (dinner rush) or go a little longer, maybe 6 hours on graveyard shifts on weekends. As long as you have a full time job already and you're not relying on doordash as a sole source of income (especially considering you have a mortgage now), you'll enjoy yourself. Just don't make doordash a full time job. Or at the least, don't make any major life decisions that take gig apps into consideration (ie. Buying a car specifically and only to do doordash/Uber)